Commit Graph

494 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
briaguya a4fb67745a
nlohmann from package managers (#4071) 2024-04-25 13:55:16 -04:00
briaguya 3070fb4746
support lus gameoverlay changes (and bump LUS) (#4067) 2024-04-22 22:57:33 -04:00
briaguya 49f891f2e5
move `RawJson` to LUS (#4063) 2024-04-21 21:16:59 -04:00
Archez e6798d9861
bump lus and create fb call (#4060) 2024-04-20 11:04:11 -04:00
briaguya 897d3efbd0
rip out unused types (#4041) 2024-04-07 17:02:57 -04:00
briaguya 168323ebc9
bump LUS (#4042) 2024-04-07 14:27:50 -04:00
briaguya 0f43d5de2d
bump lus (gfx refactor) (#4031) 2024-04-03 22:16:17 -04:00
briaguya ef690e2ceb
support `LUS::Archive::LoadFileRaw` no longer being exposed (#3999) 2024-03-05 23:09:05 -05:00
briaguya 402a4db593
Bump LUS (#3996) 2024-03-04 23:56:26 -05:00
briaguya 375349e4f7
Support font as resource LUS changes (#3993) 2024-03-04 23:36:23 -05:00
briaguya ebde648c59
`.o2r` support (#3955) 2024-03-02 20:51:32 -05:00
briaguya e0d502b696
resource refactory (#3926)
* animation

* playeranimation

* stop putting things in the LUS namespace from SoH

* get all the factories out of the namespace

* LUS::

* start on scene command stuff

* i think that's the rest of scene

* reduce copypasta

* collision header

* skeleton

* skeletonlimb

* fix

* path

* cutscene

* text

* audio sample

* sound font

* audiosequence

* background

* Revert "stop putting things in the LUS namespace from SoH"

This reverts commit 0ead6056e6.

* namespace shanans

* wrap all factories in namespace soh

* it's trying to link now

* lus

* scene command override etc

* fix audio loading

* slightly less logspam

* get past the cutscene problem

* in game!

* exporter cleanup

* more exporter cleanup

* clang formatted lus

* msvc

* itny lus change

* variant

* formatty

* fix of some sort i guess?

* use latest lus main

* fix name to enum/factory mapping

* otrexporter
2024-02-15 21:06:52 -06:00
Archez c1eb0a8970
Bump latest LUS and Fix ship menu bar icon (#3935)
* fix ship menu bar icon

* update cmake in wiiu/switch

* different cmake install

* wrong arch
2024-02-13 19:55:33 -06:00
briaguya 8a14fea94c
support LUS archivemanager refactor (#3912) 2024-02-08 20:28:02 -05:00
Adam Bird 5db4ce0b53 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop-macready' into mergeDevelopMacreadyJan31 2024-01-31 18:12:06 -05:00
Archez 1da1b1a2bb
Tweak: Improve pause menu dungeon map performance (#3773)
* add map palettes per pulse to leverage shader caching

* use unregister blended with kaleido maps

* use Gfx_TextureCacheDelete for KD lava

* bump lus

* add miss tex clears for KD
2024-01-15 09:39:54 -06:00
briaguya 776c3a51ee
stick sensitivity (#3725) 2023-12-23 18:48:06 -05:00
briaguya 0a59ce6d99
upgrade to docking imgui 1.90.0 (#3402)
2023-12-23 18:12:52 -05:00
Adam Bird 03da69d7b7 Merge tag '8.0.4' into HEAD
MacReady Echo
2023-12-18 00:34:59 -05:00
briaguya e6fc34e4c2
bump lus to latest 1.x (#3528) 2023-12-17 13:36:38 -05:00
briaguya b39e6ec5af bump to latest lus main 2023-11-29 02:27:19 -05:00
briaguya 02256fac66
bump LUS to 1.4.0 (#3461) 2023-11-29 01:37:54 +01:00
briaguya 76e90c0928
Controllers (#3378)
* lay some groundwork

* use custom window (which is currently identical to the LUS window)

