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cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16.0 FATAL_ERROR)
project(soh C CXX)
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20 CACHE STRING "The C++ standard to use")
set (BUILD_UTILS OFF CACHE STRING "no utilities")
set (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF CACHE STRING "install/link shared instead of static libs")
# Set target arch type if empty. Visual studio solution generator provides it.
message("${CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME} architecture in use")
message(FATAL_ERROR "${CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME} arch is not supported!")
# Global configuration types
# Global compiler options
# remove default flags provided with CMake for MSVC
# Global linker options
# remove default flags provided with CMake for MSVC
# Common utils
# Additional Global Settings(add specific info there)
include(CMake/GlobalSettingsInclude.cmake OPTIONAL)
# Use solution folders feature
# Sub-projects
if (NOT TARGET libultraship)
add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../libultraship/libultraship ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/libultraship)
# Source groups
configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/boot/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/build.c @ONLY)
source_group("Header Files" FILES ${Header_Files})
Randomizer v2 (#1065) * Revert changes to GetItemFromGet * Fixes Ganon's Boss Key shuffled while regular boss Keys aren't. * Enum + combo box * Add obtainability checks correctly * combobox title rename + no number tracking * Fix repeatable purchases and bottles rendering incorrectly * Move shopsanity option in GUI * Struct instead of ImVec + basic comportment for all case * Attempt to fix odd build issue * Cast randoGet for ganons boss key * Remove redundancy in KD room * Update logic Cvar names * Fix Ganons Trials coming from old save files. Fixes #1365 * Fixes crash when entering Ganon's Castle lobby on linux. * Makes `Item_Give` safe to use with a NULL globalCtx. This should allow it's use for giving items to Link's Pocket during rando save initialization. * Converts Song from Impa to use `Item_Give` * Adds more options for Link's starting item. * Removes unneeded `GiveLinkItem` functions. * and make it build * bring back new rando dropdown * gSaveContext access in GameMenuBar.cpp * Implement Skip Scarecrow's Song * Reimplement progressive Bombchus * Rando-next: Deku Nut and Seed ammo gives a blue rupee Fixes #1390 * Fixes Link starting with BGS * Persist item tracker notes * Adjust Hooks include * Use SohImGui::RequestCvarSaveOnNextTick * Fix issues from LUS refactor * Fix for overriding deku scrub messages * Fix mistake from merge oops * Restore checkboxes to enhancements menu These got lost in the merge * Update location access logic Including MQ locations in Spirit and GC now * Implement rando bombchu drops * Missing break * Simplify mudwall collision check There was no need to have a second collider specifically for Ice Arrow hits * Update settings.cpp * Simplify mudwall collision check * Restore checkboxes in menu Accidentally lost these during merge * Clean up bool * Update logic Cvar name * Fixed capacity on ammmo tracking * Fix for beans obtainability * Hook into file delete and clear notes * Incorporate magic arrows in rando settings * Update tooltip To inform the player that they might have to reload the room if they're enabling this for the first time. * Update tooltip * Add line break in tooltip * Tooltip wording + line break * tweak on main logic * All color logic for all types * Fix: changes to please new LUS * Ensure itemTrackerNotes vector is not fully empty * Implement's Tycoon Wallet. * Refactor DrawItemCount and Use EnhancementCombobox for tracker capacity options * small tweaks and rename * always display XX/YY when in ammo/capacity mode * Move all merchant messages to be generated on file load * added hovertext for the number display * Swap german and french translations for shop messages * Set key colors to be on by default * Add another flag to skip mask shop * Fix Sold Out bug * Fix gerudo keys, add disabled checkbox * tooltip line break * Add trials required and merchant prices to save file instead of loading from active spoiler log * Remove trialsRequired persisting in save manager * Adds slotIndex to girla (shop item actor) and uses that for IdentifyShopItem. * Fix issue when merchantPrices is empty * Fix for a single zeroed merchantPrice entry * Fix #1417 * Implements items selling out and fixes issues with purchasing some items. * Fixes order of operations so Rupees will be spent. * Fixes sold out items not getting overwritten by the randomized info. * Clarify var names and comments Also preserve chain platform cutscene in spirit based on Link's position * Remove !=0 from cvar check * Clarify var names and comments * Rename randomizerMerchantPrices to merchantPrices * Handle shop items in SaveManager * Fix merge mistake * Base whats in the bazaar shop on entranceIndex instead of age * Tidy up chain platform cutscene check * Fix merge error Didn't mean to have Zhora changes in here yet * Use 3drando item table for parsing spoiler names * Use another nested method instead of one at the top level to fetch the table * Add missing newline * Remove log * Respect custom draw functions * Fix issues with rendering songs * Fix localized item names for shopsanity * Implements a larger array of Sprites for the Icon Hash. * Uses the hash instead of seed for spoilerfile name and icons. * Removes some unused functions and variables in `spoiler_log.cpp` * Prevents leading 0s added to hash from being in file name * Changes filename format to icon indexes separated by dashes * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * [Rando] Child Gerudo Fortress 37th Heartpiece randomized Fixes #1071 * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags (#1386) * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags * Hide randomizer flags when not on a randomizer save * Move flag descriptions to header file * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Fix merge error * crash on pause menu on linux (only in appimage) Fixes #1437 * Applies fix to Song from Impa as well. * Allow buying tunics as child when shopsanity is on * Fix for custom draw methods overriding sold out sign * Simplify logic around shopsanity and fix some issues * Fix dungeon reward stone rotation and add particles * Fix some issues with ice traps * Fix adult wallet having its own max capacity * Fix amount of keys given for BotW * format * Use EnGirlAShopItem enum instead of raw hex values * [#1434] Renders non-warp songs more consistently with warp songs * A few changes around merchant messages * Various changes from PR feedback * Rando: Junk Hint missing french translation * Typo * Fix free scrub being at 0 instead of TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM * Replace magic numbers in message handler * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity * Support tycoon wallet on tracker * Revert "Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity" This reverts commit 5fdb961ea460fb9a035cf0bb6ae77bfeedc1de0f. * [#1053] Resolves an issue with shop items and bombchu bowling where BGS would display two message boxes * Implements some necessary plumbing and resolves several Ice Trap Softlocks. Adds a way for an item entry to tell what type of check it came from (NPC vs Chest vs Freestanding, etc.) Sets this value from chests and item00 actors. Relocates pendingIceTraps to save context so it can persist through cutscenes and get stored on save init for Link's Pocket and Song from Impa. Restructures pendingIceTraps into a counter rather than a true or false, so that we can be frozen multiple times in a row if applicable (atm that should only be at the start of a run if Link's Pocket and Song from Impa were both Ice Traps). Adds a textbox for Ice Traps and a special case of holding up nothing in the get item process. This fixes all the cases where Ice Traps would softlock due to the actor giving the item expecting a closing textbox. After holding the item above his head Link increments the pendingIceTraps counter by one and sets whatever flag he has pending. None of the above plumbing applies to Ice Traps from chests, those work exactly the same as before, as do freestanding item00 ice traps (thanks to the additional check for ITEM_FROM_FREESTANDING. OoT and Ruto's Letter count as NPC's, so they get the FOWL text box and set a pending ice trap rather than immediately freezing, since Link weill be in the water. Link will get frozen the next time he touches land, which in the case of OoT is after the fade to white and right before the Song of Time check. Fixes all the other softlocks I'm aware of, including Fishing, Bombchu Bowling, Skull Kid, and losing the second Gerudo Archery check. * fix bgs check in player * move bgs logic for tokensanity into MOD_NONE check * set bgs flag before `Item_Give`ing * move bgs flag into `MOD_NONE` check in girla * use existing check in `z_player` * Adds comment explaining the decision to default ITEM_FROM_NPC. * Rename pendingIceTraps to pendingIceTrapCount * Adds some RANDOTODO comments about cleaning up a couple things. * Merge branch 'develop-zhora' into ztornn * manually restore changes to `z_player.c` * Fix after some ice trap prepwork from earlier * Actual fix * Woops * More rupee names * Actually fix it * Add back comment * Fix Skip Scarecrow Song * Fix ruto's letter and LH sun stick rendering * Also fixes it for treasure chest game * Tweak: Rando French Wallet * ADD: French Tycoon * Hide dungeon items/notes by default * [#1301] Fix issue with UI not restoring after getting an item from biggoron * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Fix random crash that only affected one person for some reason Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <> Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <> Co-authored-by: PurpleHato <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: lil David <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: louist103 <>
