2105 lines
69 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#ifndef Z64_H
#define Z64_H
#include "ultra64.h"
#include "ultra64/gs2dex.h"
#include "z64save.h"
#include "z64light.h"
#include "z64bgcheck.h"
#include "z64actor.h"
#include "z64player.h"
#include "z64audio.h"
#include "z64object.h"
#include "z64camera.h"
#include "z64environment.h"
#include "z64cutscene.h"
#include "z64collision_check.h"
#include "z64scene.h"
#include "z64effect.h"
#include "z64item.h"
#include "z64animation.h"
#include "z64dma.h"
#include "z64math.h"
#include "z64map_mark.h"
#include "z64skin.h"
#include "z64transition.h"
#include "z64interface.h"
#include "sequence.h"
#include "sfx.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "ichain.h"
#include "regs.h"
2022-06-13 21:16:43 +02:00
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__)
2022-06-13 10:05:42 -05:00
#define _SOH64
2022-06-20 13:04:01 -05:00
#define AUDIO_HEAP_SIZE 0x3800000
2022-05-12 13:28:24 -04:00
#define SYSTEM_HEAP_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 4)
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace Ship
class Resource;
class Scene;
class DisplayList;
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 320
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240
#define REGION_NULL 0
#define REGION_US 1
#define REGION_JP 2
#define REGION_EU 3
#define Z_PRIORITY_MAIN 10
// NOTE: Once we start supporting other builds, this can be changed with an ifdef
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
typedef struct{
/* 0x00 */ char unk[0x4];
/* 0x04 */ MtxF mf;
} HorseStruct;
// Game Info aka. Static Context (dbg ram start: 80210A10)
// Data normally accessed through REG macros (see regs.h)
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s32 regPage; // 1 is first page
/* 0x04 */ s32 regGroup; // "register" group (R, RS, RO, RP etc.)
/* 0x08 */ s32 regCur; // selected register within page
/* 0x0C */ s32 dpadLast;
/* 0x10 */ s32 repeat;
/* 0x14 */ s16 data[REG_GROUPS * REG_PER_GROUP]; // 0xAE0 entries
} GameInfo; // size = 0x15D4
typedef struct {
/* 0x00000 */ u16 headMagic; // GFXPOOL_HEAD_MAGIC
/* 0x00008 */ Gfx polyOpaBuffer[0x2FC0];
/* 0x0BF08 */ Gfx polyXluBuffer[0x1000];
/* 0xXXXXX */ Gfx worldOverlayBuffer[0x1000];
/* 0x0BF08 */ Gfx polyKalBuffer[0x1000];
/* 0x0FF08 */ Gfx overlayBuffer[0x800];
/* 0x11F08 */ Gfx workBuffer[0x100];
/* 0x11308 */ Gfx unusedBuffer[0x40];
/* 0x12408 */ u16 tailMagic; // GFXPOOL_TAIL_MAGIC
} GfxPool; // size = 0x24820
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ u32 size;
/* 0x0004 */ void* bufp;
/* 0x0008 */ void* head;
/* 0x000C */ void* tail;
} TwoHeadArena; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ u32 size;
/* 0x0004 */ Gfx* bufp;
/* 0x0008 */ Gfx* p;
/* 0x000C */ Gfx* d;
} TwoHeadGfxArena; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16* fb1;
/* 0x04 */ u16* swapBuffer;
/* 0x08 */ OSViMode* viMode;
/* 0x0C */ u32 features;
/* 0x10 */ u8 unk_10;
/* 0x11 */ s8 updateRate;
/* 0x12 */ s8 updateRate2;
/* 0x13 */ u8 unk_13;
/* 0x14 */ f32 xScale;
/* 0x18 */ f32 yScale;
} CfbInfo; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct OSScTask {
/* 0x00 */ struct OSScTask* next;
/* 0x04 */ u32 state;
/* 0x08 */ u32 flags;
/* 0x0C */ CfbInfo* framebuffer;
/* 0x10 */ OSTask list;
/* 0x50 */ OSMesgQueue* msgQ;
/* 0x54 */ OSMesg msg;
} OSScTask;
typedef struct GraphicsContext {
/* 0x0000 */ Gfx* polyOpaBuffer; // Pointer to "Zelda 0"
/* 0x0004 */ Gfx* polyXluBuffer; // Pointer to "Zelda 1"
/* 0xXXX */ Gfx* worldOverlayBuffer; // Pointer to "Paris"
/* 0xXXX */ Gfx* polyKalBuffer; // Pointer to "Rome"
/* 0x0008 */ char unk_008[0x08]; // Unused, could this be pointers to "Zelda 2" / "Zelda 3"
/* 0x0010 */ Gfx* overlayBuffer; // Pointer to "Zelda 4"
/* 0x0014 */ u32 unk_014;
/* 0x0018 */ char unk_018[0x20];
/* 0x0038 */ OSMesg msgBuff[0x08];
/* 0x0058 */ OSMesgQueue* schedMsgQ;
/* 0x005C */ OSMesgQueue queue;
/* 0x0074 */ char unk_074[0x04];
/* 0x0078 */ OSScTask task; // size of OSScTask might be wrong
/* 0x00D0 */ char unk_0D0[0xE0];
/* 0x01B0 */ Gfx* workBuffer;
/* 0x01B4 */ TwoHeadGfxArena work;
/* 0x01C4 */ char unk_01C4[0xC0];
/* 0x0284 */ OSViMode* viMode;
/* 0x0288 */ char unk_0288[0x20]; // Unused, could this be Zelda 2/3 ?
/* 0x02A8 */ TwoHeadGfxArena overlay; // "Zelda 4"
/* 0x02B8 */ TwoHeadGfxArena polyOpa; // "Zelda 0"
/* 0x02C8 */ TwoHeadGfxArena polyXlu; // "Zelda 1"
/* 0x0XXX */ TwoHeadGfxArena worldOverlay; // When in Paris...
/* 0x0XXX */ TwoHeadGfxArena polyKal; // When in Rome...
/* 0x02D8 */ u32 gfxPoolIdx;
/* 0x02DC */ u16* curFrameBuffer;
/* 0x02E0 */ char unk_2E0[0x04];
/* 0x02E4 */ u32 viFeatures;
/* 0x02E8 */ s32 fbIdx;
/* 0x02EC */ void (*callback)(struct GraphicsContext*, void*);
/* 0x02F0 */ void* callbackParam;
/* 0x02F4 */ f32 xScale;
/* 0x02F8 */ f32 yScale;
/* 0x02FC */ char unk_2FC[0x04];
} GraphicsContext; // size = 0x300
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ OSContPad cur;
/* 0x06 */ OSContPad prev;
/* 0x0C */ OSContPad press; // X/Y store delta from last frame
/* 0x12 */ OSContPad rel; // X/Y store adjusted
} Input; // size = 0x18
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ s32 topY; // uly (upper left y)
/* 0x0004 */ s32 bottomY; // lry (lower right y)
/* 0x0008 */ s32 leftX; // ulx (upper left x)
/* 0x000C */ s32 rightX; // lrx (lower right x)
} Viewport; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ s32 magic; // string literal "VIEW" / 0x56494557
/* 0x0004 */ GraphicsContext* gfxCtx;
/* 0x0008 */ Viewport viewport;
/* 0x0018 */ f32 fovy; // vertical field of view in degrees
/* 0x001C */ f32 zNear; // distance to near clipping plane
/* 0x0020 */ f32 zFar; // distance to far clipping plane
/* 0x0024 */ f32 scale; // scale for matrix elements
/* 0x0028 */ Vec3f eye;
/* 0x0034 */ Vec3f lookAt;
/* 0x0040 */ Vec3f up;
/* 0x0050 */ Vp vp;
/* 0x0060 */ Mtx projection;
/* 0x00A0 */ Mtx viewing;
/* 0x00E0 */ Mtx* projectionPtr;
/* 0x00E4 */ Mtx* viewingPtr;
/* 0x00E8 */ Vec3f unk_E8;
/* 0x00F4 */ Vec3f unk_F4;
/* 0x0100 */ f32 unk_100;
/* 0x0104 */ Vec3f unk_104;
/* 0x0110 */ Vec3f unk_110;
/* 0x011C */ u16 normal; // used to normalize the projection matrix
/* 0x0120 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x0124 */ s32 unk_124;
} View; // size = 0x128
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 seqId;
/* 0x01 */ u8 natureAmbienceId;
} SequenceContext; // size = 0x2
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s32 enabled;
/* 0x04 */ s32 timer;
} FrameAdvanceContext; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos;
/* 0x0C */ f32 unk_0C; // radius?
/* 0x10 */ Color_RGB8 color;
} TargetContextEntry; // size = 0x14
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f naviRefPos; // possibly wrong
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f targetCenterPos;
/* 0x18 */ Color_RGBAf naviInner;
/* 0x28 */ Color_RGBAf naviOuter;
/* 0x38 */ Actor* arrowPointedActor;
/* 0x3C */ Actor* targetedActor;
/* 0x40 */ f32 unk_40;
/* 0x44 */ f32 unk_44;
/* 0x48 */ s16 unk_48;
/* 0x4A */ u8 activeCategory;
/* 0x4B */ u8 unk_4B;
/* 0x4C */ s8 unk_4C;
/* 0x4D */ char unk_4D[0x03];
/* 0x50 */ TargetContextEntry arr_50[3];
/* 0x8C */ Actor* unk_8C;
/* 0x90 */ Actor* bgmEnemy; // The nearest enemy to player with the right flags that will trigger NA_BGM_ENEMY
/* 0x94 */ Actor* unk_94;
} TargetContext; // size = 0x98
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ void* texture;
/* 0x04 */ s16 x;
/* 0x06 */ s16 y;
/* 0x08 */ u8 width;
/* 0x09 */ u8 height;
/* 0x0A */ u8 durationTimer; // how long the title card appears for before fading
/* 0x0B */ u8 delayTimer; // how long the title card waits to appear
/* 0x0C */ s16 alpha;
/* ---- */ s16 intensityR; //Splited intensity per channel to support precise recolor
/* ---- */ s16 intensityG;
/* ---- */ s16 intensityB;
/* ---- */ s16 isBossCard; //To detect if that a Boss name title card.
