For our Czech, Polish, and Russian translations, they do not need to be at
the more specific 'lang_COUNTRY' code, but can live at just plain 'lang'.
This follows the pattern of most other translated programs out there as
Roman pointed out on IRC.
ru_RU: 2 (pacman and libalpm)
ru: 128 for him, 131 for me (everything else)
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
Move these two scripts into contrib/, and start the process of de-automaking
them by removing the @sysconfdir@ references and the gettext initialization.
The removal of all gettext will soon follow.
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
We are in string freeze for the 3.1.1 release. This commit updates all the
message files to the latest code, and all translation updates should be
based off of these po-files. Please attempt to keep the line number changes
to a minimum- there should be no reason to update these po files with just
new line numbers. That way we can more easily see exactly which translations
were updated.
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
It's probably far from perfect, but at least I tried to translate
I noticed a missing newline at libalpm/trans.c , line 573 :
_alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("call to popen failed (%s)"),
I don't think it's possible to fix it now (string freeze?), so I didn't.
Signed-off-by: Chantry Xavier <>
abs has always been an Arch Linux specific tool, and although it is used
primarily by pacman and makepkg, it should not be included with a distro-
agnostic tarball. In addition, maintenance of the script would be better
outside of pacman and would allow for more frequent updates.
This also facilitates our move away from a cvsup/csup dependent tool for
syncing PKGBUILDs.
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
Only the messages in pacman frontend were updated, and it's probably not
perfect yet, but it's a start.
There are 160 untranslated msg left for the scripts / tools.
Signed-off-by: Chantry Xavier <>
* Updated libalpm translation
* Regenerated hu.po files, because the 'call-for-translators version' was outdated
Signed-off-by: Nagy Gabor <>
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
Update all of the pot and po files with the latest messages available.
Translators- you are encouraged to do this as well every time you update the
translation, and the directions in 'translation-help' should help. Also feel
free to delete all the old translations that end up at the bottom of these
files and only clutter things up.
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
.gitignore works recursively, so we don't need Makefile and
in all of the subdirectory .gitignore files.
Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>