2022-09-21 00:50:22 -04:00
source_group("Header Files\\include" FILES ${Header_Files__include})
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements})
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\controls" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__controls})
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\cosmetics" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__cosmetics})
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\sfx-editor" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__sfx_editor})
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\debugger" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__debugger})
Randomizer v2 (#1065) * Revert changes to GetItemFromGet * Fixes Ganon's Boss Key shuffled while regular boss Keys aren't. * Enum + combo box * Add obtainability checks correctly * combobox title rename + no number tracking * Fix repeatable purchases and bottles rendering incorrectly * Move shopsanity option in GUI * Struct instead of ImVec + basic comportment for all case * Attempt to fix odd build issue * Cast randoGet for ganons boss key * Remove redundancy in KD room * Update logic Cvar names * Fix Ganons Trials coming from old save files. Fixes #1365 * Fixes crash when entering Ganon's Castle lobby on linux. * Makes `Item_Give` safe to use with a NULL globalCtx. This should allow it's use for giving items to Link's Pocket during rando save initialization. * Converts Song from Impa to use `Item_Give` * Adds more options for Link's starting item. * Removes unneeded `GiveLinkItem` functions. * and make it build * bring back new rando dropdown * gSaveContext access in GameMenuBar.cpp * Implement Skip Scarecrow's Song * Reimplement progressive Bombchus * Rando-next: Deku Nut and Seed ammo gives a blue rupee Fixes #1390 * Fixes Link starting with BGS * Persist item tracker notes * Adjust Hooks include * Use SohImGui::RequestCvarSaveOnNextTick * Fix issues from LUS refactor * Fix for overriding deku scrub messages * Fix mistake from merge oops * Restore checkboxes to enhancements menu These got lost in the merge * Update location access logic Including MQ locations in Spirit and GC now * Implement rando bombchu drops * Missing break * Simplify mudwall collision check There was no need to have a second collider specifically for Ice Arrow hits * Update settings.cpp * Simplify mudwall collision check * Restore checkboxes in menu Accidentally lost these during merge * Clean up bool * Update logic Cvar name * Fixed capacity on ammmo tracking * Fix for beans obtainability * Hook into file delete and clear notes * Incorporate magic arrows in rando settings * Update tooltip To inform the player that they might have to reload the room if they're enabling this for the first time. * Update tooltip * Add line break in tooltip * Tooltip wording + line break * tweak on main logic * All color logic for all types * Fix: changes to please new LUS * Ensure itemTrackerNotes vector is not fully empty * Implement's Tycoon Wallet. * Refactor DrawItemCount and Use EnhancementCombobox for tracker capacity options * small tweaks and rename * always display XX/YY when in ammo/capacity mode * Move all merchant messages to be generated on file load * added hovertext for the number display * Swap german and french translations for shop messages * Set key colors to be on by default * Add another flag to skip mask shop * Fix Sold Out bug * Fix gerudo keys, add disabled checkbox * tooltip line break * Add trials required and merchant prices to save file instead of loading from active spoiler log * Remove trialsRequired persisting in save manager * Adds slotIndex to girla (shop item actor) and uses that for IdentifyShopItem. * Fix issue when merchantPrices is empty * Fix for a single zeroed merchantPrice entry * Fix #1417 * Implements items selling out and fixes issues with purchasing some items. * Fixes order of operations so Rupees will be spent. * Fixes sold out items not getting overwritten by the randomized info. * Clarify var names and comments Also preserve chain platform cutscene in spirit based on Link's position * Remove !=0 from cvar check * Clarify var names and comments * Rename randomizerMerchantPrices to merchantPrices * Handle shop items in SaveManager * Fix merge mistake * Base whats in the bazaar shop on entranceIndex instead of age * Tidy up chain platform cutscene check * Fix merge error Didn't mean to have Zhora changes in here yet * Use 3drando item table for parsing spoiler names * Use another nested method instead of one at the top level to fetch the table * Add missing newline * Remove log * Respect custom draw functions * Fix issues with rendering songs * Fix localized item names for shopsanity * Implements a larger array of Sprites for the Icon Hash. * Uses the hash instead of seed for spoilerfile name and icons. * Removes some unused functions and variables in `spoiler_log.cpp` * Prevents leading 0s added to hash from being in file name * Changes filename format to icon indexes separated by dashes * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * [Rando] Child Gerudo Fortress 37th Heartpiece randomized Fixes #1071 * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags (#1386) * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags * Hide randomizer flags when not on a randomizer save * Move flag descriptions to header file * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Fix merge error * crash on pause menu on linux (only in appimage) Fixes #1437 * Applies fix to Song from Impa as well. * Allow buying tunics as child when shopsanity is on * Fix for custom draw methods overriding sold out sign * Simplify logic around shopsanity and fix some issues * Fix dungeon reward stone rotation and add particles * Fix some issues with ice traps * Fix adult wallet having its own max capacity * Fix amount of keys given for BotW * format * Use EnGirlAShopItem enum instead of raw hex values * [#1434] Renders non-warp songs more consistently with warp songs * A few changes around merchant messages * Various changes from PR feedback * Rando: Junk Hint missing french translation * Typo * Fix free scrub being at 0 instead of TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM * Replace magic numbers in message handler * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity * Support tycoon wallet on tracker * Revert "Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity" This reverts commit 5fdb961ea460fb9a035cf0bb6ae77bfeedc1de0f. * [#1053] Resolves an issue with shop items and bombchu bowling where BGS would display two message boxes * Implements some necessary plumbing and resolves several Ice Trap Softlocks. Adds a way for an item entry to tell what type of check it came from (NPC vs Chest vs Freestanding, etc.) Sets this value from chests and item00 actors. Relocates pendingIceTraps to save context so it can persist through cutscenes and get stored on save init for Link's Pocket and Song from Impa. Restructures pendingIceTraps into a counter rather than a true or false, so that we can be frozen multiple times in a row if applicable (atm that should only be at the start of a run if Link's Pocket and Song from Impa were both Ice Traps). Adds a textbox for Ice Traps and a special case of holding up nothing in the get item process. This fixes all the cases where Ice Traps would softlock due to the actor giving the item expecting a closing textbox. After holding the item above his head Link increments the pendingIceTraps counter by one and sets whatever flag he has pending. None of the above plumbing applies to Ice Traps from chests, those work exactly the same as before, as do freestanding item00 ice traps (thanks to the additional check for ITEM_FROM_FREESTANDING. OoT and Ruto's Letter count as NPC's, so they get the FOWL text box and set a pending ice trap rather than immediately freezing, since Link weill be in the