updated last function, now fully using fatfs

removed coloured list for the moment.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Jones 2017-10-26 17:54:43 +01:00
parent fed9688738
commit 1d707f70b6

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "sd.h"
#include "ff.h"
#include "fat_old.h"
#include "utils.h"
@ -1885,123 +1885,129 @@ void initFilesystem(void)
fat_initialized = 1;
//prints the sdcard-filesystem content
void readSDcard(display_context_t disp, char *directory)
FatRecord *frec;
u8 cresp = 0;
count = 1;
// FatRecord *frec;
// u8 cresp = 0;
//load the directory-entry
cresp = fatLoadDirByName("/ED64/CFG");
// //load the directory-entry
// cresp = fatLoadDirByName("/ED64/CFG");
int dsize = dir->size;
char colorlist[dsize][256];
// int dsize = dir->size;
// char colorlist[dsize][256];
if (enable_colored_list)
for (int i = 0; i < dir->size; i++)
frec = dir->rec[i];
u8 rom_cfg_file[128];
// if (enable_colored_list)
// {
//set rom_cfg
sprintf(rom_cfg_file, "/ED64/CFG/%s", frec->name);
// for (int i = 0; i < dir->size; i++)
// {
// frec = dir->rec[i];
// u8 rom_cfg_file[128];
static uint8_t cfg_file_data[512] = {0};
cresp = fatOpenFileByName(rom_cfg_file, 0); //512 bytes fix one cluster
cresp = fatReadFile(&cfg_file_data, 1);
// //set rom_cfg
// sprintf(rom_cfg_file, "/ED64/CFG/%s", frec->name);
colorlist[i][0] = (char)cfg_file_data[5]; //color
strcpy(colorlist[i] + 1, cfg_file_data + 32); //fullpath
// static uint8_t cfg_file_data[512] = {0};
printText("SD-Card loading...", 3, 4, disp); //very short display time maybe comment out
// FRESULT result;
// FIL file;
// UINT bytesread;
// result = f_open(&file, rom_cfg_file, FA_READ);
u8 buff[32];
// if (result == FR_OK)
// {
// int fsize = f_size(&file);
//some trash buffer
FatRecord *rec;
u8 resp = 0;
// result =
// f_read (
// &file, /* [IN] File object */
// &cfg_file_data, /* [OUT] Buffer to store read data */
// fsize, /* [IN] Number of bytes to read */
// &bytesread /* [OUT] Number of bytes read */
// );
// f_close(&file);
// colorlist[i][0] = (char)cfg_file_data[5]; //row i column 0 = colour
// strcpy(colorlist[i] + 1, cfg_file_data + 32); //row i column 1+ = fullpath
// }
// }
// }
// u8 buff[32];
// //some trash buffer
// FatRecord *rec;
// u8 resp = 0;
count = 1;
dir_t buf;
//load the directory-entry
resp = fatLoadDirByName(directory);
if (resp != 0)
char error_msg[32];
sprintf(error_msg, "CHDIR ERROR: %i", resp);
printText(error_msg, 3, -1, disp);
//dir_t buf;
//clear screen and print the directory name
//creates string list of files and directories
for (int i = 0; i < dir->size; i++)
char name_tmpl[32];
rec = dir->rec[i];
//TODO: this could be just an if statement...
if (strcmp(rec->name, "System Volume Information") == 0 || (strcmp(rec->name, "ED64") == 0 && hide_sysfolder == 1))
//don't add
if (rec->is_dir)
list[count - 1].type = DT_DIR; //2 is dir +1
list[count - 1].type = DT_REG; //1 is file +1
DIR dir;
static FILINFO fno;
strcpy(list[count - 1].filename, rec->name); //+1
//new color test
res = f_opendir(&dir, directory); /* Open the directory */
if (res == FR_OK) {
for (;;) {
res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); /* Read a directory item */
if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) break; /* Break on error or end of dir */
if (!strcmp(fno.fname, "System Volume Information") == 0 || (!strcmp(fno.fname, "ED64") == 0 && hide_sysfolder == 0))
if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) { /* It is a directory */
list[count - 1].type = DT_DIR;
} else { /* It is a file. */
//printf("%s/%s\n", path, fno.fname);
list[count - 1].type = DT_REG;
strcpy(list[count - 1].filename, fno.fname);
list[count - 1].color = 0;
if (enable_colored_list)
for (int c = 0; c < dsize; c++)
// if (enable_colored_list)
// {
// for (int c = 0; c < dsize; c++)
// {
u8 short_name[256];
// u8 short_name[256];
sprintf(short_name, "%s", colorlist[c] + 1);
// sprintf(short_name, "%s", colorlist[c] + 1);
u8 *pch_s; // point-offset
pch_s = strrchr(short_name, '/');
// u8 *pch_s; // point-offset
// pch_s = strrchr(short_name, '/');
if (strcmp(list[count - 1].filename, pch_s + 1) == 0)
// if (strcmp(list[count - 1].filename, pch_s + 1) == 0)
// {
list[count - 1].color = colorlist[c][0];
//new color test end
// list[count - 1].color = colorlist[c][0];
// }
// }
// //new color test end
// }
list = realloc(list, sizeof(direntry_t) * count);
char error_msg[32];
sprintf(error_msg, "CHDIR ERROR: %i", res);
printText(error_msg, 3, -1, disp);
page = 0;
cursor = 0;