Travis Burtrum 2f6a4bacf6 Update README.rst
Fix escapes so command to generate uinput_gen.py can be pasted directly into console
2014-12-22 01:44:50 -05:00

43 lines
1.2 KiB

uinput-mapper maps input devices to new virtual input devices, using (as implied
by the name /dev/uinput[1]).
[1] Or /dev/input/uinput depending on the OS.
Usage and Configuration
Configuration is done in Python; examples and other information can be found on
the project website: http://hetgrotebos.org/wiki/uinput-mapper
None that I am aware of, but if you find some please drop me a mail at
http://wizzup.org. (You can find my email address there)
Python binding for linux/input.h ; somewhat incomplete.
Included in uinput-mapper ; may be split later
Python binding for linux/uinput.h ; not complete yet.
Included in uinput-mapper ; may be split later
Development notes
Generating uinputmapper/uinput_gen.py:
gcc -E -dM /usr/include/linux/input.h | egrep ' (EV|SYN|KEY|BTN|REL|ABS|MSC|LED|SND|REP|SW)_[A-Za-z0-9_]+' | ( echo "#include <linux/input.h>" ; echo "input_constants_dict = {" ; awk '{print "\\""$2"\\" : " $3","}' ; echo "}" ) | gcc -E -o /dev/stdout - | awk '{ if ($0 == "input_constants_dict = {") pit=1; if (pit == 1) print $0; }' > uinputmapper/uinput_gen.py