water. Link will get frozen the next time he touches land, which in the case of OoT is after the fade to white and right before the Song of Time check. Fixes all the other softlocks I'm aware of, including Fishing, Bombchu Bowling, Skull Kid, and losing the second Gerudo Archery check. * fix bgs check in player * move bgs logic for tokensanity into MOD_NONE check * set bgs flag before `Item_Give`ing * move bgs flag into `MOD_NONE` check in girla * use existing check in `z_player` * Adds comment explaining the decision to default ITEM_FROM_NPC. * Rename pendingIceTraps to pendingIceTrapCount * Adds some RANDOTODO comments about cleaning up a couple things. * Merge branch 'develop-zhora' into ztornn * manually restore changes to `z_player.c` * Fix after some ice trap prepwork from earlier * Actual fix * Woops * More rupee names * Actually fix it * Add back comment * Fix Skip Scarecrow Song * Fix ruto's letter and LH sun stick rendering * Also fixes it for treasure chest game * Tweak: Rando French Wallet * ADD: French Tycoon * Hide dungeon items/notes by default * [#1301] Fix issue with UI not restoring after getting an item from biggoron * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Fix random crash that only affected one person for some reason Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <> Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <> Co-authored-by: PurpleHato <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: lil David <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: louist103 <>
2022-09-21 00:50:22 -04:00
Randomizer v2 (#1065) * Revert changes to GetItemFromGet * Fixes Ganon's Boss Key shuffled while regular boss Keys aren't. * Enum + combo box * Add obtainability checks correctly * combobox title rename + no number tracking * Fix repeatable purchases and bottles rendering incorrectly * Move shopsanity option in GUI * Struct instead of ImVec + basic comportment for all case * Attempt to fix odd build issue * Cast randoGet for ganons boss key * Remove redundancy in KD room * Update logic Cvar names * Fix Ganons Trials coming from old save files. Fixes #1365 * Fixes crash when entering Ganon's Castle lobby on linux. * Makes `Item_Give` safe to use with a NULL globalCtx. This should allow it's use for giving items to Link's Pocket during rando save initialization. * Converts Song from Impa to use `Item_Give` * Adds more options for Link's starting item. * Removes unneeded `GiveLinkItem` functions. * and make it build * bring back new rando dropdown * gSaveContext access in GameMenuBar.cpp * Implement Skip Scarecrow's Song * Reimplement progressive Bombchus * Rando-next: Deku Nut and Seed ammo gives a blue rupee Fixes #1390 * Fixes Link starting with BGS * Persist item tracker notes * Adjust Hooks include * Use SohImGui::RequestCvarSaveOnNextTick * Fix issues from LUS refactor * Fix for overriding deku scrub messages * Fix mistake from merge oops * Restore checkboxes to enhancements menu These got lost in the merge * Update location access logic Including MQ locations in Spirit and GC now * Implement rando bombchu drops * Missing break * Simplify mudwall collision check There was no need to have a second collider specifically for Ice Arrow hits * Update settings.cpp * Simplify mudwall collision check * Restore checkboxes in menu Accidentally lost these during merge * Clean up bool * Update logic Cvar name * Fixed capacity on ammmo tracking * Fix for beans obtainability * Hook into file delete and clear notes * Incorporate magic arrows in rando settings * Update tooltip To inform the player that they might have to reload the room if they're enabling this for the first time. * Update tooltip * Add line break in tooltip * Tooltip wording + line break * tweak on main logic * All color logic for all types * Fix: changes to please new LUS * Ensure itemTrackerNotes vector is not fully empty * Implement's Tycoon Wallet. * Refactor DrawItemCount and Use EnhancementCombobox for tracker capacity options * small tweaks and rename * always display XX/YY when in ammo/capacity mode * Move all merchant messages to be generated on file load * added hovertext for the number display * Swap german and french translations for shop messages * Set key colors to be on by default * Add another flag to skip mask shop * Fix Sold Out bug * Fix gerudo keys, add disabled checkbox * tooltip line break * Add trials required and merchant prices to save file instead of loading from active spoiler log * Remove trialsRequired persisting in save manager * Adds slotIndex to girla (shop item actor) and uses that for IdentifyShopItem. * Fix issue when merchantPrices is empty * Fix for a single zeroed merchantPrice entry * Fix #1417 * Implements items selling out and fixes issues with purchasing some items. * Fixes order of operations so Rupees will be spent. * Fixes sold out items not getting overwritten by the randomized info. * Clarify var names and comments Also preserve chain platform cutscene in spirit based on Link's position * Remove !=0 from cvar check * Clarify var names and comments * Rename randomizerMerchantPrices to merchantPrices * Handle shop items in SaveManager * Fix merge mistake * Base whats in the bazaar shop on entranceIndex instead of age * Tidy up chain platform cutscene check * Fix merge error Didn't mean to have Zhora changes in here yet * Use 3drando item table for parsing spoiler names * Use another nested method instead of one at the top level to fetch the table * Add missing newline * Remove log * Respect custom draw functions * Fix issues with rendering songs * Fix localized item names for shopsanity * Implements a larger array of Sprites for the Icon Hash. * Uses the hash instead of seed for spoilerfile name and icons. * Removes some unused functions and variables in `spoiler_log.cpp` * Prevents leading 0s added to hash from being in file name * Changes filename format to icon indexes separated by dashes * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * [Rando] Child Gerudo Fortress 37th Heartpiece randomized Fixes #1071 * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags (#1386) * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags * Hide randomizer flags when not on a randomizer save * Move flag descriptions to header file * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Fix merge error * crash on pause menu on linux (only in appimage) Fixes #1437 * Applies fix to Song from Impa as well. * Allow buying tunics as child when shopsanity is on * Fix for custom draw methods overriding sold out sign * Simplify logic around shopsanity and fix some issues * Fix dungeon reward stone rotation and add particles * Fix some issues with ice traps * Fix adult wallet having its own max capacity * Fix amount of keys given for BotW * format * Use EnGirlAShopItem enum instead of raw hex values * [#1434] Renders non-warp songs more consistently with warp songs * A few changes around merchant messages * Various changes from PR feedback * Rando: Junk Hint missing french translation * Typo * Fix free scrub being at 0 instead of TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM * Replace magic numbers in message handler * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity * Support tycoon wallet on tracker * Revert "Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity" This reverts commit 5fdb961ea460fb9a035cf0bb6ae77bfeedc1de0f. * [#1053] Resolves an issue with shop items and bombchu bowling where BGS would display two message boxes * Implements some necessary plumbing and resolves several Ice Trap Softlocks. Adds a way for an item entry to tell what type of check it came from (NPC vs Chest vs Freestanding, etc.) Sets this value from chests and item00 actors. Relocates pendingIceTraps to save context so it can persist through cutscenes and get stored on save init for Link's Pocket and Song from Impa. Restructures pendingIceTraps into a counter rather than a true or false, so that we can be frozen multiple times in a row if applicable (atm that should only be at the start of a run if Link's Pocket and Song from Impa were both Ice Traps). Adds a textbox for Ice Traps and a special case of holding up nothing in the get item process. This fixes all the cases where Ice Traps would softlock due to the actor giving the item expecting a closing textbox. After holding the item above his head Link increments the pendingIceTraps counter by one and sets whatever flag he has pending. None of the above plumbing applies to Ice Traps from chests, those work exactly the same as before, as do freestanding item00 ice traps (thanks to the additional check for ITEM_FROM_FREESTANDING. OoT and Ruto's Letter count as NPC's, so they get the FOWL text box and set a pending ice trap rather than immediately freezing, since Link weill be in the water. Link will get frozen the next time he touches land, which in the case of OoT is after the fade to white and right before the Song of Time check. Fixes all the other softlocks I'm aware of, including Fishing, Bombchu Bowling, Skull Kid, and losing the second Gerudo Archery check. * fix bgs check in player * move bgs logic for tokensanity into MOD_NONE check * set bgs flag before `Item_Give`ing * move bgs flag into `MOD_NONE` check in girla * use existing check in `z_player` * Adds comment explaining the decision to default ITEM_FROM_NPC. * Rename pendingIceTraps to pendingIceTrapCount * Adds some RANDOTODO comments about cleaning up a couple things. * Merge branch 'develop-zhora' into ztornn * manually restore changes to `z_player.c` * Fix after some ice trap prepwork from earlier * Actual fix * Woops * More rupee names * Actually fix it * Add back comment * Fix Skip Scarecrow Song * Fix ruto's letter and LH sun stick rendering * Also fixes it for treasure chest game * Tweak: Rando French Wallet * ADD: French Tycoon * Hide dungeon items/notes by default * [#1301] Fix issue with UI not restoring after getting an item from biggoron * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Fix random crash that only affected one person for some reason Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <> Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <> Co-authored-by: PurpleHato <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: lil David <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: louist103 <>
