2013-04-23 00:14:52 -04:00

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page About MoparScape 2013-04-23 15:23 true true true Ruby

MoparScape is a site primarily revolving around RuneScape private servers. We have been around since roughly 2006 starting off as a few boards on our mother site Moparisthebest.com and eventually growing into our own site with a wide array of forums boards ranging from graphics to general programming and we're still growing yet with over half a million registered users. MoparScape is a great resource if you need to get started and make your way through RSPS. If you already have a server and are looking for players, take a look at our Server Status Page and Server Advertisements board.

Here at MoparScape we have several aids to assist you in creating your own RuneScape private server, first and foremost you can download all the files you will need from Server Downloads, you can then read over some tutorials in the Server Tutorials board and finally, if you need some help you can check out the Server Help board. If you aren't interested in RSPS feel free to contribute where you feel you can, website development, graphics, or whatever it may be. Be sure to read the Global Rules before posting though. We also have an IRC network, if that tickles your fancy. You can find us at irc.moparscape.org on port 6667 in the #moparscape channel, or use our Web IRC. Alongside all of this we also have the MoparScape Client which is a great resource for anyone wishing to start up their own server or just fool around locally; a must read for anyone with an interest in RSPS. You can also access the MoparScape webclient here.

If you have any further questions on MoparScape or its ideals and you can't find them on the forums, don't hesitate to contact a Staff Member and they will answer your question to the best of their ability.

Happy posting!