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2013-07-16 22:52:57 -04:00
<title>Bouncy Castle Crypto Package - Release Notes</title>
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<h1>Bouncy Castle Crypto Package - Release Notes</h1>
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<h2>1.0 Introduction</h2>
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of
cryptographic algorithms. The package is organised so that it
contains a light-weight API suitable for use in any environment
(including the newly released J2ME) with the additional infrastructure
to conform the algorithms to the JCE framework.
<h2>2.0 Release History</h2>
<h3>2.1.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.48
<h3>2.1.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Occasional key compatibility issues in IES due to variable length keys have been fixed.</li>
<li>PEMWriter now recognises the new PKCS10CertificationRequest object.</li>
<li>The provider implementation for RSA now resets when the init method is called.</li>
<li>SignerInformation has been rewritten to better support signers without any associated signed attributes.</li>
<li>An issue with an incorrect version number of SignedData associated with the use of SubjectKeyIdentifiers has now been fixed.</li>
<li>An issue with the equals() check in BCStrictStyle has been fixed.</li>
<li>The BC SSL implementation has been modified to deal with the "Lucky Thirteen" attack.</li>
<li>A regression in 1.47 which prevented key wrapping with regular symmetric PBE algorihtms has been fixed.</li>
<h3>2.1.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>IES now supports auto generation of ephemeral keys in both the JCE and the lightweight APIs.</li>
<li>A new class PEMParser has been added to return the new CertificateHolder and Request objects introduced recently.</li>
<li>An implementation of Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling (J-PAKE) has now been added to the lightweight API.</li>
<li>Support has now been added for the DSTU-4145-2002 to the lightweight API and the provider.</li>
<li>The BC X509Certificate implementation now provides support for the JCA methods X509Certificate.getSubjectAlternativeNames() and X509Certificate.getIssuerAlternativeNames().</li>
<li>PEMReader can now be configured to support different providers for encyrption and public key decoding.</li>
<li>Some extra DSA OIDs have been added to the supported list for the provider.</li>
<li>The BC provider will now automatically try to interpret other provider software EC private keys. It is no longer necessary to use a KeyFactory for conversion.</li>
<li>A new provider, the BCPQ (for BC Post Quantum) provider has been added with support for the Rainbow signature algorithm and the McEliece family of encryption algorithms.</li>
<li>Support has been added for the SHA3 family of digests to both the provider and the lightweight API.</li>
<h3>2.2.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.47
<h3>2.2.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>OpenPGP ID based certifications now support UTF-8. Note: this may mean that some old certifications no longer validate - if this happens a retry can be added using by converting the ID using Strings.fromByteArray(Strings.toByteArray(id)) - this will strip out the top byte in each character.</li>
<li>IPv4/IPv6 parsing in CIDR no longer assumes octet boundaries on a mask.</li>
<li>The CRL PKIX routines will now only rebuild the CRL as a last resort when looking for the certificate issuer.</li>
<li>The DEK-Info header in PEM generation was lower case. It is now upper case in accordance with RFC 1421.</li>
<li>An occasional issue causing an OutOfMemoryException for PGP compressed data generation has now been fixed.</li>
<li>An illegal argument exception that could occur with multi-valued RDNs in the X509v3CertificateBuilder has been fixed.</li>
<li>Shared secret calculation in IES could occasionally add a leading zero byte. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>PEMReader would choke on a private key with an empty password. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The default MAC for a BKS key store was 2 bytes, this has been upgraded to 20 bytes.</li>
<li>BKS key store loading no longer freezes on negative iteration counts.</li>
<li>A regression in 1.46 which prevented parsing of PEM files with extra text at the start has been fixed.</li>
<li>CMS secret key generation now attempts to stop use of invalid lengths with OIDs that predefine a key length.</li>
<li>Check of DH parameter L could reject some valid keys. This is now fixed.</li>
<h3>2.2.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support is now provided via the RepeatedKey class to enable IV only re-initialisation in the JCE layer. The same effect can be acheived in the light weight API by using null as the key parameter when creating a ParametersWithIV object.</li>
<li>CRMF now supports empty poposkInput.</li>
<li>The OpenPGP API now supports operator based interfaces for most operations and lightweight implementations have been added for JCE related functionality.</li>
<li>JcaSignerId and JceRecipientId will now match on serial number, issuer, and the subject key identifier if it's available.</li>
<li>CMS Enveloped and AuthenticatedData now support OriginatorInfo.</li>
<li>NTRU encryption and signing is now provided in the lightweight source and the ext version of the provider.</li>
<li>There is now API support for Extended Access Control (EAC).</li>
<li>The performance of CertPath building and validation has been improved.</li>
<li>The TLS Java Client API has been updated to make support for GSI GSSAPI possible.</li>
<li>Support for ECDSA_fixed_ECDH authentication has been added to the TLS client.</li>
<li>Support for the Features signature sub-packet has been added to the PGP API.</li>
<li>The number of lightweight operators for PGP and CMS/SMIME has been increased.</li>
<li>Classes involved in CRL manipulation have been rewritten to reduce memory requirements for handling and parsing extremely large CRLs.</li>
<li>RFC 5751 changed the definition of the micalg parameters defined in RFC 3851. The SMIMESignedGenerator is now up to date with the latest micalg parameter set and a constructor has been added to allow the old micalg parameter set to be used.</li>
<li>An operator based framework has been added for processing PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 files.</li>
<li>The J2ME lcrypto release now includes higher level classes for handling PKCS, CMS, CRMF, CMP, EAC, OpenPGP, and certificate generation.</li>
<h3>2.2.4 Other notes</h3>
Okay, so we have had to do another release. The issue we have run into is that we probably didn't go far enough in 1.46, but we are now confident that moving from this release to 2.0 should be largely just getting rid of deprecated methods. While this release does change a lot it is relatively straight forward to do a port and we have a <a href="">porting guide</a> which explains the important ones. The area there has been the most change in is the ASN.1 library which was in bad need of a rewrite after 10 years of patching. On the bright side the rewrite did allow us to eliminate a few problems and bugs in the ASN.1 library, so we have some hope anyone porting to it will also have similar benefits. As with 1.46 the other point of emphasis has been making sure interface support is available for operations across the major APIs, so the lightweight API or some local role your own methods can be used instead for doing encryption and signing.
<h3>2.3.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.46
<h3>2.3.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>An edge condition in ECDSA which could result in an invalid signature has been fixed.</li>
<li>Exhaustive testing has been performed on the ASN.1 parser, eliminating another potential OutOfMemoryException and several escaping run time exceptions.</li>
<li>BC generated certificates generated different hashCodes from other equivalent implementations. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Parsing an ESSCertIDv2 would fail if the object did not include an IssuerSerialNumber. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>DERGeneralizedTime.getDate() would produce incorrect results for fractional seconds. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>PSSSigner would produce incorrect results if the MGF digest and content digest were not the same. This has been fixed.</li>
<h3>2.3.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>A null genTime can be passed to TimeStampResponseGenerator.generate() to generate timeNotAvailable error responses.</li>
<li>Support has been added for reading and writing of openssl PKCS#8 encrypted keys.</li>
<li>New streams have been added for supporting general creation of PEM data, and allowing for estimation of output size on generation. Generators have been added for some of the standard OpenSSL objects.</li>
<li>CRL searching for CertPath validation now supports the optional algorithm given in Section 6.3.3 of RFC 5280, allowing the latest CRL to be used for a set time providing the certificate is unexpired.</li>
<li>AES-CMAC and DESede-CMAC have been added to the JCE provider.</li>
<li>Support for CRMF (RFC 4211) and CMP (RFC 4210) has been added.</li>
<li>BufferedBlockCipher will now always reset after a doFinal().</li>
<li>Support for CMS TimeStampedData (RFC 5544) has been added.</li>
<li>JCE EC keypairs are now serialisable.</li>
<li>TLS now supports client-side authentication.</li>
<li>TLS now supports compression.</li>
<li>TLS now supports ECC cipher suites (RFC 4492).</li>
<li>PGP public subkeys can now be separately decoded and encoded.</li>
<li>An IV can now be passed to an ISO9797Alg3Mac.</li>
<h3>2.3.4 Other notes</h3>
Baring security patches we expect 1.46 will be the last of the 1.* releases. The next release of
BC will be version 2.0. For this reason a lot of things in 1.46 that relate to CMS have been deprecated and
new methods have been added to the CMS and certificate handling APIs which provide greater flexibility
in how digest and signature algorithms get used. It is now possible to use the lightweight API or a simple
custom API with CMS and for certificate generation. In addition a lot of methods and some classes that were
deprecated for reasons of been confusing, or in some cases just plan wrong, have been removed.