2022-09-21 00:50:22 -04:00
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\randomizer" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__randomizer})
Rework Get Item Table to be more flexible for adding custom items (#1050) * Adds ItemTableManager class. * Implements new getItem table in game. * Adds rando item table and way to differentiate tables in GetItemEntry. * Adds rough ability to differentiate between rando and vanilla items.merge stashed changes from before develop-zhora merge * Change ItemTableID to be uint16_t so we can use ModIndex for it. * Should fix switch build * Should fix switch build pt 2 * Adds new files to CMakeLists. * Implements fixes for competing getItem calls. * Correctly renders freestanding items Particle effects are probably broken, need to fix them still, I pretty much know how I would do that. * Fixed Particle effects in the new getItem system. * Fixes item fanfares * Partially fixes Ice Traps Obtaining a freestanding Ice Trap causes link to slide forward and receiving one from an NPC plays the sound effect and damage animation but doesn't freeze link. * Some more partial ice trap fixing that wasn't pushed earlier * Removes unused function override * Replaces ::find with ::at and adds exception handling * Removes some commented out code. * Refactors rando's GetItemEntry array into two arrays. One array is for the vanilla items that don't have GetItemEntries in vanilla, the other is for rando exclusive items. They are stored in separate arrays before getting added to the table so that we can apply different modIndexes. The items in the first table have are handled by the vanilla Item_Give, and the second table needed a custom `Randomizer_Item_Give` function. * Renames, relocates, and implements ModIndex enum. * Removes now unused ItemIDs and GetItemIDs Also makes all the necessary changes to other code that was still using them indirectly through the GI to GID map that was removed. There's quite a lot of changes here and I haven't had time to test them yet. * Re-implements GIMESSAGE_UNTRANSLATED as macro * Removes commented out function. * Throws exception if an invalid itemID is used Addresses * Removes ARRAY_SIZE in favor of ARRAY_COUNT ARRAY_COUNT already exists in `macros.h`, I just didn't find it before. Addresses * Inverts CheckContainsRandoItem to CheckContainsVanillaItem. Addresses * Cleanup, bugfixes, removing the `- 1`s from `z_player.c` * Fixes some funky formatting that got committed earlier. * Adds else if to added fanfare sound cases. Addresses and * Extends GetItemEntry to include getItemId Also adapts some existing calls for both the entry and the id to only get the entry. * Extends GetItemEntry to include GID. This allows for using it later when drawing freestanding items. Addresses * Rando-specific items use new textId again. This got lost when merging develop-zhora in because I didn't have custom messages merged when I started this. * Sets global modIndex to MOD_NONE on scene load Fixes a crash when buying items in shops due to them not triggering the rando code that normally sets these items. May have also been crashing vanilla playthroughs. * Realized I had the bgm conditions wrong. * Fixes "static drops" (i.e. sticks from withered babas) * Fixes LACS/Prelude situation... again. * Fixes too many arguments error. Not sure why this didn't fail to build on Windows before. * Fixes Link's Pocket items. * Simplifies sram init for rando-specific items * Fixes issues with approaching bottleable items. * Fixes Ruto's Letter. It was accidentally getting classified as a rando item. * Should re-fix freestanding ice traps * Makes freestanding items set player->getItemEntry. This prevents freestanding items from setting the global modIndex. This is part of a larger transition that needs to happen to switch to setting getItemEntries for all of the rando items. This prevents some things that set getItemId of GI_MAX from granting a Fire Medallion when the global modIndex is MOD_RANDOMIZER. * Makes sure we aren't using getItemEntry when not randoed. * Replace Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId with Randomizer_GetRandomizedItem and Randomizer_GetItemIdFromKnownCheck with Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck * Introduce some new methods and migrate most actors to them * Fixes ocarina game skull kids to set player->getItemEntry * Sets `z_en_box.c` to set `player->getItemEntry` * Fix logical errors and migrate most of the rest of the rando checks to GiveItemEntryFromActor * Use GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange in item00 * Fixes Anju to set player->getItemEntry. * Add a few missing cases * Additional fix for Skull Kid * Fixes vanilla ice traps and randomized ice smoke * Fixes rendering of treasure chest game items. * Removes unused `Randomizer_GetItemIdFromGetItemId`. * Cleans up an if statement for item00. * Cleans up another if statement in item00 * This should fix a bug with the Gerudo Archery minigame. I wasn't able to get the bug to happen after making this change. * Documents our new GiveItemEntry fuctions. * Uses more descriptive type name for ItemIDs for creating custom messages. * Fixes potential issue with if statement. * Fixes missed type change. Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <>
2022-08-23 20:11:38 -04:00
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\randomizer\\3drando" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__randomizer__3drando})
2022-08-08 21:14:29 -04:00
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\custom-message" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__custom_message})
Rework Get Item Table to be more flexible for adding custom items (#1050) * Adds ItemTableManager class. * Implements new getItem table in game. * Adds rando item table and way to differentiate tables in GetItemEntry. * Adds rough ability to differentiate between rando and vanilla items.merge stashed changes from before develop-zhora merge * Change ItemTableID to be uint16_t so we can use ModIndex for it. * Should fix switch build * Should fix switch build pt 2 * Adds new files to CMakeLists. * Implements fixes for competing getItem calls. * Correctly renders freestanding items Particle effects are probably broken, need to fix them still, I pretty much know how I would do that. * Fixed Particle effects in the new getItem system. * Fixes item fanfares * Partially fixes Ice Traps Obtaining a freestanding Ice Trap causes link to slide forward and receiving one from an NPC plays the sound effect and damage animation but doesn't freeze link. * Some more partial ice trap fixing that wasn't pushed earlier * Removes unused function override * Replaces ::find with ::at and adds exception handling * Removes some commented out code. * Refactors rando's GetItemEntry array into two arrays. One array is for the vanilla items that don't have GetItemEntries in vanilla, the other is for rando exclusive items. They are stored in separate arrays before getting added to the table so that we can apply different modIndexes. The items in the first table have are handled by the vanilla Item_Give, and the second table needed a custom `Randomizer_Item_Give` function. * Renames, relocates, and implements ModIndex enum. * Removes now unused ItemIDs and GetItemIDs Also makes all the necessary changes to other code that was still using them indirectly through the GI to GID map that was removed. There's quite a lot of changes here and I haven't had time to test them yet. * Re-implements GIMESSAGE_UNTRANSLATED as macro * Removes commented out function. * Throws exception if an invalid itemID is used Addresses * Removes ARRAY_SIZE in favor of ARRAY_COUNT ARRAY_COUNT already exists in `macros.h`, I just didn't find it