2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff= "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" >
<string name= "app_name" > K-9 메일</string>
<string name= "beta_app_name" > K-9 메일 베타</string>
2011-10-25 00:02:24 +09:00
<string name= "app_authors" > Google, The K-9 Dog Walkers.</string>
<string name= "app_copyright_fmt" > Copyright 2008-<xliff:g > %s</xliff:g> The K-9 Dog Walkers. Portions Copyright 2006-<xliff:g > %s</xliff:g> the Android Open Source Project.</string>
<string name= "app_license" > Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "app_authors_fmt" > Authors: <xliff:g id= "app_authors" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "app_revision_fmt" > 릴리즈 정보: <xliff:g id= "app_revision_url" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "app_libraries" > K-9 메일은 아래의 서드파티 라이브러리를 이용합니다 : <xliff:g id= "app_libraries_list" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "app_emoji_icons" > Emoji 아이콘: <xliff:g id= "app_emoji_icons_link" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "read_attachment_label" > 첨부 읽기</string>
<string name= "read_attachment_desc" > K-9이 이메일의 첨부를 읽도록 합니다</string>
<string name= "read_messages_label" > 이메일 읽기</string>
<string name= "read_messages_desc" > K-9이 이메일을 읽도록 합니다.</string>
<string name= "delete_messages_label" > 이메일 삭제</string>
<string name= "delete_messages_desc" > K-9이 이메일을 삭제하도록 합니다</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
2011-10-25 00:02:24 +09:00
<string name= "about_title_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "app_name" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "accounts_title" > 계정</string>
<string name= "advanced" > 고급</string>
<string name= "folder_list_title" > <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "shortcuts_title" > K-9 계정</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
2011-10-25 00:02:24 +09:00
<string name= "message_list_title" > <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> :<xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "compose_title" > 작성</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "debug_title" > 디버그</string>
<string name= "choose_folder_title" > 폴더 선택</string>
<string name= "choose_color_title" > 색 선택</string>
<string name= "activity_header_format" > <xliff:g id= "activity_prefix" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "unread_count" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "operation" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "activity_unread_count" > \u0020[<xliff:g id= "unread_count" > %d</xliff:g> ]</string>
<string name= "status_loading_account_folder" > \u0020(수신 <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> :<xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "progress" > %s</xliff:g> )</string>
<string name= "status_loading_account_folder_headers" > \u0020(헤더정보를 가져오는 중 <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> :<xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "progress" > %s</xliff:g> )</string>
<string name= "status_sending_account" > \u0020(보내는 중 <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "progress" > %s</xliff:g> )</string>
<string name= "status_processing_account" > \u0020(Proc <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> :<xliff:g id= "command" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "progress" > %s</xliff:g> )</string>
<string name= "folder_progress" > \u0020<xliff:g id= "completed" > %s</xliff:g> /<xliff:g id= "total" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "status_next_poll" > \u0020(다음 수신 @ <xliff:g id= "nexttime" > %s</xliff:g> )</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "status_syncing_off" > \u0020(동기화 실패)</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<!-- Actions will be used as buttons and in menu items -->
<string name= "next_action" > 다음</string> <!-- Used as part of a multi - step process -->
<string name= "previous_action" > 이전</string> <!-- Used as part of a multi - step process -->
<string name= "okay_action" > OK</string> <!-- User to confirm acceptance of dialog boxes, warnings, errors, etc. -->
<string name= "cancel_action" > 취소</string>
<string name= "send_action" > 전송</string>
<string name= "send_again_action" > 재전송</string>
<string name= "select_action" > 선택</string>
<string name= "deselect_action" > 선택 해제</string>
<string name= "reply_action" > 회신</string>
<string name= "reply_all_action" > 전체회신</string>
<string name= "delete_action" > 지우기</string>
<string name= "archive_action" > 보관</string>
<string name= "spam_action" > 스팸</string>
<string name= "delete_all_action" > 폴더 비우기</string>
<string name= "forward_action" > 전달</string>
<string name= "move_action" > 이동</string>
<string name= "continue_action" > 계속</string>
<string name= "done_action" > 완료</string> <!-- Used to complete a multi - step process -->
<string name= "remove_action" > 삭제</string>
<string name= "discard_action" > 버리기</string>
<string name= "save_draft_action" > 임시 보관함에 저장</string>
<string name= "retry_action" > 재시도</string>
<string name= "refresh_action" > 새로 읽기</string>
<string name= "check_mail_action" > 새로고침</string>
<string name= "send_messages_action" > 메시지 보내기</string>
<string name= "list_folders_action" > 폴더 목록</string>
<string name= "refresh_folders_action" > 폴더 다시읽기</string>
<string name= "mark_all_as_read_action" > 모든 편지를 읽음으로 표시</string>
<string name= "add_account_action" > 계정 추가</string>
<string name= "compose_action" > 작성</string>
<string name= "search_action" > 검색</string>
<string name= "search_results" > 검색 결과</string>
<string name= "preferences_action" > 설정</string>
<string name= "open_action" > 열기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_action" > 계정 설정</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_action" > 폴더 설정</string>
<string name= "global_settings_action" > 환경 설정</string>
<string name= "remove_account_action" > 계정 삭제</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "clear_pending_action" > 예정된 작업 삭제(위험!)</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "accounts_action" > 계정</string>
<string name= "back_to_accounts_action" > ◀</string>
<string name= "back_to_folder_list_action" > ◀</string>
<string name= "read_action" > 읽기</string>
<string name= "mark_as_read_action" > 읽은 메일로 표시</string>
<string name= "send_alternate_action" > 공유</string>
<string name= "send_alternate_chooser_title" > 발신자 선택</string>
<string name= "mark_all_as_read_dlg_title" > 모든 편지를 읽음으로 표시</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<string name= "mark_all_as_read_dlg_instructions_fmt" > \'<xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> \' 폴더의 모든 메시지를 읽은 메시지로 표시하시겠습니까?
