<short>Bitmap class for the Mufasa library</short>
<short>Called when destroying the TMufasaBitmap</short>
<short>Name of the bitmap. Mainly for debugging purposes.</short>
<short>Set the bitmap to the given size.</short>
<short>Returns true if the point is within the bitmap size.</short>
<short>Posterizes the target bitmap</short>
<short>Invert the colours on the bitmap.</short>
<short>Change contrast.</short>
<short>Change brightness</short>
<short>Greyscales the bitmap</short>
<short>Desaturates the bitmap.</short>
<short>Rotate the bitmap.</short>
<short>Copy (a part of) the Window to the bitmap.</short>
<short>Replace OldColor with NewColor.</short>
<short>Fill the bitmap with a specific colour.</short>
<short>Return the bitmap data in a two dimensional array.</short>
<short>Return the corresponding colour of each point.</short>
<short>Returns the colour at the corresponding point.</short>
<short>Draw the bitmap on a canvas.</short>
<short>Draw the points in the tpointarray on the bitmap with the given colour.</short>
<short>Loads a bitmap from a RawImage type.</short>
<descr>This can be virtually any type. As long as the RawImage is specified correctly, this function will load it and transform it into a TMufasaBitmap. It will do all the necessary shifts and swizzles to get the image in the TMufasaBitmap format.</descr>
<short>Load the data of a TBitmap into the TMufasaBitmap</short>
<short>Turn the bitmap data into a string, base64 encoded.</short>
<short>Creates a TBitmap from a TMufasaBitmap.</short>
<short>Create a (partial) copy of the TMufasaBitmap.</short>
<short>Load a TMufasaBitmap from file. All bitmap types supported by TLazIntFImage are supported.</short>