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layout: post
title: "Octopress 2.0 Surfaces"
date: 2011-07-23 18:05
updated: 2011-07-24 10:15
comments: true
categories: release
Octopress is a framework designed by [Brandon Mathis](http://brandonmathis.com) for [Jekyll](http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll), the blog aware static site generator powering [Github Pages](http://pages.github.com).
To start blogging with Jekyll, you have to write your own HTML templates, CSS, Javascripts and set up your configuration. But with Octopress
All of that is already taken care of. Simply [clone or fork Octopress](https://github.com/imathis/octopress), install dependencies and the theme, and you're set.
## What's new in 2.0?
Short answer: Everything. Octopress is now based on [mojombo/jekyll](http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll) has been completely rewritten from the ground up with a mountain of goodies.
Octopress comes with:
- A semantic HTML5 template
- A Mobile friendly responsive ([320 and up](http://stuffandnonsense.co.uk/projects/320andup/)) layout (rotate, or resize your browser and see)
- Built in 3rd party support for Twitter, Google Plus One, Disqus Comments, Pinboard, Delicious, and Google Analytics
- An easy deployment strategy using Github pages or Rsync
- Built in support for POW and Rack servers
- Easy theming with Compass and Sass
- A Beautiful [Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) syntax highlighting
Be sure to check out the [documentation](/docs) to get the full scoop.
### Plugins FTW
Most of these plugins have been created just for Octopress, but a few come from the Jekyll community along with improvements and updates.
- [HTML5 Video Tag](/docs/plugins/video-tag) - *easily post mp4 HTML5 video with flash player fallback*
- [Code Block](/docs/plugins/codeblock) - *for easy inline code sharing*
- [Include Code](/docs/plugins/include-code) - *embed code from your filesystem*
- [Gist Tag](/docs/plugins/gist-tag) - *automatically downloads and embeds Github gists*
- [Image Tag](/docs/plugins/image-tag) - *easily post images with class names and titles*
- [Render Partial](/docs/plugins/render-partial) - *insert any file into another post or page*
- [Blockquote](/docs/plugins/blockquote) - *generate beautiful, semantic block quotes*
- [Pullquote](/docs/plugins/pullquote) - *generate CSS only pull quotes — no duplicate data, no javascript*
- [Category Generator](/docs/plugins/category-generator) - *generates archive pages for each blog category*
For more plugins check out the [plugin list](/docs/plugins)
## Ready to Get Started?
Octopress is really easy to set up and deploy, [start here](/docs/setup).
For now that's it. Check out the [docs](/docs), [kick the tires](http://github.com/imathis/octopress), post [issues](http://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues) send me [support requests](http://convore.com/octopress/support) and tell all your friends.
Oh, and if you like, follow [@octopress](http://twitter.com/octopress) and [@imathis](http://twitter.com/imathis) on Twitter.