2002-02-01 04:13:47 +00:00

98 lines
4.3 KiB

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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN" "dtd/document-v10.dtd">
<title>Mailing Lists</title>
<person name="Robin Green" email="greenrd@hotmail.com"/>
<person name="Nicola Ken Barozzi" email="barozzi@nicolaken.com"/>
<body><s1 title="Important Notice">
<p><strong>IMPORTANT: Before posting a question or problem to any mailing list,
</strong>please first look at the following resources in this order:</p>
<li><connect href="faq.html">FAQs</connect></li>
<li><link href="http://dmoz.org/Computers/Data_Formats/Markup_Languages/XML/">ODP XML links</link>
- a wealth of general XML information.</li>
<li><connect href="mail-archives.html">Mailing list archives</connect> -
a veritable goldmine of Poi-specific information - if you know where to look!</li>
<p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> Careful postings please.
These are high-volume lists, so we all needs ways to help us all
work smarter.
See tips for <link href="contrib.html#tips">Contributing</link>
<s1 title="Poi Users">
<p><link href="mailto://poi-user-subscribe@jakarta.apache.org">Subscribe</link>
<link href="mailto://poi-user-unsubscribe@jakarta.apache.org">Unsubscribe</link>
<p>The general list, for problems, bug reports, asking for advice on how
best to implement a site, comparisons with other frameworks, etc.
But don't forget to look in the FAQ first, please!</p>
<p><strong>This is also not an appropriate list for general Java questions.</strong>
Instead try <link href="news:comp.lang.java.help">news:comp.lang.java.help</link>
or <link href="http://hotdispatch.com/">http://hotdispatch.com/</link>, for
<p><strong>This is not an appropriate list for general XML questions.</strong>
look at the <link href="http://dmoz.org/">ODP</link> for
<link href="http://dmoz.org/Computers/Data_Formats/Markup_Languages/XML/">XML/XSL links</link>
(such as the excellent <link href="http://www.zvon.org/xxl/XSLTutorial/Books/Book1/index.html">
XSL tutorial at Zvon.org</link>) or try the
<link href="http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/">Mulberrytech XSL list</link>.</p>
<p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> If you are posting about a problem
you are having (as most people do), it will aid in finding a
speedy resolution if you provide full configuration details
(especially the <strong>version number</strong>, but also your
operating system, JDK version, etc.), and full details of any
errors encountered (including full error messages and stack
<p>Please also have some consideration for the other users on the list - this is a
busy list and we do not appreciate getting the exact same message posted impatiently
several times a day/week! Doing so is only likely to make your question answered more
slowly, or not at all, not faster.</p>
<s1 title="Poi Dev">
<p><link href="mailto://poi-dev-subscribe@jakarta.apache.org">Subscribe</link>
<link href="mailto://poi-dev-unsubscribe@jakarta.apache.org">Unsubscribe</link>
<p>This list is for developers <strong>working on</strong> or wanting to work on
Poi itself (not developers merely working <strong>with</strong> Poi),
for code patches to Poi to be posted (please use <code>diff -u</code> format),
and for general Poi questions.</p>
<p>Note this is <strong>NOT</strong> for general Poi questions like "Why
isn't Poi working on my machine?" -
please ask those sorts of questions on users list (after reading the
FAQ first, of course).</p>
<s1 title="Related Mailing Lists">
<p>(See also <link href="http://dmoz.org/Computers/Data_Formats/Markup_Languages/XML/">
ODP XML links</link> for related websites.)</p>
<li><link href="http://xml.apache.org/mail.html">XML Apache Projects</link> -
list of mailing lists for all the projects on xml.apache.org.</li>
<li>Some servlet engines have their own mailing lists for servlet-engine
configuration questions, such as
<link href="mailto:tomcat-user-subscribe@jakarta.apache.org">tomcat-user</link> (note it is "user"
and not "users").</li>