2010-06-10 12:35:49 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library ( MML )
Copyright ( c ) 2009 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
MML is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MML . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
See the file COPYING , included in this distribution ,
for details about the copyright .
psexportedmethods . inc for the Mufasa Macro Library
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-09-10 19:10:49 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ CallProc , 'function CallProc(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant;' );
2010-01-25 16:37:33 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ThreadSafeCall , 'function ThreadSafeCall(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant;' );
2010-01-27 00:44:43 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ pswriteln , 'procedure Writeln(x: string);' ); //PS defines a special, keep this for CPascal
2010-05-11 10:22:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_debugln , 'procedure DebugLn(str : string);' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-04-11 15:42:42 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ DTM }
SetCurrSection ( 'DTM' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-04-03 08:05:15 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetDTMName , 'procedure SetDTMName(DTM : integer;const name : string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DTMFromString , 'function DTMFromString(const DTMString: String): Integer;' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FreeDTM , 'procedure FreeDTM(DTM: Integer);' );
2010-04-03 08:05:15 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDTM , 'function FindDTM(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDTMs , 'function FindDTMs(DTM: Integer; var p: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean;' );
2010-04-18 11:14:19 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDTMRotatedSE , 'function FindDTMRotatedSE(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: Extended): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDTMRotatedAlternating , 'function FindDTMRotatedAlternating(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: Extended): Boolean;' );
2010-04-03 08:05:15 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDTMsRotatedSE , 'function FindDTMsRotatedSE(DTM: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: T2DExtendedArray) : Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDTMsRotatedAlternating , 'function FindDTMsRotatedAlternating(DTM: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: T2DExtendedArray) : Boolean;' );
2010-05-19 10:01:01 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_addDTM , 'function AddMDTM(const d: TMDTM): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_addDTM , 'function AddDTM(const d: TMDTM): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_addTSDTM , 'function AddSDTM(const d: TSDTM): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetDTM , 'function GetDTM(index: Integer) : TMDTM' );
2010-05-20 04:29:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SDTMToMDTM , 'function SDTMToMDTM(Const DTM: TSDTM): TMDTM;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-05-20 04:29:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_PrintDTM , 'procedure PrintDTM(const DTM : TMDTM);' );
2010-05-19 10:01:01 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_MDTMToSDTM , 'function MDTMToSDTM(Const DTM: TMDTM): TSDTM;' );
2010-05-19 14:01:46 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateDTMPoint , 'function CreateDTMPoint(x,y,c,t,asz : integer; bp : boolean) : TMDTMPoint;' );
2010-01-26 11:51:36 -05:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ maths }
SetCurrSection ( 'Math' );
2010-06-16 16:25:04 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_round , 'function Round(e:extended) : integer' );
2010-01-26 11:51:36 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ceil , 'function ceil(e : extended) : integer' );
2010-01-28 18:34:03 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_floor , 'function floor(e : extended) : integer' );
2010-01-26 11:51:36 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_pow , 'function pow(base,exponent : extended) : extended' );
2011-02-06 13:54:29 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_exp , 'function exp(exponent : extended) : extended' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RiemannGauss , 'function RiemannGauss(Xstart,StepSize,Sigma : extended; AmountSteps : integer) : extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DiscreteGauss , 'function DiscreteGauss(Xstart,Xend : integer; sigma : extended) : TExtendedArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GaussMatrix , 'function GaussMatrix(N : integer; sigma : extended) : T2DExtendedArray;' );
2010-01-26 11:51:36 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_max , 'function Max(a, b: Integer): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_min , 'function Min(a, b: Integer): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_minE , 'function MinE(a, b: extended): Extended;' );
2010-01-26 14:38:27 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_maxE , 'function MaxE(a, b: extended): Extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_iAbs , 'function iAbs(a : integer) : integer;' );
2010-05-12 17:51:18 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ArcTan2 , 'function ArcTan2(y,x : extended) : extended;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_IntToBox , 'function IntToBox(xs,ys,xe,ye : integer) : TBox;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_IntInBox , 'function IntInBox(x, y: Integer; Box: TBox): Boolean;' );
2011-08-12 00:39:54 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_PointToBox , 'function PointToBox(topLeft,bottomRight: TPoint): TBox;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_PointInBox , 'function PointInBox(PT : TPoint; Box: TBox): Boolean;' );
2010-01-26 11:51:36 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_sqr , 'function Sqr(e : extended) : extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_point , 'function Point(x,y:integer) : TPoint;' );
