Mailing Lists

IMPORTANT: Before posting a question or problem to any mailing list, please first look at the following resources in this order:

  1. FAQs
  2. ODP XML links - a wealth of general XML information.
  3. Mailing list archives - a veritable goldmine of Poi-specific information - if you know where to look!

IMPORTANT: Careful postings please. These are high-volume lists, so we all needs ways to help us all work smarter. See tips for Contributing

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The general list, for problems, bug reports, asking for advice on how best to implement a site, comparisons with other frameworks, etc. But don't forget to look in the FAQ first, please!

This is also not an appropriate list for general Java questions. Instead try or, for example.

This is not an appropriate list for general XML questions. Instead look at the ODP for XML/XSL links (such as the excellent XSL tutorial at or try the Mulberrytech XSL list.

IMPORTANT: If you are posting about a problem you are having (as most people do), it will aid in finding a speedy resolution if you provide full configuration details (especially the version number, but also your operating system, JDK version, etc.), and full details of any errors encountered (including full error messages and stack traces).

Please also have some consideration for the other users on the list - this is a busy list and we do not appreciate getting the exact same message posted impatiently several times a day/week! Doing so is only likely to make your question answered more slowly, or not at all, not faster.

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This list is for developers working on or wanting to work on Poi itself (not developers merely working with Poi), for code patches to Poi to be posted (please use diff -u format), and for general Poi questions.

Note this is NOT for general Poi questions like "Why isn't Poi working on my machine?" - please ask those sorts of questions on users list (after reading the FAQ first, of course).

(See also ODP XML links for related websites.)