* start making it shippy

* start moving stuff out of gamecontroleditor

* clean up shouldrumble

* include the other way

* wii u

* latest lus main

* notch snap angle buttons

* buttons on all the sliders

* just use a hidden id

* handle debug for port 2 and rename tabs so everything fits

* button line buttons look better

* padding fixed

* clang format

* bump to latest LUS main

* big buttons

* just default the analog stick options to open for now

* fix wii u build

* bonus: make it all scale-aware

* clang format

* fix horizontal scrolling

* fix all +/- buttons

* keyboard set defaults

* axis threshold helper text

* bonus: test rumble button

* clang format

* fix otrexporter submodule

* bump to latest lus main
2023-11-20 08:02:15 -05:00
briaguya 3234256b03
bump lus (#3405) 2023-11-15 22:45:09 -05:00
briaguya fe9c0fa4f7
bump lus (#3394) 2023-11-14 00:10:56 -05:00
Adam Bird b6a3ed93a2
bump lus (#3361) 2023-11-06 20:05:18 -05:00
Adam Bird 2a356b6e9a
bump lus to latest main (#3249) 2023-10-11 15:10:47 +00:00
Adam Bird a4b5d569b1
bump lus 1.2.2 (#3189) 2023-09-14 23:24:31 -05:00
Spodi fafd35cbeb
Update libultraship (OpenGL window position fix) (#3113) 2023-08-13 11:41:43 -04:00
Christopher Leggett 21560ecf65
bump up to latest LUS. (#2984) 2023-06-12 16:58:31 -04:00
briaguya a49f197f06
build for wii u (#2946)
* reimplement stuff from 2879

* header include to fix build hopefully

* another header

* fix error

* remove header includes we don't have

* more error things

* a

* b

* c

* d

* e

* f

* g

* h

* use latest lus


Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2023-06-05 14:16:56 -04:00
briaguya 2308ab8823
build soh with LUS 1.0.0 (#2881)
* Bump LUS

* Ship -> LUS namespace change

* z_scene_otr Ship -> LUS namespace

* Starting to get SoH to build with LUS imgui changes.

* start stuff

* gamecontroleditor build issues resolved maybe

* cosmetics editor and what not

* console

* actor viewer

* more stuff

* more stuff

* on to errors that make sense

* putting this down for a bit

* no idea what these errors mean now

* some kind of progress maybe

* latest lus main

* more

* back to linker errors and being lost

* Fixes command function signature.

* More fixes

* Even more fixes

* Bump LUS

* More Fixes.

* Fixes even more errors.

* lus bump

* input editor as var

* audio editor working

* it builds with this

* bump lus

* it opens

* bump lus to latest main again

* make sure to do all the command registering in debugconsole

* lus and what not

* switch type stuff plz

* undo

* do the thing that fixes the thing

* fix mac?

* correctly show/hide menubar on boot

* bump lus

* input blocking updates

* bump lus

* Bump LUS

* Press F1 to open enhancement menus moved to SoH

* lus and rendering backend stuff

* audio backend and lus

* Bump LUS

* Fixes WindowBackend dropdown

* Bump LUS

* misc -> utils and moves binarytools to utils.

* Window refactor

* bump lus

* make it work

* Fixes for moved files again

* Bump LUS

* Mercury -> Config

* Bump LUS

* Reacts to removed LUS hooks and bump LUS

* Remove Hook: GfxInit

* Removes debug audio_setgamevolume to 1

* use non-crashing branch of lus

* fix: make audio init work without hooks

* game icon stuff

* multifix bmp

* use input viewer class branch for now

* just "Ship" it's cleaner

* Bump LUS

* Removed ExitGame hook.

* Bump LUS

* Hook system removed from LUS.

* More LUS updates

* Changes to make window position saving.

* Bump LUS

* Bump LUS (for real)

* LUS resources now return a specialized pointer.

* Bump LUS

* Fixes issue in SetPathways::GetPointerSize

* Bump LUS to 1.0.0

* builds but crashes

* fix crash

* better macro names in debug console

* remove commeted out line

* remove redundant check tracker settings window logic

* remove commented out line

* move the *

* remove extra seqplayers enum def

* this sneaky little guy was hiding behind a wii u ifdef

* remove extra check tracker header


Co-authored-by: Kenix <>
Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2023-06-03 15:27:45 -04:00
briaguya d1c930b5e5
reserved thread count (#2868)
* reserved thread count

* add comment, use latest main


Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2023-05-10 21:32:15 -04:00
briaguya b887d38f5f
bump LUS for thread stuff (#2866)
* bump for threads

* use latest lus main


Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2023-05-09 23:04:02 -04:00
Kenix3 77987a42cf
Bump LUS (#2855)
* Bump LUS

* Ship -> LUS namespace change

* z_scene_otr Ship -> LUS namespace
2023-05-07 23:01:12 -04:00
Kenix3 91bd693ff6
Bump LUS version (#2849)
* Bump LUS version

* Removes the "now" boolean from the LUS resource bridge functions.