So there are four things useful to know about this release:
<li>It's not a simple drop in like previous releases, if you wish migrate to it you will need to recompile your application.</li>
<li>If you avoid deprecated methods it should be relatively painless to move to version 2.0</li>
<li>The X509Name class will utlimately be replacde with the X500Name class, the getInstance() methods on both these classes allow conversion from one type to another.</li>
<li>The org.bouncycastle.cms.RecipientId class now has a collection of subclasses to allow for more specific recipient matching. If you are creating your own recipient ids you should use the constructors for the subclasses rather than relying on the set methods inherited from X509CertSelector. The dependencies on X509CertSelector and CertStore will be removed from the version 2 CMS API.</li>
<h3>2.4.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.45
<h3>2.4.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>OpenPGP now supports UTF-8 in file names for literal data.</li>
<li>The ASN.1 library was losing track of the stream limit in a couple of places, leading to the potential of an OutOfMemoryError on a badly corrupted stream. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The provider now uses a privileged block for initialisation.</li>
<li>JCE/JCA EC keys are now serialisable.</li>
<h3>2.4.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support for EC MQV has been added to the light weight API, provider, and the CMS/SMIME library.</li>
<h3>2.4.4 Security Advisory</h3>
<li>This version of the provider has been specifically reviewed to eliminate possible timing attacks on algorithms such as GCM and CCM mode.</li>
<h3>2.5.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.44
<h3>2.5.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The reset() method in BufferedAsymmetricBlockCipher is now fully clearing the buffer.</li>
<li>Use of ImplicitlyCA with KeyFactory and Sun keyspec no longer causes NullPointerException.</li>
<li>X509DefaultEntryConverter was not recognising telephone number as a PrintableString field. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The SecureRandom in the J2ME was not using a common seed source, which made cross seeeding of SecureRandom's impossible. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Occasional uses of "private final" on methods were causing issues with some J2ME platforms. The use of "private final" on methods has been removed.</li>
<li>NONEwithDSA was not resetting correctly on verify() or sign(). This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Fractional seconds in a GeneralisedTime were resulting in incorrect date conversions if more than 3 decimal places were included due to the Java date parser. Fractional seconds are now truncated to 3 decimal places on conversion.</li>
<li>The micAlg in S/MIME signed messages was not always including the hash algorithm for previous signers. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>SignedMailValidator was only including the From header and ignoring the Sender header in validating the email address. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The PKCS#12 keystore would throw a NullPointerException if a null password was passed in. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>CertRepMessage.getResponse() was attempting to return the wrong underlying field in the structure. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>PKIXCertPathReviewer.getTrustAnchor() could occasionally cause a null pointer exception or an exception due to conflicting trust anchors. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Handling of explicit CommandMap objects with the generation of S/MIME messages has been improved.</li>
<h3>2.5.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>PEMReader/PEMWriter now support encrypted EC keys.</li>
<li>BC generated EC private keys now include optional fields required by OpenSSL.</li>
<li>Support for PSS signatures has been added to CMS and S/MIME.</li>
<li>CMS processing will attempt to recover if there is no AlgorithmParameters object for a provider and use an IvParameterSpec where possible.</li>
<li>CertificateID always required a provider to be explicitly set. A null provider is now interpreted as a request to use the default provider.</li>
<li>SubjectKeyIdentifier now supports both methods specified in RFC 3280, section for generating the identifier.</li>
<li>Performance of GCM mode has been greatly improved (on average 10x).</li>
<li>The BC provider has been updated to support the JSSE in providing ECDH.</li>
<li>Support for mac lengths of 96, 104, 112, and 120 bits has been added to existing support for 128 bits in GCMBlockCipher.</li>
<li>General work has been done on trying to propagate exception causes more effectively.</li>
<li>Support for loading GOST 34.10-2001 keys has been improved in the provider.</li>
<li>Support for raw signatures has been extended to RSA and RSA-PSS in the provider. RSA support can be used in CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator to support signatures without signed attributes.</li>
<h3>2.6.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.43
<h3>2.6.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Multiple countersignature attributes are now correctly collected.</li>
<li>Two bugs in HC-128 and HC-256 related to sign extension and byte swapping have been fixed. The implementations now pass the latest ecrypt vector tests.</li>
<li>X509Name.hashCode() is now consistent with equals.</li>
<h3>2.6.3 Security Advisory</h3>
<li>The effect of the sign extension bug was to decrease the key space the HC-128 and HC-256 ciphers were operating in and the byte swapping inverted every 32 bits of the generated stream. If you are using either HC-128 or HC-256 you must upgrade to this release.</li>
<h3>2.7.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.42
<h3>2.7.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>A NullPointer exception which could be result from generating a diffie-hellman key has been fixed.</li>
<li>CertPath validation could occasionally mistakenly identify a delta CRL. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>'=' inside a X509Name/X509Principal was not being properly escaped. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>ApplicationSpecific ASN.1 tags are now recognised in BER data. The getObject() method now handles processing of arbitrary tags.</li>
<li>X509CertStoreSelector.getInstance() was not propagating the subjectAlternativeNames attribute. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Use of the BC PKCS#12 implementation required the BC provider to be registered explicitly with the JCE. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>OpenPGP now fully supports use of the Provider object.</li>
<li>CMS now fully supports use of the Provider object.</li>
<li>Multiplication by negative powers of two is fixed in BigInteger.</li>
<li>OptionalValidity now encodes correctly.</li>
<h3>2.7.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support for NONEwithECDSA has been added.</li>
<li>Support for Grainv1 and Grain128 has been added.</li>
<li>Support for EAC algorithms has been added to CMS/SMIME.</li>
<li>Support for basic CMS AuthenticatedData to the CMS package.</li>
<li>Jars are now packaged using pack200 for JDK1.5 and JDK 1.6.</li>
<li>ASN1Dump now supports a verbose mode for displaying the contents of octet and bit strings.</li>
<li>Support for the SRP-6a protocol has been added to the lightweight API.</li>
<h3>2.8.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.41
<h3>2.8.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The GeneralName String constructor now supports IPv4 and IPv6 address parsing.</li>
<li>An issue with nested-multiparts with postamble for S/MIME that was causing signatures to fail verification has been fixed.</li>
<li>ESSCertIDv2 encoding now complies with RFC 5035.</li>
<li>ECDSA now computes correct signatures for oversized hashes when the order of the base point is not a multiple of 8 in compliance with X9.62-2005.</li>
<li>J2ME SecureRandom now provides additional protection against predictive and backtracking attacks when high volumes of random data are generated.</li>
<li>Fix to regression from 1.38: PKIXCertPathCheckers were not being called on intermediate certificates.</li>
<li>Standard name "DiffieHellman" is now supported in the provider.</li>
<li>Better support for equality tests for '#' encoded entries has been added to X509Name.</li>
<h3>2.8.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Camellia is now 12.5% faster than previously.</li>
<li>A smaller version (around 8k compiled) of Camellia, CamelliaLightEngine has also been added.</li>
<li>CMSSignedData generation now supports SubjectKeyIdentifier as well as use of issuer/serial.</li>
<li>A CMSPBE key holder for UTF8 keys has been added to the CMS API.</li>
<li>Salt and iteration count can now be recovered from PasswordRecipientInformation.</li>
<li>Methods in the OpenPGP, CMS, and S/MIME APIs which previously could only take provider names can now take providers objects as well (JDK1.4 and greater).</li>
<li>Support for reading and extracting personalised certificates in PGP Secret Key rings has been added.</li>
<h3>2.9.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.40
<h3>2.9.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>EAX mode ciphers were not resetting correctly after a doFinal/reset. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The SMIME API was failing to verify doubly nested multipart objects in signatures correctly. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Some boolean parameters to IssuingDistributionPoint were being reversed. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>A zero length RDN would cause an exception in an X509Name. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Passing a null to ExtendedPKIXParameters.setTrustedACIssuers() would cause a NullPointerException. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>CertTemplate was incorrectly encoding issuer and subject fields when set.</li>
<li>hashCode() for X509CertificateObject was very poor. This has been fixed.<li>
<li>Specifying a greater than 32bit length for a stream and relying on the default BCPGOutputStream resulted in corrupted data. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>PKCS7Padding validation would not fail if pad length was 0. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>javax.crypto classes no longer appear in the JDK 1.3 provider jar.</li>
<li>Signature creation time was not being properly initialised in new V4 PGP signature objects although the encoding was correct. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The '+' character can now be escaped or quoted in the constructor for X509Name, X509Prinicipal.</li>
<li>Fix to regression from 1.38: PKIXCertPathValidatorResult.getPublicKey was returning the wrong public key when the BC certificate path validator was used.</li>
<h3>2.9.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) has been added to the lightweight API and the JCE provider.</li>
<li>SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge and PKCS10CertificationRequest can now take null providers if you need to fall back to the default provider mechanism.</li>
<li>The TSP package now supports validation of responses with V2 signing certificate entries.</li>
<li>Unnecessary local ID attributes on certificates in PKCS12 files are now automatically removed.</li>
<li>The PKCS12 store types PKCS12-3DES-3DES and PKCS12-DEF-3DES-3DES have been added to support generation of PKCS12 files with both certificates and keys protected by 3DES.</li>
<h3>2.9.4 Additional Notes</h3>
<li>Due to problems for some users caused by the presence of the IDEA algorithm, an implementation is no longer included in the default signed jars. Only the providers of the form bcprov-ext-*-*.jar now include IDEA.</li>
<h3>2.10.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.39
<h3>2.10.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>A bug causing the odd NullPointerException has been removed from the LocalizedMessage class.</li>
<li>IV handling in CMS for the SEED and Camellia was incorrect. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>ASN.1 stream parser now throws exceptions for unterminated sequences.</li>
<li>EAX mode was not handling non-zero offsetted data correctly and failing. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The BC X509CertificateFactory now handles multiple certificates and CRLs in streams that don't support marking.</li>
