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synced 2025-02-28 01:11:45 -05:00
alt64 ===== alternative everdrive64 menu Kuroneko! :\ /; _ ; \___/ ; ; ; ,:-"' `"-:. / ; _ /,---. ,---.\ _ _; / _:>(( | ) ( | ))<:_ ,-""_," \````` `````/""""",-"" '-.._ v _..-' ) / ___ ____,.. \ / / | | | ( \. \ ctr / / | | | | \ \ `" `" `" `" nyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyan hello here is my menu for the everdrive64. if you don't have one you should visit krikzzs homepage for ordering information. ^^ if you want to build the menu, you need a n64 toolchain you can get one free from http://www.dragonminded.com/n64dev/libdragon/ https://github.com/DragonMinded/libdragon i used the libmikmod linked on his site too for the menu http://www.dragonminded.com/n64dev/libmikmod-3.2.0-beta2.tgz if you are on linux, try out the build script https://github.com/DragonMinded/libdragon/tree/master/tools/build here are a few setting hints export INSTALL_PATH=/usr/mips64-elf set this to your home directory if you don't have root access i was in need to alter the cxxflags to G0 to lowercase CXXFLAGS="-g0 -O2" it's a good idea to the latest versions for the toolchain export BINUTILS_V=2.23.52 export GCC_V=4.8.0 export NEWLIB_V=1.20.0 optional: get libn64-hkz to get more into flashram savegames http://sourceforge.net/projects/n64dev/