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Proxy wireguard UDP packets over TCP/TLS

wireguard-proxy has 2 modes:

  • server-side daemon to accept TCP connections from multiple clients and pipe data to and from the specified UDP port
  • client-side daemon that accepts UDP packets on a local port from a single client, connects to a single remote TCP port, and pipes data between them


  • udp-test is a utility to send a UDP packet and then receive a UDP packet and ensure they are the same, this verifies packets sent through proxy server/client are unmolested
  • udp-test -s runs udp-test against itself through proxy server/client by spawning actual binaries
  • udp-test -is runs udp-test against itself through proxy server/client in same executable by using library, so does not test command line parsing etc
  • test.sh runs udp-test against itself, the udp-test self tests above, and through proxy server/client in the shell script

Testing with GNU netcat:

  • nc -vulp 51820 listen on udp like wireguard would
  • nc -u -p 51821 51820 connect directly to local udp wireguard port to send data to 51820 from port 51821
  • nc -vlp 5555 listen on tcp like wireguard-proxy would
  • nc 5555 connect directly to local tcp wireguard-proxy port to send/recieve data
  • so to test through wireguard-proxy run first and last command while it's running, type in both places


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