/* ---- */ s16 hasTranslation; // to detect if the current title card has translation (used for bosses only)
} TitleCardContext; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s32 length; // number of actors loaded of this category
/* 0x04 */ Actor* head; // pointer to head of the linked list of this category (most recent actor added)
} ActorListEntry; // size = 0x08
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ u8 freezeFlashTimer;
/* 0x0001 */ char unk_01[0x01];
/* 0x0002 */ u8 unk_02;
/* 0x0003 */ u8 unk_03;
/* 0x0004 */ char unk_04[0x04];
/* 0x0008 */ u8 total; // total number of actors loaded
/* 0x0009 */ char unk_09[0x03];
/* 0x000C */ ActorListEntry actorLists[12];
/* 0x006C */ TargetContext targetCtx;
struct {
/* 0x0104 */ u32 swch;
/* 0x0108 */ u32 tempSwch;
/* 0x010C */ u32 unk0;
/* 0x0110 */ u32 unk1;
/* 0x0114 */ u32 chest;
/* 0x0118 */ u32 clear;
/* 0x011C */ u32 tempClear;
/* 0x0120 */ u32 collect;
/* 0x0124 */ u32 tempCollect;
} flags;
/* 0x0128 */ TitleCardContext titleCtx;
/* 0x0138 */ char unk_138[0x04];
/* 0x013C */ void* absoluteSpace; // Space used to allocate actor overlays of alloc type 1
} ActorContext; // size = 0x140
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x4];
/* 0x04 */ void* segment;
/* 0x08 */ u8 state;
/* 0x0C */ f32 unk_0C;
/* 0x10 */ u16 frames;
/* 0x12 */ u16 unk_12;
/* 0x14 */ s32 unk_14;
/* 0x18 */ u16 unk_18;
/* 0x1A */ u8 unk_1A;
/* 0x1B */ u8 unk_1B;
/* 0x1C */ CutsceneCameraPoint* cameraFocus;
/* 0x20 */ CutsceneCameraPoint* cameraPosition;
/* 0x24 */ CsCmdActorAction* linkAction;
/* 0x28 */ CsCmdActorAction* npcActions[10]; // "npcdemopnt"
} CutsceneContext; // size = 0x50
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16 countdown;
/* 0x04 */ Vec3f worldPos;
/* 0x10 */ Vec3f projectedPos;
} SoundSource; // size = 0x1C
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ SKYBOX_NONE,
/* 0x02 */ SKYBOX_BAZAAR,
/* 0x07 */ SKYBOX_HOUSE_LINK = 7,
/* 0x0E */ SKYBOX_HOUSE_OF_TWINS = 14,
/* 0x13 */ SKYBOX_GORON_SHOP = 19,
/* 0x14 */ SKYBOX_ZORA_SHOP,
/* 0x1C */ SKYBOX_TENT,
/* 0x1D */ SKYBOX_UNSET_1D,
/* 0x20 */ SKYBOX_HOUSE_MIDO = 32,
/* 0x27 */ SKYBOX_UNSET_27 = 39
} SkyboxId;
typedef struct {
char unk_00[0x128];
s16 skyboxId;
void* textures[2][6];
void* palettes[6];
u16 palette_size;
Gfx (*dListBuf)[150];
Gfx* unk_138;
Vtx* roomVtx;
s16 unk_140;
Vec3f rot;
char unk_150[0x10];
} SkyboxContext;
typedef enum {
/* 14 */ OCARINA_SONG_SCARECROW_LONG = OCARINA_SONG_MAX // anything larger than 13 is considered the long scarecrow's song
} OcarinaSongId;
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ OCARINA_ACTION_UNK_0, // acts like free play but never set
/* 0x02 */ OCARINA_ACTION_TEACH_MINUET, // Song demonstrations by teachers
/* 0x0F */ OCARINA_ACTION_PLAYBACK_MINUET, // Playing back a particular song
/* 0x1C */ OCARINA_ACTION_CHECK_MINUET, // Playing songs for check spots
/* 0x28 */ OCARINA_ACTION_CHECK_SCARECROW, // Playing back the song as adult that was set as child
/* 0x30 */ OCARINA_ACTION_CHECK_NOWARP, // Check for any of sarias - storms
} OcarinaSongActionIDs;
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ OCARINA_MODE_00,
/* 0x01 */ OCARINA_MODE_01,
/* 0x02 */ OCARINA_MODE_02,
/* 0x03 */ OCARINA_MODE_03,
/* 0x04 */ OCARINA_MODE_04,
/* 0x05 */ OCARINA_MODE_05,
/* 0x06 */ OCARINA_MODE_06,
/* 0x07 */ OCARINA_MODE_07,
/* 0x08 */ OCARINA_MODE_08,
/* 0x09 */ OCARINA_MODE_09,
/* 0x0A */ OCARINA_MODE_0A,
/* 0x0B */ OCARINA_MODE_0B,
/* 0x0C */ OCARINA_MODE_0C,
/* 0x0D */ OCARINA_MODE_0D,
/* 0x0E */ OCARINA_MODE_0E,
/* 0x0F */ OCARINA_MODE_0F
} OcarinaMode;
typedef enum {
} TextBoxIcon;
typedef enum {
} Language;
// TODO get these properties from the textures themselves
#define FONT_CHAR_TEX_SIZE ((16 * 16) / 2) // 16x16 I4 texture
// TODO get these properties from the textures themselves
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ MSGMODE_NONE,
/* 0x0E */ MSGMODE_OCARINA_FAIL, // Failed to play a valid song after entering 8 notes
/* 0x0F */ MSGMODE_OCARINA_FAIL_NO_TEXT, // Never set, only compared against
/* 0x11 */ MSGMODE_SONG_PLAYED, // Played a full named song correctly
/* 0x17 */ MSGMODE_SONG_PLAYED_ACT, // Act on a played song
/* 0x20 */ MSGMODE_UNK_20, // Never set and does nothing
/* 0x37 */ MSGMODE_PAUSED // Causes the message system to do nothing until external code sets a new message mode or calls a public function
} MessageMode;
typedef enum {
2022-06-13 10:05:42 -05:00
/* 8 */ TEXT_STATE_8,
/* 9 */ TEXT_STATE_9,
} TextState;
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ uintptr_t msgOffset;
/* 0x0004 */ u32 msgLength;
/* 0x0008 */ u8 charTexBuf[FONT_CHAR_TEX_SIZE * 120];
/* 0x3C08 */ u8 iconBuf[FONT_CHAR_TEX_SIZE];
/* 0x3C88 */ u8 fontBuf[FONT_CHAR_TEX_SIZE * 320];
union {
/* 0xDC88 */ char msgBuf[1280];
/* 0xDC88 */ u16 msgBufWide[640];
} Font; // size = 0xE188
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ View view;
/* 0x0128 */ Font font;
/* 0xE2B0 */ void* textboxSegment; // original name: "fukidashiSegment"
/* 0xE2B4 */ char unk_E2B4[0x4];
/* 0xE2B8 */ OcarinaStaff* ocarinaStaff; // original name : "info"
/* 0xE2BC */ char unk_E2BC[0x3C];
/* 0xE2F8 */ u16 textId;
/* 0xE2FA */ u16 choiceTextId;
/* 0xE2FC */ u8 textBoxProperties; // original name : "msg_disp_type"
/* 0xE2FD */ u8 textBoxType; // "Text Box Type"
/* 0xE2FE */ u8 textBoxPos; // text box position
/* 0xE300 */ s32 msgLength; // original name : "msg_data"
/* 0xE304 */ u8 msgMode; // original name: "msg_mode"
/* 0xE305 */ char unk_E305[0x1];
/* 0xE306 */ u8 msgBufDecoded[200]; // decoded message buffer, may be smaller than this
/* 0xE3CE */ u16 msgBufPos; // original name : "rdp"
/* 0xE3D0 */ u16 unk_E3D0; // unused, only ever set to 0
/* 0xE3D2 */ u16 textDrawPos; // draw all decoded characters up to this buffer position
/* 0xE3D4 */ u16 decodedTextLen; // decoded message buffer length
/* 0xE3D6 */ u16 textUnskippable;
/* 0xE3D8 */ s16 textPosX;
/* 0xE3DA */ s16 textPosY;
/* 0xE3DC */ s16 textColorR;
/* 0xE3DE */ s16 textColorG;
/* 0xE3E0 */ s16 textColorB;
/* 0xE3E2 */ s16 textColorAlpha;
/* 0xE3E4 */ u8 textboxEndType; // original name : "select"
/* 0xE3E5 */ u8 choiceIndex;
/* 0xE3E6 */ u8 choiceNum; // textboxes that are not choice textboxes have a choiceNum of 1
/* 0xE3E7 */ u8 stateTimer;
/* 0xE3E8 */ u16 textDelayTimer;
/* 0xE3EA */ u16 textDelay;
/* 0xE3EA */ u16 lastPlayedSong; // original references : "Ocarina_Flog" , "Ocarina_Free"
/* 0xE3EE */ u16 ocarinaMode; // original name : "ocarina_mode"
/* 0xE3F0 */ u16 ocarinaAction; // original name : "ocarina_no"
/* 0xE3F2 */ u16 unk_E3F2; // this is like "lastPlayedSong" but set less often, original name : "chk_ocarina_no"
/* 0xE3F4 */ u16 unk_E3F4; // unused, only set to 0 in z_actor
/* 0xE3F6 */ u16 textboxBackgroundIdx;
/* 0xE3F8 */ u8 textboxBackgroundForeColorIdx;
/* 0xE3F8 */ u8 textboxBackgroundBackColorIdx;
/* 0xE3F8 */ u8 textboxBackgroundYOffsetIdx;
/* 0xE3F8 */ u8 textboxBackgroundUnkArg; // unused, set by the textbox background control character arguments
/* 0xE3FC */ char unk_E3FC[0x2];
/* 0xE3FE */ s16 textboxColorRed;
/* 0xE400 */ s16 textboxColorGreen;
/* 0xE402 */ s16 textboxColorBlue;
/* 0xE404 */ s16 textboxColorAlphaTarget;
/* 0xE406 */ s16 textboxColorAlphaCurrent;
/* 0xE408 */ Actor* talkActor;
/* 0xE40C */ s16 disableWarpSongs; // warp song flag set by scene commands
/* 0xE40E */ s16 unk_E40E; // ocarina related
/* 0xE410 */ u8 lastOcaNoteIdx;
} MessageContext; // size = 0xE418
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ DO_ACTION_ATTACK,
/* 0x01 */ DO_ACTION_CHECK,
/* 0x02 */ DO_ACTION_ENTER,
/* 0x03 */ DO_ACTION_RETURN,
/* 0x04 */ DO_ACTION_OPEN,
/* 0x05 */ DO_ACTION_JUMP,
/* 0x06 */ DO_ACTION_DECIDE,
/* 0x07 */ DO_ACTION_DIVE,
/* 0x08 */ DO_ACTION_FASTER,
/* 0x09 */ DO_ACTION_THROW,
/* 0x0A */ DO_ACTION_NONE, // in do_action_static, the texture at this position is NAVI, however this value is in practice the "No Action" value
/* 0x0C */ DO_ACTION_DROP,
/* 0x0D */ DO_ACTION_DOWN,
/* 0x0E */ DO_ACTION_SAVE,
/* 0x10 */ DO_ACTION_NEXT,
/* 0x11 */ DO_ACTION_GRAB,
/* 0x12 */ DO_ACTION_STOP,
/* 0x14 */ DO_ACTION_REEL,
/* 0x15 */ DO_ACTION_1,
/* 0x16 */ DO_ACTION_2,
/* 0x17 */ DO_ACTION_3,
/* 0x18 */ DO_ACTION_4,
/* 0x19 */ DO_ACTION_5,
/* 0x1A */ DO_ACTION_6,
/* 0x1B */ DO_ACTION_7,
/* 0x1C */ DO_ACTION_8,
/* 0x1D */ DO_ACTION_MAX
} DoAction;
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ View view;
/* 0x0128 */ Vtx* actionVtx;
/* 0x012C */ Vtx* beatingHeartVtx;
/* 0x0130 */ u8* parameterSegment;
/* 0x0134 */ u8* doActionSegment;
/* 0x0138 */ u8* iconItemSegment;
/* 0x013C */ u8* mapSegment;
/* 0x0140 */ u8 mapPalette[32];
/* 0x0160 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest_160;
/* 0x0180 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest_180;
/* 0x01A0 */ char unk_1A0[0x20];
/* 0x01C0 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue;
/* 0x01D8 */ OSMesg loadMsg;
/* 0x01DC */ Viewport viewport;
/* 0x01EC */ s16 unk_1EC;
/* 0x01EE */ u16 unk_1EE;
/* 0x01F0 */ u16 unk_1F0;
/* 0x01F4 */ f32 unk_1F4;
/* 0x01F8 */ s16 naviCalling;
/* 0x01FA */ s16 unk_1FA;
/* 0x01FC */ s16 unk_1FC;
/* 0x01FE */ s16 unk_1FE;
/* 0x0200 */ s16 unk_200;
/* 0x0202 */ s16 beatingHeartPrim[3];
/* 0x0208 */ s16 beatingHeartEnv[3];
/* 0x020E */ s16 heartsPrimR[2];
/* 0x0212 */ s16 heartsPrimG[2];
/* 0x0216 */ s16 heartsPrimB[2];
/* 0x021A */ s16 heartsEnvR[2];
/* 0x021E */ s16 heartsEnvG[2];
/* 0x0222 */ s16 heartsEnvB[2];
/* 0x0226 */ s16 unk_226;
/* 0x0228 */ s16 unk_228;
/* 0x022A */ s16 unk_22A;
/* 0x022C */ s16 unk_22C;
/* 0x022E */ s16 unk_22E;
/* 0x0230 */ s16 unk_230;
/* 0x0232 */ s16 counterDigits[4]; // used for key and rupee counters
/* 0x023A */ u8 numHorseBoosts;
/* 0x023C */ u16 unk_23C;
/* 0x023E */ u16 hbaAmmo; // ammo while playing the horseback archery minigame
/* 0x0240 */ u16 unk_240;
/* 0x0242 */ u16 unk_242;
/* 0x0224 */ u16 unk_244; // screen fill alpha?