(K-9에서 보여지지 않은 폴더의 메시지포함)</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "flag_action" > 즐겨찾기 등록</string>
<string name= "unflag_action" > 즐겨찾기 해제</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "copy_action" > 복사</string>
<string name= "show_full_header_action" > 헤더 보기</string>
<string name= "hide_full_header_action" > 헤더 숨기기</string>
<string name= "select_text_action" > 텍스트 선택</string>
<string name= "mark_as_unread_action" > 읽지 않은 메일로 표시</string>
<string name= "move_to_action" > 다음으로 이동</string>
<string name= "folders_action" > 폴더</string>
<string name= "view_hide_details_action" > 세부내용 보기/숨기기 </string>
<string name= "add_cc_bcc_action" > 참조/숨은참조 추가</string>
<string name= "edit_subject_action" > 제목 수정</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="read_receipt">Read receipt</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="read_receipt_enabled">Read receipt will be requested</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="read_receipt_disabled">Read receipt will not be requested</string> -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "add_attachment_action" > 첨부 추가</string>
<string name= "add_attachment_action_image" > 첨부 추가 (이미지)</string>
<string name= "add_attachment_action_video" > 첨부 추가 (비디오)</string>
<string name= "dump_settings_action" > Dump settings</string>
<string name= "empty_trash_action" > 휴지통 비우기</string>
<string name= "expunge_action" > 삭제(expunge)</string>
<string name= "clear_local_folder_action" > 로컬 메시지 삭제</string>
<string name= "set_sort_action" > 정렬방식 선택</string>
<string name= "reverse_sort_action" > 반대로 정렬</string>
<string name= "about_action" > About</string>
<string name= "prefs_title" > 설정</string>
<string name= "accounts_context_menu_title" > 계정 옵션</string>
<string name= "folder_context_menu_title" > 폴더 옵션</string>
<string name= "general_no_subject" > (제목 없음)</string> <!-- Shown in place of the subject when a message has no subject. Showing this in parentheses is customary. -->
<string name= "general_no_date" > 날짜 없음</string>
<string name= "general_no_sender" > 보낸이 없음</string>
<string name= "status_loading" > 수신중</string>
<string name= "status_loading_folder" > (수신 <xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "progress" > %s</xliff:g> )</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "status_loading_more" > 이메일을 가져오는 중..\u2026</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "status_network_error" > 연결 오류</string>
<string name= "status_invalid_id_error" > 메시지를 찾을 수 없습니다</string>
<string name= "status_error" > 오류</string> <!-- Used in Outbox when a message has failed to send -->
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "status_sending" > 전송중</string> <!-- Used in Outbox when a message is currently sending -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "status_loading_more_failed" > 메시지 로딩 실패</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "load_more_messages_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "messages_to_load" > %d</xliff:g> 개 이메일 더 불러오기</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "abbrev_gigabytes" > GB</string>
<string name= "abbrev_megabytes" > MB</string>
<string name= "abbrev_kilobytes" > KB</string>
<string name= "abbrev_bytes" > B</string>
<string name= "account_size_changed" >
\"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \" 계정이 차지하는 용량이
<xliff:g id= "oldSize" > %s</xliff:g>
<xliff:g id= "newSize" > %s</xliff:g> 로 줄었습니다
<string name= "compacting_account" > 계정 최적화(compact) \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \"</string>
<string name= "clearing_account" > 계정 비우기(clearing) \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \"</string>
<string name= "recreating_account" > 계정 재생성 \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \"</string>
<string name= "notification_new_title" > 새 이메일</string>
<string name= "notification_new_scrolling" > 새 이메일 <xliff:g id= "sender" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "notification_new_one_account_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "unread_message_count" > %d</xliff:g> 통의 읽지 않은 메일 (<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> )</string> <!-- 279 Unread (someone@google.com) -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "notification_new_one_account_unknown_unread_count_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "new_message_count" > %d</xliff:g> 개 새 이메일 (<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> )</string> <!-- 2 New Email(s) (someone@google.com) -->
<string name= "notification_new_multi_account_fmt" > in <xliff:g id= "number_accounts" > %d</xliff:g> accounts</string>
<string name= "notification_unsent_title" > 메시지가 전송되지 않았습니다</string>
<string name= "notification_bg_sync_ticker" > 메일 체크중: <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> :<xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "notification_bg_sync_title" > 메일 체크중</string>
<string name= "notification_bg_send_ticker" > 메일 전송중: <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "notification_bg_send_title" > 메일 전송중</string>
<string name= "notification_bg_title_separator" > :</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_inbox" > 받은편지함</string>
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_outbox" > 보낸편지함</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<!-- The following mailbox names will be used if the user has not specified one from the server -->
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_drafts" > 임시보관함</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_trash" > 휴지통</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_sent" > 보낸편지함</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_archive" > 보관</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_spam" > 스팸편지함</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<!-- Mailbox names displayed to user -->
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_drafts_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> (임시보관함)</string>
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_trash_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> (Trash)</string>
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_sent_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> (Sent)</string>
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_archive_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> (Archive)</string>
<string name= "special_mailbox_name_spam_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g> (Spam)</string>
<string name= "send_failure_subject" > 일부 메시지를 보내는데 실패하였습니다</string>
<string name= "send_failure_body_abbrev" > <xliff:g id= "errorFolder" > %s</xliff:g> 폴더 자세히 보기</string>
<string name= "send_failure_body_fmt" > K-9에서 메시지를 보내는데 문제가 발생하였습니다.
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
하지만 문제의 특성상 K-9은 메시지가 확실히 보내졌는지 여부를 확인할 수 없습니다.
수신자는 이미 메시지를 받았을 수도 있습니다.
2011-08-22 02:29:17 +09:00
\u000a\u000a발생된 문제 유형의 메시지는 보낸편지함에 즐겨찾기(stared) 표시가 되어있습니다.
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
이 즐겨찾기(stared)를 없애면 K-9은 메시지를 재전송을 시도할것입니다.
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
다른 발신 작업을 하기위해서는 보낸편지함을 길게 눌러 메시지 보내기를 찾으십시오.\u000A\u000a
<xliff:g id= "errorFolder" > %s</xliff:g> 폴더에 실패에 대한 에러메시지가 있습니다.</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "alert_header" > K-9 알람</string>
<string name= "no_connection_alert" > 네트워크 문제로 동기화, 메일보내기가 지연되고있습니다.</string>
<string name= "end_of_folder" > 더 이상 없음</string>
<string name= "accounts_welcome" >
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
K-9 메일 설치를 환영합니다. K-9은 표준 안드로이드 메일 클라이언트를 기반으로 한 안드로이드용 오픈소스 메일 클라이언트 입니다.
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
\n\nK-9의 향상된 기능:
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
\n * IMAP IDLE를 이용한 메일 푸시(PUSH)기능
\n * 더 나은 성능
\n * 메시지 재정리
\n * 이메일 서명
\n * Bcc-to-self
\n * 폴더 구독
\n * 모든 폴더 동기화
\n * 회신주소 수정
2011-10-25 00:02:24 +09:00
\n * 키보드 단축키
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
\n * 향상된 IMAP 지원
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
\n * SD 카드에 첨부파일 저장
\n * 휴지통 비우기
\n * 메시지 정렬
\n * ...그리고 그 밖에
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
\nK-9 메일은 다른 메일 클라이언트와 마찬가지로 대부분의 무료 hotmail 계정을 Microsoft Exchange와 연결할때 발생되는 문제로 인해 지원하지 않습니다.
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
\n 버그 리포트, 새로운 기능 그리고 질문에 대한 문의는 http://k9mail.googlecode.com/ 로 남겨주시기바랍니다.
