* rename GameScripting to ServerScripting
* Make getBuiltinLuaPath static serverside
* Add on_shutdown callback
* Add on_receiving_chat_message & on_sending_chat_message callbacks
* ScriptApiBase: use IGameDef instead of Server
This permits to share common attribute between client & server
* Enable mod security in client side modding without conditions
The do .. while loop is waiting for both dir.X and dir.Z to be non-zero,
so should continue to loop if either dir.X or dir.Z are zero. The brackets
present suggest this was intended to be OR not AND.
Desert and sandstone dungeons have 2 node wide corridors. Previously,
nodebox stairs were disabled because dungeon generation code did not
support nodebox stairs wider than 1 node, now it does.
Add 'stair desert stone' content id to MappgenBasic.
Requires 'mapgen stair desert stone' to be added to Minetest Game.
My recent dungeon commit allowed stairs to be placed across the full
width of corridors, but some of the new node positions accessed were
missing checks for being within the voxelmanip, causing occasional
segfaults near dungeons with corridors wider than 1 node.
Add 'vm->m_area.contains(pos)' checks just before stair position
voxelmanip access. This allows an earlier check to be removed as it
is now redundant.
The default of 15 is unchanged.
7 degrees is x10 magnification which is common for binoculars.
Alter hardcoded limits in camera.cpp:
Minimum 7 degrees.
Maximum 160 degrees to match upper limits in advanced settings.
Previously, code did not support stair nodeboxes in corridors wider
than 1 node.
Make stair nodeboxes full width even in corridors with different
widths in X and Z directions.
- Increase ContentFeatures serialization version
- Color property and palettes for nodes
- paramtype2 = "color", "colored facedir" or "colored wallmounted"
Previously, object meshes had their North and South faces darker than
East and West faces, the opposite of nodes and meshnodes. This commit
corrects this.
State constants as float-literals not double-literals.
Simplify code.
Add comment.
Original credits goes to @Rogier-5
* Merge common attributes between LuaEntitySAO & PlayerSAO to UnitSAO
* Make some functions const
* Improve some lists performance by returning const ref
Signed-off-by: Loic Blot <loic.blot@unix-experience.fr>
* Environment code refactoring
* Cleanup includes & class declarations in client & server environment to improve build speed
* ServerEnvironment::m_gamedef is now a pointer to Server instead of IGameDef, permitting to cleanup many casts.
* Cleanup IGameDef
* Move ITextureSource* IGameDef::getTextureSource() to Client only.
* Also move ITextureSource *IGameDef::tsrc() helper
* drop getShaderSource, getSceneManager, getSoundManager & getCamera abstract call
* drop unused emerge() call
* cleanup server unused functions (mentionned before)
* Drop one unused parameter from ContentFeatures::updateTextures
* move checkLocalPrivilege to Client
* Remove some unnecessary casts
* create_formspec_menu: remove IWritableTextureSource pointer, as client already knows it
* Fix some comments
* Change required IGameDef to Server/Client pointers
* Previous change that game.cpp sometimes calls functions with Client + InventoryManager + IGameDef in same functions but it's the same objects
* Remove duplicate Client pointer in GUIFormSpecMenu::GUIFormSpecMenu
* drop ClientMap::sectorWasDrawn which is unused
Fix the maths that check if any part of a mapblock or sector is over the
set map_generation_limit.
Therefore avoid the loading of any over-limit blocks that were previously
generated when map_generation_limit was larger. The set limit can vary
for a world because it is not yet a per-world mapgen parameter, even when
it is sometimes it will be changed deliberately.
Therefore avoid a player being returned to world centre if they re-enter
a world while being over-limit.
Fix the createSector() crash caused by a mob spawning over-limit in an
over-limit mapblock