<li>The BC CRL implementation could lead to a NullPointer exception being thrown if critical extensions were missing. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Some ASN.1 structures would cause a class cast exception in AuthorityKeyIdentifier. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The CertID class used by the TSP library was incomplete. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>A system property check in PKCS1Encoding to cause a AccessControlException under some circumstances. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>A decoding issue with a mis-identified tagged object in CertRepMessage has been fixed.</li>
<li>\# is now properly recognised in the X509Name class.</li>
<h3>2.10.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Certifications associated with user attributes can now be created, verified and removed in OpenPGP.</li>
<li>API support now exists for CMS countersignature reading and production.</li>
<li>The TSP package now supports parsing of responses with V2 signing certificate entries.</li>
<li>Lazy evaluation of DER sequences has been introduced to ASN1InputStream to allow support for larger sequences.</li>
<li>KeyPurposeId class has been updated for RFC 4945.</li>
<li>CertPath processing has been further extended to encompass the NIST CertPath evaluation suite.</li>
<li>Initial support has been added for HP_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST in the TLS API.</li>
<li>Providers for JDK 1.4 and up now use SignatureSpi directly rather than extending Signature. This is more in track with the way dynamic provider selection now works.</li>
<li>PGP example programs now handle blank names in literal data objects.</li>
<li>The ProofOfPossession class now better supports the underlying ASN.1 structure.</li>
<li>Support has been added to the provider for the VMPC MAC.</li>
<h3>2.11.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.38
<h3>2.11.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>SMIME signatures containing non-standard quote-printable data could be altered by SMIME encryption. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>CMS signatures that do not use signed attributes were vulnerable to one of Bleichenbacher's RSA signature forgery attacks. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The SMIMESignedParser(Part) constructor was not producing a content body part that cleared itself after writeTo() as indicated in the JavaDoc. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>BCPGInputStream now handles data blocks in the 2**31->2**32-1 range.</li>
<li>A bug causing second and later encrypted objects to be ignored in KeyBasedFileProcessor example has been fixed.</li>
<li>Value of the TstInfo.Tsa field is now directly accessible from TimeStampTokenInfo.</li>
<li>Generating an ECGOST-3410 key using an ECGenParameterSpec could cause a ClassCastException in the key generator. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Use of the parameters J and L in connection with Diffie-Hellman parameters in the light weight API was ambiguous and confusing. This has been dealt with.</li>
<li>Some entities were not fully removed from a PKCS#12 file when deleted due to case issues. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Overwriting entities in a PKCS#12 file was not fully compliant with the JavaDoc for KeyStore. This has been fixed.</li>
<li> could appear to return end of file when end of file had not been reached. This has been fixed.</li>
<h3>2.11.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Buffering in the streaming CMS has been reworked. Throughput is now usually higher and the behaviour is more predictable.</li>
<li>It's now possible to pass a table of hashes to a CMS detached signature rather than having to always pass the data.</li>
<li>Classes supporting signature policy and signer attributes have been added to the ASN.1 ESS/ESF packages.</li>
<li>Further work has been done on optimising memory usage in ASN1InputStream. In some cases memory usage has been reduced to 25% of previous.</li>
<li>Pre-existing signers can now be added to the SMIMESignedGenerator.</li>
<li>Support has been added to the provider for the VMPC stream cipher.</li>
<li>CertPathReviewer has better handling for problem trust anchors.</li>
<li>Base64 encoder now does initial size calculations to try to improve resource usage.</li>
<h3>2.12.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.37
<h3>2.12.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The ClearSignedFileProcessor example for OpenPGP did not take into account trailing white space in
the file to be signed. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>A possible infinite loop in the CertPathBuilder and SignedMailValidator have been removed.</li>
<li>Requesting DES, DESede, or Blowfish keys using regular Diffie-Hellman now returns the same length keys as the regular JCE provider.</li>
<li>Some uncompressed EC certificates were being interpreted as compressed and causing an exception. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Adding a CRL with no revocations on it to the CRL generator could cause an exception to be thrown. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Using the default JDK provider with the CMS library would cause exceptions in some circumstances. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>BC provider DSAKeys are now serializable.</li>
<li>Using only a non-sha digest in S/MIME signed data would produce a corrupt MIME header. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The default private key length in the lightweght API for generated DiffieHellman parameters was absurdly small, this has been fixed.</li>
<li>Cipher.getParameters() for PBEwithSHAAndTwofish-CBC was returning null after intialisation. This has been fixed.</li>
<h3>2.12.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>The block cipher mode CCM has been added to the provider and light weight API.</li>
<li>The block cipher mode EAX has been added to the provider and light weight API.</li>
<li>The stream cipher HC-128 and HC-256 has been added to the provider and lightwieght API.</li>
<li>The stream cipher ISAAC has been added to the lightweight API.</li>
<li>Support for producing and parsing notation data signature subpackets has been added to OpenPGP.</li>
<li>Support for implicit tagging has been added to DERApplicationSpecific.</li>
<li>CMS better supports basic Sun provider.</li>
<li>A full set of SEC-2 EC curves is now provided in the SEC lookup table.</li>
<li>Specifying a null provider in CMS now always uses the default provider, rather than causing an exception.</li>
<li>Support has been added to the OpenPGP API for parsing experimental signatures</li>
<li>CertPath validator now handles inherited DSA parameters and a wider range of name constraints.</li>
<li>Further work has been done on improving the performance of ECDSA - it is now about two to six times faster depending on the curve.</li>
<li>The Noekeon block cipher has been added to the provider and the lightweight API.</li>
<li>Certificate generation now supports generation of certificates with an empty Subject if the subjectAlternativeName extension is present.</li>
<li>The JCE provider now supports RIPEMD160withECDSA.</li>
<h3>2.13.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.36
<h3>2.13.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>DSA key generator now checks range and keysize.</li>
<li>Class loader issues with i18n classes should now be fixed.</li>
<li>X.500 name serial number value now output as unambiguous long form SERIALNUMBER</li>
<li>The fix for multipart messages with mixed content-transfer-encoding in 1.35 caused a
regression for processing some messages with embedded multiparts that contained blank lines of preamble text - this should now be fixed.</li>
<li>Another regression which sometimes affected the SMIMESignedParser has also been fixed.</li>
<li>SharedFileInputStream compatibility issues with JavaMail 1.4 have been addressed.</li>
<li>JDK 1.5 and later KeyFactory now accepts ECPublicKey/ECPrivateKey to translateKey.</li>
<li>JDK 1.5 and later KeyFactory now produces ECPublicKeySpec/ECPrivateKeySpec on getKeySpec.</li>
<li>Some surrogate pairs were not assembled correctly by the UTF8 decoder. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Alias resolution in PKCS#12 is now case insensitive.</li>
<h3>2.13.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>CMS/SMIME now supports basic EC KeyAgreement with X9.63.</li>
<li>CMS/SMIME now supports RFC 3211 password based encryption.</li>
<li>Support has been added for certificate, CRL, and certification request generation for the regular SHA algorithms with RSA-PSS.</li>
<li>Further work has been done in speeding up prime number generation in the lightweight BigInteger class.</li>
<li>Support for the SEED algorithm has been added to the provider and the lightweight API.</li>
<li>Support for the Salsa20 algorithm has been added to the provider and the lightweight API.</li>
<li>CMS/SMIME now support SEED and Camellia</li>
<li>A table of TeleTrusT curves has been added.</li>
<li>CMSSignedData creation and Collection CertStore now preserves the order of certificates/CRls if the backing collection is ordered.</li>
<li>CMS Signed objects now use BER encoding for sets containing certificates and CRLs, allowing specific ordering to be specified for the objects contained.</li>
<li>CMS enveloped now works around providers which throw UnsupportedOperationException if key wrap is attempted.</li>
<li>DSASigner now handles long messages. SHA2 family digest support for DSA has been added to the provider.</li>
<h3>2.14.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.35
<h3>2.14.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Test data files are no longer in the provider jars.</li>
<li>SMIMESignedParser now handles indefinite length data in SignerInfos.</li>
<li>Under some circumstances the SMIME library was failing to canonicalize mixed-multipart data correctly. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The l parameter was being ignored for the DH and ElGamal key generation. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>The ASN1Sequence constructor for OtherRecipientInfo was broken. It has been fixed</li>
<li>Regression - DN fields SerialNumber and Country were changed to encode as UTF8String in 1.34 in the X509DefaultEntryConverter, these now encode as PrintableString.</li>
<li>CMSSignedData.replaceSigners() was not replacing the digest set as well as the signers. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>DERGeneralizedTime produced a time string without a GMT offset if they represented local time. This has been fixed.</li>
<li>Some temp files were still being left on Windows by the SMIME library. All of the known problems have been fixed.</li>
<li>Comparing ASN.1 object for equality would fail in some circumstances. This has been fixed.
<li>The IESEngine could incorrectly encrypt data when used in block cipher mode. This has been fixed.
<li>An error in the encoding of the KEKRecipientInfo has been fixed. Compatability warning: this may mean that versions of BC mail prior to 1.35 will have trouble processing KEK messages produced by 1.35 or later.
<h3>2.14.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Further optimisations to elliptic curve math libraries.</li>
<li>API now incorporates a CertStore which should be suitable for use with LDAP.</li>
<li>The streaming ASN.1 API is now integrated into the base one, the sasn1 package has been deprecated.</li>
<li>The OpenPGP implementation now supports SHA-224 and BZIP2.</li>
<li>The OpenPGP implementation now supports SHA-1 checksumming on secret keys.</li>
<li>The JCE provider now does RSA blinding by default.</li>
<li>CMSSignedDataParser now provides methods for replacing signers and replacing certificates and CRLs.</li>
<li>A generic store API has been added to support CRLs, Certificates and Attribute certificates.</li>
<li>The CMS/SMIME API now supports inclusion and retrieval of version 2 attribute certificates.</li>
<li>Support for generating CertificationRequests and Certificates has been added for GOST-3410-2001 (ECGOST)</li>
<li>CMS/SMIME now support ECGOST</li>
<li>Basic BER Octet Strings now encode in a canonical fashion by default.</li>
<li>DERUTCTime can now return Date objects</li>
<li>Validating constructors have been added to DERPrintableString, DERIA5String, and DERNumericString.</li>
<li>A lightweight API for supporting TLS has been added.</li>
<li>Implementations of the TEA and XTEA ciphers have been added to the light weight API and the provider.</li>
<li>PEMReader now supports OpenSSL ECDSA key pairs.</li>
<li>PGP packet streams can now be closed off using close() on the returned stream as well as closing the generator.</li>
<h3>2.15.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.34
<h3>2.15.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Endianess of integer conversion in KDF2BytesGenerator was incorrect. This has been fixed.