<string name= "debug_version_fmt" > Version: <xliff:g id= "version" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "debug_enable_debug_logging_title" > 버그 정보 기록</string>
<string name= "debug_enable_debug_logging_summary" > 추가적인 정보를 기록합니다.</string>
<string name= "debug_enable_sensitive_logging_title" > 중요 정보 기록</string>
<string name= "debug_enable_sensitive_logging_summary" > 로그에 비밀번호를 남길수도 있습니다.</string>
<string name= "message_header_mua" > 안드로이드용 K-9 메일 </string>
<string name= "combined_inbox_title" > 모든 메일</string>
<string name= "combined_inbox_label" > 모든 계정의 모든 메시지</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "combined_inbox_list_title" > 받은편지함의 모든 메일</string> <!-- Inbox here should be the same as mailbox_name_inbox -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "message_list_title_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> :<xliff:g id= "folder" > %s</xliff:g>
<xliff:g id= "unread_count" > %s</xliff:g>
<xliff:g id= "polling" > %s</xliff:g>
<xliff:g id= "sending" > %s</xliff:g>
<xliff:g id= "push" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "message_list_load_more_messages_action" > 메시지 추가 로드</string>
<string name= "message_to_fmt" > To:<xliff:g id= "counterParty" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "message_list_delete_action" > 지우기</string>
<string name= "message_list_mark_read_action" > 읽음으로 표시</string>
<string name= "message_list_mark_unread_action" > 읽지 않음으료 표시</string>
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "message_list_flag_action" > 즐겨찾기 등록</string>
<string name= "message_list_unflag_action" > 즐겨찾기 해제</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "message_compose_to_hint" > 받는 사람</string>
<string name= "message_compose_cc_hint" > 참조</string>
<string name= "message_compose_bcc_hint" > 숨은 참조</string>
<string name= "message_compose_subject_hint" > 제목</string>
<string name= "message_compose_content_hint" > 내용</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quote_header_separator" > -------- 원본 메시지 --------</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quote_header_subject" > 제목:</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quote_header_send_date" > 보낸날짜:</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quote_header_from" > 보낸 사람:</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quote_header_to" > 받는 사람:</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quote_header_cc" > 참조:</string>
<string name= "message_compose_reply_header_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "sender" > %s</xliff:g> wrote:\n\n</string>
<string name= "message_compose_quoted_text_label" > Quoted text</string>
<string name= "message_compose_error_no_recipients" > 한명 이상의 받는 사람을 입력하십시오.</string>
<string name= "error_contact_address_not_found" > 이메일 주소를 찾을 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "message_compose_downloading_attachments_toast" > 일부 첨부파일을 다운로드 할 수 없습니다. 이 메시지가 보내지기 이전에 자동적으로 다운로드 됩니다.</string>
<string name= "message_compose_attachments_skipped_toast" > 다운로드 완료되지않은 일부 첨부파일을 보낼수 없습니다.</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="message_compose_show_quoted_text_action">Quote message</string> -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "message_view_from_format" > 발신자: <xliff:g id= "name" > %s</xliff:g> < <xliff:g id= "email" > %s</xliff:g> > </string>
<string name= "message_to_label" > 수신자:</string>
<string name= "message_view_cc_label" > 참조:</string>
<string name= "message_view_attachment_view_action" > 열기</string>
<string name= "message_view_attachment_download_action" > 저장</string>
<string name= "message_view_prev_action" > \u25BC</string>
<string name= "message_view_next_action" > \u25B2</string>
<string name= "message_view_archive_action" > 보관</string>
<string name= "message_view_move_action" > 이동</string>
<string name= "message_view_spam_action" > 스팸</string>
<string name= "message_view_datetime_fmt" > MMM dd yyyy hh:mm a</string>
<string name= "message_view_status_attachment_saved" > 첨부파일이 SD카드에 <xliff:g id= "filename" > %s</xliff:g> 로 저장되었습니다.</string>
<string name= "message_view_status_attachment_not_saved" > 첨부파일을 SD카드에 저장할 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "message_view_show_pictures_instructions" > 포함된 그림을 보기위해서는 \"그림 보기\" 버튼을 누르십시오.</string>
<string name= "message_view_show_pictures_action" > 그림 보기</string>
<string name= "message_view_fetching_attachment_toast" > 첨부파일 가져오는 중.</string>
<string name= "message_view_no_viewer" > <xliff:g id= "mimetype" > %s</xliff:g> 에 대한 뷰어를 찾을 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "message_view_download_remainder" > 다운로드 완료 메시지</string>
<!-- NOTE: The following message refers to strings with id 'account_setup_incoming_save_all_headers_label' and 'account_setup_incoming_title' -->
<string name= "message_additional_headers_not_downloaded" > 모든 헤더의 다운로드 혹은 저장이 완료 되지않았습니다. Select \"Save all headers locally\" in the account\'s incoming server settings to enable this for the future.</string>
<string name= "message_no_additional_headers_available" > 모든 헤더의 다운로드 완료되었습니다. 더이상 보여줄 추가적인 헤더정보가 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "message_additional_headers_retrieval_failed" > 이 데이터베이스 혹은 메일서버에서 추가적인 헤더 정보를 가져오는데 실패.</string>
<string name= "mailbox_select_dlg_title" > 폴더</string>
<string name= "mailbox_select_dlg_new_mailbox_action" > 새 폴더</string>
<string name= "new_mailbox_dlg_title" > 새 폴더 이름</string>
<string name= "folder_push_active_symbol" > (Push)</string>
<string name= "from_same_sender" > 이 발신자에 대한 추가작업</string>
<string name= "message_copied_toast" > 복사됨</string>
<string name= "message_moved_toast" > 이동됨</string>
<string name= "message_deleted_toast" > 삭제됨</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "message_discarded_toast" > 삭제됨</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "message_saved_toast" > 임시보관함에 저장되었습니다</string>
<string name= "message_delete_failed" > 삭제 실패</string>
<string name= "about_header" > About <xliff:g id= "app_name" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "about_version" > 버전: <xliff:g id= "version" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "global_settings_flag_label" > 즐겨찾기 보기</string>
<string name= "global_settings_flag_summary" > 체크된 메시지 즐겨찾기등록</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "global_settings_checkbox_label" > 체크박스 여러게 선택하기</string>
<string name= "global_settings_checkbox_summary" > 여러게 선택하기를 항상보여줍니다.</string>
<string name= "global_settings_touchable_label" > 메시지 미리보기</string>
<string name= "global_settings_touchable_summary" > 메시지 미리보기 목록의 각 항목을 더 넓게</string>
<string name= "global_settings_preview_lines_label" > 미리보기 라인</string>
<string name= "global_settings_show_correspondent_names_label" > 발신자 이름을 보여줌</string>
<string name= "global_settings_show_correspondent_names_summary" > 이메일 주소를 보여주지않고 발신자 이름을 보여줌</string>
<string name= "global_settings_show_contact_name_label" > 주소록(Contact) 이름 보기</string>
<string name= "global_settings_show_contact_name_summary" > 받는사람 이름을 주소록(Contact)에서 가져옵니다.</string>
<string name= "global_settings_registered_name_color_label" > 주소록 색표시</string>
<string name= "global_settings_registered_name_color_default" > 주소록(Contact) 목록에 있는 이름에 색표시 하지않음</string>
<string name= "global_settings_registered_name_color_changed" > 주소록(Contact) 목록에 있는 이름에 색표시</string>
<string name= "global_settings_messageview_fixedwidth_label" > 고정 넓이 폰트</string>
<string name= "global_settings_messageview_fixedwidth_summary" > 일반텍스트(Plain) 메시지를 보여줄때 고정 넓이 폰트사용</string>
<string name= "global_settings_messageview_return_to_list_label" > 삭제후 목록으로</string>
<string name= "global_settings_messageview_return_to_list_summary" > 메시지 삭제후에 메시지 목록으로 되돌아갑니다.</string>
2011-10-25 00:02:24 +09:00
<string name= "global_settings_messageview_show_next_label" > 삭제 후 다음 메시지 보기</string>
<string name= "global_settings_messageview_show_next_summary" > 메시지 삭제 후 다음 메시지를 보도록 기본값으로 설정합니다</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_actions_title" > 동작시 행동</string>
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_actions_summary" > 설정한 행동을 할 경우 확인창을 보여줍니다.</string>
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_action_archive" > 보관</string>
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_action_delete" > 삭제 (message view only)</string>
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_action_spam" > 스팸</string>
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_action_mark_all_as_read" > 모든 편지를 읽음으로 표시</string>
<string name= "global_settings_confirm_action_send" > 보내기</string>
<string name= "global_settings_privacy_mode_title" > 잠긴화면에서 알림</string>
<string name= "global_settings_privacy_mode_summary" > 화면이 잠겨있을경우 메시지 수신시 제목을 화면에 보여주지 않습니다.</string>
<string name= "quiet_time" > 무음 시간</string>
<string name= "quiet_time_description" > 벨소리, 부져, 플래쉬를 밤시간에 사용하지않습니다</string>
<string name= "quiet_time_starts" > 무음 시작 시간</string>
<string name= "quiet_time_ends" > 무음 끝나는 시간</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_title" > 계정 추가</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_instructions" > 이메일 계정을 입력하시오:</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_instructions2_fmt" > (<xliff:g id= "number_accounts" > %d</xliff:g> 개의 계정을 추가하였습니다.)</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_email_hint" > 이메일 주소</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_email_error_invalid_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "email" > %s</xliff:g> 유효하지 않은 이메일 주소입니다.</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_email_error_duplicate_fmt" > <xliff:g id= "email" > %s</xliff:g> 는 이미 등록되있습니다.</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_password_hint" > 비밀번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_default_label" > 기본 이메일로 설정</string>
