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% HexChat Python Interface


Here are some of the features of the python plugin interface:

  • Comprehensive, consistent and straightforward API
  • Load, unload, reload, and autoload support
  • Per plugin independent interpreter state
  • Python interactive console
  • Python interactive command execution
  • Full thread support
  • Stdout and stderr redirected to xchat console
  • Dynamic list management
  • Nice context treatment
  • Plugin preferences


The following commands will be intercepted by the Python Plugin interface module, when it is loaded.

Command Description

/py load Load module with given filename.

/py unload <filename|module name> Unload module with given filename, or module name.

/py reload <filename|module name> Reload module with given filename, or module name.

/py list List Python modules loaded.

/py exec Execute given Python command interactively. For example: /py exec import xchat /py exec print xchat.get_info('channel')

/py console Open the Python interactive console in a query (>>python<<). Every message sent will be intercepted by the Python plugin interface, and interpreted interactively. Notice that the console and /py exec commands live in the same interpreter state.

/py about Show some information about the Python plugin interface.

Autoloading modules

If you want some module to be autoloaded together with the Python plugin interface (which usually loads at startup time), just make sure it has a .py extension and put it in your HexChat directory (~/.config/hexchat/addons, %APPDATA%\HexChat\addons).

Context theory

Before starting to explain what the API offers, I'll do a short introduction about the xchat context concept. Not because it's something hard to understand, but because you'll understand better the API explanations if you know what I'm talking about.

You can think about a context as an xchat channel, server, or query tab. Each of these tabs, has its own context, and is related to a given server and channel (queries are a special kind of channel).

The current context is the one where xchat passes control to the module. For example, when xchat receives a command in a specific channel, and you have asked xchat to tell you about this event, the current context will be set to this channel before your module is called.

Hello world

Here is the traditional hello world example.

    __module_name__ = "helloworld" 
    __module_version__ = "1.0" 
    __module_description__ = "Python module example" 
    print "Hello world!" 

This module will print "Hello world!" in the xchat console, and sleep forever until it's unloaded. It's a simple module, but already introduces some concepts. Notice how the module information is set. This information is obligatory, and will be shown when listing the loaded xchat modules.

xchat module

The xchat module is your passport to every xchat functionality offered by the Python plugin interface. Here's a simple example:

    import xchat 
    xchat.prnt("Hi everyone!")

The following functions are available in the xchat module.

Generic functions


This function will print string in the current context. It's mainly useful as a parameter to pass to some other function, since the usual print statement will have the same results. You have a usage example above.

This function is badly named because "print" is a reserved keyword of the Python language.

xchat.emit_print(event_name, *args)

This function will generate a print event with the given arguments. To check which events are available, and the number and meaning of arguments, have a look at the Settings > Lists > Text Events window. Here is one example:

    xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", "John", "Hi there", "@")