<li>Generating critical signature subpackets in OpenPGP would result in a zero packet tag. This has been fixed.
<li>Some flags in PKIFailure info were incorrect, and the range of values was incomplete. The range of values has been increased and the flags corrected.
<li>The helper class for AuthorityKeyExtension generation was including the subject rather than the issuer DN of the CA certificate. This has been fixed.
<li>SMIMESignedParser now avoids JavaMail quoted-printable recoding issue.
<li>Verification of RSA signatures done with keys with public exponents of 3 was vunerable to
Bleichenbacher's RSA signature forgery attack. This has been fixed.
<li>PGP Identity strings were only being interpreted as ASCII rather than UTF8. This has been fixed.
<li>CertificateFactory.generateCRLs now returns a Collection rather than null.
<h3>2.15.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>An ISO18033KDFParameters class had been added to support ISO18033 KDF generators.
<li>An implemention of the KDF1 bytes generator algorithm has been added.
<li>An implementation of NaccacheStern encryption has been added to the lightweight API.
<li>X509V2CRLGenerator can now be loaded from an existing CRL.
<li>The CMS enveloped data generators will now attempt to use the default provider for encryption if the passed in provider can only handle key exchange.
<li>OpenPGP file processing has been substantially speeded up.
<li>The PKCS1Encoder would accept PKCS1 packets which were one byte oversize. By default this will now cause an error. However, as there are still implementations which still produce such packets the older behaviour can be turned on by setting the VM system property org.bouncycastle.pkcs1.strict to false before creating an RSA cipher using PKCS1 encoding.
<li>A target has been added to the bc-build.xml to zip up the source code rather than leaving it in a directory tree.
The build scripts now run this target by default.
<li>Use of toUpperCase and toLowerCase has been replaced with a locale independent converter where appropriate.
<li>Support for retrieving the issuers of indirect CRLs has been added.
<li>Classes for doing incremental path validation of PKIX cert paths have been added to the X.509 package and S/MIME.
<li>Locale issues with String.toUpperCase() have now been worked around.
<li>Optional limiting has been added to ASN1InputStream to avoid possible OutOfMemoryErrors on corrupted streams.
<li>Support has been added for SHA224withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA384withECDSA, and SHA512withECDSA for the generation of signatures, certificates, CRLs, and certification requests.
<li>Performance of the prime number generation in the BigInteger library has been further improved.
<li>In line with RFC 3280 section DN's are now encoded using UTF8String by default rather than PrintableString.
<h3>2.15.5 Security Advisory</h3>
<li>If you are using public exponents with the value three you *must* upgrade to this release, otherwise it
will be possible for attackers to exploit some of Bleichenbacher's RSA signature forgery attacks on your applications.</li>
<h3>2.16.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.33
<h3>2.16.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>OCSPResponseData was including the default version in its encoding. This has been fixed.
<li>BasicOCSPResp.getVersion() would throw a NullPointer exception if called on a default version response. This has been fixed.
<li>Addition of an EC point under Fp could result in an ArithmeticException. This has been fixed.
<li>The n value for prime192v2 was incorrect. This has been fixed.
<li>ArmoredInputStream was not closing the underlying stream on close. This has been fixed.
<li>Small base64 encoded strings with embedded white space could decode incorrectly using the Base64 class. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.16.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>The X509V2CRLGenerator now supports adding general extensions to CRL entries.
<li>A RoleSyntax implementation has been added to the x509 ASN.1 package, and the AttributeCertificateHolder class now support the IssuerSerial option.
<li>The CMS API now correctly recognises the OIW OID for DSA with SHA-1.
<li>DERUTF8String now supports surrogate pairs.
<h3>2.17.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.32
<h3>2.17.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Further work has been done on RFC 3280 compliance.
<li>The ASN1Sequence constructor for SemanticsInformation would sometimes throw a ClassCastException on reconstruction an object from a byte stream. This has been fixed.
<li>The, 0, len) method would return 0 at EOF, rather than -1. This has been fixed.
<li>X9FieldElement could fail to encode a Fp field element correctly. This has been fixed.
<li>The streaming S/MIME API was occasionally leaving temporary files around. The SIMEUtil class responsible for creating the files now returns a FileBackedMimeBodyPart object
which has a dispose method on it which should allow removal of the file backing the body part.
<li>An encoding defect in EnvelopedData generation in the CMS streaming, S/MIME API has been fixed.
<li>DER constructed octet strings could cause exceptions in the streaming ASN.1 library. This has been fixed.
<li>Several compatibility issues connected with EnvelopedData decoding between the streaming CMS library and other libraries have been fixed.
<li>JDK 1.4 and earlier would sometimes encode named curve parameters explicitly. This has been fixed.
<li>An incorrect header for SHA-256 OpenPGP clear text signatures has been fixed.
<li>An occasional bug that could result in invalid clear text signatures has been fixed.
<li>OpenPGP clear text signatures containing '\r' as line separators were not being correctly canonicalized. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.17.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>The ASN.1 library now includes classes for the ICAO Electronic Passport.
<li>Support has been added to CMS and S/MIME for ECDSA.
<li>Support has been added for the SEC/NIST elliptic curves.
<li>Support has been added for elliptic curves over F2m.
<li>Support has been added for repeated attributes in CMS and S/MIME messages.
<li>A wider range of RSA-PSS signature types is now supported for CRL and Certificate verification.
<h3>2.17.4 Possible compatibility issue</h3>
<li>Previously elliptic curve keys and points were generated with point compression enabled by default.
Owing to patent issues in some jurisdictions, they are now generated with point compression disabled by default.
<h3>2.18.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.31
<h3>2.18.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>getCriticalExtensionOIDs on an X.509 attribute certificate was returning the non-critical set. This has been fixed.
<li>Encoding uncompressed ECDSA keys could occasionally introduce an extra leading zero byte. This has been fixed.
<li>Expiry times for OpenPGP master keys are now recognised across the range of possible certifications.
<li>PGP 2 keys can now be decrypted by the the OpenPGP library.
<li>PGP 2 signature packets threw an exception on trailer processing. This has been been fixed.
<li>Attempting to retrieve signature subpackets from an OpenPGP version 3 signature would throw a null pointer exception. This has been fixed.
<li>Another occasional defect in EC point encoding has been fixed.
<li>In some cases AttributeCertificateHolder.getIssuer() would return an empty array for attribute certificates using the BaseCertificateID.
This has been fixed.
<li>OIDs with extremely large components would sometimes reencode with unnecessary bytes in their encoding. The optimal DER encoding will now be produced instead.
<h3>2.18.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>The SMIME package now supports the large file streaming model as well.
<li>Additional ASN.1 message support has been added for RFC 3739 in the org.bouncycastle.x509.qualified package.
<li>Support has been added for Mac algorithm 3 from ISO 9797 to both the lightweight APIs and the provider.
<li>The provider now supports the DESEDE64 MAC algorithm.
<li>CertPathValidator has been updated to better support path validation as defined in RFC 3280.
<h3>2.19.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.30
<h3>2.19.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Whirlpool was calculating the wrong digest for 31 byte data and could throw an exception for some other data lengths. This has been fixed.
<li>AlgorithmParameters for IVs were returning a default of RAW encoding of the parameters when they should have been returning an
ASN.1 encoding. This has been fixed.
<li>Base64 encoded streams without armoring could cause an exception in PGPUtil.getDecoderStream(). This has been fixed.
<li>PGPSecretKey.copyWithNewPassword() would incorrectly tag sub keys. This has been fixed.
<li>PGPSecretKey.copyWithNewPassword() would not handle the NULL algorithm. This has been fixed.
<li>Directly accessing the dates on an X.509 Attribute Certificate constructed from an InputStream would return null, not the date objects. This has been fixed.
<li>KEKIdentifier would not handle OtherKeyAttribute objects correctly. This has been fixed.
<li>GetCertificateChain on a PKCS12 keystore would return a single certificate chain rather than null if the alias passed in represented a certificate not a key. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.19.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>RSAEngine no longer assumes keys are byte aligned when checking for out of range input.
<li>PGPSecretKeyRing.removeSecretKey and PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey have been added.
<li>There is now a getter for the serial number on TimeStampTokenInfo.
<li>Classes for dealing with CMS objects in a streaming fashion have been added to the CMS package.
<li>PGPCompressedDataGenerator now supports partial packets on output.
<li>OpenPGP Signature generation and verification now supports SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.
<li>Both the lightweight API and the provider now support the Camellia encryption algorithm.
<h3>2.20.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.29
<h3>2.20.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>HMac-SHA384 and HMac-SHA512 were not IETF compliant. This has been fixed.
<li>The equals() method on ElGamalKeyParameters and DHKeyParameters in the lightweight API would sometimes
return false when it should return true. This has been fixed.
<li>Parse error for OpenSSL style PEM encoded certificate requests in the PEMReader has been fixed.
<li>PGPPublicKey.getValidDays() now checks for the relevant signature for version 4 and later keys as well as using the
version 3 key valid days field.
<li>ISO9796 signatures for full recovered messsages could incorrectly verify for similar messages in some circumstances. This has been fixed.
