loadrom now using fatfs
fixes issues loading roms #14 #18 fixes loading fragmented files
This commit is contained in:
@ -1301,182 +1301,202 @@ void loadrom(display_context_t disp, u8 *buff, int fast)
if (!fast)
printText("Restoring:", 3, 4, disp);
//sleep(1000); //needless waiting :>
printText("Loading ROM, Please wait:", 3, 4, disp);
TRACE(disp, "timing done");
u8 tmp[32];
u8 filename[64];
u8 ok = 0;
sprintf(filename, "%s", buff);
int swapped = 0;
FRESULT result;
FIL file;
UINT bytesread = 0;
result = f_open(&file, filename, FA_READ);
TRACE(disp, buff);
FatRecord rec_tmpf;
//not needed any longer :>
//file IS there, it's selected at this point
ok = fatFindRecord(filename, &rec_tmpf, 0);
TRACE(disp, "found");
u8 resp = 0;
resp = fatOpenFileByName(filename, 0); //err if not found ^^
TRACE(disp, "opened");
int mb = file.sec_available / 2048;
int file_sectors = file.sec_available;
int block_offset = 0;
u32 cart_buff_offset = 0;
u32 begin_sector = file.sector;
//filesize -> readfile / 512
int fsize = 512; //rom-headersize 4096 but the bootcode is not needed
unsigned char headerdata[fsize]; //1*512
resp = fatReadFile(&headerdata, fsize / 512); //1 cluster
int sw_type = is_valid_rom(headerdata);
if (sw_type != 0)
if (result == FR_OK)
if (!fast)
printText("byteswapped file", 3, -1, disp);
int swapped = 0;
int headerfsize = 512; //rom-headersize 4096 but the bootcode is not needed
unsigned char headerdata[headerfsize]; //1*512
int fsize = f_size(&file);
int fsizeMB = fsize /1048576; //Bytes in a MB
swapped = 1;
swap_header(headerdata, 512);
result =
f_read (
&file, /* [IN] File object */
&headerdata, /* [OUT] Buffer to store read data */
headerfsize, /* [IN] Number of bytes to read */
&bytesread /* [OUT] Number of bytes read */
//char 32-51 name
unsigned char rom_name[32];
result = f_close(&file);
for (int u = 0; u < 19; u++)
if (u != 0)
sprintf(rom_name, "%s%c", rom_name, headerdata[32 + u]);
int sw_type = is_valid_rom(headerdata);
if (sw_type != 0)
swapped = 1;
swap_header(headerdata, 512);
if (fast != 1)
//char 32-51 name
unsigned char rom_name[32];
for (int u = 0; u < 19; u++)
if (u != 0)
sprintf(rom_name, "%s%c", rom_name, headerdata[32 + u]);
sprintf(rom_name, "%c", headerdata[32 + u]);
//rom name
sprintf(rom_name, "%s", trim(rom_name));
printText(rom_name, 3, -1, disp);
//rom size
sprintf(rom_name, "Size: %iMB", fsizeMB);
printText(rom_name, 3, -1, disp);
//unique cart id for gametype
unsigned char cartID_str[12];
sprintf(cartID_str, "ID: %c%c%c%c", headerdata[0x3B], headerdata[0x3C], headerdata[0x3D], headerdata[0x3E]);
printText(cartID_str, 3, -1, disp);
int cic, save;
cic = get_cic(&headerdata[0x40]);
unsigned char cartID_short[4];
sprintf(cartID_short, "%c%c\0", headerdata[0x3C], headerdata[0x3D]);
if (get_cic_save(cartID_short, &cic, &save))
if (fast != 1)
printText("found in db", 3, -1, disp);
unsigned char save_type_str[12];
sprintf(save_type_str, "Save: %s", saveTypeToExtension(save, ext_type));
printText(save_type_str, 3, -1, disp);
unsigned char cic_type_str[12];
switch (cic)
case 4:
sprintf(cic_type_str, "CIC: CIC-5101", cic);
case 7:
sprintf(cic_type_str, "CIC: CIC-5167", cic);
sprintf(cic_type_str, "CIC: CIC-610%i", cic);
printText(cic_type_str, 3, -1, disp);
//thanks for the db :>
//cart was found, use CIC and SaveRAM type
//new rom_config
boot_cic = rom_config[1] + 1;
boot_save = rom_config[2];
force_tv = rom_config[3];
cheats_on = rom_config[4];
checksum_fix_on = rom_config[5];
boot_country = rom_config[7]; //boot_block
if (gbload == 1)
boot_save = 1;
// TRACE(disp, "Checking SD mode");
// int resp = evd_isSDMode();
// TRACEF(disp, "SD mode: %i", resp);
// TRACE(disp, "Loading:");
if (swapped == 1)
while (evd_isDmaBusy())
sleep(400); //Is this necessary?