<string name= "account_setup_basics_manual_setup_action" > 수동 설정</string>
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_title" > </string>
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_retr_info_msg" > 계정 정보 복구\u2026</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_check_incoming_msg" > 수신 서버 설정 확인중\u2026</string>
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_check_outgoing_msg" > 발신 서버 설정 확인중\u2026</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_authenticate" > 인증중\u2026</string>
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_fetch" > 계정설정 가져오기\u2026</string>
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_finishing_msg" > 완료중\u2026</string>
<string name= "account_setup_check_settings_canceling_msg" > 취소중\u2026</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_names_title" > 설정이 거의 완료되었습니다!</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_names_instructions" > 계정이 설정되었습니다. 순조롭게 진행중입니다!</string>
<string name= "account_setup_names_account_name_label" > 이 계정의 이름을 입력 (옵션):</string>
<string name= "account_setup_names_user_name_label" > 이름 입력 (보내는 메시지에 표시 될 이름):</string>
<string name= "account_setup_finished_toast" > 계정 설정완료!\n\메일을 가져오는중\u2026</string>
<string name= "account_setup_account_type_title" > 계정 종류</string>
<string name= "account_setup_account_type_instructions" > 계정 유형을 선택하시오.</string>
<string name= "account_setup_account_type_pop_action" > POP3</string>
<string name= "account_setup_account_type_imap_action" > IMAP</string>
<string name= "account_setup_account_type_webdav_action" > Exchange (WebDAV)</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_title" > 받기 서버 설정</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_username_label" > 아이디</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_password_label" > 비밀번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_pop_server_label" > POP3 서버</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_imap_server_label" > IMAP 서버</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_server_label" > Exchange 서버</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_port_label" > 포트 번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_security_label" > 보안 연결</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_auth_type_label" > 인증 방식</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_security_none_label" > 없음</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_optional_label" > SSL (유효할경우)</string>
2011-05-26 00:10:45 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_label" > SSL (모든 인증서 허용)</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_security_tls_optional_label" > TLS (유효할경우)</string>
2011-05-26 00:10:45 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_security_tls_label" > TLS (모든 인증서 허용)</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_label" > 메시지 삭제시</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_never_label" > 서버에는 메일을 삭제하지않음</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_7days_label" > 7일 이후</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_delete_label" > 서버에도 메일 삭제</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_markread_label" > 서버에 읽은 메일로 표시</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_compression_label" > 네트워크상에서 압축 사용:</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_mobile_label" > Mobile</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_wifi_label" > Wi-Fi</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_other_label" > Other</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_save_all_headers_title" > 헤더정보 다운로드</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_save_all_headers_label" > 모든 메시지의 헤더정보를 로컬에 저장</string>
<string name= "local_storage_provider_external_label" > 외부 저장장치(SD card)</string>
<string name= "local_storage_provider_internal_label" > 일반적인 내부 저장장치</string>
<string name= "local_storage_provider_samsunggalaxy_label" > %1$s 추가적인 내부 저장장치</string>
<string name= "local_storage_provider_label" > 저장 위치</string>
<string name= "account_setup_expunge_policy_label" > 삭제된 메시지를 없앰(Expunge)</string>
<string name= "account_setup_expunge_policy_immediately" > 즉시</string>
<string name= "account_setup_expunge_policy_on_poll" > 수신시(poll)</string>
<string name= "account_setup_expunge_policy_manual" > 항상 수동적으로</string>
2011-12-01 06:40:23 +01:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="account_setup_incoming_autodetect_namespace_label">Auto - detect IMAP namespace</string> -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_label" > IMAP path prefix</string>
<string name= "drafts_folder_label" > 임시보관함 폴더</string>
<string name= "sent_folder_label" > 보낸 편지함 폴더</string>
<string name= "trash_folder_label" > 휴지통 폴더</string>
<string name= "archive_folder_label" > 보관 폴더</string>
<string name= "spam_folder_label" > 스팸 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_subscribed_folders_only_label" > 설정한 폴더만 보기</string>
<string name= "account_setup_auto_expand_folder" > 폴더 자동 펼치기</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_path_prefix_label" > OWA 경로</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_path_prefix_hint" > 옵션</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_auth_path_label" > 인증 경로</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_auth_path_hint" > 옵션</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_mailbox_path_label" > Mailbox alias</string>
<string name= "account_setup_incoming_webdav_mailbox_path_hint" > 옵션</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_title" > 보내기 서버 설정</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_smtp_server_label" > SMTP 서버</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_port_label" > 포트번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_security_label" > 보안 유형</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_security_none_label" > 없음</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_security_ssl_label" > SSL</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_security_tls_optional_label" > TLS (유효할 경우)</string>
2011-05-26 00:10:45 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_security_tls_label" > TLS (모든 인증서 허용)</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_require_login_label" > sign-in 필요.</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_username_label" > 이름</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_password_label" > 비밀번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_label" > 인증 유형</string>
<!-- The authentication strings below are for a planned (hopefully) change to the above username and password options -->
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_basic_label" > 아이디 & 비밀번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_basic_username_label" > 아이디</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_basic_password_label" > 비밀번호</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_pop_before_smtp_label" > POP before SMTP</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_imap_before_smtp_label" > IMAP before SMTP</string>
<string name= "account_setup_outgoing_authentication_webdav_before_smtp_label" > WebDAV (Exchange) before SMTP</string>
<string name= "account_setup_bad_uri" > 잘못된 설정: <xliff:g id= "err_mess" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_title" > 계정 옵션</string>
<string name= "compact_action" > 최적화</string>
<string name= "clear_action" > 편지 비우기 (위험!)</string>
<string name= "recreate_action" > 데이터 재생성 (Last Resort!)</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_label" > 폴더 수신(poll) 빈도</string>
<!-- Frequency also used in account_settings_* -->
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_never" > 하지않음</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1min" > 매 1분 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_5min" > 매 5분 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_10min" > 매 10분 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_15min" > 매 15분 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_30min" > 매 30분 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1hour" > 매 시간 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_2hour" > 2시간 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_3hour" > 3시간 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_6hour" > 6시간 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_12hour" > 12시간 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_24hour" > 24시간 마다</string>
<string name= "push_poll_on_connect_label" > push접속시 수신</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_enable_push_label" > 이 계정의 메일에 대해 push 하도록함</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_enable_push_summary" > 만약 해당 계정서버가 push를 지원할경우 새로운 메시지가 있을경우 바로 보여질것입니다. 이 기능은 성능을 매우 향상시킬수 있습니다.</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_label" > IDLE 연결을 재생(refresh)</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_1min" > 매 1분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_2min" > 매 2분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_3min" > 매 3분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_6min" > 매 6분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_12min" > 매 12분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_24min" > 매 24분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_36min" > 매 36분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_48min" > 매 48분 마다</string>
<string name= "idle_refresh_period_60min" > 매 60분 마다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_default_label" > 보내기 기본 계정으로 사용합니다.</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_notify_label" > 메일 도착시 알림</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_notify_sync_label" > 메일 확인시 알림</string>