/* 0x0246 */ u16 aAlpha; // also carrots alpha
/* 0x0248 */ u16 bAlpha; // also HBA score alpha
/* 0x024A */ u16 cLeftAlpha;
/* 0x024C */ u16 cDownAlpha;
/* 0x024E */ u16 cRightAlpha;
/* 0x0250 */ u16 healthAlpha; // also max C-Up alpha
2022-06-22 21:24:20 -05:00
/* 0x024E */ u16 dpadUpAlpha;
/* 0x024E */ u16 dpadDownAlpha;
/* 0x024E */ u16 dpadLeftAlpha;
/* 0x024E */ u16 dpadRightAlpha;
/* 0x0252 */ u16 magicAlpha; // also Rupee and Key counters alpha
/* 0x0254 */ u16 minimapAlpha;
/* 0x0256 */ s16 startAlpha;
/* 0x0258 */ s16 unk_258;
/* 0x025A */ s16 unk_25A;
/* 0x025C */ s16 mapRoomNum;
/* 0x025E */ s16 mapPaletteIndex; // "map_palete_no"
/* 0x0260 */ u8 unk_260;
/* 0x0261 */ u8 unk_261;
struct {
/* 0x0262 */ u8 hGauge; // "h_gage"; unknown?
/* 0x0263 */ u8 bButton; // "b_button"
/* 0x0264 */ u8 aButton; // "a_button"
/* 0x0265 */ u8 bottles; // "c_bottle"
/* 0x0266 */ u8 tradeItems; // "c_warasibe"
/* 0x0267 */ u8 hookshot; // "c_hook"
/* 0x0268 */ u8 ocarina; // "c_ocarina"
/* 0x0269 */ u8 warpSongs; // "c_warp"
/* 0x026A */ u8 sunsSong; // "m_sunmoon"
/* 0x026B */ u8 farores; // "m_wind"
/* 0x026C */ u8 dinsNayrus; // "m_magic"; din's fire and nayru's love
/* 0x026D */ u8 all; // "another"; enables all item restrictions
} restrictions;
} InterfaceContext; // size = 0x270
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ void* loadedRamAddr;
/* 0x04 */ uintptr_t vromStart;
/* 0x08 */ uintptr_t vromEnd;
/* 0x0C */ void* vramStart;
/* 0x10 */ void* vramEnd;
/* 0x14 */ u32 offset; // loadedRamAddr - vramStart
/* 0x18 */ const char* name;
} KaleidoMgrOverlay; // size = 0x1C
typedef enum {
/* 0x02 */ KALEIDO_OVL_MAX
} KaleidoOverlayType;
#define PAUSE_ITEM_NONE 999
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ PAUSE_ITEM,
/* 0x01 */ PAUSE_MAP,
/* 0x02 */ PAUSE_QUEST,
/* 0x03 */ PAUSE_EQUIP,
/* 0x04 */ PAUSE_WORLD_MAP
} PauseMenuPage;
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ View view;
/* 0x0128 */ u8* iconItemSegment;
/* 0x012C */ u8* iconItem24Segment;
/* 0x0130 */ u8* iconItemAltSegment;
/* 0x0134 */ u8* iconItemLangSegment;
/* 0x0138 */ u8* nameSegment;
/* 0x013C */ u8* playerSegment;
/* 0x0140 */ char unk_140[0x04];
/* 0x0144 */ Vtx* itemPageVtx;
/* 0x0148 */ Vtx* equipPageVtx;
/* 0x014C */ Vtx* mapPageVtx;
/* 0x0150 */ Vtx* questPageVtx;
/* 0x0154 */ Vtx* infoPanelVtx;
/* 0x0158 */ Vtx* itemVtx;
/* 0x015C */ Vtx* equipVtx;
/* 0x0160 */ char unk_160[0x04];
/* 0x0164 */ Vtx* questVtx;
/* 0x0168 */ Vtx* cursorVtx;
/* 0x016C */ Vtx* saveVtx;
/* 0x0170 */ char unk_170[0x24];
/* 0x0194 */ OcarinaStaff* ocarinaStaff;
/* 0x0198 */ char unk_198[0x20];
/* 0x01B8 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue;
/* 0x01D0 */ OSMesg loadMsg;
/* 0x01D4 */ u16 state;
/* 0x01D6 */ u16 debugState;
/* 0x01D8 */ Vec3f eye;
/* 0x01E4 */ u16 unk_1E4;
/* 0x01E6 */ u16 mode;
/* 0x01E8 */ u16 pageIndex; // "kscp_pos"
/* 0x01EA */ u16 unk_1EA;
/* 0x01EC */ u16 unk_1EC;
/* 0x01F0 */ f32 unk_1F0;
/* 0x01F4 */ f32 unk_1F4;
/* 0x01F8 */ f32 unk_1F8;
/* 0x01FC */ f32 unk_1FC;
/* 0x0200 */ f32 unk_200;
/* 0x0204 */ f32 unk_204; // "angle_s"
/* 0x0208 */ u16 alpha;
/* 0x020A */ s16 offsetY;
/* 0x020C */ char unk_20C[0x08];
/* 0x0214 */ s16 stickRelX;
/* 0x0216 */ s16 stickRelY;
/* 0x0218 */ s16 cursorPoint[5]; // "cursor_point"
/* 0x0222 */ s16 cursorX[5]; // "cur_xpt"
/* 0x022C */ s16 cursorY[5]; // "cur_ypt"
/* 0x0236 */ s16 dungeonMapSlot;
/* 0x0238 */ s16 cursorSpecialPos; // "key_angle"
/* 0x023A */ s16 pageSwitchTimer;
/* 0x023C */ u16 namedItem; // "zoom_name"
/* 0x023E */ u16 cursorItem[4]; // "select_name"
/* 0x0246 */ u16 cursorSlot[4];
/* 0x024E */ u16 equipTargetItem; // "sl_item_no"
/* 0x0250 */ u16 equipTargetSlot; // "sl_number"
/* 0x0252 */ u16 equipTargetCBtn;
/* 0x0254 */ s16 equipAnimX;
/* 0x0256 */ s16 equipAnimY;
/* 0x0258 */ s16 equipAnimAlpha;
/* 0x025A */ s16 infoPanelOffsetY;
/* 0x025C */ u16 nameDisplayTimer;
/* 0x025E */ u16 nameColorSet; // 0 = white; 1 = grey
/* 0x0260 */ s16 cursorColorSet; // 0 = white; 4 = yellow; 8 = green
/* 0x0262 */ s16 promptChoice; // save/continue choice: 0 = yes; 4 = no
/* 0x0264 */ s16 ocarinaSongIdx;
/* 0x0266 */ u8 worldMapPoints[20]; // 0 = hidden; 1 = displayed; 2 = highlighted
/* 0x027A */ u8 tradeQuestLocation;
/* 0x027C */ SkelAnime playerSkelAnime;
} PauseContext; // size = 0x2C0
typedef enum {
/* 02 */ GAMEOVER_DEATH_WAIT_GROUND, // wait for link to fall and hit the ground
/* 03 */ GAMEOVER_DEATH_DELAY_MENU, // wait for 1 second before showing the game over menu
/* 04 */ GAMEOVER_DEATH_MENU, // do nothing while kaliedoscope handles the game over menu
/* 22 */ GAMEOVER_REVIVE_WAIT_GROUND, // wait for link to fall and hit the ground
/* 23 */ GAMEOVER_REVIVE_WAIT_FAIRY, // wait for the fairy to rise all the way up out of links body
/* 24 */ GAMEOVER_REVIVE_FADE_OUT // fade out the game over lights as link is revived and gets back up
} GameOverState;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16 state;
} GameOverContext; // size = 0x2
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 id;
/* 0x04 */ void* segment;
/* 0x08 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest;
/* 0x28 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue;
/* 0x40 */ OSMesg loadMsg;
} ObjectStatus; // size = 0x44
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ void* spaceStart;
/* 0x0004 */ void* spaceEnd; // original name: "endSegment"
/* 0x0008 */ u8 num; // number of objects in bank
/* 0x0009 */ u8 unk_09;
/* 0x000A */ u8 mainKeepIndex; // "gameplay_keep" index in bank
/* 0x000B */ u8 subKeepIndex; // "gameplay_field_keep" or "gameplay_dangeon_keep" index in bank
/* 0x000C */ ObjectStatus status[OBJECT_EXCHANGE_BANK_MAX];
} ObjectContext; // size = 0x518
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Gfx* opa;
/* 0x04 */ Gfx* xlu;
#ifdef __cplusplus
Ship::DisplayList* opaDL;
Ship::DisplayList* xluDL;
void* opaDL;
void* xluDL;
} PolygonDlist; // size = 0x8
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define Polygon _Polygon
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 type;
/* 0x01 */ u8 num; // number of dlist entries
/* 0x04 */ void* start;
/* 0x08 */ void* end;
} Polygon; // size = 0xC
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 type;
/* 0x01 */ u8 num; // number of dlist entries
/* 0x04 */ void* start;
/* 0x08 */ void* end;
} PolygonType0; // size = 0xC
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16 unk_00;
/* 0x02 */ u8 id;
/* 0x04 */ void* source;
/* 0x08 */ u32 unk_0C;
/* 0x0C */ u32 tlut;
/* 0x10 */ u16 width;
/* 0x12 */ u16 height;
/* 0x14 */ u8 fmt;
/* 0x15 */ u8 siz;
/* 0x16 */ u16 mode0;
/* 0x18 */ u16 tlutCount;
} BgImage; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 type;
/* 0x01 */ u8 format; // 1 = single, 2 = multi
/* 0x04 */ Gfx* dlist;
union {
struct {
/* 0x08 */ void* source;
/* 0x0C */ u32 unk_0C;
/* 0x10 */ void* tlut;
/* 0x14 */ u16 width;
/* 0x16 */ u16 height;
/* 0x18 */ u8 fmt;
/* 0x19 */ u8 siz;
/* 0x1A */ u16 mode0;
/* 0x1C */ u16 tlutCount;
} single;
struct {
/* 0x08 */ u8 count;
/* 0x0C */ BgImage* list;
} multi;
} PolygonType1;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3s pos;
/* 0x06 */ s16 unk_06;
/* 0x08 */ Gfx* opa;
/* 0x0C */ Gfx* xlu;
#ifdef __cplusplus
Ship::DisplayList* opaDL;
Ship::DisplayList* xluDL;
void* opaDL;
void* xluDL;
} PolygonDlist2; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 type;
/* 0x01 */ u8 num; // number of dlist entries
/* 0x04 */ void* start;
/* 0x08 */ void* end;
} PolygonType2; // size = 0xC
typedef union {
Polygon polygon;
PolygonType0 polygon0;
PolygonType1 polygon1;
PolygonType2 polygon2;
} Mesh; // "Ground Shape"
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s8 num;
/* 0x01 */ u8 unk_01;
/* 0x02 */ u8 unk_02;
/* 0x03 */ u8 unk_03;