before. Addresses * Inverts CheckContainsRandoItem to CheckContainsVanillaItem. Addresses * Cleanup, bugfixes, removing the `- 1`s from `z_player.c` * Fixes some funky formatting that got committed earlier. * Adds else if to added fanfare sound cases. Addresses and * Extends GetItemEntry to include getItemId Also adapts some existing calls for both the entry and the id to only get the entry. * Extends GetItemEntry to include GID. This allows for using it later when drawing freestanding items. Addresses * Rando-specific items use new textId again. This got lost when merging develop-zhora in because I didn't have custom messages merged when I started this. * Sets global modIndex to MOD_NONE on scene load Fixes a crash when buying items in shops due to them not triggering the rando code that normally sets these items. May have also been crashing vanilla playthroughs. * Realized I had the bgm conditions wrong. * Fixes "static drops" (i.e. sticks from withered babas) * Fixes LACS/Prelude situation... again. * Fixes too many arguments error. Not sure why this didn't fail to build on Windows before. * Fixes Link's Pocket items. * Simplifies sram init for rando-specific items * Fixes issues with approaching bottleable items. * Fixes Ruto's Letter. It was accidentally getting classified as a rando item. * Should re-fix freestanding ice traps * Makes freestanding items set player->getItemEntry. This prevents freestanding items from setting the global modIndex. This is part of a larger transition that needs to happen to switch to setting getItemEntries for all of the rando items. This prevents some things that set getItemId of GI_MAX from granting a Fire Medallion when the global modIndex is MOD_RANDOMIZER. * Makes sure we aren't using getItemEntry when not randoed. * Replace Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId with Randomizer_GetRandomizedItem and Randomizer_GetItemIdFromKnownCheck with Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck * Introduce some new methods and migrate most actors to them * Fixes ocarina game skull kids to set player->getItemEntry * Sets `z_en_box.c` to set `player->getItemEntry` * Fix logical errors and migrate most of the rest of the rando checks to GiveItemEntryFromActor * Use GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange in item00 * Fixes Anju to set player->getItemEntry. * Add a few missing cases * Additional fix for Skull Kid * Fixes vanilla ice traps and randomized ice smoke * Fixes rendering of treasure chest game items. * Removes unused `Randomizer_GetItemIdFromGetItemId`. * Cleans up an if statement for item00. * Cleans up another if statement in item00 * This should fix a bug with the Gerudo Archery minigame. I wasn't able to get the bug to happen after making this change. * Documents our new GiveItemEntry fuctions. * Uses more descriptive type name for ItemIDs for creating custom messages. * Fixes potential issue with if statement. * Fixes missed type change. Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <>
2022-08-23 20:11:38 -04:00
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\item-tables" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__item_tables})
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
source_group("Header Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\crowd-control" FILES ${Header_Files__soh__Enhancements__crowd_control})
source_group("Source Files\\soh" FILES ${Source_Files__soh})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\controls" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__controls})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\cosmetics" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__cosmetics})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\sfx-editor" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__sfx_editor})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\debugger" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__debugger})
Randomizer v2 (#1065) * Revert changes to GetItemFromGet * Fixes Ganon's Boss Key shuffled while regular boss Keys aren't. * Enum + combo box * Add obtainability checks correctly * combobox title rename + no number tracking * Fix repeatable purchases and bottles rendering incorrectly * Move shopsanity option in GUI * Struct instead of ImVec + basic comportment for all case * Attempt to fix odd build issue * Cast randoGet for ganons boss key * Remove redundancy in KD room * Update logic Cvar names * Fix Ganons Trials coming from old save files. Fixes #1365 * Fixes crash when entering Ganon's Castle lobby on linux. * Makes `Item_Give` safe to use with a NULL globalCtx. This should allow it's use for giving items to Link's Pocket during rando save initialization. * Converts Song from Impa to use `Item_Give` * Adds more options for Link's starting item. * Removes unneeded `GiveLinkItem` functions. * and make it build * bring back new rando dropdown * gSaveContext access in GameMenuBar.cpp * Implement Skip Scarecrow's Song * Reimplement progressive Bombchus * Rando-next: Deku Nut and Seed ammo gives a blue rupee Fixes #1390 * Fixes Link starting with BGS * Persist item tracker notes * Adjust Hooks include * Use SohImGui::RequestCvarSaveOnNextTick * Fix issues from LUS refactor * Fix for overriding deku scrub messages * Fix mistake from merge oops * Restore checkboxes to enhancements menu These got lost in the merge * Update location access logic Including MQ locations in Spirit and GC now * Implement rando bombchu drops * Missing break * Simplify mudwall collision check There was no need to have a second collider specifically for Ice Arrow hits * Update settings.cpp * Simplify mudwall collision check * Restore checkboxes in menu Accidentally lost these during merge * Clean up bool * Update logic Cvar name * Fixed capacity on ammmo tracking * Fix for beans obtainability * Hook into file delete and clear notes * Incorporate magic arrows in rando settings * Update tooltip To inform the player that they might have to reload the room if they're enabling this for the first time. * Update tooltip * Add line break in tooltip * Tooltip wording + line break * tweak on main logic * All color logic for all types * Fix: changes to please new LUS * Ensure itemTrackerNotes vector is not fully empty * Implement's Tycoon Wallet. * Refactor DrawItemCount and Use EnhancementCombobox for tracker capacity options * small tweaks and rename * always display XX/YY when in ammo/capacity mode * Move all merchant messages to be generated on file load * added hovertext for the number display * Swap german and french translations for shop messages * Set key colors to be on by default * Add another flag to skip mask shop * Fix Sold Out bug * Fix gerudo keys, add disabled checkbox * tooltip line break * Add trials required and merchant prices to save file instead of loading from active spoiler log * Remove trialsRequired persisting in save manager * Adds slotIndex to girla (shop item actor) and uses that for IdentifyShopItem. * Fix issue when merchantPrices is empty * Fix for a single zeroed merchantPrice entry * Fix #1417 * Implements items selling out and fixes issues with purchasing some items. * Fixes order of operations so Rupees will be spent. * Fixes sold out items not getting overwritten by the randomized info. * Clarify var names and comments Also preserve chain platform cutscene in spirit based on Link's position * Remove !=0 from cvar check * Clarify var names and comments * Rename randomizerMerchantPrices to merchantPrices * Handle shop items in SaveManager * Fix merge mistake * Base whats in the bazaar shop on entranceIndex instead of age * Tidy up chain platform cutscene check * Fix merge error Didn't mean to have Zhora changes in here yet * Use 3drando item table for parsing spoiler names * Use another nested method instead of one at the top level to fetch the table * Add missing newline * Remove log * Respect custom draw functions * Fix issues with rendering songs * Fix localized item names for shopsanity * Implements a larger array of Sprites for the Icon Hash. * Uses the hash instead of seed for spoilerfile name and icons. * Removes some unused functions and variables in `spoiler_log.cpp` * Prevents leading 0s added to hash from being in file name * Changes filename format to icon indexes separated by dashes * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * Hopefully makes Jenkins happy * [Rando] Child Gerudo Fortress 37th Heartpiece randomized Fixes #1071 * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags (#1386) * Add descriptions to save editor flags editor, and added randomizer flags * Hide randomizer flags when not on a randomizer save * Move flag descriptions to header file * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Update soh/soh/Enhancements/debugger/debugSaveEditor.h * Fix merge error * crash on pause menu on linux (only in appimage) Fixes #1437 * Applies fix to Song from Impa as well. * Allow buying tunics as child when shopsanity is on * Fix for custom draw methods overriding sold out sign * Simplify