<!-- Number of displayed messages, also used in account_settings_* -->
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_label" > 화면에 보여질 메시지 수</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_10" > 10 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_25" > 25 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_50" > 50 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_100" > 100 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_250" > 250 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_500" > 500 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_1000" > 1000 메시지</string>
<string name= "account_setup_options_mail_display_count_all" > 모든 메시지</string>
<string name= "move_copy_cannot_copy_unsynced_message" > 서버와 동기화 되지않은 메시지를 복사하거나 이동할 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_title" > 설정이 완료되지 않았습니다</string>
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_auth_message_fmt" > 아이디 혹은 비밀번호가 틀림.\n(<xliff:g id= "error" > %s</xliff:g> )</string> <!-- Username or password incorrect\n(ERR01 Account does not exist) -->
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message_fmt" > 서버에 안전하게 연결할 수 없습니다.\n(<xliff:g id= "error" > %s</xliff:g> )</string> <!-- Cannot safely connect to server\n(Invalid certificate) -->
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message_fmt" > 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다.\n(<xliff:g id= "error" > %s</xliff:g> )</string> <!-- Cannot connect to server\n(Connection timed out) -->
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_edit_details_action" > 내용 수정</string>
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_continue_action" > 계속</string>
<string name= "account_settings_push_advanced_title" > 고급</string>
<string name= "account_settings_title_fmt" > 계정 설정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_default" > 기본 계정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_default_label" > 기본 계정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_default_summary" > 보내기 기본 계정으로 사용합니다.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notify_label" > 새 메일 알림</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notify_sync_label" > 동기화 알림</string>
<string name= "account_settings_email_label" > 당신의 이메일 주소</string>
2011-05-26 00:10:45 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_notify_summary" > 메일 도착시 상태바에 알림</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notify_sync_summary" > 동기화 확인중일때 상태바에 알림</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_show_combined_label" > Show combined Inbox</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notify_self_label" > 보낸편지함 포함</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notify_self_summary" > 내가 보낸 메시지에대해 알림 보기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notification_opens_unread_label" > 읽지 않은 메일에 대해 알림</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notification_opens_unread_summary" > 알림표시 가능상태일 때 읽지 않은 메일에 대해 찾습니다</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notification_unread_count_label" > 읽지 않은 메일 수 세기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_notification_unread_count_summary" > 읽지 않은 메시지의 수를 상태바에 보여줍니다.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_hide_buttons_label" > 네비게이션 버튼을 스크롤</string>
<string name= "account_settings_hide_buttons_never" > 하지않음</string>
<string name= "account_settings_hide_buttons_keyboard_avail" > 키보드를 이용가능할 경우</string>
<string name= "account_settings_hide_buttons_always" > 항상</string>
<string name= "account_settings_enable_move_buttons_label" > 재정리(refile) 버튼 활성화</string>
<string name= "account_settings_enable_move_buttons_summary" > 보관, 이동, 스팸 버튼을 보이기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_hide_move_buttons_label" > 재정리(refile) 보튼을 스크롤</string>
<string name= "account_settings_show_pictures_label" > 항상 그림 보기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_show_pictures_never" > 아니오</string>
<string name= "account_settings_show_pictures_only_from_contacts" > 주소록에 등록된 경우</string>
<string name= "account_settings_show_pictures_always" > 항상</string>
<string name= "account_settings_composition" > 메일 보내기</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="account_settings_default_quoted_text_shown_label">Quote original message when replying</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="account_settings_default_quoted_text_shown_summary">When replying to messages, the original message is in your reply.</string> -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_reply_after_quote_label" > Reply after quoted text</string>
<string name= "account_settings_reply_after_quote_summary" > 메시지 회신시 원본 메시지를 회신메시지에 포함시킵니다.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_format_label" > 메시지 형식</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_format_text" > 일반 텍스트(Plain) (이미지와 꾸밈format은 없어집니다)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_format_html" > HTML (이미지와 꾸밈format이 보존됩니다)</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="account_settings_message_read_receipt_label">Read receipt</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="account_settings_message_read_receipt_summary">Always request a read receipt</string> -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_quote_style_label" > 회신시 인용문 위치</string>
<string name= "account_settings_quote_style_prefix" > Prefix (Gmail, Pine 처럼)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_quote_style_header" > Header (Outlook, Yahoo!, Hotmail 처럼)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_general_title" > 일반 설정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_display_prefs_title" > 화면</string>
<string name= "account_settings_sync" > 메일 가져오기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folders" > 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_lists" > 메시지 목록</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_view" > 메시지 보기</string>
<string name= "account_settings_quote_prefix_label" > 본문 앞에</string>
<string name= "account_settings_crypto" > 암호화 방법</string>
<string name= "account_settings_crypto_app" > OpenPGP Provider</string>
<string name= "account_settings_crypto_app_none" > 없음</string>
<string name= "account_settings_crypto_app_not_available" > 이용 불가</string>
<string name= "account_settings_crypto_auto_signature" > Auto-sign</string>
<string name= "account_settings_crypto_auto_signature_summary" > 계정의 이메일 주소를 서명키를 추측할 수 있도록 사용.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_mail_check_frequency_label" > 폴더 수신(poll) 빈도</string>
<string name= "account_settings_second_class_check_frequency_label" > 2nd class check frequency</string>
<string name= "account_settings_storage_title" > 저장장치</string>
<string name= "account_settings_color_label" > 계정 색깔</string>
<string name= "account_settings_color_summary" > 계정 목록과 폴더내에서 사용될 계정 색깔을 선택하시오.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_led_color_label" > 알림 LED 색깔</string>
<string name= "account_settings_led_color_summary" > 이 계정에 대해 깜빡일 LED 색을 선택하시오.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_mail_display_count_label" > 로컬 폴더 용량</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_label" > 가져올 메시지 최대용량</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_1" > 1Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_2" > 2Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_4" > 4Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_8" > 8Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_16" > 16Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_32" > 32Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_64" > 64Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_128" > 128Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_256" > 256Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_512" > 512Kb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_1024" > 1Mb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_2048" > 2Mb</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_5120" > 5Mb</string>
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_10240" > 10Mb</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_autodownload_message_size_any" > any size (제한없음)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_label" > 메시지 동기화 기간</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_any" > 모두 (제한없음)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_0" > 오늘</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_1" > 최근 2일</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_2" > 최근 3일</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_7" > 최근 1주</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_14" > 최근 2주</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_21" > 최근 3주</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_1_month" > 최근 1달</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_2_months" > 최근 2달</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_3_months" > 최근 3달</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_6_months" > 최근 6달</string>