/* 0x04 */ s8 echo;
/* 0x05 */ u8 showInvisActors;
/* 0x08 */ Mesh* mesh; // original name: "ground_shape"
/* 0x0C */ void* segment;
/* 0x10 */ char unk_10[0x4];
} Room; // size = 0x14
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Room curRoom;
/* 0x14 */ Room prevRoom;
/* 0x28 */ void* bufPtrs[2];
/* 0x30 */ u8 unk_30;
/* 0x31 */ s8 status;
/* 0x34 */ void* unk_34;
/* 0x38 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest;
/* 0x58 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue;
/* 0x70 */ OSMesg loadMsg;
/* 0x74 */ s16 unk_74[2]; // context-specific data used by the current scene draw config
#ifdef __cplusplus
Ship::Scene* roomToLoad;
void* roomToLoad;
} RoomContext; // size = 0x78
typedef struct {
/* 0x000 */ s16 colATCount;
/* 0x002 */ u16 sacFlags;
/* 0x004 */ Collider* colAT[COLLISION_CHECK_AT_MAX];
/* 0x0CC */ s32 colACCount;
/* 0x0D0 */ Collider* colAC[COLLISION_CHECK_AC_MAX];
/* 0x1C0 */ s32 colOCCount;
/* 0x1C4 */ Collider* colOC[COLLISION_CHECK_OC_MAX];
/* 0x28C */ s32 colLineCount;
/* 0x290 */ OcLine* colLine[COLLISION_CHECK_OC_LINE_MAX];
} CollisionCheckContext; // size = 0x29C
typedef struct ListAlloc {
/* 0x00 */ struct ListAlloc* prev;
/* 0x04 */ struct ListAlloc* next;
} ListAlloc; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s32 width;
/* 0x04 */ s32 height;
/* 0x08 */ s32 widthSave;
/* 0x0C */ s32 heightSave;
/* 0x10 */ u16* fbuf;
/* 0x14 */ u16* fbufSave;
/* 0x18 */ u8* cvgSave;
/* 0x1C */ u16* zbuf;
/* 0x20 */ u16* zbufSave;
/* 0x24 */ s32 ulxSave;
/* 0x28 */ s32 ulySave;
/* 0x2C */ s32 lrxSave;
/* 0x30 */ s32 lrySave;
/* 0x34 */ s32 ulx;
/* 0x38 */ s32 uly;
/* 0x3C */ s32 lrx;
/* 0x40 */ s32 lry;
/* 0x44 */ ListAlloc alloc;
/* 0x4C */ u32 unk_4C;
} PreRender; // size = 0x50
typedef struct {
union {
TransitionFade fade;
TransitionCircle circle;
TransitionTriforce triforce;
TransitionWipe wipe;
char data[0x228];
/* 0x228 */ s32 transitionType;
/* 0x22C */ void* (*init)(void* transition);
/* 0x230 */ void (*destroy)(void* transition);
/* 0x234 */ void (*update)(void* transition, s32 updateRate);
/* 0x238 */ void (*draw)(void* transition, Gfx** gfxP);
/* 0x23C */ void (*start)(void* transition);
/* 0x240 */ void (*setType)(void* transition, s32 type);
/* 0x244 */ void (*setColor)(void* transition, u32 color);
/* 0x248 */ void (*setEnvColor)(void* transition, u32 color);
/* 0x24C */ s32 (*isDone)(void* transition);
} TransitionContext; // size = 0x250
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 id;
/* 0x02 */ Vec3s pos;
/* 0x08 */ Vec3s rot;
/* 0x0E */ s16 params;
} ActorEntry; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
struct {
s8 room; // Room to switch to
s8 effects; // How the camera reacts during the transition
} /* 0x00 */ sides[2]; // 0 = front, 1 = back
/* 0x04 */ s16 id;
/* 0x06 */ Vec3s pos;
/* 0x0C */ s16 rotY;
/* 0x0E */ s16 params;
} TransitionActorEntry; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 spawn;
/* 0x01 */ u8 room;
} EntranceEntry;
#define SRAM_SIZE 0x8000
#define SRAM_HEADER_SIZE 0x10
typedef enum {
/* 0x03 */ SRAM_HEADER_MAGIC // must be the value of `sZeldaMagic` for save to be considered valid
} SramHeaderField;
typedef struct GameAllocEntry {
/* 0x00 */ struct GameAllocEntry* next;
/* 0x04 */ struct GameAllocEntry* prev;
/* 0x08 */ size_t size;
/* 0x0C */ u32 unk_0C;
} GameAllocEntry; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ GameAllocEntry base;
/* 0x10 */ GameAllocEntry* head;
} GameAlloc; // size = 0x14
struct GameState;
typedef void (*GameStateFunc)(struct GameState* gameState);
typedef struct GameState {
/* 0x00 */ GraphicsContext* gfxCtx;
/* 0x04 */ GameStateFunc main;
/* 0x08 */ GameStateFunc destroy; // "cleanup"
/* 0x0C */ GameStateFunc init;
/* 0x10 */ size_t size;
/* 0x14 */ Input input[4];
/* 0x74 */ TwoHeadArena tha;
/* 0x84 */ GameAlloc alloc;
/* 0x98 */ u32 running;
/* 0x9C */ u32 frames;
/* 0xA0 */ u32 unk_A0;
} GameState; // size = 0xA4
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ GameState state;
/* 0x00A4 */ u8* staticSegment;
/* 0x00A8 */ View view;
/* 0x01D4 */ u16 unk_1D4; // not used in mq dbg (some sort of timer that doesn't seem to affect anything)
/* 0x01D6 */ s16 coverAlpha;
/* 0x01D8 */ s16 addAlpha; // not used in mq dbg
/* 0x01DA */ u16 visibleDuration; // not used in mq dbg
/* 0x01DC */ s16 ult;
/* 0x01DE */ s16 uls;
/* 0x01E0 */ char unk_1E0[0x01];
/* 0x01E1 */ u8 exit;
/* 0x01E2 */ char unk_1E2[0x06];
} TitleContext; // size = 0x1E8
struct SelectContext;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ char* name;
/* 0x04 */ void (*loadFunc)(struct SelectContext*, s32);
/* 0x08 */ s32 entranceIndex;
} SceneSelectEntry; // size = 0xC
typedef struct SelectContext {
/* 0x0000 */ GameState state;
/* 0x00A8 */ View view;
/* 0x01D0 */ s32 count;
/* 0x01D4 */ SceneSelectEntry* scenes;
/* 0x01D8 */ s32 currentScene;
/* 0x01DC */ s32 pageDownIndex; // Index of pageDownStops
/* 0x01E0 */ s32 pageDownStops[7];
/* 0x01FC */ char unk_1FC[0x0C];
/* 0x0208 */ s32 opt;
/* 0x020C */ s32 topDisplayedScene; // The scene which is currently at the top of the screen
/* 0x0210 */ char unk_210[0x0C];
/* 0x021C */ s32 verticalInputAccumulator;
/* 0x0220 */ s32 verticalInput;
/* 0x0224 */ s32 timerUp;
/* 0x0228 */ s32 timerDown;
/* 0x022C */ s32 lockUp;
/* 0x0230 */ s32 lockDown;
/* 0x0234 */ s32 unk_234; // unused
/* 0x0238 */ u8* staticSegment;
} SelectContext; // size = 0x240
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ GameState state;
/* 0x00A4 */ u8* staticSegment;
/* 0x00A8 */ View view;
} SampleContext; // size = 0x1D0
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 byte0;
/* 0x01 */ u8 byte1;
/* 0x02 */ u8 byte2;
/* 0x03 */ u8 byte3;
} ElfMessage; // size = 0x4
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 numActors;
/* 0x04 */ TransitionActorEntry* list;
} TransitionActorContext;
// Global Context (dbg ram start: 80212020)
typedef struct GlobalContext {
/* 0x00000 */ GameState state;
/* 0x000A4 */ s16 sceneNum;
/* 0x000A6 */ u8 sceneConfig;
/* 0x000A7 */ char unk_A7[0x9];
#ifdef __cplusplus
Ship::Scene* sceneSegment;
/* 0x000B0 */ void* sceneSegment;
/* 0x000B8 */ View view;
/* 0x001E0 */ Camera mainCamera;
/* 0x0034C */ Camera subCameras[NUM_CAMS - SUBCAM_FIRST];
/* 0x00790 */ Camera* cameraPtrs[NUM_CAMS];
/* 0x007A0 */ s16 activeCamera;
/* 0x007A2 */ s16 nextCamera;
/* 0x007A2 */ bool manualCamera;
/* 0x007A2 */ f32 camX;
/* 0x007A2 */ f32 camY;
/* 0x007A4 */ SequenceContext sequenceCtx;
/* 0x007A8 */ LightContext lightCtx;
/* 0x007B8 */ FrameAdvanceContext frameAdvCtx;
/* 0x007C0 */ CollisionContext colCtx;
/* 0x01C24 */ ActorContext actorCtx;
/* 0x01D64 */ CutsceneContext csCtx; // "demo_play"
/* 0x01DB4 */ SoundSource soundSources[16];
/* 0x01F78 */ SkyboxContext skyboxCtx;
/* 0x020D8 */ MessageContext msgCtx; // "message"
/* 0x104F0 */ InterfaceContext interfaceCtx; // "parameter"
/* 0x10760 */ PauseContext pauseCtx;
/* 0x10A20 */ GameOverContext gameOverCtx;
/* 0x10A24 */ EnvironmentContext envCtx;
/* 0x10B20 */ AnimationContext animationCtx;
/* 0x117A4 */ ObjectContext objectCtx;
/* 0x11CBC */ RoomContext roomCtx;
/* 0x11D34 */ TransitionActorContext transiActorCtx;
/* 0x11D3C */ void (*playerInit)(Player* player, struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, FlexSkeletonHeader* skelHeader);
/* 0x11D40 */ void (*playerUpdate)(Player* player, struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Input* input);
/* 0x11D44 */ s32 (*isPlayerDroppingFish)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx);
/* 0x11D48 */ s32 (*startPlayerFishing)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx);
/* 0x11D4C */ s32 (*grabPlayer)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player);
/* 0x11D50 */ s32 (*startPlayerCutscene)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* actor, s32 mode);