* Bump LUS

* More LUS bump

* Update soh/soh/resource/importer/AudioSampleFactory.cpp


Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2023-05-07 20:18:54 -04:00
Kenix3 f9cfcde627
Lus updates (#2835)
* Changes for LUS renames in ResourceManager and Archive.

* Moves WriteSaveFile and ReadSaveFile to SaveManager.

* Removes ImGui namespace.

* Bump LUS

* Updates gitignore for intellij projects.

* Controller usage is now up to date with newest LUS.

* Adapters for removal of Controller.WriteToSource from LUS.

* Uses correct capitalization on Controller.GetProfile()

* Bump LUS


Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <>
2023-05-04 23:56:57 -04:00
Kenix3 4980ae8dcc
Lus updates (#2822)
* Changes for LUS renames in ResourceManager and Archive.

* Moves WriteSaveFile and ReadSaveFile to SaveManager.

* Removes ImGui namespace.

* Bump LUS

* Update soh/soh/GameMenuBar.cpp

* Bump LUS


Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2023-05-03 20:46:26 -04:00
briaguya 4166dbf907
spockalicious (#2751)
* Rough mockup of LUS XML loading

* Updated code for merge

* Loading from FS support and custom DList WIP implementation

* Added current directory support to F3D and impl most of the dlist cmds

* WIP Skeleton support

* Almost done

* Rebase fixes

* Submodule updates

* HD Texture Support

* Fixes

* bump lus

* fix exporter build, header update

* soh builds

* setMesh image path cleanup

* Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_player_actor/z_player.c

* Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_player_actor/z_player.c

* Update OTRExporter/OTRExporter/Main.cpp

* Update ZAPDTR/ZAPD/ZResource.h

* Update soh/src/code/z_skelanime.c

* Update OTRExporter/OTRExporter/Main.cpp

* Fixed jpeg backgrounds and decreased icon buffer size

* Bump lus

* Increased even more the buffer because it crashes on long texts

* Removed print because sometimes the if is not triggered when the image is already byteswapped

* fix non-windows build

* fix build

Co-authored-by: Kenix <>

* add hd checkbox

* Various fixes for custom model support (#23)

* Some fixes

* Updated LUS Version

* Fixed issue with Link Skirt on pause menu

* Added CVar for custom link model changes

* Fixed headers

* Additional header fixes

* Tweaks

* Unload HD game assets on scene transition. (#16)

* Unload game assets on scene transition.

* Bump LUS

* Unloads all HD assets on scene transition.

* Only unload hd assets if hd assets are turned on.

* Fixes issues on toggling between HD and non HD assets.


Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>

* fix: actually load hd debug font (#27)

* fix: actually load hd debug font

* toggle debug text correctly


Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya>

* Yes. (#28)

* Merge branch 'develop' into dev-to-ghost

* HD Skeleton Swapping and Language Fixes (#32)

* Yes.

* HD Skeleton Swapping and Language Fixes

* Test

* Fixed issues with ganon cape (#34)

* Fixed Bongo Bongo Crash (#35)

* Added HD Assets Toggle (#37)

* Ivan the Fairy - Coop Mode (#36)

* wip

* hookshotable ivan

* added hookshot item

* new items & changes & fixes & restored navi

* farore, din and nayru's spells are done

* fixed slingshot & bow

* added more items supported

* done with all main items

* bug fixes & ready

* added imgui button

* wip

* hookshotable ivan

* added hookshot item

* new items & changes & fixes & restored navi

* farore, din and nayru's spells are done

* fixed slingshot & bow

* added more items supported

* fix own dungeon items on shuffled boss rooms (#2683)

* bump lus (#2692)

* fix: lowercase package names for vcpkg (#2693)

vcpkg was throwing an error `error: invalid character in package name (must be lowercase, digits, '-')`
this updates our calls to `vcpkg_install_packages` to use lowercase package names instead of uppercase

* fix death mountain cloud in rando (#2691)

* Fix: Switch Age No Longer Reloads Start Room (#2679)

* [Reduced Clutter] Disable Hot/Underwater Warning Text (#2684)

* Disable Warning Text

* Moved to Reduced Clutter

* done with all main items

* bug fixes & ready

* fix: process roms in consistent order (#2696)