<string name= "account_settings_message_age_1_year" > 최근 1년</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_display_mode_label" > 보여질 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_display_mode_all" > 모든 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_display_mode_first_class" > Only 1st Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_display_mode_first_and_second_class" > 1st and 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_display_mode_not_second_class" > All except 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_sync_mode_label" > 폴링(Poll)할 폴더Poll</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_sync_mode_all" > 모든 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_sync_mode_first_class" > Only 1st Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_sync_mode_first_and_second_class" > 1st and 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_sync_mode_not_second_class" > All except 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_sync_mode_none" > 없음</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_push_mode_label" > 푸시(Push)할 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_push_mode_all" > 모든 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_push_mode_first_class" > Only 1st Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_push_mode_first_and_second_class" > 1st and 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_push_mode_not_second_class" > All except 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_push_mode_none" > 없음</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_target_mode_label" > 이동/복사 메시지가 저장될 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_target_mode_all" > 모든 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_target_mode_first_class" > Only 1st Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_target_mode_first_and_second_class" > 1st and 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_folder_target_mode_not_second_class" > All except 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_sync_remote_deletetions_label" > 서버에서의 삭제 동기화</string>
<string name= "account_settings_sync_remote_deletetions_summary" > 서버에서 메시지가 삭제되있을 경우 메시지를 삭제합니다</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_title" > 폴더 설정</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_in_top_group_label" > 첫번째 그룹에 보여짐</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_in_top_group_summary" > 폴더 목록의 가장 위에 보여짐</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_display_mode_label" > 폴더 디스플레이 클래스(Class)</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_display_mode_normal" > 없음</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_display_mode_first_class" > 1st Class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_display_mode_second_class" > 2nd Class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_sync_mode_label" > 폴더 동기화 클래스(Class)</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_sync_mode_normal" > 없음</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_sync_mode_first_class" > 1st Class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_sync_mode_second_class" > 2nd Class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_sync_mode_inherited" > Same as display class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_push_mode_label" > 폴더 푸시(Push) 클래스(Class)</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_push_mode_normal" > 없음</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_push_mode_first_class" > 1st Class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_push_mode_second_class" > 2nd Class</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_folder_push_mode_inherited" > 동기화 클래스와 같음</string>
<string name= "account_settings_incoming_label" > 받기 서버</string>
<string name= "account_settings_incoming_summary" > 메일 받기 서버 수정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_outgoing_label" > 보내기 서버</string>
<string name= "account_settings_outgoing_summary" > 메일 보내기서버(SMTP) 수정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_add_account_label" > Add another account</string>
<string name= "account_settings_description_label" > 계정 이름</string>
<string name= "account_settings_name_label" > 당신의 이름</string>
2011-05-26 00:10:45 +09:00
<string name= "notifications_title" > 알림</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_ring_summary" > 메일 도착시 벨울림</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_enable" > 진동</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_summary" > 메일 도착시 진동</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_label" > 진동 패턴</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_default" > 기본</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_1" > 패턴 1</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_2" > 패턴 2</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_3" > 패턴 3</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_4" > 패턴 4</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_pattern_5" > 패턴 5</string>
<string name= "account_settings_vibrate_times" > 진동 반복</string>
<string name= "account_settings_ringtone" > 새로운 메일 벨울림</string>
<string name= "account_settings_led_label" > LED 깜빡임</string>
<string name= "account_settings_led_summary" > 메일 도착시 LED를 깜빡입니다.</string>
<string name= "account_settings_servers" > 서버 설정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_composition_title" > 메시지 작성 옵션</string>
<string name= "account_settings_composition_label" > 메시지 작성 기본값</string>
<string name= "account_settings_composition_summary" > 기본 발신자, 숨은참조, 서명을 설정</string>
<string name= "account_settings_identities_label" > 내 정보 관리</string>
<string name= "account_settings_identities_summary" > Set up alternate \'From\' addresses and signatures</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_title" > 신원(Identities) 관리</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_context_menu_title" > 신원(Identity) 관리</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_title" > 신원(Identity) 수정</string>
<string name= "new_identity_action" > 새로운 신원(Identity)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_always_bcc_label" > 모든 메시지를 비밀첨부 보냄</string>
<string name= "account_settings_always_bcc_summary" > 이 주소로 보내는 모든 메시지의 복사본을 전달합니다</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_edit_action" > 수정</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_move_up_action" > 위로 이동</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_move_down_action" > 아래로 이동</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_move_top_action" > 맨위로 이동 / 기본값으로 함</string>
<string name= "manage_identities_remove_action" > 제거</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_description_label" > 이 항목(Identity) 설명</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_description_hint" > (Optional)</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_name_label" > 이름</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_name_hint" > (옵션)</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_email_label" > 이메일 주소</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_email_hint" > (필수)</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_reply_to_label" > 회신(reply-to) 주소</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_reply_to_hint" > (옵션)</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_signature_label" > 서명</string>
<string name= "edit_identity_signature_hint" > (옵션)</string>
<string name= "account_settings_signature_use_label" > 서명 사용</string>
<string name= "account_settings_signature_label" > 서명</string>
<string name= "account_settings_signature_summary" > 모든 보내는 메시지에 서명을 사용합니다</string>
<string name= "default_signature" > -- \nSent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.</string>
<string name= "default_identity_description" > 초기 발신자</string>
<string name= "choose_identity" > 발신자 선택</string>
<string name= "choose_identity_title" > 발신자 선택</string>
<string name= "choose_account_title" > 계정을 선택하시오</string>
<string name= "send_as" > 다른 계정으로 보내기</string>
<string name= "no_identities" > 신원 설정 가기 -> 새로운 신원(Identity) 생성을 위한 신원(Identity) 관리</string>
<string name= "no_removable_identity" > 신원(Identity)를 제거할 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "identity_has_no_email" > 이메일 주소없이 신원(Identity)을 사용할 수 없습니다</string>
<string name= "identity_will_not_be_saved" > 신원(Identity) 선택과 서명 변경은 임시 저장에서 제외됩니다</string>
<string name= "sort_earliest_first" > 오래된 메시지를 순서</string>
<string name= "sort_latest_first" > 최근 메시지 순서</string>
<string name= "sort_sender_alpha" > 알파벳 순서</string>
<string name= "sort_sender_re_alpha" > 알파벳 순서의 역순</string>
<string name= "sort_subject_alpha" > 제목의 알파벳 순서</string>
<string name= "sort_subject_re_alpha" > 제목의 알파벳 순서의 역순</string>
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "sort_flagged_first" > 즐겨찾기(stared) 메시지를 첫번째로</string>
<string name= "sort_flagged_last" > 즐겨찾기아닌(unstarted) 메시지를 첫번째로</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "sort_unread_first" > 읽지않은 메시지를 첫번째로</string>
<string name= "sort_unread_last" > 읽은 메시지를 첫번째로</string>
<string name= "sort_attach_first" > 첨부파일이 있는 메시지를 첫번째로</string>
<string name= "sort_unattached_first" > 첨부파일이 있는 메시지를 첫번째로</string>
<string name= "sort_by" > 정렬</string>
<string name= "sort_by_date" > 날짜</string>
<string name= "sort_by_sender" > 보낸이</string>
<string name= "sort_by_subject" > 제목</string>
<string name= "sort_by_flag" > 즐겨찾기</string>
<string name= "sort_by_unread" > 읽음/읽지않음</string>
<string name= "sort_by_attach" > 첨부</string>
<string name= "message_web_view_error" > %s</string>
<string name= "account_delete_dlg_title" > 계정 삭제</string>
<string name= "account_delete_dlg_instructions_fmt" > \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \" 계정이 K-9에서 삭제됩니다.</string>
<string name= "account_recreate_dlg_title" > 계정 재생성</string>
<string name= "account_recreate_dlg_instructions_fmt" > \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \"의 모든 데이타가 K-9에서 삭제됩니다. 하지만 계정 설정은 보존됩니다.</string>
<string name= "account_clear_dlg_title" > 계정 비우기</string>
<string name= "account_clear_dlg_instructions_fmt" > \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \"의 모든 메일이 K-9에서 삭제될것입니다. 하지만 계정 설정은 보존됩니다.</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<string name= "provider_note_live" > \"Plus\" 계정만이 이 프로그램을 POP 접근 하도록 허락합니다.
올바른 이메일 주소와 비밀번호로 로그인 실패할 경우 \"Plus\" 계정을 위해 유료전환 해야 할 것입니다.