2010-04-03 08:05:15 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Distance , 'function Distance(xs,ys,xe,ye : integer) : integer;' );
2010-07-31 13:18:57 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_hypot , 'function Hypot(X, Y: Extended): Extended;' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_RandomRange , 'function RandomRange(aFrom,aTo: Integer): Integer;' );
2011-02-08 10:20:28 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Random , 'function Random(Int: integer): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RandomE , 'function RandomE: extended;' );
2010-01-28 18:34:03 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_incex , 'procedure IncEx(var x : integer; increase : integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DecEx , 'procedure DecEx(var x : integer; Decrease : integer);' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_BinCoe , 'function BinCoe(a, b: LongInt): Extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FixD , 'function FixD(Degrees : extended) : Extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_InRange , 'function InRange(const value,min,max : integer) : boolean;' );
2010-04-18 12:08:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_logn , 'function logn(base, x : extended): extended;' );
2011-03-03 03:21:35 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_log10 , 'function log10(f : extended): extended;' );
2010-04-18 12:08:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ln , 'function ln(x : extended) : extended;' );
2010-04-27 14:30:51 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_inttohex , 'function IntToHex(number : integer) : string' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_hextoint , 'function HexToInt(Hex : string) : integer' );
2010-05-10 20:26:47 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_sar , 'function sar(AValue : longint; shift : byte) : longint;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ror , 'function ror(num : longword; shift : byte) : LongWord;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_rol , 'function rol(num : longword; shift : byte) : LongWord;' );
2010-07-26 09:04:56 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_tan , 'function ps_tan(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_radians , 'function radians(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_degrees , 'function degrees(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ArcSin , 'function ArcSin(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ArcCos , 'function ArcCos(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ArcTan , 'function ArcTan(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Cotan , 'function Cotan(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Secant , 'function Secant(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Cosecant , 'function Cosecant(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Cot , 'function Cot(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Sec , 'function Sec(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Csc , 'function Csc(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Cosh , 'function Cosh(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Sinh , 'function Sinh(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Tanh , 'function Tanh(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CotH , 'function CotH(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SecH , 'function SecH(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CscH , 'function CscH(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ArcCosh , 'function ArcCosh(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ArcSinh , 'function ArcSinh(e: extended): extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ DecRet , 'function DecRet(e: Extended): Extended;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ window }
SetCurrSection ( 'Window' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Freeze , 'function Freeze: boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Unfreeze , 'function Unfreeze: boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetClientDimensions , 'procedure GetClientDimensions(var w, h:integer);' );
2010-10-06 10:50:39 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetClientPosition , 'procedure GetClientPosition(var left, top:integer);' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetTargetBitmap , 'function SetTargetBitmap(Bitmap : integer): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetTargetArray , 'function SetTargetArray(P: Integer; w, h: integer): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetEIOSTarget , 'function SetEIOSTarget(name: string; initargs: Variant): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetImageTarget , 'procedure SetImageTarget(idx: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetKeyMouseTarget , 'procedure SetKeyMouseTarget(idx: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetImageTarget , 'function GetImageTarget: integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetKeyMouseTarget , 'function GetKeyMouseTarget: integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ExportImageTarget , 'function ExportImageTarget : TTarget_Exported;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ExportKeyMouseTarget , 'function ExportKeyMouseTarget : TTarget_Exported;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FreeTarget , 'procedure FreeTarget(idx: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetDesktopAsClient , 'procedure SetDesktopAsClient;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ActivateClient , 'procedure ActivateClient;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_IsTargetValid , 'function IsTargetValid: boolean;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ files }
SetCurrSection ( 'Files' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-05-20 04:29:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateFile , 'function CreateFile(const Path: string): Integer;' );