<li>The occasional problem with decrypting PGP messages containing compressed streams now appears to be fixed.
<h3>2.20.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support has been added for the OIDs and key generation required for HMac-SHA224, HMac-SHA256, HMac-SHA384, and
<li>SignerInformation will used default implementation of message digest if signature provider doesn't support it.
<li>The provider and the lightweight API now support the GOST-28147-94 MAC algorithm.
<li>Headers are now settable for PGP armored output streams.
<h3>2.20.4 Notes</h3>
<li>The old versions of HMac-SHA384 and HMac-SHA512 can be invoked as OldHMacSHA384 and OldHMacSHA512, or by using the OldHMac class in the
lightweight API.
<h3>2.21.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.28
<h3>2.21.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Signatures on binary encoded S/MIME messages could fail to validate when correct. This has been fixed.
<li>getExtensionValue() on CRL Entries were returning the encoding of the inner object, rather than the octet string. This has been fixed.
<li>CertPath implementation now returns an immutable list for a certificate path.
<li>Generic sorting now takes place in the CertificateFactory.generateCertPath() rather than CertPathValidator.
<li>DERGeneralizedTime can now handle time strings with milli-seconds.
<li>Stateful CertPathCheckers were not being initialised in all cases, by the CertPathValidator. This has been fixed.
<li>PGPUtil file processing methods were failing to close files after processing. This has been fixed.
<li>A disordered set in a CMS signature could cause a CMS signature to fail to validate when it should. This has been fixed.
<li>PKCS12 files where both the local key id and friendly name were set on a certificate would not parse correctly. This has been fixed.
<li>Filetype for S/MIME compressed messages was incorrect. This has been fixed.
<li>BigInteger class can now create negative numbers from byte arrays.
<h3>2.21.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>S/MIME now does canonicalization on non-binary input for signatures.
<li>Micalgs for the new SHA schemes are now supported.
<li>Provided and lightweight API now support ISO 7816-4 padding.
<li>The S/MIME API now directly supports the creation of certificate management messages.
<li>The provider and the light weight API now support the cipher GOST-28147, the signature algorithms GOST-3410 (GOST-3410 94) and EC GOST-3410 (GOST-3410 2001), the message digest GOST-3411 and the GOST OFB mode (use GOFB).
<li>CMSSignedDataGenerator will used default implementation of message digest if signature provider doesn't support it.
<li>Support has been added for the creation of ECDSA certificate requests.
<li>The provider and the light weight API now support the WHIRLPOOL message digest.
<h3>2.21.4 Notes</h3>
<li>Patches for S/MIME binary signatures and canonicalization were actually applied in 1.27, but a couple of days after the release - if the class
CMSProcessableBodyPartOutbound is present in the package org.bouncycastle.mail.smime you have the patched 1.27. We would recommend upgrading to 1.28 in any case
as some S/MIME 3.1 recommendations have also been introduced for header creation.
<li>GOST private keys are probably not encoding correctly and can be expected to change.
<h3>2.22.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.27
<h3>2.22.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Typos in the provider which pointed Signature algorithms SHA256WithRSA, SHA256WithRSAEncryption, SHA384WithRSA, SHA384WithRSAEncryption, SHA512WithRSA, and SHA512WithRSAEncryption at the PSS versions of the algorithms have been fixed. The correct names for the PSS algorithms are SHA256withRSAandMGF1, SHA384withRSAandMGF1, and SHA512withRSAandMGF1.
<li>X509CertificateFactory failed under some circumstances to reset properly if the input stream being passed
to generateCertificate(s)() changed, This has been fixed.
<li>OpenPGP BitStrength for DSA keys was being calculated from the key's generator rather than prime. This has been fixed.
<li>Possible infinite loop in ASN.1 SET sorting has been removed.
<li>SHA512withRSAandMGF1 with a zero length salt would cause an exception if used with a 1024 bit RSA key. This has been fixed.
<li>Adding an Exporter to a PGPSubpacketVector added a Revocable instead. This has been fixed.
<li>AttributeCertificateIssuer.getPrincipal() could throw an ArrayStoreException. This has been fixed.
<li>CertPathValidator now guarantees to call any CertPathCheckers passed in for each certificate.
<li>TSP TimeStampToken was failing to validate time stamp tokens with the issuerSerial field set in the ESSCertID structure. This has been fixed.
<li>Path validation in environments with frequently updated CRLs could occasionally reject a valid path. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.22.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Full support has been added for the OAEPParameterSpec class to the JDK 1.5 povider.
<li>Full support has been added for the PSSParameterSpec class to the JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5 providers.
<li>Support for PKCS1 signatures for SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 has been added to CMS.
<li>PGPKeyRingCollection classes now support partial matching of user ID strings.
<li>This release disables the quick check on the IV for a PGP public key encrypted message in order to help
prevent applications being vunerable to oracle attacks.
<li>The CertPath support classes now support PKCS #7 encoding.
<li>Point compression can now be turned off when encoding elliptic curve keys.
<h3>2.22.4 Changes that may affect compatibility</h3>
<li>org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ElGamalKey.getParams() has been changed to getParameters() to avoid clashes with
a JCE interface with the same method signature.
<li>org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ECKey.getParams() has been changed in JDK 1.5 to getParameters() to avoid clashes
with a JCE interface with the same method signature. The getParams() method in pre-1.5 has been deprecated.
<li>SHA256WithRSAEncryption, SHA384WithRSAEncryption, SHA512WithRSAEncryption now refer to their PKCS #1 V1.5 implementations. If you
were using these previously you should use SHA256WithRSAAndMGF1, SHA384WithRSAAndMGF1, or SHA512WithRSAAndMGF1.
<h3>2.23.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.26
<h3>2.23.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The X.509 class UserNotice assumed some of the optional fields were not optional. This has been fixed.
<li>BCPGInputStream would break on input packets of 8274 bytes in length. This has been fixed.
<li>Public key fingerprints for PGP version 3 keys are now correctly calculated.
<li>ISO9796-2 PSS would sometimes throw an exception on a correct signature. This has been fixed.
<li>ASN1Sets now properly sort their contents when created from scratch.
<li>A bug introduced in the CertPath validation in the last release which meant some certificate paths would validate if they were invalid has been fixed.
<h3>2.23.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support for JDK 1.5 naming conventions for OAEP encryption and PSS signing has been added.
<li>Support for Time Stamp Protocol (RFC 3161) has been added.
<li>Support for Mozilla's PublicKeyAndChallenge key certification message has been added.
<li>OpenPGP now supports key rings containing GNU_DUMMY_S2K.
<li>Support for the new versions (JDK 1.4 and later) of PBEKeySpec has been added to the providers.
<li>PBEWithMD5AndRC2, PBEWithSHA1AndRC2 now generate keys rather than exceptions.
<li>The BigInteger implementation has been further optimised to take more advantage of the Montgomery number capabilities.
<h3>2.23.4 JDK 1.5 Changes</h3>
<li>The JDK 1.5 version of the provider now supports the new Elliptic Curve classes found in the packages. Note: while we have tried to preserve some backwards compatibility people using Elliptic curve are likely to find some minor code changes are required when moving code from JDK 1.4 to JDK 1.5 as the APIs have changed.
<h3>2.24.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.25
<h3>2.24.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>In some situations OpenPGP would overread when a stream had been
broken up into partial blocks. This has been fixed.
<li>Explicitly setting a key size for RC4 in the CMS library would cause
an exception. This has been fixed.
<li>getSignatures() on PGPPublicKey would throw a ClassCastException in some cases. This has been fixed.
<li>Encapsulated signed data was been generated with the wrong mime headers, this has been fixed.
<li>The isSignature method on PGPSecretKey now correctly identifies signing keys.
<li>An interoperability issue with DH key exchange between the Sun JCE provider and the BC provider, concerning sign bit expansion, has been fixed.
<li>The X509CertificateFactory would fail to reset correctly after reading an ASN.1 certificate chain. This has been fixed.
<li>CertPathValidator now handles unsorted lists of certs.
<li>The PGPSignatureGenerator would sometimes throw an exception when adding hashed subpackets. This has been fixed.
<li>Ordered equality in X509Name was not terminating as early as possible. This has been fixed.
<li>getBitStrength for PGPPublicKeys was returning the wrong value for ElGamal keys. This has been fixed.
<li>getKeyExpirationTime/getSignatureExpirationTime was returning a Date rather than a delta. This isn't meaningful as a Date and has been changed to a long.
<li>the crlIssuer field in DistributionPoint name was encoding/decoding incorrectly. This has been fixed.
<li>X509Name now recognises international characters in the input string and
stores them as BMP strings.
<li>Parsing a message with a zero length body with SMIMESigned would cause an exception. This has been fixed.
<li>Some versions of PGP use zeros in the data stream rather than a replication of the last two bytes of the iv as specified in the RFC to determine if the correct decryption key has been found. The decryption classes will now cope with both.
<h3>2.24.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support for extracting signatures based on PGP user attributes has been
added to PGPPublicKey.
<li>BCPGArmoredInputStream should cope with plain text files better.
<li>The OpenPGP library can now create indefinite length streams and handle packets greater than (2^32 - 1) in length.
<li>Direct support for adding SignerUserID and PrimaryUserID has been added to the PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator.
<li>Support for ISO-9796-2/PSS has been added to the lightweight API.
<li>API support for extracting recovered messages from signatures that support
message recovery has been added to the lightweight API.
<li>String value conversion in a DN being processed by X509Name is now fully
<li>It is now possible to create new versions of CMSSignedData objects without
having to convert the original object down to its base ASN.1 equivalents.
<li>Support for adding PGP revocations and other key signatures has been added.
