157 lines
5.6 KiB
157 lines
5.6 KiB
![]() |
0000h (1 byte): initial PI_BSB_DOM1_LAT_REG value (0x80)
0001h (1 byte): initial PI_BSB_DOM1_PGS_REG value (0x37)
0002h (1 byte): initial PI_BSB_DOM1_PWD_REG value (0x12)
0003h (1 byte): initial PI_BSB_DOM1_PGS_REG value (0x40)
0004h - 0007h (1 dword): ClockRate
0008h - 000Bh (1 dword): Program Counter (PC)
000Ch - 000Fh (1 dword): Release
0010h - 0013h (1 dword): CRC1
0014h - 0017h (1 dword): CRC2
0018h - 001Fh (2 dwords): Unknown (0x0000000000000000)
0020h - 0033h (20 bytes): Image name
Padded with 0x00 or spaces (0x20)
0034h - 0037h (1 dword): Unknown (0x00000000)
0038h - 003Bh (1 dword): Manufacturer ID
0x0000004E = Nintendo ('N')
003Ch - 003Dh (1 word): Cartridge ID
003Eh - 003Fh (1 word): Country code
0x4400 = Germany ('D')
0x4500 = USA ('E')
0x4A00 = Japan ('J')
0x5000 = Europe ('P')
0x5500 = Australia ('U')
0040h - 0FFFh (1008 dwords): Boot code
#define DP_BASE_REG 0x04100000
#define VI_BASE_REG 0x04400000
#define PI_BASE_REG 0x04600000
#define PIF_RAM_START 0x1FC007C0
* PI status register has 3 bits active when read from (PI_STATUS_REG - read)
* Bit 0: DMA busy - set when DMA is in progress
* Bit 1: IO busy - set when IO is in progress
* Bit 2: Error - set when CPU issues IO request while DMA is busy
#define PI_STATUS_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x10)
/* PI DRAM address (R/W): starting RDRAM address */
#define PI_DRAM_ADDR_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x00) /* DRAM address */
/* PI pbus (cartridge) address (R/W): starting AD16 address */
/* PI read length (R/W): read data length */
#define PI_RD_LEN_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x08)
/* PI write length (R/W): write data length */
#define PI_WR_LEN_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x0C)
* PI status (R): [0] DMA busy, [1] IO busy, [2], error
* (W): [0] reset controller (and abort current op), [1] clear intr
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_LAT_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x14)
/* PI dom1 pulse width (R/W): [7:0] domain 1 device R/W strobe pulse width */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_PWD_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x18)
/* PI dom1 page size (R/W): [3:0] domain 1 device page size */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_PGS_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x1C) /* page size */
/* PI dom1 release (R/W): [1:0] domain 1 device R/W release duration */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_RLS_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x20)
/* PI dom2 latency (R/W): [7:0] domain 2 device latency */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_LAT_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x24) /* Domain 2 latency */
/* PI dom2 pulse width (R/W): [7:0] domain 2 device R/W strobe pulse width */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_PWD_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x28) /* pulse width */
/* PI dom2 page size (R/W): [3:0] domain 2 device page size */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_PGS_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x2C) /* page size */
/* PI dom2 release (R/W): [1:0] domain 2 device R/W release duration */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_RLS_REG (PI_BASE_REG+0x30) /* release duration */
#define PI_STATUS_ERROR 0x04
#define PI_STATUS_IO_BUSY 0x02
#define PI_STATUS_DMA_BUSY 0x01
#define DPC_START (DP_BASE_REG + 0x00)
#define DPC_END (DP_BASE_REG + 0x04)
#define DPC_CURRENT (DP_BASE_REG + 0x08)
#define DPC_STATUS (DP_BASE_REG + 0x0C)
#define DPC_CLOCK (DP_BASE_REG + 0x10)
#define DPC_BUFBUSY (DP_BASE_REG + 0x14)
#define DPC_PIPEBUSY (DP_BASE_REG + 0x18)
#define DPC_TMEM (DP_BASE_REG + 0x1C)
#define VI_CONTROL (VI_BASE_REG + 0x00)
#define VI_WIDTH (VI_BASE_REG + 0x08)
#define VI_V_INT (VI_BASE_REG + 0x0C)
#define VI_CUR_LINE (VI_BASE_REG + 0x10)
#define VI_TIMING (VI_BASE_REG + 0x14)
#define VI_V_SYNC (VI_BASE_REG + 0x18)
#define VI_H_SYNC (VI_BASE_REG + 0x1C)
#define VI_H_SYNC2 (VI_BASE_REG + 0x20)
#define VI_H_LIMITS (VI_BASE_REG + 0x24)
#define VI_COLOR_BURST (VI_BASE_REG + 0x28)
#define VI_H_SCALE (VI_BASE_REG + 0x2C)
#define VI_VSCALE (VI_BASE_REG + 0x30)
#define PHYS_TO_K0(x) ((u32)(x)|0x80000000) /* physical to kseg0 */
#define K0_TO_PHYS(x) ((u32)(x)&0x1FFFFFFF) /* kseg0 to physical */
#define PHYS_TO_K1(x) ((u32)(x)|0xA0000000) /* physical to kseg1 */
#define K1_TO_PHYS(x) ((u32)(x)&0x1FFFFFFF) /* kseg1 to physical */
#define IO_READ(addr) (*(volatile u32*)PHYS_TO_K1(addr))
#define IO_WRITE(addr,data) (*(volatile u32*)PHYS_TO_K1(addr)=(u32)(data))
#define SAVE_SIZE_SRAM 32768
#define SAVE_SIZE_SRAM128 131072
#define SAVE_SIZE_EEP4k 4096
#define SAVE_SIZE_EEP16k 16384
#define SAVE_SIZE_FLASH 131072
#define ROM_ADDR 0xb0000000
#define FRAM_EXECUTE_CMD 0xD2000000
#define FRAM_STATUS_MODE_CMD 0xE1000000
#define FRAM_ERASE_OFFSET_CMD 0x4B000000
#define FRAM_WRITE_OFFSET_CMD 0xA5000000
#define FRAM_ERASE_MODE_CMD 0x78000000
#define FRAM_WRITE_MODE_CMD 0xB4000000
#define FRAM_READ_MODE_CMD 0xF0000000
#define FRAM_STATUS_REG 0xA8000000
#define FRAM_COMMAND_REG 0xA8010000
#define CIC_6101 1
#define CIC_6102 2
#define CIC_6103 3
#define CIC_6104 4
#define CIC_6105 5
#define CIC_6106 6
//void romFill(...);
void pif_boot();
int is_valid_rom(unsigned char *buffer);
void swap_header(unsigned char* header, int loadlength);
u8 getCicType(u8 bios_cic);
int get_cic(unsigned char *buffer);