TRACE(disp, "swapping on");
bytesread = 0;
result = f_open(&file, filename, FA_READ);
if (fsizeMB <= 32)
result =
f_read (
&file, /* [IN] File object */
(void *)0xb0000000, /* [OUT] Buffer to store read data */
fsize, /* [IN] Number of bytes to read */
&bytesread /* [OUT] Number of bytes read */
sprintf(rom_name, "%c", headerdata[32 + u]);
//trim right spaces
//romname=trimmed rom name for filename
sprintf(rom_name, "%s", trim(rom_name));
result =
f_read (
&file, /* [IN] File object */
(void *)0xb0000000, /* [OUT] Buffer to store read data */
32 * 1048576, /* [IN] Number of bytes to read */
&bytesread /* [OUT] Number of bytes read */
if(result == FR_OK)
result =
f_read (
&file, /* [IN] File object */
(void *)0xb2000000, /* [OUT] Buffer to store read data */
fsize - bytesread, /* [IN] Number of bytes to read */
&bytesread /* [OUT] Number of bytes read */
if (!fast)
printText(rom_name, 3, -1, disp);
if(result == FR_OK)
printText("Rom loaded", 3, -1, disp);
//if (debug) {
// for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// {
// u8 buff[16];
// dma_read_s(buff, 0xb0000000 + 0x00100000 * i, 1);
// unsigned char probe_str[12];
// TRACEF(disp, "probe: %hhx", buff[0]);
// }
//unique cart id for gametype
// sleep(1000);
sprintf(cartID, "%c%c%c%c", headerdata[0x3B], headerdata[0x3C], headerdata[0x3D], headerdata[0x3E]);
int cic, save;
cic = get_cic(&headerdata[0x40]);
unsigned char cartID_short[4];
sprintf(cartID_short, "%c%c\0", headerdata[0x3C], headerdata[0x3D]);
if (get_cic_save(cartID_short, &cic, &save))
if (!fast)
printText("found in db", 3, -1, disp);
//thanks for the db :>
// cart was found, use CIC and SaveRAM type
TRACEF(disp, "Info: cic=%i save=%i", cic, save);
//new rom_config
boot_cic = rom_config[1] + 1;
boot_save = rom_config[2];
force_tv = rom_config[3];
cheats_on = rom_config[4];
checksum_fix_on = rom_config[5];
boot_country = rom_config[7]; //boot_block
if (gbload == 1)
boot_save = 1;
else if (resp) //TODO: if response is certain ones we should show the error and stop the boot...
sprintf(tmp, "Response: %i", resp);
printText(tmp, 3, -1, disp);
TRACE(disp, "Checking SD mode");
resp = evd_isSDMode();
TRACEF(disp, "SD mode: %i", resp);
TRACEF(disp, "Size: %i", file.sec_available);
TRACEF(disp, "File sector: %i", file.sector);
TRACE(disp, "Loading:");
if (swapped == 1)
while (evd_isDmaBusy())
TRACE(disp, "swapping on");
if (!fast)
printText("loading please wait...", 3, -1, disp);
printText("loading please wait...", 3, 4, disp);
int lower_half = 2048 * 32;
if (mb <= 32)
resp = sdRead(begin_sector, (void *)0xb0000000, file_sectors); //2048 cluster 1Mb
resp = sdRead(begin_sector, (void *)0xb0000000, lower_half);
resp = sdRead(begin_sector + lower_half, (void *)0xb2000000, file_sectors - lower_half);
if (resp)
TRACEF(disp, "mmcToCart: %i", resp);
//if (debug) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
u8 buff[16];
dma_read_s(buff, 0xb0000000 + 0x00100000 * i, 1);
TRACEF(disp, "probe: %hhx", buff[0]);
if (!fast)
printText(" ", 3, -1, disp);
printText("(C-UP to activate cheats)", 3, -1, disp);
printText("(C-RIGHT to force menu tv mode)", 3, -1, disp);
printText("done: PRESS START", 3, -1, disp);
bootRom(disp, 1);
if (!fast)
printText(" ", 3, -1, disp);
printText("(C-UP to activate cheats)", 3, -1, disp);
printText("(C-RIGHT to force menu tv mode)", 3, -1, disp);
printText("done: PRESS START", 3, -1, disp);
bootRom(disp, 1);
printText("file open error", 3, -1, disp);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user