* chore: move rando savefile setup and document flags (#2697)

* remove rando save init from sram

* move rando savefile init logic and set more flags

* document flags for rando save creation

* Fix: Use correct fps value for frame interpolation with match refresh rate (#2694)

* Fix: Kak GS placement on construction site (#2695)

* added imgui button

* addressed kenix's comments

* fixed useless null

* added rupee dash mode in extra modes

* changed menu position


Co-authored-by: Adam Bird <>
Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
Co-authored-by: inspectredc <>
Co-authored-by: Patrick12115 <>

* LUS Scancodes (#42)

* Added HD Assets Toggle

* Switched out SDL for LUS scancodes

* Ivan tweaks (#45)

* Magic consumption slowed down;
Bosses now affected by Ivan's Din spell

* Adjust magic timer

* clean up imgui

* model fixes/improvements (#50)

* replace `gUseCustomLinkModel` with custom resource check

* handle adult/child

* bump lus

* fix model switching with tab

* use lus main

* fix carpet man (#52)

Co-authored-by: Rozelette <>

* get ship model and lus texture into soh.otr, use `gAuthenticLogo` to toggle between ship and authentic (#55)

* Use libultra features for CPU-modified textures (#40)

* Use libultra features for CPU-modified textures

* Comment

* bump lus on ghost (#58)

* fix: properly use `Interface_LoadActionLabel` to display start button text (#61)

* Changes hd -> alt for texture replacement. (#65)

* Changes hd -> alt for texture replacement.

* Renames variables in gfxprint for hd -> alt change.

* Update soh/soh/resource/type/Skeleton.cpp


Co-authored-by: briaguya <>

* Fixes kaleido dungeon maps (#67)

* skeleton stuff (#69)

* comment out wii u build (#70)

* bump lus (#71)

* Rework readme (#72)

* Update

* docs

* put custom music docs somewhere

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* dark/light title image

* lus

* Update

* Fixed vanilla minimap (#73)

* Fixed vanilla minimap

* Workaround for pulsing SD maps with non-broken HD maps.


Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <>

* Skeleton fix fixed (#75)

* WIP skelton patcher fix

* Fixes skeleton reference change.

* Adds const back to name in ResourceMgr_LoadSkeletonByName


Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <>
Co-authored-by: Kenix <>

* Fixes z_message_otr memory leak.

* Update soh/soh/z_message_OTR.cpp

* Update soh/src/code/game.c

* docs: add how to find otr files to switch instructions (#78)

* bump lus (#79)

* comment out RegisterBlendedTexture in king d (#80)


Co-authored-by: Nicholas Estelami <>
Co-authored-by: David Chavez <>
Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
Co-authored-by: Kenix3 <>
Co-authored-by: KiritoDv <>
Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya>
Co-authored-by: Ralphie Morell <>
Co-authored-by: MelonSpeedruns <>
Co-authored-by: Adam Bird <>
Co-authored-by: inspectredc <>
Co-authored-by: Patrick12115 <>
Co-authored-by: Rozelette <>
Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <>
Co-authored-by: Lywx <>
2023-04-27 19:20:41 -04:00
briaguya 9be85df4b2
bump lus (#2739) 2023-04-23 22:29:56 -04:00
briaguya 5324dfae67
clean up build info on logo screen (#2736) 2023-04-23 19:13:51 -04:00
briaguya 512336f858
bump lus (#2733) 2023-04-22 02:08:30 -04:00
briaguya 359cc3d5f6
bump lus (#2731) 2023-04-20 21:55:23 -04:00
briaguya 37390c441f
feat: allow toggling vsync, fix: vrr support (#2716) 2023-04-20 20:57:32 -04:00
briaguya 7a96e700bf
bump lus (#2721) 2023-04-18 02:15:58 -04:00
briaguya 38c31d2d4e
bump lus (#2700) 2023-04-12 20:49:40 -04:00
briaguya 6f9c31dd6c
bump lus (#2692) 2023-04-11 07:38:36 -04:00
briaguya bd05cb8b5d
bump lus (#2674) 2023-04-07 00:25:00 -04:00
briaguya 94ad837c02
bump lus (#2661)
* bump lus

* start fixing build errors

* update resources to support lus changes

Co-authored-by: Kenix <>


Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya>
Co-authored-by: Kenix <>
2023-04-02 14:18:45 -04:00
briaguya 356d959b70
bump lus 2023-03-14 02:45:19 -04:00