<li>Support for SHA-224 and SHA224withRSA has been added.
<li>Trailing bit complement (TBC) padding has been added.
<li>OID components of up to 2^63 bits are now supported.
<h3>2.25.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.24
<h3>2.25.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>OpenPGP Secret key rings now parse key rings with user attribute packets in them correctly.
<li>OpenPGP Secret key rings now parse key rings with GPG comment packets in them.
<li>X509Name and X509Principal now correctly handle BitStrings.
<li>OpenPGP now correctly recognises RSA signature only keys.
<li>When re-encoding PGP public keys taken off secret keys getEncoded would
sometimes throw a NullPointerException. This has been fixed.
<li>A basic PKCS12 file with a single key and certificate, but no attributes, would cause a null pointer exception. This has been fixed.
<li>Signature verification now handles signatures where the parameters block is missing rather than NULL.
<li>Lightweight CBCBlockCipherMac was failing to add padding if padding was
being explicitly provided and data length was a multiple of the block size. This has been fixed.
<li>ZIP compression in PGP was failing to compress data in many cases. This has been fixed.
<li>Signatures were occasionally produced with incorrect padding in their associated bit strings, this has been fixed.
<li>An encoding error introduced in 1.23 which affected generation of the
KeyUsage extension has been fixed.
<h3>2.25.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>PKCS12 keystore now handles single key/certificate files without any attributes present.
<li>Support for creation of PGPKeyRings incorporating sub keys has been added.
<li>ZeroPadding for encrypting ASCII data has been added.
<h3>2.26.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.23
<h3>2.26.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Reading a PGP Secret key file would sometimes cause a class cast exception. This has been fixed.
<li>PGP will now read SecretKeys which are encrypted with the null algorithm.
<li>PGP ObjectFactory will recognise Marker packets.
<li>BasicConstraints class now handles default empty sequences correctly.
<li>S2K Secret Key generation now supported in OpenPGP for keys greater than 160 bits, a bug causing
it to occasionally generate the wrong key has been fixed.
<li>OpenPGP implementation can now read PGP 8 keys.
<li>Decoding issues with Secret Sub Keys should now be fixed.
<li>PGP would occasionally unpack ElGamal encrypted data incorrectly, this has been fixed.
<li>OCSP TBSRequest now uses abbreviated encoding if the default version is used.
<li>X509Name class will now print names with nested pairs in component sets correctly.
<li>RC4 now resets correctly on doFinal.
<h3>2.26.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>PGP V3 keys and V3 signature generation is now supported.
<li>Collection classes have been added for representing files of PGP public and secret keys.
<li>PEMReader now supports "RSA PUBLIC KEY".
<li>RipeMD256 and RipeMD320 have been added.
<li>Heuristic decoder stream has been added to OpenPGP which "guesses" how the input is
<li>ArmoredInputStream now recognises clear text signed files.
<li>ArmoredOutputStream now provides support for generating clear text signed files.
<li>Support has been added to CMS for RipeMD128, RipeMD160, and RipeMD256.
<li>Support for generating certification directly and editing PGP public key
certifications has been added.
<li>Support has been added for modification detection codes to the PGP library.
<li>Examples have been rewritten to take advantage of the above.
<li>SMIMESigned can now covert data straight into a mime message.
<li>DERGeneralizedTime getTime() method now handles a broader range of input strings.
<h3>2.27.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.22
<h3>2.27.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Generating DSA signatures with PGP would cause a class cast exception, this has been fixed.
<li>PGP Data in the 192 to 8383 byte length would sometimes be written with the wrong length header. This has been fixed.
<li>The certificate factory would only parse the first certificate in a PKCS7 object. This has been fixed.
<li>getRevocationReason() in RevokedStatus in OCSP would throw an exception for
a non-null reason, rather than a null one. This has been fixed.
<li>PSS signature verification would fail approximately 0.5 % of the time on correct signatures. This has been fixed.
<li>Encoding of CRL Distribution Points now always works.
<h3>2.27.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Additional methods for getting public key information have been added to the PGP package.
<li>Some support for user attributes and the image attribute tag has been added.
<li>Support for the AuthorityInformationAccess extension has been added.
<li>Support for ElGamal encryption/decryption has been added to the PGP package.
<h3>2.28.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.21
<h3>2.28.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The CertPath validator would fail for some valid CRLs. This has been fixed.
<li>AES OIDS for S/MIME were still incorrect, this has been fixed.
<li>The CertPathBuilder would sometimes throw a NullPointerException looking for an issuer. This has been fixed.
<li>The J2ME BigInteger class would sometimes go into an infinite loop generating prime numbers. This has been fixed.
<li>DERBMPString.equals() would throw a class cast exception. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.28.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>PEMReader now handles public keys.
<li>OpenPGP/BCPG should now handle partial input streams. Additional methods for reading subpackets off signatures.
<li>The ASN.1 library now supports policy qualifiers and policy info objects.
<h3>2.29.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.20
<h3>2.29.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>BigInteger toString() in J2ME/JDK1.0 now produces same output as the Sun one.
<li>RSA would throw a NullPointer exception with doFinal without arguments. This has been fixed.
<li>OCSP CertificateID would calculate wrong issuer hash if issuer cert was not self signed. This has been fixed.
<li>Most of response generation in OCSP was broken. This has been fixed.
<li>The CertPath builder would sometimes go into an infinite loop on some chains if the trust anchor was missing. This has been fixed.
<li>AES OIDS were incorrect, this has been fixed.
<li>In some cases BC generated private keys would not work with the JSSE. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.29.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>Support for reading/writing OpenPGP public/private keys and OpenPGP signatures has been added.
<li>Support for generating OpenPGP PBE messages and public key encrypted messages has been added.
<li>Support for decrypting OpenPGP messages has been added.
<li>Addition of a Null block cipher to the light weight API.
<h3>2.30.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.19
<h3>2.30.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The PKCS12 store would throw an exception reading PFX files that had attributes with no values. This has been fixed.
<li>RSA Private Keys would not serialise if they had PKCS12 bag attributes attached to them, this has been fixed.
<li>GeneralName was encoding OtherName as explicitly tagged, rather than implicitly tagged. This has been fixed.
<li>ASN1 parser would sometimes mistake an implicit null for an implicit empty
sequence. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.30.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>S/MIME and CMS now support the draft standard for AES encryption.
<li>S/MIME and CMS now support setable key sizes for the standard algorithms.
<li>S/MIME and CMS now handle ARC4/RC4 encrypted messages.
<li>The CertPath validator now passes the NIST test suite.
<li>A basic OCSP implementation has been added which includes request generation
and the processing of responses. Response generation is also provided, but should be treated as alpha quality code.
<li>CMS now attempts to use JCA naming conventions in addition to the OID name
in order to find algorithms.
<h3>2.31.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.18
<h3>2.31.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>DESKeySpec.isParityAdjusted in the clean room JCE could go into an
infinite loop. This has been fixed.
<li>The SMIME API would end up throwing a class cast exception if a
MimeBodyPart was passed in containing a MimeMultipart. This is now fixed.
<li>ASN1InputStream could go into an infinite loop reading a truncated
input stream. This has been fixed.
<li>Seeding with longs in the SecureRandom for the J2ME and JDK 1.0,
only used 4 bytes of the seed value. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.31.3 Additional Features and Functionality</h3>
<li>The X.509 OID for RSA is now recognised by the provider as is the OID for RSA/OAEP.
<li>Default iv's for DES are now handled correctly in CMS.
<li>The ASN.1 classes have been updated to use the generic ASN1* classes where
<li>A constructor has been added to SMIMESigned to simplify the processing
of "application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=signed-data;" signatures.
<li>Diffie-Hellman key generation is now faster in environments using the
Sun BigInteger library.
<h3>2.32.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.17
<h3>2.32.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Reuse of an CMSSignedObject could occasionally result in a class
cast exception. This has been fixed.
<li>The X.509 DistributionPointName occasionally encoded incorrectly. This has
been fixed.
<li>BasicConstraints construction would break if an ASN.1 sequence was used
with only the required parameter. This has been fixed.
<li>The DERObject constructor in OriginatorIdentifierOrKey was leaving
the id field as null. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.32.2 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>RC2 now supports the full range of parameter versions and effective
key sizes.
<li>CompressedData handling has been added to CMS/SMIME.
<li>The 1.4 version now allows X500Principles to be generated directly
from CRLs.
<li>SMIME objects now support binary encoding. The number of signature
types recognised has been increased.
<li>CMS can create signed objects with encapsulated data. Note: while
this was been done we realised we could simplify things, we did and
for the most part people won't notice, other than the occasional
reference to CMSSignable will need to be replaced with CMSProcessable.
<li>X509Name and X509Principal now support forward and reverse X509Name
to string conversion, with changeable lookup tables for converting OIDs
into strings. Both classes also now allow the direction of encoding to
be set when a string is converted as well as changeable lookup tables for
string to OID conversion.
<h3>2.33.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.16
<h3>2.33.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>CRLS were only working for UTC time constructed Time objects, this has
been fixed.
<li>KeyUsage and ReasonFlags sometimes encoded longer than necessary. This
has been fixed.
<li>BER encoded sets are now recognised and dealt with.
<li>Encoding issues in CMS which were causing problems with backwards
compatibility with older CMS/SMIME clients have been fixed.
<li>KeyFactory now allows for creation of RSAKey*Spec classes.
<li>The X509CertSelector in the clean room CertPath API is now less likely
to throw a NullPointerException at the wrong time.
<li>Macs now clone correctly in the clean room JCE.
<h3>2.33.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>PGPCFB support has been added to the provider and the lightweight API.