웹브라우저를 통해 접근을 얻도록 하십시오</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "provider_note_yahoojp" > POP3를 이용하기위해서는 야휴 메일 설정페이지에서 POP3 이용을 설정하여야합니다.</string>
2011-05-12 02:57:43 +09:00
<string name= "provider_note_naver" > IMAP/POP3를 이용하기위해서는 네이버 메일 설정페이지에서 IMAP/POP3 이용을 설정하여야합니다.</string>
<string name= "provider_note_hanmail" > IMAP/POP3을 이용하기위해서는 한메일 환경설정 페이지에서 IMAP/POP3 이용을 설정하여야합니다.</string>
<string name= "provider_note_paran" > IMAP/POP3을 이용하기위해서는 파란 메일 환경설정 페이지에서 IMAP/POP3 이용을 설정하여야합니다.</string>
<string name= "provider_note_nate" > IMAP/POP3을 이용하기위해서는 네이트 메일 환경설정 페이지에서 IMAP/POP3 이용을 설정하여야합니다.</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_invalid_certificate_title" > 잘못된 인증정보</string>
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_invalid_certificate_accept" > Accept Key</string>
<string name= "account_setup_failed_dlg_invalid_certificate_reject" > Reject Key</string>
<string name= "message_help_key" > Del (or D) - 삭제\u000AR -
회신\u000AA - 전체 회신\u000AF - 전달\u000AJ or P - Previous
메시지\u000AK, N - 다음 메시지\u000AM - 이동\u000AY - 복사\u000AZ - Zoom Out\u000AShift-Z -
Zoom In\u000aG - Star</string>
<string name= "message_list_help_key" > Del (or D) - 삭제\u000AR -
회신\u000AA - 전체 회신\u000AC - 작성\u000AF - 전달\u000aM -
이동\u000AY - 복사\u000AG - Star\u000AO - Sort type\u000AI - 정렬 순서\u000AQ
- 폴더로 돌아가기\u000AS - 선택/선택해제</string>
<string name= "folder_list_help_key" >
1 - 첫 번째 클래스 폴더만 보기\u000A
2 - 첫 번째, 두 번째 클레스(Class)를 제외하고 모두 보기\u000A
3 - 두 번째 클레스(Class)를 제외하고 모두 보기\u000A
4 - 모든 폴더 보기\u000A
Q - 계정 변경\u000A
S - 계정 설정 변경</string>
<string name= "folder_list_display_mode_label" > 폴더</string>
<string name= "folder_list_display_mode_all" > 모든 폴더 표시</string>
<string name= "folder_list_display_mode_first_class" > Display only 1st Class folders</string>
<string name= "folder_list_display_mode_first_and_second_class" > Display 1st and 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "folder_list_display_mode_not_second_class" > Display all except 2nd Class folders</string>
<string name= "account_settings_signature__location_label" > 서명 위치</string>
<string name= "account_settings_signature__location_before_quoted_text" > 본문 앞에</string>
<string name= "account_settings_signature__location_after_quoted_text" > 본문 뒤에</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "setting_theme_dark" > 어두운</string>
<string name= "setting_theme_light" > 밝은</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "display_preferences" > 화면</string>
<string name= "global_preferences" > Global</string>
<string name= "debug_preferences" > 디버깅</string>
<string name= "privacy_preferences" > 개인정보</string>
<string name= "network_preferences" > 네트워크</string>
<string name= "interaction_preferences" > 상호 작용(Interaction)</string>
<string name= "accountlist_preferences" > 계정 항목</string>
<string name= "messagelist_preferences" > 메시지 리스트</string>
<string name= "messageview_preferences" > 메시지</string>
<string name= "settings_theme_label" > 테마</string>
<string name= "settings_language_label" > 언어</string>
<string name= "settings_messageview_mobile_layout_label" > Single-column layout</string>
<string name= "settings_messageview_mobile_layout_summary" > 작은 스크린에서 HTML 메시지를 다시만듬(reformat)</string>
<string name= "settings_messageview_zoom_controls_label" > 시스템 줌 컨트롤</string>
<string name= "settings_messageview_zoom_controls_summary" > Enable zoom widgets or pinch-zoom if your device supports it</string>
<string name= "setting_language_system" > 시스템 기본값</string>
<string name= "background_ops_label" > 벡그라운드 동기화</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "background_ops_never" > 하지않음</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "background_ops_always" > 항상</string>
<string name= "background_ops_enabled" > \'백그라운드 데이타\'가 선택된 경우</string>
<string name= "background_ops_auto_sync" > \'백그라운드 데이타\'와 \'Auto-sync\'가 선택된 경우</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "no_message_seletected_toast" > 선택된 메시지가 없습니다.</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "date_format_label" > 날짜 형식</string>
The values of the date_format_* strings MUST be valid date format strings.
See Android SDK documentation for the class SimpleDateFormat.
<string name= "date_format_short" > SHORT</string>
<string name= "date_format_medium" > MEDIUM</string>
<string name= "date_format_common" > dd-MMM-yyyy</string>
<string name= "date_format_iso8601" > yyyy-MM-dd</string>
<string name= "batch_ops" > 선택항목 일괄처리</string>
<string name= "batch_delete_op" > 삭제</string>
<string name= "batch_mark_read_op" > 읽음으로 표시</string>
<string name= "batch_mark_unread_op" > 읽지 않음으로 표시</string>
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "batch_flag_op" > 즐겨찾기 추기</string>
<string name= "batch_unflag_op" > 즐겨찾기 해제</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "batch_archive_op" > 보관(Archive)으로 이동</string>
<string name= "batch_spam_op" > 스팸으로 이동</string>
<string name= "batch_move_op" > 이동(Move)</string>
<string name= "batch_copy_op" > 복사</string>
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "batch_flag_mode" > 즐겨찾기(Star) 모드</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "batch_select_mode" > 선택(Select) 모드</string>
<string name= "batch_plain_mode" > 일반(Plain)모드</string>
<string name= "batch_select_all" > 모두 선택</string>
<string name= "batch_deselect_all" > 선택 취소</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_label" > Push 체크할 최대 폴더 수</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_10" > 10개 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_25" > 25개 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_50" > 50개 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_100" > 100개 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_250" > 250개 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_500" > 500개 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_setup_push_limit_1000" > 1000개 폴더</string>
<string name= "animations_title" > Animation</string>
<string name= "animations_summary" > Use gaudy visual effects</string>
<string name= "gestures_title" > 제스쳐</string>
<string name= "gestures_summary" > 제스쳐를 이용합니다</string>
<string name= "compact_layouts_title" > 레이아웃 최적화(Compact)</string>
<string name= "compact_layouts_summary" > 각 페이지에 더 많은 내용을 보여주기위해 레이아웃을 조절</string>
<string name= "volume_navigation_title" > 볼륨키 네비게이션</string>
<string name= "volume_navigation_summary" > 볼륨키를 이용하여 메시지 목록의 각 항목을 넘김</string>
<string name= "volume_navigation_message" > 메시지 뷰</string>
<string name= "volume_navigation_list" > 다양한 리스트 뷰</string>
<string name= "manage_back_title" > \"뒤로\" 버튼 관리</string>
<string name= "manage_back_summary" > \"뒤로\" 버튼이 항상 위로</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "start_integrated_inbox_title" > 통합 편지함으로 시작</string>
<string name= "start_integrated_inbox_summary" > 통합 편지함을 시작시 보여줍니다</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "measure_accounts_title" > 계정 용량을 보여줍니다</string>
<string name= "measure_accounts_summary" > 빠른 처리를 위해 비활성화</string>
<string name= "count_search_title" > 검색 결과 카운트</string>
<string name= "count_search_summary" > 빠른 처리를 위해 비활성화</string>
<string name= "hide_special_accounts_title" > 특정 계정 숨기기</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "hide_special_accounts_summary" > 통합 편지함과 모든 편지함 숨기기</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "search_title" > <xliff:g id= "search_name" > %s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id= "modifier" > %s</xliff:g> </string>
2011-08-22 02:03:45 +09:00
<string name= "flagged_modifier" > - 즐겨찾기 메일수</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "unread_modifier" > - 읽지않은 메일수</string>
<string name= "search_all_messages_title" > 모든 편지</string>
<string name= "search_all_messages_detail" > 검색가능한 모든 편지</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "integrated_inbox_title" > 통합 편지함</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "integrated_inbox_detail" > 통합된 폴더의 모든 이메일</string>
<string name= "tap_hint" > Tap envelope or star for unread or starred messages</string>
<string name= "folder_settings_include_in_integrated_inbox_label" > 통합</string>
2011-10-24 04:53:31 +09:00
<string name= "folder_settings_include_in_integrated_inbox_summary" > 모든 메시지는 통합 편지함에 보여집니다</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_settings_searchable_label" > 찾을 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_searchable_all" > 모두</string>
<string name= "account_settings_searchable_displayable" > 보여지는 폴더</string>
<string name= "account_settings_searchable_none" > 없음</string>
<string name= "remote_control_label" > K-9 메일 리모콘</string>
<string name= "remote_control_desc" > 이 어플리케이션이 K-9 메일을 제어하고 설정하도록 함.</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "font_size_settings_title" > 글꼴 크기</string>
<string name= "font_size_settings_description" > 글꼴 크기 수정</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "font_size_account_list" > 계정 목록</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "font_size_account_name" > 계정 이름</string>
<string name= "font_size_account_description" > 계정 정보</string>
2011-08-25 04:29:26 +09:00
<string name= "font_size_folder_list" > 폴더 목록</string>
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "font_size_folder_name" > 폴더 이름</string>