#### xchat.command(string)

Execute the given command in the current context. This has the same
results as executing a command in the xchat window, but notice that the
`/` prefix is not used. Here is an example:

~~~~~~~~~~ {.python}
    xchat.command("server irc.openprojects.net") 

xchat.nickcmp(s1, s2)

This function will do an RFC1459 compliant string comparing between s1 and s2, and is useful to compare channels and nicknames. It returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2. For example:

    if xchat.nickcmp(nick, "mynick") == 0: 
        print "They are the same!" 

Information retreiving functions


Retrieve the information specified by the type string in the current context. At the moment of this writing, the following information types are available to be queried:

Type Description

away Away reason or None if you are not away.

channels Channel of the current context.

hostname Real hostname of the server you connected to.

network Current network name or None.

nick Your current nick name.

server Current server name (what the server claims to be) or None if you are not connected.

topic Current channel topic.

version hexchat version number.

xchatdir hexchat config directory e.g.: "~/.config/hexchat".


    if xchat.get_info("server") is None: 
        xchat.prnt("Not connected!") 


Retrieve the xchat setting information specified by the name string, as available by the /set command. For example:

    print "Current preferred nick:", xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")


With this function you may retrieve a list containing the selected information from the current context, like a DCC list, a channel list, a user list, etc. Each list item will have its attributes set dynamically depending on the information provided by the list type.

The example below is a rewrite of the example provided with xchat's plugin API documentation. It prints a list of every DCC transfer happening at the moment. Notice how similar the interface is to the C API provided by xchat.

    list = xchat.get_list("dcc") 
    if list: 
        print "--- DCC LIST ------------------" 
        print "File  To/From   KB/s   Position" 
        for i in list: 
            print "%6s %10s %.2f  %d" % (i.file, i.nick, i.cps/1024, i.pos) 

Below you will find what each list type has to offer.

This information was taken from xchat's plugin documentation. You may find any types not listed here, if they exist at all, in an updated xchat documentation. Any list types accepted by xchat should be dynamically accepted by the Python plugin interface.


The channels list type gives you access to the channels, queries and their servers. The folloing attributes are available in each list item:

Type Description

channel Channel or query name.

context A context object, giving access to that channel/server.

network Network name to which this channel belongs.

server Server name to which this channel belongs.

type Type of context (1=Server, 2=Channel, 3=Dialog).


The dcc list type gives you access to a list of DCC file transfers. The following attributes are available in each list item:

Type Description

address32 Address of the remote user (ipv4 address, as an int).

cps Bytes per second (speed).

destfile Destination full pathname.

file Filename.

nick Nickname of person who the file is from/to.

port TCP port number.

pos Bytes sent/received.

resume Point at which this file was resumed (or zero if it was not resumed).

size File size in bytes.

status DCC status (queued=0, active=1, failed=2, done=3, connecting=4, aborted=5).

type DCC type (send=0, receive=1, chatrecv=2, chatsend=3).


The users list type gives you access to a list of users in the current channel. The following attributes are available in each list item:

Type Description

nick Nick name.

host Host name in the form user@host (or None, if not known).

prefix Prefix character, .e.g: @ or +. Points to a single char.


The ignore list type gives you access to the current ignored list. The following attributes are available in each list item:

Type Description

mask Ignore mask (for example, "!@*.aol.com").

flags Bit field of flags (0=private, 1=notice, 2=channel, 3=ctcp, 4=invite, 5=unignore, 6=nosave, 7=dcc).

Hook functions

These functions allow one to hook into xchat events.


When a priority keyword parameter is accepted, it means that this callback may be hooked with five different priorities: PRI_HIGHEST, PRI_HIGH, PRI_NORM, PRI_LOW, and PRI_LOWEST. The usage of these constants, which are available in the xchat module, will define the order in which your plugin will be called. Most of the time, you won't want to change its default value (PRI_NORM).

Parameters word and word_eol

These parameters, when available in a callback, are lists of strings which contain the parameters the user entered for the particular command. For example, if you executed:

/command NICK Hi there!

  • word[0] is command
  • word[1] is NICK
  • word[2] is Hi
  • word[3] is there!
  • word_eol[0] is command NICK Hi there!
  • word_eol[1] is NICK Hi there!
  • word_eol[2] is Hi there!
  • word_eol[3] is there!

Parameter userdata

The parameter userdata, if given, allows you to pass a custom object to your callback.

Callback return constants (EAT_*)

When a callback is supposed to return one of the EAT_* macros, it is able control how xchat will proceed after the callback returns. These are the available constants, and their meanings:

Constant Description

EAT_PLUGIN Don't let any other plugin receive this event.

EAT_XCHAT Don't let xchat treat this event as usual.

EAT_ALL Eat the event completely.

EAT_NONE Let everything happen as usual.

Returning None is the same as returning EAT_NONE.

xchat.hook_command(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM, help=None)

This function allows you to hook into the name xchat command. It means that everytime you type /name ..., callback will be called. Parameters userdata and priority have their meanings explained above, and the parameter help, if given, allows you to pass a help text which will be shown when /help name is executed. This function returns a hook handler which may be used in the xchat.unhook() function. For example:

    def onotice_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): 
        if len(word) < 2: 
            print "Second arg must be the message!" 
            xchat.command("NOTICE @%s %s" % (xchat.get_info("channel"), word_eol[1])) 
        return xchat.EAT_ALL 
    xchat.hook_command("ONOTICE", onotice_cb, help="/ONOTICE <message> Sends a notice to all ops")

You may return one of EAT_* constants in the callback, to control xchat's behavior, as explained above.

xchat.hook_print(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM)

This function allows you to register a callback to trap any print events. The event names are available in the Edit Event Texts window. Parameters userdata and priority have their meanings explained above. This function returns a hook handler which may be used in the xchat.unhook() function. For example:

    def youpart_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): 
        print "You have left channel", word[2] 
        return xchat.EAT_XCHAT # Don't let xchat do its normal printing 
    xchat.hook_print("You Part", youpart_cb) 

You may return one of EAT_* constants in the callback, to control xchat's behavior, as explained above.

xchat.hook_server(name, callback, userdata=None, priority=PRI_NORM)

This function allows you to register a callback to be called when a certain server event occurs. You can use this to trap PRIVMSG, NOTICE, PART, a server numeric, etc. Parameters userdata and priority have their meanings explained above. This function returns a hook handler which may be used in the xchat.unhook() function. For example:

    def kick_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): 
        print "%s was kicked from %s (%s)" % (word[3], word[2], word_eol[4]) 
        # Don't eat this event, let other plugins and xchat see it too 
        return xchat.EAT_NONE 
    xchat.hook_server("KICK", kick_cb) 

You may return one of EAT_* constants in the callback, to control xchat's behavior, as explained above.

xchat.hook_timer(timeout, callback, userdata=None)

This function allows you to register a callback to be called every timeout milliseconds. Parameters userdata and priority have their meanings explained above. This function returns a hook handler which may be used in the xchat.unhook() function. For example:

    myhook = None 
    def stop_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): 
        global myhook 
        if myhook is not None: 
            myhook = None 
            print "Timeout removed!" 
    def timeout_cb(userdata): 
        print "Annoying message every 5 seconds! Type /STOP to stop it." 
        return 1 # Keep the timeout going 
    myhook = xchat.hook_timer(5000, timeout_cb) 
    xchat.hook_command("STOP", stop_cb) 

If you return a true value from the callback, the timer will be keeped, otherwise it is removed.

xchat.hook_unload(timeout, callback, userdata=None)

This function allows you to register a callback to be called when the plugin is going to be unloaded. Parameters userdata and priority have their meanings explained above. This function returns a hook handler which may be used in the xchat.unhook() function. For example:

    def unload_cb(userdata): 
        print "We're being unloaded!" 


Unhooks any hook registered with the hook functions above.

Plugin preferences

You can use pluginpref to easily store and retrieve settings. This was added in the Python plugin version 0.9

xchat.set_pluginpref(name, value)

If neccessary creates a .conf file in the HexChat config dir named addon_python.conf and stores the value in it. Returns 1 on success 0 on failure.

Note: Until the plugin uses different a conf file per script it's recommened to use 'PluginName-SettingName' to avoid conflicts.


This will return the value of the variable of that name. If there is none by this name it will return None. Numbers are always returned as Integers.


Deletes specified variable. Returns 1 on success (or never existing), 0 on failure.


Returns a list of all currently set preferences.

Context handling

Below you will find information about how to work with contexts.

Context objects

As explained in the Context theory session above, contexts give access to a specific channel/query/server tab of xchat. Every function available in the xchat module will be evaluated in the current context, which will be specified by xchat itself before passing control to the module. Sometimes you may want to work in a specific context, and that's where context objects come into play.

You may create a context object using the xchat.get_context() or xchat.find_context(), functions as explained below, or trough the xchat.get_list() function, as explained in its respective session.

Each context object offers the following methods:

Methods Description

context.set() Changes the current context to be the one represented by this context object.

context.prnt(string) Does the same as the xchat.prnt() function, but in the given context.

context.emit_print(event_name, *args) Does the same as the emit_print() function, but in the given context.

context.command(string) Does the same as the xchat.command() function, but in the given context.

context.get_info(type) Does the same as the xchat.get_info() function, but in the given context.

context.get_list(type) Does the same as the xchat.get_list() function, but in the given context.


Returns a context object corresponding the the current context.

xchat.find_context(server=None, channel=None)

Finds a context based on a channel and servername. If server is None, it finds any channel (or query) by the given name. If channel is None, it finds the front-most tab/window of the given server. For example:

    cnc = xchat.find_context(channel='#conectiva') 
    cnc.command('whois niemeyer') 

Original Author: Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo@niemeyer.net

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