<li>There are now three versions of the AESEngine, all faster than before,
with the largest footprint one being the fastest. The JCE AES now refers
to the fastest.
<li>The 1.4 version of the library now allows for X500Principals to be
generated directly from certificates.
<li>X509Name has been extended to parse numeric oids, "oid." oids, and to
recognise the LDAP UID.
<li>Immutable sequences and sets have been introduced to the ASN.1 package.
<li>The SMIME/CMS ASN.1 base classes have been rewritten to reduce the
size of the package for use with the lightweight API.
<li>The SMIME/CMS api's have been rewritten to allow them to take advantage
of the Cert Path API, remove code suited to inclusion in the provider,
and to support multiple recipients/signers.
<h3>2.34.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.15
<h3>2.34.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The base string for the oids in asn1.x509.KeyPurposeId was incorrect. This
has been fixed.
<li>MimeBodyParts in the SMIME Generator did not have their Content-Type
properly set up after decryption. This has been fixed.
<li>If a X.509 certificate did not have all the keyUsage extension bits set,
the provider wasn't padding the return value of the key usage extension to
8 booleans in length. This has been fixed.
<li>In some cases the simple BC keystore allowed overwriting of an alias with
one of the same name. This has been fixed.
<li>The key schedule for RC5-64 was not always being calculated correctly. This
has been fixed.
<li>On reset buffered blockcipher was only partially erasing the previous buffer. This has been fixed.
<li>All lightweight mac classes now do a reset on doFinal.
<li>ASN.1 object identifiers wouldn't encode the first byte correctly if the
OID started with 2 and the second number was greater than 47. This has been
<li>If a key had PKCS9 attributes associated with it on storage they took
precedence over the local alias used to add the key to the PKCS12 key store.
The local name now takes precedence.
<li>ReasonFlags now correctly encodes.
<h3>2.34.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>The PKCS12 key store now handles key bags in encryptedData bags.
<li>The X509NameTokenizer now handles for '\' and '"' characters.
<li>SMIME v2 compliance has been added. Use setVersion(2) in the generator classes.
<li>The ASN.1 library now supports ENUMERATED, UniversalString and the X.509 library support for CRLs now includes CRLReason, and some elements of CertificatePolicies.
<li>Both the provider and the lightweight library now support a basic SIC mode for block ciphers.
<h3>2.35.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.14
<h3>2.35.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>there was a bug in the BigInteger right shifting for > 31 bit shifts.
This has been fixed.
<li>x509 name had it's equality test based on the order of the directory
elements, this has been fixed.
<li>the mode used with the RSA cipher in KeyTransRecipientInfoParser in
the smime implementation was not compatible with the Sun JCE.
This has been fixed.
<li>PKCS7 SignedData now supports single length signing chains.
<li>When a root certificate had a different issuer id from the subject id, or
had it's own AuthorityKeyExtension the PKCS12 key store would drop the root
certificate from the certificate chain. This has been fixed.
<li>The PKCS10 CertificationRequestInfo class always expected at least one
attribute. This has been fixed.
<li>UTF8 strings are now correctly recognised.
<li>The Tiger implementation was producing results in reverse byte
order for each of the 3 words making up the digest. This has been fixed.
<li>asn1.x509.ExtendedKeyUsage used to through a null pointer exception
on construction. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.35.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>The BigInteger library now uses Montgomery numbers for modPow and is
substantially faster.
<li>SMIMECapabilities, and SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attributes added to S/MIME.
<li>Increased range of key sizes available in S/MIME.
<li>getInstance(ASN1TaggedObject, boolean) methods have been added to most ASN1 types.
These deal with implicit/explicit tagging ambiguities with constructed types.
<li>Added EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo object to the clean room JCE.
<li>A PEMReader has been added for handling some of the openSSL PEM files.
<li>The X.509 certificate factory supports a wider range of encodings and
object identifiers.
<h3>2.36.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.13
<h3>2.36.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The TBSCertificate object in the ASN.1 library now properly implements
the Time object, rather returning UTC time.
<li>The DESedeKeyGenerator now supports 112 and 168 bit key generation.
<li>Certificates with the keyId set to null in the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extensions would sometimes cause the PKCS12 store to throw a NullPointer exception. This has been fixed.
<li>toByteArray in the big integer class was not always producing correct
results for negative numbers. This has been Fixed.
<h3>2.36.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>The key to keySpec handling of the secret key factories has been improved.
<li>There is now a SMIME implementation and a more complete CMS
implementation (see CONTRIBUTORS file for additonal details).
<li>A CertPath implementation that runs under jdk1.1 and jdk1.4 has also
being contributed. A work around to allow it to be used with jdk1.2 and
jdk1.3 has also been added. Note: the implementation is not quite complete
because policymapping, name and subtree constraints are not yet
<li>The API now supports the generation of PKCS7 signed objects. Note: this
is still beta code - one known issue is that it doesn't support single
length certificate chains for signing keys.
<h3>2.37.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.12
<h3>2.37.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The ASN.1 library was unable to read an empty set object. This has been fixed.
<li>Returning sets of critical and non-critical extensions on X.509 certificates could result in a null pointer exception if the certificate had no extensions. This has been fixed.
<li>The BC JKS implementation does not follow the conventional one - it has been renamed BKS, an attempt to create a JKS keystore using the BC provider will now result in an exception.
<li>The PKCS 10 generator verify(provider) method was ignoring the provider when generating the public key. This has been fixed.
<li>The PKCS12 store would throw an OutOfMemoryException if passed a non-PKCS12 file. This has been fixed.
<li>In the case where there was no AuthorityKeyIdentifier the PKCS12 store
would fail to find certificates further up the signing chain. The store now
uses the IssuerDN if no AuthorityKeyIdentifier is specified and the IssuerDN
is different from the SubjectDN,
<li>PKCS10/CertificationRequestInfo objects with only a single attribute wer
not being handled properly. This has been fixed.
<li>getExtensionValue for X.509 CRLs was returning the value of the
DER-Encoded octet string not the DER-Encoded octet string as required. This
has been fixed.
<li>the IV algorithm parameters class would improperly throw an exception
on initialisation. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.37.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>The AESWrap ciphers will now take IV's.
<li>The DES-EDEWrap algorithm described in is now supported.
<li>Support for the ExtendedKeyUsageExtension and the KeyPurposeId has been added.
<li>The OID based alias for DSA has been added to the JCE provider.
<li>BC key stores now implement the BCKeyStore interface so you can provide your own source of randomness to a key store.
<li>The ASN.1 library now supports GeneralizedTime.
<li>HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384, and HMACSHA512 are now added.
<li>PSS has been added to the JCE, PSS and ISO9796 signers in the lightweight api have been rewritten so they can be used incrementally. SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, and SHA512withRSA have been added.
<li>Base support for CMS (RFC 2630) is now provided (see CONTRIBUTORS file
for details).
<h3>2.38.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.11
<h3>2.38.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>X9.23 padding of MACs now works correctly with block size aligned data.
<li>Loading a corrupted "UBER" key store would occasionally cause the
appearance of hanging. This has been fixed.
<li>Loading a PKCS12 store where not all certificates had PKCS9 attributes
assigned to them would cause a NullPointerException. This has been fixed.
<li>The PKCS12 store wasn't correctly recovering certificate chains of
length less than 2 on calling the getCertificateChain method. This has been
<li>Lone certificates were not been stored in the PKCS12 store. This has been fixed.
<li>CFB and OFB modes weren't padding iv's more than 1 byte less than the
block size of the cipher if the mode was reused with a shorter IV. This has
been fixed.
<li>IV handling and block size return values for CFB and OFB modes wasn't being handled in the same way as the Sun reference implementation. This has been fixed.
<li>CertificateInfoRequests were not handling null attributes correctly. This
has been fixed.
<li>Tags for the X.509 GeneralName structure were wrongly encoded. This has been
<li>getExtensionValue for X.509 certificates was returning the value of the
DER-Encoded octet string not the DER-Encoded octet string as required. This has
been fixed.
<li>reset on the version 3 X.509 certificate generator was not flushing the
extensions. This has been fixed.
<li>The NetscapeCert type bits were reversed! This has been fixed.
<h3>2.38.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>The lightweight API and the JCE provider now support ElGamal.
<li>X509Principal, and X509Name now supports the "DC" attribute and the
creation of directory names from vectors.
<li>RSA-PSS signature padding has been added to the lightweight API.
<li>EC Public/Private keys are now encoded in accordance with SEC 1. The library
will still read older keys as well.
<li>Added PKCS12-DEF a pkcs12 based key store which works around a bug in
the Sun keytool - it always uses the default provider for creating certificates.
<li>A cut down version of the Rijndael has been added that provides the functionality required to conform the the AES. It is designed to fully support FIPS-197. A fips AES wrapper (AESWrap in the JCE, AESWrapEngine in the lightweight library has also been added).
<li>Elliptic curve routines now handle uncompressed points as well as the
compressed ones.
<h3>2.38.4 Other changes</h3>
<li>As the range of public key types supported has expanded the getPublicKey
method on the SubjectPublicKeyInfo class is not always going to work. The
more generic method getPublicKeyData has been added and getPublicKey now
throws an IOException if there is a problem.
<h3>2.39.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.10
<h3>2.39.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The PKCS12 Key Store now interoperates with the JDK key tool. <b>Note:</b> this does mean the the key name passed to the setKeyEntry calls has become
<li>The "int" constructor for DERInteger only supported ints up to 128. This
has been fixed.
<li>The ASN.1 input streams now handle zero-tagged zero length objects correctly.