<string name= "font_size_folder_status" > 폴더 순위(status)</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_list" > 메시지 목록</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_list_subject" > 제목</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_list_sender" > 보낸이</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_list_date" > 날짜</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_list_preview" > 미리보기</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view" > 메시지</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_sender" > 보낸이</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_to" > 받는이</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_cc" > 참조</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_additional_headers" > 추가 헤더정보</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_subject" > 제목</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_time" > 시간</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_date" > 날짜</string>
<string name= "font_size_message_view_content" > 내용</string>
<string name= "font_size_tiniest" > 가장 작음</string>
<string name= "font_size_tiny" > 매우 작음</string>
<string name= "font_size_smaller" > 더 작게</string>
<string name= "font_size_small" > 작게</string>
<string name= "font_size_medium" > 중간</string>
<string name= "font_size_large" > 크게</string>
<string name= "font_size_larger" > 더 크게</string>
<string name= "font_size_webview_smaller" > 가장 작음</string>
<string name= "font_size_webview_small" > 더 작게</string>
<string name= "font_size_webview_normal" > 보통</string>
<string name= "font_size_webview_large" > 더 크게</string>
<string name= "font_size_webview_larger" > 가장 크게</string>
<!-- Note: Contains references to preferences_action and misc_preferences_attachment_title -->
<string name= "message_compose_buggy_gallery" > \"설정\" 확인 -> \"갤러리 버그 회피\" 갤러리 3D버그를 피해 이미지 혹은 비디오를 사용하기위함.</string>
<!-- Note: Contains references to add_attachment_action_image and add_attachment_action_video -->
<string name= "message_compose_use_workaround" > \"첨부 추가 (이미지)\" 혹은 \"첨부 추가 (비디오)\"를 Gallery 3D를 이용해서 이미지나 비디오를 보낼수 있습니다.</string>
<string name= "miscellaneous_preferences" > 기타 설정</string>
<string name= "misc_preferences_attachment_title" > 갤러리 버그 회피</string>
<string name= "misc_preferences_attachment_description" > 이미지/비디오 첨부를 위한 버튼을 보여줍니다.(갤러리의 3D 버그를 회피하기위함)</string>
<!-- APG related -->
<string name= "error_activity_not_found" > 이 작동에 대해 적절한 어플리케이션을 찾을 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "error_apg_version_not_supported" > 설치된 APG 버전을 지원하지 않습니다.</string>
<string name= "btn_crypto_sign" > Sign</string>
<string name= "btn_encrypt" > 암호화</string>
<string name= "btn_decrypt" > 복호화</string>
<string name= "btn_verify" > 인증(Verify)</string>
<string name= "unknown_crypto_signature_user_id" > < 알수없음> </string>
<string name= "key_id" > id: %s</string>
<string name= "insufficient_apg_permissions" > K-9 는 APG를 완벽하게 접근할 권한이 없습니다. K-9 재설치를 통해 고쳐질 수 있습니다.</string>
<string name= "pgp_mime_unsupported" > PGP/MIME 메시지는 아직 지원하지 않습니다.</string>
<string name= "attachment_encryption_unsupported" > 경고: 첨부파일이 아직 암호화 안 되었습니다</string>
<string name= "send_aborted" > 보내기 실패.</string>
<string name= "save_or_discard_draft_message_dlg_title" > 임시보관함에 저장하시겠습니까?</string>
<string name= "save_or_discard_draft_message_instructions_fmt" > 메시지를 저장하거나 버리하시겠습니까?</string>
<string name= "charset_not_found" > 이 메시지를 보여드릴수 없습니다. charset \"<xliff:g id= "charset" > %s</xliff:g> \" 을 찾을 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name= "select_text_now" > 복사할 텍스트 선택.</string>
<string name= "dialog_confirm_delete_title" > 삭제 확인</string>
<string name= "dialog_confirm_delete_message" > 이 메시지를 삭제하시겠습니까?</string>
<string name= "dialog_confirm_delete_confirm_button" > 삭제함</string>
<string name= "dialog_confirm_delete_cancel_button" > 삭제하지 않음</string>
<string name= "dialog_confirm_spam_title" > 스팸폴더로 이동 확인</string>
2011-06-11 07:10:22 +02:00
<plurals name= "dialog_confirm_spam_message" >
<item quantity= "one" > 정말 이 메시지를 스팸폴더로 옮기시겠습니까?</item>
<item quantity= "other" > 정말 이 메시지를 스팸폴더로 옮기시겠습니까?</item>
Please review how to handle pluralization for your language at (1) and ajust
the <item > elements accordingly
Possible values for 'quantity': zero, one, two, few, many, other
(1) http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html#Plurals
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "dialog_confirm_spam_confirm_button" > 예</string>
<string name= "dialog_confirm_spam_cancel_button" > 아니오</string>
<string name= "dialog_attachment_progress_title" > 첨부파일 다운로드중</string>
<string name= "debug_logging_enabled" > 디버그 로깅정보를 바탕으로 안드로이드 디버그 로깅 시스템 사용</string>
<string name= "messagelist_sent_to_me_sigil" > »</string>
<string name= "messagelist_sent_cc_me_sigil" > › </string>
<string name= "error_unable_to_connect" > 연결실패</string>
2011-11-09 04:25:30 +01:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="import_export_action">Settings Import & Export</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_account">Export account settings</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_all">Export settings and accounts</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_dialog_title">Import</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_dialog_title">Export</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import">Import settings</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_selection">Import selection</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_global_settings">Global settings</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_exporting">Exporting settings...</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_importing">Importing settings...</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_scanning_file">Scanning file...</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_success">Saved exported settings to <xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g></string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_global_settings_success">Imported global settings from <xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g></string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_success">Imported <xliff:g id="accounts">%s</xliff:g> from <xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g></string> -->
<!-- NEW: <plurals name="settings_import_success">
<item quantity= "one" > 1 account</item>
<item quantity= "other" > <xliff:g id= "numAccounts" > %s</xliff:g> accounts</item>
</plurals> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_failure">Failed to export settings</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_failure">Failed to import any settings from <xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g></string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_success_header">Export succeeded</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_export_failed_header">Export failed</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_success_header">Import succeeded</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_failed_header">Import failed</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_activate_account_header">Activate account</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_activate_account_intro">To be able to use the account \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" you need to provide the <xliff:g id="server_passwords">%s.</xliff:g></string> -->
<!-- NEW: <plurals name="settings_import_server_passwords">
<item quantity= "one" > server password</item>
<item quantity= "other" > server passwords</item>
</plurals> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_incoming_server">Incoming server (<xliff:g id="hostname">%s</xliff:g>):</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_outgoing_server">Outgoing server (<xliff:g id="hostname">%s</xliff:g>):</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <plurals name="settings_import_setting_passwords">
<item quantity= "one" > Setting password...</item>
<item quantity= "other" > Setting passwords...</item>
</plurals> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_import_use_incoming_server_password">Use the incoming server password</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="activate_account_action">Activate</string> -->
<!-- NEW: <string name="settings_unknown_version">Unable to handle file of version <xliff:g id="version">%s</xliff:g></string> -->
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00
<string name= "account_unavailable" > \"<xliff:g id= "account" > %s</xliff:g> \" 계정을 이용할 수 없습니다.; 저장장치를 확인하십시오.</string>
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
<string name= "settings_attachment_default_path" > 첨부파일 저장위치</string>
<string name= "attachment_save_title" > 첨부파일 저장</string>
<string name= "attachment_save_desc" > 파일 브라우져를 찾을 수 없습니다. 첨부파일을 저장할 경로를 입력하시오</string>
<string name= "manage_accounts_move_up_action" > 위로</string>
2011-10-25 00:02:24 +09:00
<string name= "manage_accounts_move_down_action" > 아래로</string>
2011-11-09 04:25:30 +01:00
<!-- NEW: <string name="manage_accounts_moving_message">Moving account...</string> -->
2011-10-28 00:02:05 +02:00
2011-05-08 12:56:40 +09:00