/* 0x11D54 */ void (*func_11D54)(Player* player, struct GlobalContext* globalCtx);
/* 0x11D58 */ s32 (*damagePlayer)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 damage);
/* 0x11D5C */ void (*talkWithPlayer)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* actor);
/* 0x11D60 */ MtxF viewProjectionMtxF;
/* 0x11DA0 */ MtxF billboardMtxF;
/* 0x11DE0 */ Mtx* billboardMtx;
/* 0x11DE4 */ u32 gameplayFrames;
/* 0x11DE8 */ u8 linkAgeOnLoad;
/* 0x11DE9 */ u8 unk_11DE9;
/* 0x11DEA */ u8 curSpawn;
/* 0x11DEB */ u8 numSetupActors;
/* 0x11DEC */ u8 numRooms;
/* 0x11DF0 */ RomFile* roomList;
/* 0x11DF4 */ ActorEntry* linkActorEntry;
/* 0x11DF8 */ ActorEntry* setupActorList;
/* 0x11DFC */ UNK_PTR unk_11DFC;
/* 0x11E00 */ EntranceEntry* setupEntranceList;
/* 0x11E04 */ s16* setupExitList;
/* 0x11E08 */ Path* setupPathList;
/* 0x11E0C */ ElfMessage* cUpElfMsgs;
/* 0x11E10 */ void* specialEffects;
/* 0x11E14 */ u8 skyboxId;
/* 0x11E15 */ s8 sceneLoadFlag; // "fade_direction"
/* 0x11E16 */ s16 unk_11E16;
/* 0x11E18 */ s16 unk_11E18;
/* 0x11E1A */ s16 nextEntranceIndex;
/* 0x11E1C */ char unk_11E1C[0x40];
/* 0x11E5C */ s8 shootingGalleryStatus;
/* 0x11E5D */ s8 bombchuBowlingStatus; // "bombchu_game_flag"
/* 0x11E5E */ u8 fadeTransition;
/* 0x11E60 */ CollisionCheckContext colChkCtx;
/* 0x120FC */ u16 envFlags[20];
/* 0x12124 */ PreRender pauseBgPreRender;
/* 0x12174 */ char unk_12174[0x53];
/* 0x121C7 */ s8 unk_121C7;
/* 0x121C8 */ TransitionContext transitionCtx;
/* 0x12418 */ char unk_12418[0x3];
/* 0x1241B */ u8 transitionMode; // "fbdemo_wipe_modem"
/* 0x1241C */ TransitionFade transitionFade;
/* 0x12428 */ char unk_12428[0x3];
/* 0x1242B */ u8 unk_1242B;
/* 0x1242C */ SceneTableEntry* loadedScene;
/* 0x12430 */ char unk_12430[0xE8];
} GlobalContext; // size = 0x12518
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ GameState state;
/* 0x00A8 */ View view;
} OpeningContext; // size = 0x1D0
typedef struct {
/* 0x00000 */ GameState state;
/* 0x000A4 */ Vtx* windowVtx;
/* 0x000A8 */ u8* staticSegment;
/* 0x000AC */ u8* parameterSegment;
/* 0x000B0 */ char unk_B0[0x8];
/* 0x000B8 */ View view;
/* 0x001E4 */ char unk_1E4[0x4];
/* 0x001E8 */ SkyboxContext skyboxCtx;
/* 0x00348 */ MessageContext msgCtx;
/* 0x0E760 */ Font font;
/* 0x1C8E8 */ EnvironmentContext envCtx;
/* 0x1C9E4 */ char unk_1C9E4[0x4];
/* 0x1C9E8 */ Vtx* windowContentVtx;
/* 0x1C9EC */ Vtx* keyboardVtx;
/* 0x1C9F0 */ Vtx* nameEntryVtx;
/* 0x1C9F4 */ u8 n64ddFlag;
testing out item replacement (#416) * skip learning song of storms * don't set flag when getting goron tunic as child * Initiates prelude check when master sword unloads. Not quite how N64 rando does it but so far it's the only way I've found to make it trigger without also triggering the time travel again. * Stops Shadow Temple lore prompts from appearing in rando. * Skips cutscene of royal tomb explosion in rando. Explosion sound doesn't play correctly and I think the debris appears in the wrong place, but the functionality is here. * Improves visual of exploding gravestone. * Adds some comments explaining the rando differences * Skip ruto text box in jabu blue warp For rando * skip intro cutscene in dodongo's cavern * load spoiler files on boot, fix spoilerfile existing check when making new saves * name entry dropped spoiler logic * make sure to actually init the cvar * no chime on load * uncomment * Skip ganondrof cutscene Skip to scream part of the death animation, skipping the text boxes etc. For rando * Update z_boss_ganondrof.c * skip owl flight cutscenes in rando * Fixes skipped text so it only applies to shadow temple. Earlier fix inadvertently applied to some other text as well, changed logic so that only specified sceneNums and textIds can have this enabled, and text skipped by sceneNum can have the skip overriden by textId if needed. Currently there are no overrides so the textId section of the logic is commented out to avoid compilation errors. * Adds a default to the switch case statements that leaves the randoSkipText variable unchanged, just in case. * TEST: Text for item * Adding ganon flavor text * ADD: AMMO Count * format ganon text/hint text * Autoskip the tower cutscene if settings call for tower collapse. * ganon hint text logic * Improved prelude after time travel fix * swapped the sizes between ganon hint text and ganon text, as they were set to the wrong things. * this is all i did * not the cleanest code ever but it's working * ADD: GS Count * ADD: Wallter (crash for now) * TWEAK: Wallet check * FIX: Use DrawItem instread of DrawUpgrade... b-baka! * Fixes some vanilla bugs introduced by rando code. * Added cutscene skip for zelda escaping Using the debug cutscene skipping function. Also added a conditional so the bridge doesn't spawn closed when cutscene is ready to trigger * ADD: X Spacing + Placeholders for song * ADD: default case for items * TWEAK: Spacing * FIX: Light Arrow * ADD: Ammo Option * use groups instead * ADD: More spacing logic * songs and names * TWEAK: Color on wallet * colors * Added flags cutscene before nabooru fight * ADD: ChromaKey text * First attempt skip cs after nabooru defeat * Better implementation for specific rando cutscene skips * use pulseaudio defaults * spaces/tabs * move color push/pop to stop crash * make the colors work again * the real bottle fix * pulseaudio values tuned for n64 audio at 44.1khz * update tlength * remove one hardcoded samplerate * Cleaned up and fixed zelda escape skip The if statement is a freaking monster, but unless we want to skip more cutscenes in the same way later, this is the most compact way of doing it that I know of. * Revert one line to match original nothing functional * another hint line that breaks autonewline logic * don't autospawn epona if we don't have the song/ocarina * Trying to use iron knuckle death effects not working yet * Streamlined OoT cutscene skip for future additions Also cleaned up if statement in general * Made if statement more readable Also added clarity for what cutscene was skipped * Fixed typo in comment * Janky nabooru defeat cs skip * altar text formatting (gonna need help shortening some of the french ones) * more altar text formatting * english altar text formatting complete * make gtg blocking guard check for card not bridge * FIX: Typo! * FIX: Uppercases * FIX: Typo * TWEAK: Alter + some names * TWEAK: More caps! * ADD: Missing string TWEAK more uppercases and namefixe s * Hide nabooru death by covering her in flames * bandaid fix for death crash issue * Twinrova defeat cs skip Skips the animation and manually calls the function to show the "beam" around the sisters * fix crash * fix caps to match * fix great fairy reward mashing/shielding issue * TWEAK : Typo clé to Clé * TWEAK: Some Altar hints TWEAK: Some capitals * TWEAK: Unmatching text + some cap again * TWEAK: More tweaks * fix build * remove extra json.hpp, add hint * Update randomizer_item_tracker.cpp * TWEAK: Double Defense with RedParticles instead of white * make sure we don't optimize out the check to ensure a spoilerfile exists * vanilla ganon boss key hint formatting * TWEAK: FR- better way of the hero text * fix * and again * Initializes dungeonsDone items in gSaveContext to 0. * Replaces sizeof calculation with a NUM_DUNGEONS constant. * Fixes Saria's Gift on the LW Bridge from getting killed when holding shield. * More airtight fix for Saria's Gift on the Bridge. * Lifts one of the conditions in the if statement a little higher to prevent unnecessary lookups of getItemId. * Invalidate text box icon before drawing * Fixes the case where Saria's gift is an Ice Trap. We still get the Ice Trap once, but never again. This does mean you can now hold R while walking in to avoid the