<h3>2.39.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>The JCE Provider and the lightweight API now support Serpent, CAST5, and CAST6.
<li>The JCE provider and the lightweight API now has an implementation of ECIES.
<b>Note:</b> this is based on a draft, don't use it for anything that needs to
be kept long term as it may be adjusted.
<li>Further work has been done on performance - mainly in the symmetric ciphers.
<li>Support for the generation of PKCS10 certification requests has been added.
<h3>2.40.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.09
<h3>2.40.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>failure to pass in an RC5 parameters object now results in an exception
at the upper level of the JCE, rather than falling over in the lightweight
<li>ISO10126Padding now incorporates the correct amount of random data.
<li>The PKCS12 key store wasn't picking up certificate chains properly
when being used to write PKCS12 files. This has been fixed.
<li>The Twofish engine would call System.exit if the key was too large.
This has been fixed.
<li>In some cases the ASN.1 library wouldn't handle implicit tagging properly.
This has been fixed.
<h3>2.40.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>Support for RC5-64 has been added to the JCE.
<li>ISO9796-2 signatures have been added to the JCE and lightweight API.
<li>A more general paddings packge for use with MACs and block ciphers had been aded to the lightweight API. MACs now allow you to specify padding.
<li>X9.23 Padding has been added to the JCE and lightwieght API. The old
PaddedBlockCipher class is now deprecated see org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings for details.
<li>SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 are now added. Note: while the public review
period has finished, these algorithms have not yet been standardised, in the
event that final standardisation changes the algorithms these implementations
will be changed.
<li>It's now possible to set bag attributes on items to go into a PKCS12 store,
using the org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier interface.
<li>More classses have been added to the ASN.1 package for dealing with
certificate extensions and CRLs including a CRL generator. Note: the
CRL generators should be regarded as under development and subject to change.
<li>There's now an examples package for the JCE (in addition to the examples
in org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.test) - org.bouncycastle.jce.examples. It
currently consists of a class showing how to generate a PKCS12 file.
<li>The X.509 CertificateFactory now includes CRL support. DER or PEM CRLs may be processed.
<li>The BigInteger library has been written with a view to making it less
resource hungry and faster - whether it's fast enough remains to be seen!
<h3>2.41.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.08
<h3>2.41.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>It wasn't possible to specify an ordering for distinguished names in
X509 certificates. This is now supported.
<li>In some circumstances stream Ciphers in the JCE would cause null pointer
exceptions on doFinal. This has been fixed.
<li>Unpadded ciphers would sometimes buffer the last block of input, even
if it could be processed. This has been fixed.
<li>The netscape certificate request class wouldn't compile under JDK 1.1. This
has been fixed.
<h3>2.41.3 Additional Functionality and Features</h3>
<li>ISO 9796-1 padding is now supported with RSA in the lightweight
API and the JCE.
<li>support classes have been added for reading and writing PKCS 12 files,
including a keystore for the JCA.
<li>The message digests MD4, Tiger, and RIPEMD128 have been added to the
JCE and the lightweight API. Note: MD4 and RIPEMD128 have been added for
compatibility purposes only - we recommend you don't use them for anything new!
<li>The JDK 1.1 certificate classes didn't conform to the JDK 1.2 API as
the collections class was not present. Thanks to a donated collections API
this is fixed.
<h3>2.42.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.07
<h3>2.42.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>It turned out that the setOddParity method in the DESParameter class
was indeed doing something odd but not what was intended. This is now
fixed. <b>Note:</b>This will affect some PBE encryptions that were carried
out with DES, equivalent PBE ciphers to the old PBE DES cipher can be
accessed by prepending the work "Broken" in front of the original PBE cipher
call. If you want an example of how to deal with this as a migration issue
have a look in org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JDKKeyStore lines 201-291.
<h3>2.43.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.06
<h3>2.43.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Diffie-Hellman keys are now properly serialisable as well as
<li>Three of the semi-weak keys in the DESParameters, and the DESKeySpec look
up table, were incorrect. This has been fixed.
<li>DESEDE key generators now accept 112 and 168 as the key sizes, as well
as 128 and 192 (for those people who don't like to count the parity bits).
<li>Providing no strength parameter is passed to the DESede key generator in
the JCE provider, the provider now generates DESede keys in the k1-k2-k1
format (which is compatible with the Sun reference implementation), otherwise
you get what you ask for (3-DES or 2-DES in the minimum number of bytes).
<li>Base Diffie-Hellman key agreement now works correctly for more than two
<li>Cipher.getAlgorithmParameters was returing null in cases where a cipher
object had generated it's own IV. This has been fixed.
<li>An error in the key store occasionally caused checks of entry types to
result in a null pointer exception. This has been fixed.
<li>RSA key generator in JCE now recognises RSAKeyGenerationParameterSpec.
<li>Resetting and resusing HMacs in the lightweight and heavyweight libraries
caused a NullPointer exception. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.43.3 Additional Functionality</h3>
<li>ISO10126Padding is now recognised explicitly for block ciphers
as well.
<li>The Blowfish implementation is now somewhat faster.
<h3>2.44.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.05
<h3>2.44.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The DESEDE key generator can now be used to generate 2-Key-DESEDE
keys as well as 3-Key-DESEDE keys.
<li>One of the weak keys in the DESParameters, and the DESKeySpec look
up table, was incorrect. This has been fixed.
<li>The PKCS12 generator was only generating the first 128-160 bits of the
key correctly (depending on the digest used). This has been fixed.
<li>The ASN.1 library was skipping explicitly tagged objects of zero length.
This has been fixed.
<h3>2.44.3 Additional Functionality</h3>
<li>There is now an org.bouncycastle.jce.netscape package which has
a class in for dealing with Netscape Certificate Request objects.
<h3>2.44.4 Additional Notes</h3>
Concerning the PKCS12 fix: in a few cases this may cause some backward
compatibility issues - if this happens to you, drop us a line at
<a href=""></a>
and we will help you get it sorted out.
<h3>2.45.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.04
<h3>2.45.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Signatures generated by other providers that include optional null
parameters in the AlgorithmIdentifier are now handled correctly by the
<li>The JCE 1.2.1 states that the names of algorithms associated with the JCE
are case insensitive. The class that matches algorithms to names now tries
to match the name given with it's equivalent in upper case, before trying
to match it as given. If you write a provider and include versions of your
algorithm names in uppercase only, this JCE implementation will always
match a getInstance regardless of the case of the algorithm passed into
the getInstance method.
<li>If the JCE API and the Provider were in a different class path, the
class loader being used sometimes failed to find classes for JCE Ciphers, etc.
This has been fixed.
<li>An error in the ASN.1 library was causing problems serialising Diffie-Hellman keys. This has been fixed.
<li>The agreement package was left out of the j2me bat file. This has been fixed.
<li>The BigInteger class for 1.0 and the j2me wasn't able to generate random
integers (prime or otherwise). This has been fixed.
<li>The BigInteger class would sometimes go into a death spiral if the any
32nd bit of an exponent was set when modPow was called. This has been fixed.
<li>Cipher.getInstance would treat "//" in a transformation as a single "/".
This has been fixed.
<li>PBEWithSHAAndIDEA-CBC was throwing an exception on initialisation. This has
been fixed.
<li>The X509Name class in the asn1.x509 package wasn't initialising its local
hash table when the hash table constructor was called. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.45.3 Additional Functionality</h3>
<li>Added Elliptic Curve DSA (X9.62) - ECDSA - to provider and lightweight
<li>Added Elliptic Curve basic Diffie-Hellman to provider and lightweight
<li>Added DSA support to the provider and the lightweight library.
<li>Added super class interfaces for basic Diffie-Hellman agreement classes
to lightweight library.
<li>The certificate generators now support ECDSA and DSA certs as well.
<h3>2.46.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.03
<h3>2.46.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>CFB and OFB modes when specified without padding would insist on input
being block aligned. When specified without padding CFB and OFB now behave in a compatible
fashion (a doFinal on a partial block will yield just the data that could
be processed).
In short, it provides another way of generating cipher text the same
length as the plain text.
<h3>2.47.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.02
<h3>2.47.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>The RSA key pair generator occasionally produced keys 1 bit under the
requested size. This is now fixed.
<h3>2.48.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.01
<h3>2.48.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>Buffered ciphers in lightweight library were not resetting correctly
on a doFinal. This has been fixed.
<h3>2.49.1 Version</h3>
Release 1.0
<h3>2.49.2 Defects Fixed</h3>
<li>JDK1.2 version now works with keytool for certificate generation.
<li>Certificate toString method no longer throws a null pointer exception
if a group [3] extension has not been added.
<li>Under some circumstances the NullCipher would throw a NullPointerException,
this has been fixed.
<li>Under some circumstances CipherInputStream would throw a NullPointerException, this has been fixed.
<li>OpenSSL/SSLeay private key encodings would cause an exception to be thrown
by the RSA key factory. This is now fixed.
<li>The Cipher class always used the default provider even when one was specified, this has been fixed.
<li>Some DES PBE algorithms did not set the parity correctly in generated keys, this has been fixed.
<h3>2.49.3 Additional functionality</h3>
<li>Argument validation is much improved.
<li>An X509KeyUsage class has been added to the JCE class to make it easier
to specify the KeyUsage extension on X.509 certificates.
<li>The library now allows creation of version 1 certificates as well.
<h3>3.0 Notes</h3>
The J2ME is only supported under Windows.
If you are trying to use the lightweight provider in a JDK 1.0 applet, you
need to change the package names for java.math.BigInteger, java.lang.IllegalStateException, and
The RSA test under JDK 1.0 and J2ME takes a while to run...