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Class RSAKey

Defined in: rsasign-1.2.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Tom Wu's RSA Key class and extension
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
read PKCS#1 private key from a string
signString(s, hashAlg)
sign for a message string with RSA private key.
verifyString(sMsg, hSig)
verifies a sigature for a message string with RSA public key.
Class Detail
Tom Wu's RSA Key class and extension
Method Detail
read PKCS#1 private key from a string
Defined in: rsapem-1.1.js.
{String} keyPEM
string of PKCS#1 private key.

signString(s, hashAlg)
sign for a message string with RSA private key.
{String} s
message string to be signed.
{String} hashAlg
hash algorithm name for signing.
returns hexadecimal string of signature value.

verifyString(sMsg, hSig)
verifies a sigature for a message string with RSA public key.
{String} sMsg
message string to be verified.
{String} hSig
hexadecimal string of siganture.
non-hexadecimal charactors including new lines will be ignored.
returns 1 if valid, otherwise 0

© 2012 Kenji Urushima, All rights reserved
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri May 11 2012 21:04:07 GMT+0900 (JST)