logic around shopsanity and fix some issues * Fix dungeon reward stone rotation and add particles * Fix some issues with ice traps * Fix adult wallet having its own max capacity * Fix amount of keys given for BotW * format * Use EnGirlAShopItem enum instead of raw hex values * [#1434] Renders non-warp songs more consistently with warp songs * A few changes around merchant messages * Various changes from PR feedback * Rando: Junk Hint missing french translation * Typo * Fix free scrub being at 0 instead of TEXT_SCRUB_RANDOM * Replace magic numbers in message handler * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Ossan/z_en_ossan.c Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity * Support tycoon wallet on tracker * Revert "Fix BGS softlock for shopsanity" This reverts commit 5fdb961ea460fb9a035cf0bb6ae77bfeedc1de0f. * [#1053] Resolves an issue with shop items and bombchu bowling where BGS would display two message boxes * Implements some necessary plumbing and resolves several Ice Trap Softlocks. Adds a way for an item entry to tell what type of check it came from (NPC vs Chest vs Freestanding, etc.) Sets this value from chests and item00 actors. Relocates pendingIceTraps to save context so it can persist through cutscenes and get stored on save init for Link's Pocket and Song from Impa. Restructures pendingIceTraps into a counter rather than a true or false, so that we can be frozen multiple times in a row if applicable (atm that should only be at the start of a run if Link's Pocket and Song from Impa were both Ice Traps). Adds a textbox for Ice Traps and a special case of holding up nothing in the get item process. This fixes all the cases where Ice Traps would softlock due to the actor giving the item expecting a closing textbox. After holding the item above his head Link increments the pendingIceTraps counter by one and sets whatever flag he has pending. None of the above plumbing applies to Ice Traps from chests, those work exactly the same as before, as do freestanding item00 ice traps (thanks to the additional check for ITEM_FROM_FREESTANDING. OoT and Ruto's Letter count as NPC's, so they get the FOWL text box and set a pending ice trap rather than immediately freezing, since Link weill be in the water. Link will get frozen the next time he touches land, which in the case of OoT is after the fade to white and right before the Song of Time check. Fixes all the other softlocks I'm aware of, including Fishing, Bombchu Bowling, Skull Kid, and losing the second Gerudo Archery check. * fix bgs check in player * move bgs logic for tokensanity into MOD_NONE check * set bgs flag before `Item_Give`ing * move bgs flag into `MOD_NONE` check in girla * use existing check in `z_player` * Adds comment explaining the decision to default ITEM_FROM_NPC. * Rename pendingIceTraps to pendingIceTrapCount * Adds some RANDOTODO comments about cleaning up a couple things. * Merge branch 'develop-zhora' into ztornn * manually restore changes to `z_player.c` * Fix after some ice trap prepwork from earlier * Actual fix * Woops * More rupee names * Actually fix it * Add back comment * Fix Skip Scarecrow Song * Fix ruto's letter and LH sun stick rendering * Also fixes it for treasure chest game * Tweak: Rando French Wallet * ADD: French Tycoon * Hide dungeon items/notes by default * [#1301] Fix issue with UI not restoring after getting an item from biggoron * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Update soh/src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Go2/z_en_go2.c * Fix random crash that only affected one person for some reason Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <> Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <> Co-authored-by: PurpleHato <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: lil David <> Co-authored-by: Sarge-117 <> Co-authored-by: louist103 <>
2022-09-21 00:50:22 -04:00
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\randomizer" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__randomizer})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\randomizer\\3drando" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__randomizer__3drando})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\randomizer\\3drando\\hint_list" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__randomizer__3drando__hint_list})
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\randomizer\\3drando\\location_access" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__randomizer__3drando__location_access})
2022-08-08 21:14:29 -04:00
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\custom-message" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__custom_message})
Rework Get Item Table to be more flexible for adding custom items (#1050) * Adds ItemTableManager class. * Implements new getItem table in game. * Adds rando item table and way to differentiate tables in GetItemEntry. * Adds rough ability to differentiate between rando and vanilla items.merge stashed changes from before develop-zhora merge * Change ItemTableID to be uint16_t so we can use ModIndex for it. * Should fix switch build * Should fix switch build pt 2 * Adds new files to CMakeLists. * Implements fixes for competing getItem calls. * Correctly renders freestanding items Particle effects are probably broken, need to fix them still, I pretty much know how I would do that. * Fixed Particle effects in the new getItem system. * Fixes item fanfares * Partially fixes Ice Traps Obtaining a freestanding Ice Trap causes link to slide forward and receiving one from an NPC plays the sound effect and damage animation but doesn't freeze link. * Some more partial ice trap fixing that wasn't pushed earlier * Removes unused function override * Replaces ::find with ::at and adds exception handling * Removes some commented out code. * Refactors rando's GetItemEntry array into two arrays. One array is for the vanilla items that don't have GetItemEntries in vanilla, the other is for rando exclusive items. They are stored in separate arrays before getting added to the table so that we can apply different modIndexes. The items in the first table have are handled by the vanilla Item_Give, and the second table needed a custom `Randomizer_Item_Give` function. * Renames, relocates, and implements ModIndex enum. * Removes now unused ItemIDs and GetItemIDs Also makes all the necessary changes to other code that was still using them indirectly through the GI to GID map that was removed. There's quite a lot of changes here and I haven't had time to test them yet. * Re-implements GIMESSAGE_UNTRANSLATED as macro * Removes commented out function. * Throws exception if an invalid itemID is used Addresses * Removes ARRAY_SIZE in favor of ARRAY_COUNT ARRAY_COUNT already exists in `macros.h`, I just didn't find it before. Addresses * Inverts CheckContainsRandoItem to CheckContainsVanillaItem. Addresses * Cleanup, bugfixes, removing the `- 1`s from `z_player.c` * Fixes some funky formatting that got committed earlier. * Adds else if to added fanfare sound cases. Addresses and * Extends GetItemEntry to include getItemId Also adapts some existing calls for both the entry and the id to only get the entry. * Extends GetItemEntry to include GID. This allows for using it later when drawing freestanding items. Addresses * Rando-specific items use new textId again. This got lost when merging develop-zhora in because I didn't have custom messages merged when I started this. * Sets global modIndex to MOD_NONE on scene load Fixes a crash when buying items in shops due to them not triggering the rando code that normally sets these items. May have also been crashing vanilla playthroughs. * Realized I had the bgm conditions wrong. * Fixes "static drops" (i.e. sticks from withered babas) * Fixes LACS/Prelude situation... again. * Fixes too many arguments error. Not sure why this didn't fail to build on Windows before. * Fixes Link's Pocket items. * Simplifies sram init for rando-specific items * Fixes issues with approaching bottleable items. * Fixes Ruto's Letter. It was accidentally getting classified as a rando item. * Should re-fix freestanding ice traps * Makes freestanding items set player->getItemEntry. This prevents freestanding items from setting the global modIndex. This is part of a larger transition that needs to happen to switch to setting getItemEntries for all of the rando items. This prevents some things that set getItemId of GI_MAX from granting a Fire Medallion when the global modIndex is MOD_RANDOMIZER. * Makes sure we aren't using getItemEntry when not randoed. * Replace Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId with Randomizer_GetRandomizedItem and Randomizer_GetItemIdFromKnownCheck with Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck * Introduce some new methods and migrate most actors to them * Fixes ocarina game skull kids to set player->getItemEntry * Sets `z_en_box.c` to set `player->getItemEntry` * Fix logical errors and migrate most of the rest of the rando checks to GiveItemEntryFromActor * Use GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange in item00 * Fixes Anju to set player->getItemEntry. * Add a few missing cases * Additional fix for Skull Kid * Fixes vanilla ice traps and randomized ice smoke * Fixes rendering of treasure chest game items. * Removes unused `Randomizer_GetItemIdFromGetItemId`. * Cleans up an if statement for item00. * Cleans up another if statement in item00 * This should fix a bug with the Gerudo Archery minigame. I wasn't able to get the bug to happen after making this change. * Documents our new GiveItemEntry fuctions. * Uses more descriptive type name for ItemIDs for creating custom messages. * Fixes potential issue with if statement. * Fixes missed type change. Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <>