2010-04-03 09:10:13 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_OpenFile , 'function OpenFile(const Path: string; Shared: Boolean): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RewriteFile , 'function RewriteFile(const Path: string; Shared: Boolean): Integer;' );
2010-05-24 06:08:23 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_AppendFile , 'function AppendFile(const Path: string): Integer;' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CloseFile , 'procedure CloseFile(FileNum: Integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_EndOfFile , 'function EndOfFile(FileNum: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FileSize , 'function FileSize(FileNum: Integer): LongInt;' );
2010-02-07 03:42:06 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReadFileString , 'function ReadFileString(FileNum: Integer; var s: string; x: Integer): Boolean;' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_WriteFileString , 'function WriteFileString(FileNum: Integer; s: string): Boolean;' );
2010-04-03 08:05:15 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetFileCharPointer , 'function SetFileCharPointer(FileNum, cChars, Origin: Integer): Integer;' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FilePointerPos , 'function FilePointerPos(FileNum: Integer): Integer;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-04-03 09:10:13 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_DirectoryExists , 'function DirectoryExists(const DirectoryName : string ) : Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateDirectory , 'function CreateDirectory(const DirectoryName : string) : boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FileExists , 'function FileExists (const FileName : string ) : Boolean;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ForceDirectores , 'function ForceDirectories(const dir : string) : boolean;' );
2010-05-12 16:55:36 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetFiles , 'function GetFiles(const Path, Ext : string) : TStringArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetDirectories , 'function GetDirectories(const path : string) : TStringArray;' );
2011-09-29 20:33:16 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_DeleteFile , 'function DeleteFile(const Filename: string): Boolean;' );
2010-04-03 09:10:13 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_WriteINI , 'procedure WriteINI(const Section, KeyName, NewString, FileName: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReadINI , 'function ReadINI(const Section, KeyName, FileName: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DeleteINI , 'procedure DeleteINI(const Section, KeyName, FileName: string);' );
2010-05-01 18:44:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ExtractFileExt , 'function ExtractFileExt(const FileName: string): string;' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ other }
SetCurrSection ( 'Other' );
2011-02-08 10:20:28 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Wait , 'procedure wait(t: LongWord);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Wait , 'procedure Sleep(t: LongWord);' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-06-04 18:43:12 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTClient , 'function GetTClient : TClient;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetSupressExceptions , 'procedure SetSupressExceptions(Supress : boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SaveScreenshot , 'procedure SaveScreenshot(FileName: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TerminateScript , 'procedure TerminateScript;' );
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-26 14:38:27 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_now , 'function Now: TDateTime;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_date , 'function Date : TDateTime;' );
2010-01-28 12:58:23 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTickCount , 'function GetSystemTime: LongWord;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTickCount , 'function GetTickCount: LongWord;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTimeRunning , 'function GetTimeRunning: LongWord;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-26 14:38:27 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_DecodeTime , 'procedure DecodeTime(DateTime : TDateTime; var Hour,Min,Sec,MSec : word);' );
2010-02-07 03:42:06 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_DecodeDate , 'procedure DecodeDate ( const SourceDate : TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day : Word );' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ConvertTime , 'procedure ConvertTime(Time: integer; var h, m, s: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_HakunaMatata , 'procedure HakunaMatata;' );
2010-05-12 13:05:56 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Simba , 'procedure Simba;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_PlaySound , 'procedure PlaySound( Sound : string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StopSound , 'procedure StopSound;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_DisplayDebugImgWindow , 'procedure DisplayDebugImgWindow(w, h: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DrawBitmapDebugImg , 'procedure DrawBitmapDebugImg(bmp: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetDebugBitmap , 'function GetDebugBitmap: integer;' );
2010-08-17 19:22:03 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearDebugImg , 'procedure ClearDebugImg;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearDebug , 'procedure ClearDebug;' );
2010-08-17 19:22:03 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Status , 'procedure Status(Status : string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Disguise , 'procedure Disguise(Caption : string);' );
2010-04-10 08:34:24 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetScriptProp , 'function SetScriptProp(Prop : TSP_Property; Value: TVariantArray): boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetScriptProp , 'function GetScriptProp(Prop : TSP_Property;var Value: TVariantArray): boolean;' );
2010-05-01 18:44:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_InputQuery , 'function InputQuery(const ACaption, APrompt : String; var Value : String) : Boolean;' );