ice trap, but everything else seems to work fine. * Initial commit Might need changing when we change the settings in the future * Fixes Door of Time opening cutscene after warping with prelude. * Initial waterfall skip Very rudimentary way of doing things but it seems to work so :shrug: * inital rework * fixed default rotation for 2D sprites * fix tab/space issues * 3d drops rando merge fix again * Allows Impa to appear in the Lullaby check post drawbridge escape. * Changes Ganon's Trials Count setting to a checkbox The checkbox is whether or not to skip all of them. Leaving the box unchecked will mean doing all of them. Eventually this will be switched back to a slider once we implement the logic for which trials start out completed. * Sets all Ganon's Trials to incomplete in new saves. Fixes https://github.com/briaguya-ai/rando-issue-tracker/issues/131 * fix castle guards when oot throw cutscene has already played in rando * Properly removes the beams when trials are cleared. * Removes Question Mark from Skip Ganon's Trials UI. * Adds a todo comment about when to change back to slider. * make deku seeds check for bullet bag * Various tweaks TWEAK: Altar Text TWEAK: Hint names TWEAK: Replace more problematic œ to oe * upgrade ocarina on both child and adult equips * FIX: Jabu Item * update equipped hookshot/longshot when obtained as other age * add hint * don't give the bgs check without the claim check * Skips Darunia Cutscene in Fire Temple * Added a TODO note about not skipping the cutscene. There is a setting we will want to have eventually that will require this cutscene to not be skipped since it is used during a glitch. * remove todo * restore fast ocarina option in imgui that was lost in merge * Fixes grey screen issue + tooltip for 2 handed shield * update to use dg instead of g for textures in item tracker * TWEAK: Default color for cosmetic RAND button was not the corect one * fix texture crash, remove unused item tracker code * don't open mask shop until we get zelda's letter * Update README.md * Prevents "correct" chime under incorrect conditions. * Fixes typo in conditional and adds "bonk" sound effect. "Bonk" sound is NA_SE_SY_OCARINA_ERROR and it plays when conditions for the Door of Time have not been met after playing Song of Time. This is only possible in rando's "Intended" Door of Time option, in which the Ocarina of Time and all 3 spritual stones are required to open the door, instead of the vanilla requirements of just having the song of time. * remove modify dpad equips toggle, replace with checks for dpad menu * remove extra check * add ability to hold c-up to assign to dpad when dpad menuing is enabled * disable d-pad navigation on item menu when holding c-up to equip * dpad+c-up stuff for equipment menu * ADD: Checbox for songs colors * TWEAK: RandoColors for normal songs * kind of quick and dirty but it works * TWEAK: Clarity of the tooltip Co-authored-by: briaguya <briaguya@alice> Co-authored-by: Christopher Leggett <chris@leggett.dev> Co-authored-by: aMannus <mannusmenting@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: PurpleHato <linkvssangoku.jr@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Dog <5172592+Dog@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Vague Rant <vaguerant@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Baoulettes <perlouzerie@hotmail.fr> Co-authored-by: Ada <60364512+GreatArgorath@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-07-11 20:11:07 -04:00
/* 0x1CA28 */ s16 n64ddFlags[3];
/* 0x1CA38 */ s16 buttonIndex;
/* 0x1CA3A */ s16 confirmButtonIndex; // 0: yes, 1: quit
/* 0x1CA3C */ s16 menuMode;
/* 0x1CA3E */ s16 configMode;
/* 0x1CA40 */ s16 prevConfigMode;
/* 0x1CA42 */ s16 nextConfigMode;
/* 0x1CA44 */ s16 selectMode;
/* 0x1CA46 */ s16 selectedFileIndex;
/* 0x1CA48 */ char unk_1CA48[0x2];
/* 0x1CA4A */ s16 fileNamesY[3];
/* 0x1CA50 */ s16 actionTimer;
/* 0x1CA52 */ s16 buttonYOffsets[6];
/* 0x1CA5E */ s16 copyDestFileIndex;
/* 0x1CA60 */ s16 warningLabel;
/* 0x1CA62 */ s16 warningButtonIndex;
/* 0x1CA64 */ s16 titleLabel;
/* 0x1CA66 */ s16 nextTitleLabel;
/* 0x1CA68 */ s16 windowColor[3];
/* 0x1CA6E */ s16 titleAlpha[2];
/* 0x1CA72 */ s16 windowAlpha;
/* 0x1CA74 */ s16 fileButtonAlpha[3];
/* 0x1CA7A */ s16 nameBoxAlpha[3];
/* 0x1CA80 */ s16 nameAlpha[3];
/* 0x1CA86 */ s16 connectorAlpha[3];
/* 0x1CA8C */ s16 fileInfoAlpha[3];
/* 0x1CA92 */ s16 actionButtonAlpha[2];
/* 0x1CA96 */ s16 confirmButtonAlpha[2];
/* 0x1CA9A */ s16 optionButtonAlpha;
/* 0x1CA9C */ s16 nameEntryBoxAlpha;
/* 0x1CA9E */ s16 controlsAlpha;
/* 0x1CAA0 */ s16 emptyFileTextAlpha;
/* 0x1CAA2 */ s16 highlightColor[4];
/* 0x1CAAA */ s16 highlightPulseDir; // 0 fade out, 1 fade in
/* 0x1CAAC */ s16 unk_1CAAC; // initialized but never used
/* 0x1CAAE */ s16 confirmButtonTexIndices[2];
/* 0x1CAB2 */ s16 inputTimerX;
/* 0x1CAB4 */ s16 inputTimerY;
/* 0x1CAB6 */ s16 stickXDir;
/* 0x1CAB8 */ s16 stickYDir;
/* 0x1CABA */ s16 stickRelX;
/* 0x1CABC */ s16 stickRelY;
/* 0x1CABE */ s16 nameEntryBoxPosX;
/* 0x1CAC0 */ s16 windowPosX;
/* 0x1CAC4 */ f32 windowRot;
/* 0x1CAC8 */ s16 kbdButton; // only for buttons, not characters
/* 0x1CACA */ s16 charPage; // 0: hiragana, 1: katakana, 2: alphabet
/* 0x1CACC */ s16 charBgAlpha; // square shape the letter sits in
/* 0x1CACE */ s16 charIndex; // 0 - 64, top left to bottom right
/* 0x1CAD0 */ s16 kbdX; // (0, 0) is top left character
/* 0x1CAD2 */ s16 kbdY;
/* 0x1CAD4 */ s16 newFileNameCharCount;
/* 0x1CAD6 */ s16 unk_1CAD6[5];
} FileChooseContext; // size = 0x1CAE0
typedef enum {
DPM_UNK = 0,
DPM_UNK3 = 3
} DynaPolyMoveFlag;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* animation;
/* 0x04 */ f32 playSpeed;
/* 0x08 */ f32 startFrame;
/* 0x0C */ f32 frameCount;
/* 0x10 */ u8 mode;
/* 0x14 */ f32 morphFrames;
} AnimationInfo; // size = 0x18
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* animation;
/* 0x04 */ f32 frameCount;
/* 0x08 */ u8 mode;
/* 0x0C */ f32 morphFrames;
} AnimationFrameCountInfo; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* animation;
/* 0x04 */ f32 playSpeed;
/* 0x08 */ u8 mode;
/* 0x0C */ f32 morphFrames;
} AnimationSpeedInfo; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* animation;
/* 0x04 */ u8 mode;
/* 0x08 */ f32 morphFrames;
} AnimationMinimalInfo; // size = 0xC
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 unk_00;
/* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02;
/* 0x04 */ s16 unk_04;
/* 0x06 */ s16 unk_06;
/* 0x08 */ Vec3s unk_08;
/* 0x0E */ Vec3s unk_0E;
/* 0x14 */ f32 unk_14;
/* 0x18 */ Vec3f unk_18;
/* 0x24 */ s16 unk_24;
} struct_80034A14_arg1; // size = 0x28
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s8 scene;
/* 0x01 */ s8 spawn;
/* 0x02 */ u16 field;
} EntranceInfo; // size = 0x4
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ void* loadedRamAddr;
/* 0x04 */ u32 vromStart; // if applicable
/* 0x08 */ u32 vromEnd; // if applicable
/* 0x0C */ void* vramStart; // if applicable
/* 0x10 */ void* vramEnd; // if applicable
/* 0x14 */ UNK_PTR unk_14;
/* 0x18 */ void* init; // initializes and executes the given context
/* 0x1C */ void* destroy; // deconstructs the context, and sets the next context to load
/* 0x20 */ UNK_PTR unk_20;
/* 0x24 */ UNK_PTR unk_24;
/* 0x28 */ UNK_TYPE4 unk_28;
/* 0x2C */ u32 instanceSize;
} GameStateOverlay; // size = 0x30
typedef struct PreNMIContext {
/* 0x00 */ GameState state;
/* 0xA4 */ u32 timer;
/* 0xA8 */ UNK_TYPE4 unk_A8;
} PreNMIContext; // size = 0xAC
typedef enum {
/* 1 */ F_8F = 1,
/* 2 */ F_7F,
/* 3 */ F_6F,
/* 4 */ F_5F,
/* 5 */ F_4F,
/* 6 */ F_3F,
/* 7 */ F_2F,
/* 8 */ F_1F,
/* 9 */ F_B1,
/* 10 */ F_B2,
/* 11 */ F_B3,
/* 12 */ F_B4,
/* 13 */ F_B5,
/* 14 */ F_B6,
/* 15 */ F_B7,
/* 16 */ F_B8
} FloorID;