2022-08-23 20:11:38 -04:00
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\item-tables" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__item_tables})
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
source_group("Source Files\\soh\\Enhancements\\crowd-control" FILES ${Source_Files__soh__Enhancements__crowd_control})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\boot" FILES ${Source_Files__src__boot})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\buffers" FILES ${Source_Files__src__buffers})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\code" FILES ${Source_Files__src__code})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\libultra" FILES ${Source_Files__src__libultra})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\actors" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__actors})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\effects" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__effects})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\gamestates\\ovl_file_choose" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__gamestates__ovl_file_choose})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\gamestates\\ovl_opening" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__gamestates__ovl_opening})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\gamestates\\ovl_select" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__gamestates__ovl_select})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\gamestates\\ovl_title" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__gamestates__ovl_title})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\misc\\ovl_kaleido_scope" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__misc__ovl_kaleido_scope})
source_group("Source Files\\src\\overlays\\misc\\ovl_map_mark_data" FILES ${Source_Files__src__overlays__misc__ovl_map_mark_data})
Rework Get Item Table to be more flexible for adding custom items (#1050) * Adds ItemTableManager class. * Implements new getItem table in game. * Adds rando item table and way to differentiate tables in GetItemEntry. * Adds rough ability to differentiate between rando and vanilla items.merge stashed changes from before develop-zhora merge * Change ItemTableID to be uint16_t so we can use ModIndex for it. * Should fix switch build * Should fix switch build pt 2 * Adds new files to CMakeLists. * Implements fixes for competing getItem calls. * Correctly renders freestanding items Particle effects are probably broken, need to fix them still, I pretty much know how I would do that. * Fixed Particle effects in the new getItem system. * Fixes item fanfares * Partially fixes Ice Traps Obtaining a freestanding Ice Trap causes link to slide forward and receiving one from an NPC plays the sound effect and damage animation but doesn't freeze link. * Some more partial ice trap fixing that wasn't pushed earlier * Removes unused function override * Replaces ::find with ::at and adds exception handling * Removes some commented out code. * Refactors rando's GetItemEntry array into two arrays. One array is for the vanilla items that don't have GetItemEntries in vanilla, the other is for rando exclusive items. They are stored in separate arrays before getting added to the table so that we can apply different modIndexes. The items in the first table have are handled by the vanilla Item_Give, and the second table needed a custom `Randomizer_Item_Give` function. * Renames, relocates, and implements ModIndex enum. * Removes now unused ItemIDs and GetItemIDs Also makes all the necessary changes to other code that was still using them indirectly through the GI to GID map that was removed. There's quite a lot of changes here and I haven't had time to test them yet. * Re-implements GIMESSAGE_UNTRANSLATED as macro * Removes commented out function. * Throws exception if an invalid itemID is used Addresses * Removes ARRAY_SIZE in favor of ARRAY_COUNT ARRAY_COUNT already exists in `macros.h`, I just didn't find it before. Addresses * Inverts CheckContainsRandoItem to CheckContainsVanillaItem. Addresses * Cleanup, bugfixes, removing the `- 1`s from `z_player.c` * Fixes some funky formatting that got committed earlier. * Adds else if to added fanfare sound cases. Addresses and * Extends GetItemEntry to include getItemId Also adapts some existing calls for both the entry and the id to only get the entry. * Extends GetItemEntry to include GID. This allows for using it later when drawing freestanding items. Addresses * Rando-specific items use new textId again. This got lost when merging develop-zhora in because I didn't have custom messages merged when I started this. * Sets global modIndex to MOD_NONE on scene load Fixes a crash when buying items in shops due to them not triggering the rando code that normally sets these items. May have also been crashing vanilla playthroughs. * Realized I had the bgm conditions wrong. * Fixes "static drops" (i.e. sticks from withered babas) * Fixes LACS/Prelude situation... again. * Fixes too many arguments error. Not sure why this didn't fail to build on Windows before. * Fixes Link's Pocket items. * Simplifies sram init for rando-specific items * Fixes issues with approaching bottleable items. * Fixes Ruto's Letter. It was accidentally getting classified as a rando item. * Should re-fix freestanding ice traps * Makes freestanding items set player->getItemEntry. This prevents freestanding items from setting the global modIndex. This is part of a larger transition that needs to happen to switch to setting getItemEntries for all of the rando items. This prevents some things that set getItemId of GI_MAX from granting a Fire Medallion when the global modIndex is MOD_RANDOMIZER. * Makes sure we aren't using getItemEntry when not randoed. * Replace Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId with Randomizer_GetRandomizedItem and Randomizer_GetItemIdFromKnownCheck with Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck * Introduce some new methods and migrate most actors to them * Fixes ocarina game skull kids to set player->getItemEntry * Sets `z_en_box.c` to set `player->getItemEntry` * Fix logical errors and migrate most of the rest of the rando checks to GiveItemEntryFromActor * Use GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange in item00 * Fixes Anju to set player->getItemEntry. * Add a few missing cases * Additional fix for Skull Kid * Fixes vanilla ice traps and randomized ice smoke * Fixes rendering of treasure chest game items. * Removes unused `Randomizer_GetItemIdFromGetItemId`. * Cleans up an if statement for item00. * Cleans up another if statement in item00 * This should fix a bug with the Gerudo Archery minigame. I wasn't able to get the bug to happen after making this change. * Documents our new GiveItemEntry fuctions. * Uses more descriptive type name for ItemIDs for creating custom messages. * Fixes potential issue with if statement. * Fixes missed type change. Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <>
2022-08-23 20:11:38 -04:00
2022-08-08 21:14:29 -04:00
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
