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2014-05-08 19:39:44 +02:00
<li>Purple! (Dominik, Vincent)</li>
<li>New key view design (Dominik, Vincent)</li>
<li>New flat Android buttons (Dominik, Vincent)</li>
<li>API fixes (Dominik)</li>
<li>Keybase.io import (Tim Bray)</li>
2014-05-02 19:57:16 +02:00
<li>some fixes for regression bugs</li>
<li>key certifications (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)</li>
2014-04-19 15:12:38 +02:00
<li>support for GnuPG partial secret keys (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)</li>
<li>new design for signature verification</li>
<li>custom key length (thanks to Greg Witczak)</li>
<li>fix share-functionality from other apps</li>
2014-04-03 15:21:14 +02:00
<li>fix decryption of symmetric pgp messages/files</li>
<li>refactored edit key screen (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
<li>new modern design for encrypt/decrypt screens</li>
2014-04-06 12:51:46 +02:00
<li>OpenPGP API version 3 (multiple api accounts, internal fixes, key lookup)</li>
2014-04-03 15:21:14 +02:00
<p>Thanks to all applicants of Google Summer of Code 2014 who made this release feature rich and bug free!
Besides several small patches, a notable number of patches are made by the following people (in alphabetical order):
Daniel Hammann, Daniel Haß, Greg Witczak, Miroojin Bakshi, Nikhil Peter Raj, Paul Sarbinowski, Sreeram Boyapati, Vincent Breitmoser.</p>
<li>new unified key list</li>
<li>colorized key fingerprint</li>
<li>support for keyserver ports</li>
<li>deactivate possibility to generate weak keys</li>
<li>much more internal work on the API</li>
<li>certify user ids</li>
<li>keyserver query based on machine-readable output</li>
<li>lock navigation drawer on tablets</li>
<li>suggestions for emails on creation of keys</li>
<li>search in public key lists</li>
<li>and much more improvements and fixes…</li>
<li>hotfix for crash when upgrading from old versions</li>
<li>remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
<li>fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
<li>more internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
<li>querying keyservers directly from the import screen</li>
<li>fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0</li>
<li>Absturz bei leeren Nutzer IDs behoben </li>
<li>fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen</li>
<li>Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source</li>
<li>fix upload of key from signing screen</li>
<li>new design with navigation drawer</li>
<li>Neus Design für die Liste der öffentlichen Schlüssel</li>
2014-05-05 01:20:42 +02:00
<li>Neue Ansicht für öffentliche Schlüssel</li>
<li>Fehler beim Schlüsselimport behoben</li>
<li>key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
<li>handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
<li>Erste Version mit neuen Sprachen (Danke an die Mitwirkenden bei Transifex)</li>
<li>sharing of keys via QR Codes fixed and improved</li>
<li>package signature verification for API</li>
<li>API Updates, preparation for K-9 Mail integration</li>
<li>Viele Fehler behoben</li>
<li>Neue API für Entwickler</li>
<li>PRNG Bugfix von Google</li>
<li>Komlett neu designd</li>
<li>Öffentliche Schlüssel teilen via QR Code, NFC Beam</li>
<li>Schlüssel signieren</li>
<li>Schlüssel auf den Server hochladen</li>
<li>Importprobleme behoben</li>
2014-05-05 01:20:42 +02:00
<li>neue AIDL API</li>
<li>Grundlegende Schlüsselserverunterstützung</li>
<li>mehr Auswahlmöglichkeiten für den Passwortcache: 1, 2, 4, 8, Stunden</li>
<li>Übersetzungen: norwegisch (Danke, Sander Danielsen), chinesisch (danke, Zhang Fredrick)</li>
<li>fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline</li>
<li>weitere Optionen für die Time-to-live des Passphrasencaches (20, 40, 60 mins)</li>
<li>crash beim Hinzufügen eines Kontos auf Froyo repariert</li>
<li>sichere Dateilöschung</li>
<li>Option, um Schlüsseldatei nach dem Import zu löschen</li>
<li>Streamverschlüsselung/-entschlüsselung (Galerie, etc.)</li>
<li>neue Optionen (Sprache, v3-Unterschriften erzwingen)</li>
<li>Deutsche und Italienische Übersetzung</li>
<li>viel kleineres Paket, dank reduzierter BC Quellen</li>
<li>Neues Einstellungs-GUI</li>
<li>Lay-Out-Anpassung für die Lokalisierung</li>
<li>Fehler bei Signatur behoben</li>
<li>fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder</li>
<li>Absturz während der Verschlüsselung/Signierung und möglicherweise Schlüsselexport behoben.</li>
<li>Filterbare Schlüsselliste</li>
<li>smarter pre-selection of encryption keys</li>
<li>new Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers</li>
<li>fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available</li>
<li>GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again</li>
2014-05-05 01:20:42 +02:00
<li>K-9 Mail integration, APG unterstützt beta build von K-9 Mail</li>
<li>Unterstützung von mehr Filemanagern (einschließlich ASTRO)</li>
<li>Slowenische Übersetzung</li>
<li>Neue Datenbank, viel schneller, weniger Speicherbedarf</li>
<li>defined Intents and content provider for other apps</li>