// All arrays pointed in this struct are indexed by "map indexes"
// In dungeons, the map index corresponds to the dungeon index (which also indexes keys, items, etc)
// In overworld areas, the map index corresponds to the overworld area index (spot 00, 01, etc)
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 (*floorTexIndexOffset)[8]; // dungeon texture index offset by floor
/* 0x04 */ s16* bossFloor; // floor the boss is on
/* 0x08 */ s16 (*roomPalette)[32]; // map palette by room
/* 0x0C */ s16* maxPaletteCount; // max number of palettes in a same floor
/* 0x10 */ s16 (*paletteRoom)[8][14]; // room by palette by floor
/* 0x14 */ s16 (*roomCompassOffsetX)[44]; // dungeon compass icon X offset by room
/* 0x18 */ s16 (*roomCompassOffsetY)[44]; // dungeon compass icon Y offset by room
/* 0x1C */ u8* dgnMinimapCount; // number of room minimaps
/* 0x20 */ u16* dgnMinimapTexIndexOffset; // dungeon minimap texture index offset
/* 0x2C */ s16* owMinimapPosX;
/* 0x30 */ s16* owMinimapPosY;
/* 0x34 */ s16 (*owCompassInfo)[4]; // [X scale, Y scale, X offset, Y offset]
/* 0x38 */ s16* dgnMinimapTexIndexBase; // dungeon minimap texture index base
/* 0x3C */ s16 (*dgnCompassInfo)[4]; // [X scale, Y scale, X offset, Y offset]
/* 0x40 */ s16* owMinimapWidth;
/* 0x44 */ s16* owMinimapHeight;
/* 0x48 */ s16* owEntranceIconPosX; // "dungeon entrance" icon X pos
/* 0x4C */ s16* owEntranceIconPosY; // "dungeon entrance" icon Y pos
/* 0x50 */ u16* owEntranceFlag; // flag in inf_table[26] based on which entrance icons are shown (0xFFFF = always shown)
/* 0x54 */ f32 (*floorCoordY)[8]; // Y coordinate of each floor
/* 0x58 */ u16* switchEntryCount; // number of "room switch" entries, which correspond to the next 3 arrays
/* 0x5C */ u8 (*switchFromRoom)[51]; // room to come from
/* 0x60 */ u8 (*switchFromFloor)[51]; // floor to come from
/* 0x64 */ u8 (*switchToRoom)[51]; // room to go to
/* 0x68 */ u8 (*floorID)[8];
/* 0x6C */ s16* skullFloorIconY; // dungeon big skull icon Y pos
} MapData; // size = 0x70
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 chestFlag; // chest icon is only displayed if this flag is not set for the current room, -1 for no flag
/* 0x04 */ f32 x, y; // coordinates to place the icon (top-left corner)
} PauseMapMarkPoint; // size = 0x0C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 markType; // 0 for the chest icon, 1 for the boss skull icon, -1 for none
/* 0x04 */ s32 unk_04;
/* 0x08 */ const Vtx* vtx;
/* 0x0C */ s32 vtxCount;
/* 0x10 */ s32 count; // number of icons to display
/* 0x14 */ PauseMapMarkPoint points[12];
} PauseMapMarkData; // size = 0xA4
typedef PauseMapMarkData PauseMapMarksData[3];
typedef struct DebugDispObject {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos;
/* 0x0C */ Vec3s rot;
/* 0x14 */ Vec3f scale;
/* 0x20 */ Color_RGBA8 color;
/* 0x24 */ s16 type;
/* 0x28 */ struct DebugDispObject* next;
} DebugDispObject; // size = 0x2C
typedef enum {
MTXMODE_NEW, // generates a new matrix
MTXMODE_APPLY // applies transformation to the current matrix
} MatrixMode;
typedef struct FaultClient {
/* 0x00 */ struct FaultClient* next;
/* 0x04 */ u32 callback;
/* 0x08 */ u32 param1;
/* 0x0C */ u32 param2;
} FaultClient; // size = 0x10
typedef struct FaultAddrConvClient {
/* 0x00 */ struct FaultAddrConvClient* next;
/* 0x04 */ u32 callback;
/* 0x08 */ u32 param;
} FaultAddrConvClient; // size = 0xC
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 (*callback)(u32, u32);
/* 0x04 */ u32 param0;
/* 0x08 */ u32 param1;
/* 0x0C */ u32 ret;
/* 0x10 */ OSMesgQueue* queue;
/* 0x14 */ OSMesg msg;
} FaultClientContext; // size = 0x18
typedef struct FaultThreadStruct {
/* 0x000 */ OSThread thread;
/* 0x1B0 */ u8 unk_1B0[0x600];
/* 0x7B0 */ OSMesgQueue queue;
/* 0x7C8 */ OSMesg msg;
/* 0x7CC */ u8 exitDebugger;
/* 0x7CD */ u8 msgId;
/* 0x7CE */ u8 faultHandlerEnabled;
/* 0x7CF */ u8 faultActive;
/* 0x7D0 */ OSThread* faultedThread;
/* 0x7D4 */ void(*padCallback)(Input*);
/* 0x7D8 */ FaultClient* clients;
/* 0x7DC */ FaultAddrConvClient* addrConvClients;
/* 0x7E0 */ u8 unk_7E0[4];
/* 0x7E4 */ Input padInput;
/* 0x7FC */ u16 colors[36];
/* 0x844 */ void* fb;
/* 0x848 */ u32 currClientThreadSp;
/* 0x84C */ u8 unk_84C[4];
} FaultThreadStruct; // size = 0x850
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16* fb;
/* 0x04 */ u16 w;
/* 0x08 */ u16 h;
/* 0x0A */ u16 yStart;
/* 0x0C */ u16 yEnd;
/* 0x0E */ u16 xStart;
/* 0x10 */ u16 xEnd;
/* 0x12 */ u16 foreColor;
/* 0x14 */ u16 backColor;
/* 0x14 */ u16 cursorX;
/* 0x16 */ u16 cursorY;
/* 0x18 */ const u32* fontData;
/* 0x1C */ u8 charW;
/* 0x1D */ u8 charH;
/* 0x1E */ s8 charWPad;
/* 0x1F */ s8 charHPad;
/* 0x20 */ u16 printColors[10];
/* 0x34 */ u8 escCode; // bool
/* 0x35 */ u8 osSyncPrintfEnabled;
/* 0x38 */ void(*inputCallback)();
} FaultDrawer; // size = 0x3C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ PrintCallback callback;
/* 0x04 */ Gfx* dList;
/* 0x08 */ u16 posX;
/* 0x0A */ u16 posY;
/* 0x0C */ u16 baseX;
/* 0x0E */ u8 baseY;
/* 0x0F */ u8 flags;
/* 0x10 */ Color_RGBA8_u32 color;
/* 0x14 */ char unk_14[0x1C]; // unused
} GfxPrint; // size = 0x30
#define GFXP_UNUSED "\x8E"
#define GFXP_HIRAGANA "\x8D"
#define GFXP_KATAKANA "\x8C"
#define GFXP_RAINBOW_ON "\x8B"
#define GFXP_RAINBOW_OFF "\x8A"
#define GFXP_FLAG_HIRAGANA (1 << 0)
#define GFXP_FLAG_RAINBOW (1 << 1)
#define GFXP_FLAG_SHADOW (1 << 2)
#define GFXP_FLAG_UPDATE (1 << 3)
#define GFXP_FLAG_ENLARGE (1 << 6)
#define GFXP_FLAG_OPEN (1 << 7)
typedef struct StackEntry {
/* 0x00 */ struct StackEntry* next;
/* 0x04 */ struct StackEntry* prev;
/* 0x08 */ uintptr_t head;
/* 0x0C */ uintptr_t tail;
/* 0x10 */ u32 initValue;
/* 0x14 */ s32 minSpace;
/* 0x18 */ const char* name;
} StackEntry;
typedef enum {
} StackStatus;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 magic; // IS64
/* 0x04 */ u32 get;
/* 0x08 */ u8 unk_08[0x14-0x08];
/* 0x14 */ u32 put;
/* 0x18 */ u8 unk_18[0x20-0x18];
/* 0x20 */ u8 data[0x10000-0x20];
} ISVDbg;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ char name[0x18];
/* 0x18 */ u32 mediaFormat;
/* 0x1C */ union {
struct {
u16 cartId;
u8 countryCode;
u8 version;
u32 regionInfo;
} LocaleCartInfo; // size = 0x20
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ char magic[4]; // Yaz0
/* 0x04 */ u32 decSize;
/* 0x08 */ u32 compInfoOffset; // only used in mio0
/* 0x0C */ u32 uncompDataOffset; // only used in mio0
/* 0x10 */ u32 data[1];
} Yaz0Header; // size = 0x10 ("data" is not part of the header)
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 type;
/* 0x02 */ char misc[0x1E];
} OSScMsg; // size = 0x20
typedef struct IrqMgrClient {
/* 0x00 */ struct IrqMgrClient* prev;
/* 0x04 */ OSMesgQueue* queue;
} IrqMgrClient;
typedef struct {
/* 0x000 */ OSScMsg retraceMsg; // this apparently got moved from OSSched
/* 0x020 */ OSScMsg prenmiMsg; // this apparently got moved from OSSched
/* 0x040 */ OSScMsg nmiMsg;
/* 0x060 */ OSMesgQueue queue;
/* 0x078 */ OSMesg msgBuf[8];
/* 0x098 */ OSThread thread;
/* 0x248 */ IrqMgrClient* clients;
/* 0x24C */ u8 resetStatus;
/* 0x250 */ OSTime resetTime;
/* 0x258 */ OSTimer timer;
/* 0x278 */ OSTime retraceTime;
} IrqMgr; // size = 0x280
typedef struct PadMgr {
/* 0x0000 */ OSContStatus padStatus[4];
/* 0x0010 */ OSMesg serialMsgBuf[1];
/* 0x0014 */ OSMesg lockMsgBuf[1];
/* 0x0018 */ OSMesg interruptMsgBuf[4];
/* 0x0028 */ OSMesgQueue serialMsgQ;
/* 0x0040 */ OSMesgQueue lockMsgQ;
/* 0x0058 */ OSMesgQueue interruptMsgQ;
/* 0x0070 */ IrqMgrClient irqClient;
/* 0x0078 */ IrqMgr* irqMgr;
/* 0x0080 */ OSThread thread;
/* 0x0230 */ Input inputs[4];
/* 0x0290 */ OSContPad pads[4];
/* 0x02A8 */ vu8 validCtrlrsMask;
/* 0x02A9 */ u8 nControllers;
/* 0x02AA */ u8 ctrlrIsConnected[4]; // "Key_switch" originally
/* 0x02AE */ u8 pakType[4]; // 1 if rumble pack, 2 if mempak?