Rework Get Item Table to be more flexible for adding custom items (#1050) * Adds ItemTableManager class. * Implements new getItem table in game. * Adds rando item table and way to differentiate tables in GetItemEntry. * Adds rough ability to differentiate between rando and vanilla items.merge stashed changes from before develop-zhora merge * Change ItemTableID to be uint16_t so we can use ModIndex for it. * Should fix switch build * Should fix switch build pt 2 * Adds new files to CMakeLists. * Implements fixes for competing getItem calls. * Correctly renders freestanding items Particle effects are probably broken, need to fix them still, I pretty much know how I would do that. * Fixed Particle effects in the new getItem system. * Fixes item fanfares * Partially fixes Ice Traps Obtaining a freestanding Ice Trap causes link to slide forward and receiving one from an NPC plays the sound effect and damage animation but doesn't freeze link. * Some more partial ice trap fixing that wasn't pushed earlier * Removes unused function override * Replaces ::find with ::at and adds exception handling * Removes some commented out code. * Refactors rando's GetItemEntry array into two arrays. One array is for the vanilla items that don't have GetItemEntries in vanilla, the other is for rando exclusive items. They are stored in separate arrays before getting added to the table so that we can apply different modIndexes. The items in the first table have are handled by the vanilla Item_Give, and the second table needed a custom `Randomizer_Item_Give` function. * Renames, relocates, and implements ModIndex enum. * Removes now unused ItemIDs and GetItemIDs Also makes all the necessary changes to other code that was still using them indirectly through the GI to GID map that was removed. There's quite a lot of changes here and I haven't had time to test them yet. * Re-implements GIMESSAGE_UNTRANSLATED as macro * Removes commented out function. * Throws exception if an invalid itemID is used Addresses * Removes ARRAY_SIZE in favor of ARRAY_COUNT ARRAY_COUNT already exists in `macros.h`, I just didn't find it before. Addresses * Inverts CheckContainsRandoItem to CheckContainsVanillaItem. Addresses * Cleanup, bugfixes, removing the `- 1`s from `z_player.c` * Fixes some funky formatting that got committed earlier. * Adds else if to added fanfare sound cases. Addresses and * Extends GetItemEntry to include getItemId Also adapts some existing calls for both the entry and the id to only get the entry. * Extends GetItemEntry to include GID. This allows for using it later when drawing freestanding items. Addresses * Rando-specific items use new textId again. This got lost when merging develop-zhora in because I didn't have custom messages merged when I started this. * Sets global modIndex to MOD_NONE on scene load Fixes a crash when buying items in shops due to them not triggering the rando code that normally sets these items. May have also been crashing vanilla playthroughs. * Realized I had the bgm conditions wrong. * Fixes "static drops" (i.e. sticks from withered babas) * Fixes LACS/Prelude situation... again. * Fixes too many arguments error. Not sure why this didn't fail to build on Windows before. * Fixes Link's Pocket items. * Simplifies sram init for rando-specific items * Fixes issues with approaching bottleable items. * Fixes Ruto's Letter. It was accidentally getting classified as a rando item. * Should re-fix freestanding ice traps * Makes freestanding items set player->getItemEntry. This prevents freestanding items from setting the global modIndex. This is part of a larger transition that needs to happen to switch to setting getItemEntries for all of the rando items. This prevents some things that set getItemId of GI_MAX from granting a Fire Medallion when the global modIndex is MOD_RANDOMIZER. * Makes sure we aren't using getItemEntry when not randoed. * Replace Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId with Randomizer_GetRandomizedItem and Randomizer_GetItemIdFromKnownCheck with Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck * Introduce some new methods and migrate most actors to them * Fixes ocarina game skull kids to set player->getItemEntry * Sets `z_en_box.c` to set `player->getItemEntry` * Fix logical errors and migrate most of the rest of the rando checks to GiveItemEntryFromActor * Use GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange in item00 * Fixes Anju to set player->getItemEntry. * Add a few missing cases * Additional fix for Skull Kid * Fixes vanilla ice traps and randomized ice smoke * Fixes rendering of treasure chest game items. * Removes unused `Randomizer_GetItemIdFromGetItemId`. * Cleans up an if statement for item00. * Cleans up another if statement in item00 * This should fix a bug with the Gerudo Archery minigame. I wasn't able to get the bug to happen after making this change. * Documents our new GiveItemEntry fuctions. * Uses more descriptive type name for ItemIDs for creating custom messages. * Fixes potential issue with if statement. * Fixes missed type change. Co-authored-by: Garrett Cox <>
2022-08-23 20:11:38 -04:00
2022-08-08 21:14:29 -04:00
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
# Target
2022-08-06 16:19:06 -04:00
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${ALL_FILES} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Resource.rc)
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES
OUTPUT_NAME "soh-macos"
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES
OUTPUT_NAME "soh.elf"
# MSVC runtime library
# Compile definitions
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
2022-10-29 12:23:26 -04:00
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE assets
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
Feature: Crowd Control Integration (#1568) * Start effects * Disable input to game when typing in console * Add gravity support * noUI placeholder * Add rest of effects to console * Remove z_play code * Add rupee modification * Add OneHit KO (#27) * few fix and paper Link * Better method and now use the reset flag * Revert "Better method and now use the reset flag" This reverts commit 2aafcc1df29686940945ebab87372360a06a3cf7. * Revert "few fix and paper Link" This reverts commit 65e76dcfeec3924ca9977c931703b4c3232a9733. * Paper Link & few fixes (#28) * Implement pacifist mode (#30) * Implement cucco storm (#31) * Add no UI functionality (#32) * Enable CrowdControl on windows (#33) * Use std::format and implement wallmaster * Implement defense modifier * Implement no_z and clean up * Implement reverse controls * Some fixes while testing CC connection * Implement speed modifier and fix defese modifier * Fail magic effects if magic is not acquired * Fix queue system * Implement rainstorm * Some cleanup * Use IS_ZERO to handle very low near zero values * Split some effects * Fix emptying magic * Don’t run cucco on pre-rendered backgrounds * Use correct method for updating ruppees * Fix decreasing speed * Remove old SDL stuff * Remove old fixes * Enable Crowd Control for both debug and release * Add missing returns * Cleanup event firing * Further clean up on event firing * Fix some bugs * CC fixes and enemy spawning (#35) * Fix icetraps * Fix title screen * Fix pause screen * Fix death screen timer & Code cleanup * Fix timer during textboxes * Code cleanup * Add: Multiple enemy spawning * More enemies + more code cleanup (#36) * Enums for returning effect states * Add more enemies * Update CrowdControl.cpp * Remove enums from enemies * Fix up flow for events (#37) # Conflicts: # soh/soh/Enhancements/crowd-control/CrowdControl.cpp * Fix spawn position of likelike * CC temp enemy fixes (#38) * Check for pause in pacifist and allow button presses (#39) * Fix Pacifist mode (#41) * First attempt pacifier fix * Real fix for pacifist mode * Comment * Remove cutscene and long delay from cucco_storm (#40) * Some PR Fixes * Use standard types * Handle JSON parsing error and free memory * Add CC configuration file * Add: Giving deku shield option. Fix: Giant Lonk (#42) * Small stalfos fix (#43) * Syntax Improvements (#44) * Revert bools to uint32_t * Add comment about bools * Fix cucco storm, fix empty heart (#45) * Protect commands vector with mutex * prefix effects with chaosEffect (#46) Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <> Co-authored-by: aMannus <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice>
2022-09-27 22:41:17 -04:00
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU|Clang|AppleClang")
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
# Compile and link options
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_link_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_link_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
-Wall -Wextra -Wno-error
target_link_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "NintendoSwitch")
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
-Wall -Wextra -Wno-error
target_link_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
# disable some warnings to not clutter output
set(CPU_OPTION -msse2 -mfpmath=sse)
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
-Wall -Wextra -Wno-error
target_link_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
# Pre build events
COMMAND $<CONFIG:Debug> copy /b $<SHELL_PATH:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/>build.c +,,
# Dependencies
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "NintendoSwitch")
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
2022-11-06 05:00:34 -05:00
find_program(CURL NAMES curl DOC "Path to the curl program. Used to download files.")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CURL} -sSfL -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gamecontrollerdb.txt OUTPUT_VARIABLE RESULT)
configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/macosx/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/macosx/Info.plist @ONLY)
elseif(NOT "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "NintendoSwitch|CafeOS")
if (NOT TARGET pathconf)
add_library(pathconf OBJECT platform/pathconf.c)
NAME "Ship of Harkinian"
NACP Ship.nacp
NAME "Ship of Harkinian"