2010-09-11 08:01:56 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ShowMessage , 'procedure ShowMessage(msg : string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_messageBox , 'function MessageBox(Text, Caption: string; Flags: LongInt): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_MessageDlg , 'function MessageDlg(const Caption, Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons) : integer;' );
2010-10-10 16:54:50 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetClipBoard , 'procedure SetClipBoard(const Data: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetClipBoard , 'function GetClipBoard: string;' );
2010-12-23 11:24:18 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetProcesses , 'function GetProcesses: TSysProcArr;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetTarget , 'procedure SetTarget(Proc: TSysProc);' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ string }
SetCurrSection ( 'String' );
2010-02-25 20:02:41 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Capitalize , 'function Capitalize(str : string) : string;' );
2010-05-12 13:05:56 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CompressString , 'function CompressString(const Str : string) : string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DecompressString , 'function DecompressString(const Compressed : string) : string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Base64Encode , 'function Base64Encode(const str : string) : string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Base64Decode , 'function Base64Decode(const str : string) : string;' );
2010-02-25 20:02:41 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Format , 'function Format(const fmt : string;const args : array of const) : string;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( nil , 'function ToStr(x) : string;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-26 14:38:27 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Between , 'function Between(s1, s2, str: string): string;' );
2010-01-28 12:58:23 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_IntToStr , 'function IntToStr(value: Integer): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FloatToStr , 'function FloatToStr(value: Extended): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_BoolToStr , 'function BoolToStr(value: Boolean): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StrToInt , 'function StrToInt(value: String): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StrToIntDef , 'function StrToIntDef(value: String; default: Integer): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StrToFloat , 'function StrToFloat(value: String): Extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StrToFloatDef , 'function StrToFloatDef(value: String; default: Extended): Extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StrToBool , 'function StrToBool(value: String): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StrToBoolDef , 'function StrToBoolDef(value: String; default: Boolean): Boolean;' );
2010-02-25 20:02:41 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ExtractFromStr , 'function ExtractFromStr( Str : string; Extract : StrExtr) : string;' );
2010-01-28 18:34:03 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Replace , 'function Replace(Text, FindStr, ReplaceStr: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Replace , 'function ReplaceWrap(Text, FindStr, ReplaceStr: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string;' );
2010-02-25 20:02:41 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Implode , 'function Implode(Glue: string; Pieces: TStringArray): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Explode , 'function Explode(del, str: string): TStringArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_explodewrap , 'procedure ExplodeWrap(del, str: string; var res : TStringArray);' );
2010-04-07 08:01:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_PadL , 'function Padl(s: String; i: longInt): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ Ps_Padz , 'function Padz(s: String; i: longInt): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_padR , 'function Padr(s: String; i: longInt): String;' );
2010-04-21 18:01:19 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ExecRegExpr , 'function ExecRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr : String) : boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SplitRegExpr , 'procedure SplitRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr : String; Pieces : TStrings);' );
2010-07-27 04:26:27 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReplaceRegExpr , 'function ReplaceRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr, ReplaceStr : String; UseSubstitution : boolean) : String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_posex , 'function PosEx(needle, haystack: String; offset: integer): integer;' );
2010-10-22 06:07:13 -04:00
{ crypto }
SetCurrSection ( 'Crypto' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_haval , 'function haval(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_md4 , 'function md4(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_md5 , 'function md5(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ripemd128 , 'function ripemd128(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ripemd160 , 'function ripemd160(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_sha1 , 'function sha1(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_sha256 , 'function sha256(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_sha384 , 'function sha384(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_sha512 , 'function sha512(Data: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_tiger , 'function tiger(Data: string): string;' );
2010-05-20 04:29:17 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ web }
SetCurrSection ( 'Web' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_OpenWebPage , 'procedure OpenWebPage(const url : string);' );
2010-05-20 04:29:17 -04:00
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetPage , 'function GetPage(const url : string): string;' );