/* 0x02B2 */ vu8 rumbleEnable[4];
/* 0x02B6 */ u8 rumbleCounter[4]; // not clear exact meaning
/* 0x02BC */ OSPfs pfs[4];
/* 0x045C */ vu8 rumbleOffFrames;
/* 0x045D */ vu8 rumbleOnFrames;
/* 0x045E */ u8 preNMIShutdown;
/* 0x0460 */ void (*retraceCallback)(struct PadMgr* padmgr, s32 unk464);
/* 0x0464 */ u32 retraceCallbackValue;
} PadMgr; // size = 0x468
// == Previously sched.h
#define OS_SC_NEEDS_RDP 0x0001
#define OS_SC_NEEDS_RSP 0x0002
#define OS_SC_DRAM_DLIST 0x0004
#define OS_SC_PARALLEL_TASK 0x0010
#define OS_SC_LAST_TASK 0x0020
#define OS_SC_SWAPBUFFER 0x0040
#define OS_SC_RCP_MASK 0x0003
#define OS_SC_TYPE_MASK 0x0007
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ u16* curBuffer;
/* 0x0004 */ u16* nextBuffer;
} FrameBufferSwap;
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ OSMesgQueue interruptQ;
/* 0x0018 */ OSMesg intBuf[8];
/* 0x0038 */ OSMesgQueue cmdQ;
/* 0x0050 */ OSMesg cmdMsgBuf[8];
/* 0x0070 */ OSThread thread;
/* 0x0220 */ OSScTask* audioListHead;
/* 0x0224 */ OSScTask* gfxListHead;
/* 0x0228 */ OSScTask* audioListTail;
/* 0x022C */ OSScTask* gfxListTail;
/* 0x0230 */ OSScTask* curRSPTask;
/* 0x0234 */ OSScTask* curRDPTask;
/* 0x0238 */ s32 retraceCnt;
/* 0x023C */ s32 doAudio;
/* 0x0240 */ CfbInfo* curBuf;
/* 0x0244 */ CfbInfo* pendingSwapBuf1;
/* 0x0220 */ CfbInfo* pendingSwapBuf2;
/* 0x0220 */ UNK_TYPE4 unk_24C;
/* 0x0250 */ IrqMgrClient irqClient;
} SchedContext; // size = 0x258
// ========================
#define OS_SC_DONE_MSG 2
#define OS_SC_NMI_MSG 3 // name is made up, 3 is OS_SC_RDP_DONE_MSG in the original sched.c
#define OS_SC_PRE_NMI_MSG 4
#define OS_SC_DP 0x0001
#define OS_SC_SP 0x0002
#define OS_SC_YIELD 0x0010
#define OS_SC_YIELDED 0x0020
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ IrqMgr* irqMgr;
/* 0x0004 */ SchedContext* sched;
/* 0x0008 */ OSScTask audioTask;
/* 0x0060 */ char unk_60[0x10];
/* 0x0070 */ AudioTask* rspTask;
/* 0x0074 */ OSMesgQueue unk_74;
/* 0x008C */ OSMesg unk_8C;
/* 0x0090 */ OSMesgQueue unk_90;
/* 0x00A8 */ OSMesg unk_A8;
/* 0x00AC */ OSMesgQueue unk_AC;
/* 0x00C4 */ OSMesg unk_C4;
/* 0x00C8 */ OSMesgQueue unk_C8;
/* 0x00E0 */ OSMesg unk_E0;
/* 0x00E4 */ char unk_E4[0x04];
/* 0x00E8 */ OSThread unk_E8;
} AudioMgr; // size = 0x298
struct ArenaNode;
typedef struct Arena {
/* 0x00 */ struct ArenaNode* head;
/* 0x04 */ void* start;
/* 0x08 */ OSMesgQueue lock;
/* 0x20 */ u8 unk_20;
/* 0x21 */ u8 isInit;
/* 0x22 */ u8 flag;
} Arena; // size = 0x24
typedef struct ArenaNode {
/* 0x00 */ s16 magic;
/* 0x02 */ s16 isFree;
/* 0x04 */ size_t size;
/* 0x08 */ struct ArenaNode* next;
/* 0x0C */ struct ArenaNode* prev;
///* 0x10 */ const char* filename;
///* 0x14 */ s32 line;
///* 0x18 */ OSId threadId;
///* 0x1C */ Arena* arena;
///* 0x20 */ OSTime time;
///* 0x28 */ u8 unk_28[0x30-0x28]; // probably padding
} ArenaNode; // size = 0x10
typedef struct OverlayRelocationSection {
/* 0x00 */ u32 textSize;
/* 0x04 */ u32 dataSize;
/* 0x08 */ u32 rodataSize;
/* 0x0C */ u32 bssSize;
/* 0x10 */ u32 nRelocations;
/* 0x14 */ u32 relocations[1];
} OverlayRelocationSection; // size >= 0x18
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 resetting;
/* 0x04 */ u32 resetCount;
/* 0x08 */ OSTime duration;
/* 0x10 */ OSTime resetTime;
} PreNmiBuff; // size = 0x18 (actually osAppNmiBuffer is 0x40 bytes large but the rest is unused)
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 unk_00;
/* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02;
/* 0x04 */ s16 unk_04;
} SubQuakeRequest14;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 randIdx;
/* 0x02 */ s16 countdownMax;
/* 0x04 */ Camera* cam;
/* 0x08 */ u32 callbackIdx;
/* 0x0C */ s16 y;
/* 0x0E */ s16 x;
/* 0x10 */ s16 zoom;
/* 0x12 */ s16 rotZ;
/* 0x14 */ SubQuakeRequest14 unk_14;
/* 0x1A */ s16 speed;
/* 0x1C */ s16 unk_1C;
/* 0x1E */ s16 countdown;
/* 0x20 */ s16 camPtrIdx;
} QuakeRequest; // size = 0x24
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f vec1;
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f vec2;
/* 0x18 */ s16 rotZ;
/* 0x1A */ s16 unk_1A;
/* 0x1C */ s16 zoom;
} ShakeInfo; // size = 0x1E
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f atOffset;
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f eyeOffset;
/* 0x18 */ s16 rotZ;
/* 0x1A */ s16 unk_1A;
/* 0x1C */ s16 zoom;
/* 0x20 */ f32 unk_20;
} QuakeCamCalc; // size = 0x24
#define UCODE_NULL 0
#define UCODE_F3DZEX 1
#define UCODE_UNK 2
#define UCODE_S2DEX 3
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 type;
/* 0x04 */ void* ptr;
} UCodeInfo; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 segments[NUM_SEGMENTS];
/* 0x40 */ Gfx* dlStack[18];
/* 0x88 */ s32 dlDepth;
/* 0x8C */ u32 dlCnt;
/* 0x90 */ u32 vtxCnt;
/* 0x94 */ u32 spvtxCnt;
/* 0x98 */ u32 tri1Cnt;
/* 0x9C */ u32 tri2Cnt;
/* 0xA0 */ u32 quadCnt;
/* 0xA4 */ u32 lineCnt;
/* 0xA8 */ u32 loaducodeCnt;
/* 0xAC */ u32 pipeSyncRequired;
/* 0xB0 */ u32 tileSyncRequired;
/* 0xB4 */ u32 loadSyncRequired;
/* 0xB8 */ u32 syncErr;
/* 0xBC */ s32 enableLog;
/* 0xC0 */ s32 ucodeType;
/* 0xC4 */ s32 ucodeInfoCount;
/* 0xC8 */ UCodeInfo* ucodeInfo;
/* 0xCC */ u32 modeH;
/* 0xD0 */ u32 modeL;
/* 0xD4 */ u32 geometryMode;
} UCodeDisas; // size = 0xD8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16 table[8*8];
} JpegQuantizationTable; // size = 0x80
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 codeOffs[16];
/* 0x10 */ u16 codesA[16];
/* 0x30 */ u16 codesB[16];
/* 0x50 */ u8* symbols;
} JpegHuffmanTable; // size = 0x54
// this struct might be inaccurate but it's not used outside jpegutils.c anyways
typedef struct {
/* 0x000 */ u8 codeOffs[16];
/* 0x010 */ u16 dcCodes[120];
/* 0x100 */ u16 acCodes[256];
} JpegHuffmanTableOld; // size = 0x300
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 address;
/* 0x04 */ u32 mbCount;
/* 0x08 */ u32 mode;
/* 0x0C */ u32 qTableYPtr;
/* 0x10 */ u32 qTableUPtr;
/* 0x14 */ u32 qTableVPtr;
/* 0x18 */ char unk_18[0x8];
} JpegTaskData; // size = 0x20
typedef struct {
/* 0x000 */ JpegTaskData taskData;
/* 0x020 */ char yieldData[0x200];
/* 0x220 */ JpegQuantizationTable qTableY;
/* 0x2A0 */ JpegQuantizationTable qTableU;
/* 0x320 */ JpegQuantizationTable qTableV;
/* 0x3A0 */ u8 codesLengths[0x110];
/* 0x4B0 */ u16 codes[0x108];
/* 0x6C0 */ u16 data[4][0x180];
} JpegWork; // size = 0x12C0
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ void* imageData;
/* 0x04 */ u8 mode;
/* 0x05 */ u8 unk_05;
/* 0x08 */ JpegHuffmanTable* hTablePtrs[4];
/* 0x18 */ u8 unk_18;
} JpegDecoder; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 dqtCount;
/* 0x04 */ u8* dqtPtr[3];
/* 0x10 */ u8 dhtCount;
/* 0x14 */ u8* dhtPtr[4];
/* 0x24 */ void* imageData;
/* 0x28 */ u32 mode; // 0 if Y V0 is 1 and 2 if Y V0 is 2
/* 0x2C */ char unk_2C[4];
/* 0x30 */ OSScTask scTask;
/* 0x88 */ char unk_88[0x10];
/* 0x98 */ OSMesgQueue mq;
/* 0xB0 */ OSMesg msg;
/* 0xB4 */ JpegWork* workBuf;
} JpegContext; // size = 0xB8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 byteIdx;
/* 0x04 */ u8 bitIdx;
/* 0x05 */ u8 dontSkip;
/* 0x08 */ u32 curWord;
/* 0x0C */ s16 unk_0C;
/* 0x0E */ s16 unk_0E;
/* 0x10 */ s16 unk_10;
} JpegDecoderState; // size = 0x14
typedef struct {
/* 0x0000 */ OSViMode customViMode;
/* 0x0050 */ s32 viHeight;
/* 0x0054 */ s32 viWidth;
/* 0x0058 */ s32 unk_58; // Right adjustment?
/* 0x005C */ s32 unk_5C; // Left adjustment?
/* 0x0060 */ s32 unk_60; // Bottom adjustment?
/* 0x0064 */ s32 unk_64; // Top adjustment?
/* 0x0068 */ s32 viModeBase; // enum: {0, 1, 2, 3}
/* 0x006C */ s32 viTvType;
/* 0x0070 */ u32 unk_70; // bool
/* 0x0074 */ u32 unk_74; // bool
/* 0x0078 */ u32 unk_78; // bool
/* 0x007C */ u32 unk_7C; // bool
/* 0x0080 */ u32 viFeatures;
/* 0x0084 */ u32 unk_84;
} ViMode;
// Vis...
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 type;
/* 0x04 */ u32 setScissor;
/* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8_u32 color;
/* 0x0C */ Color_RGBA8_u32 envColor;
} struct_801664F0; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 unk_00;
/* 0x04 */ u32 setScissor;
/* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8_u32 primColor;
/* 0x0C */ Color_RGBA8_u32 envColor;
/* 0x10 */ u16* tlut;
/* 0x14 */ Gfx* monoDl;
} VisMono; // size = 0x18
// Vis...
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 useRgba;
/* 0x04 */ u32 setScissor;
/* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8_u32 primColor;
/* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8_u32 envColor;
} struct_80166500; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x000 */ u8 rumbleEnable[4];
/* 0x004 */ u8 unk_04[0x40];
/* 0x044 */ u8 unk_44[0x40];
/* 0x084 */ u8 unk_84[0x40];
/* 0x0C4 */ u8 unk_C4[0x40];
/* 0x104 */ u8 unk_104;
/* 0x105 */ u8 unk_105;
/* 0x106 */ u16 unk_106;
/* 0x108 */ u16 unk_108;
/* 0x10A */ u8 unk_10A;
/* 0x10B */ u8 unk_10B;
/* 0x10C */ u8 unk_10C;
/* 0x10D */ u8 unk_10D;
} UnkRumbleStruct; // size = 0x10E
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x18];
/* 0x18 */ s32 unk_18;
/* 0x1C */ s32 y;
} SpeedMeter; // size = 0x20
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s32 maxval;
/* 0x04 */ s32 val;
/* 0x08 */ u16 backColor;
/* 0x0A */ u16 foreColor;
/* 0x0C */ s32 ulx;
/* 0x10 */ s32 lrx;
/* 0x14 */ s32 uly;
/* 0x18 */ s32 lry;
} SpeedMeterAllocEntry; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ volatile OSTime* time;
/* 0x04 */ u8 x;
/* 0x05 */ u8 y;
/* 0x06 */ u16 color;
} SpeedMeterTimeEntry; // size = 0x08
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 value;
/* 0x04 */ const char* name;
} F3dzexConst; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 value;
/* 0x04 */ const char* setName;
/* 0x08 */ const char* unsetName;
} F3dzexFlag; // size = 0x0C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ const char* name;
/* 0x04 */ u32 value;
/* 0x08 */ u32 mask;
} F3dzexRenderMode; // size = 0x0C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ const char* name;
/* 0x04 */ u32 value;
} F3dzexSetModeMacroValue; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ const char* name;
/* 0x04 */ u32 shift;
/* 0x08 */ u32 len;
/* 0x0C */ F3dzexSetModeMacroValue values[4];
} F3dzexSetModeMacro; // size = 0x2C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16* value;
/* 0x04 */ const char* name;
} FlagSetEntry; // size = 0x08
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ RomFile file;
/* 0x08 */ RomFile palette;
} SkyboxFile; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
const char** textures;
const char** palettes;
} SkyboxTableEntry;
#define ROM_FILE(name) \
{ 0, 0, #name }
#define ROM_FILE_EMPTY \
{ 0, 0, "" }
#define ROM_FILE_UNSET \
{ 0 }
#ifdef __cplusplus