2011-07-27 16:41:43 -04:00

3.7 KiB

layout title date sidebar comments footer
page Blogging Basics July 19 2011 false false false

Octopress offers some rake tasks to create post and pages preloaded with metadata and according to Jekyll's naming conventions.

Blog Posts

Blog posts must be stored in the source/_posts directory and named according to Jekyll's naming conventions: YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.markdown. The name of the file is used as the slug for the url, and the date helps with file distinction and determines the sorting order for post loops.

Octopress provides a rake task to create new blog posts with the right naming conventions, with sensible yaml metadata.


rake new_post["title"]

new_post expects a naturally written title and strips out undesirable url characters when creating the filename. The default file extension for new posts is markdown but you can configure that in the Rakefile.


rake new_post["Zombie Ninjas Attack: A survivor's retrospective"]

# Creates the file

The filename will determine your url. With the default permalink settings the url would be something like http://site.com/blog/20011/07/03/zombie-ninjas-attack-a-survivors-retrospective/index.html.

Open a post in a text editor and you'll see a block of yaml front matter which tells Jekyll how to processes posts and pages.

layout: post
title: "Zombie Ninjas Attack: A survivor's retrospective"
date: 2011-07-03 5:59
comments: true

Here you can turn comments off and or categories to your post. If you are working on a multi-author blog, you can add author: Your Name to the metadata for proper attribution on a post. If you are working on a draft, you can add published: false to prevent it from being posted when you generate your blog.

New Pages

You can add pages anywhere in your blog source directory and they'll be parsed by Jekyll. The URL will correspond directly to the filepath, so about.markdown will become site.com/about.html. If you prefer the URL site.com/about/ you'll want to create the page as about/index.markdown. Octopress has a rake task for creating new pages easily.

rake new_page[super-awesome]
# creates

rake new_page[super-awesome/page.html]
# creates

Like with the new post task, the default file extension is markdown but you can configure that in the Rakefile. A freshly generated page might look like this:

layout: page
title: "Super Awesome"
date: 2011-07-03 5:59
comments: true
sharing: true
footer: true

The title is derived from the filename so you'll likely want to change that. This is very similar to the post yaml except it doesn't include categories, and you can toggle sharing and comments or remove the footer altogehter. If you don't want to show a date on your page, just remove it from the yaml.

Generate & Preview

rake generate   # Generates posts and pages into the public directory
rake watch      # Watches source/ and sass/ for changes and regenerates
rake preview    # Watches, and mounts a webserver at http://localhost:4000

Jekyll's built in WEBrick server is handy, but if you're a POW user, you can set it up to work with Octopress like this.

cd ~/.pow
ln -s /path/to/octopress
cd -

Now that you're setup with POW, you'll just run rake watch and load up http://octopress.dev instead.

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