2010-03-02 16:27:49 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_InitializeHTTPClient , 'function InitializeHTTPClient(HandleCookies: Boolean): Integer;' );
2010-03-02 16:35:24 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_InitializeHTTPClient , 'function InitializeHTTPClientWrap(HandleCookies: Boolean): Integer;' );
2010-02-13 11:56:46 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FreeHTTPClient , 'procedure FreeHTTPClient(Client: Integer);' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetHTTPPage , 'function GetHTTPPage(Client: Integer;const URL: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetHTTPUserAgent , 'procedure SetHTTPUserAgent(Client: Integer;const Agent: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_PostHTTPPage , 'function PostHTTPPage(Client: Integer;const Url,PostData: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_PostHTTPPageEx , 'function PostHTTPPageEx(Client: Integer;const Url: string): string;' );
2010-02-13 11:56:46 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearPostData , 'procedure ClearPostData(Client: Integer);' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_AddPostVariable , 'procedure AddPostVariable(Client: Integer;const VarName, VarValue: string);' );
2010-02-13 11:56:46 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetRawHeaders , 'function GetRawHeaders(Client: Integer): string;' );
2010-06-10 12:35:49 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetProxy , 'procedure SetProxy(Client : Integer; pHost, pPort : String);' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-12-18 14:38:29 -05:00
{ socket }
SetCurrSection ( 'Socket' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateSocket , 'function CreateSocket: integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FreeSocket , 'procedure FreeSocket(Index: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ConnectSocket , 'procedure ConnectSocket(Client: integer; IP, Port: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_BindSocket , 'procedure BindSocket(Client: integer; IP, Port: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ListenSocket , 'procedure ListenSocket(Client: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_AcceptSocket , 'function AcceptSocket(Client: integer): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CloseSocket , 'procedure CloseSocket(Client: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RecvSocket , 'function RecvSocket(Client: integer): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RecvSocketStr , 'function RecvSocketStr(Client: integer): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RecvSocketEx , 'function RecvSocketEx(Client, Length: integer): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SendSocket , 'procedure SendSocket(Client: integer; Data: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetSocketTimeout , 'procedure SetTimeout(Client, Time: integer);' );
2011-01-12 20:17:43 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SocketInfo , 'procedure SocketInfo(Client: integer; out IP, Port: string);' );
2010-12-18 14:38:29 -05:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ Color Conversions and Speed }
SetCurrSection ( 'Color Convert' );
2010-04-18 11:14:19 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ColorToRGB , 'procedure ColorToRGB(Color: integer; var r, g, b: Integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RGBToColor , 'function RGBtoColor(r, g, b: Integer): TColor;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ColorToHSL , 'procedure ColorToHSL(Color: Integer; var h, s, l: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_HSLToColor , 'function HSLToColor(H, S, L: Extended): TColor;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ColorToXYZ , 'procedure ColorToXYZ(Color: Integer; var x, y, z: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_XYZToColor , 'function XYZToColor(X, Y, Z: Extended): TColor;' );
2010-04-18 11:14:19 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_RGBToHSL , 'procedure RGBToHSL(R, G, B: Integer; var h, s, l: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_HSLToRGB , 'procedure HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: extended; var R, G ,B: Integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RGBToXYZ , 'procedure RGBToXYZ(R, G, B: Integer;var x, y ,z: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_XYZToRGB , 'procedure XYZToRGB(X, Y, Z: Extended; var R, G, B: Integer);' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ Color Finding }
SetCurrSection ( 'Color' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetColorToleranceSpeed , 'procedure SetColorToleranceSpeed(cts: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetToleranceSpeed , 'function GetToleranceSpeed: Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers , 'procedure SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(nHue, nSat: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers , 'procedure GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(var hMod, sMod: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetColor , 'function GetColor(x, y: Integer): Integer;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetColors , 'function GetColors(const Coords : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetColorsWrap , 'procedure GetColorsWrap(Coords : TPointArray; var Colors :TIntegerArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColor , 'function FindColor(var x, y: integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: integer): boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_findcolortoleranceOptimised , 'function FindColorToleranceOptimised(var x, y: integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: integer): boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColorTolerance , 'function FindColorTolerance(var x, y: integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: integer): boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColors , 'function FindColors(var TPA: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: integer): boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SimilarColors , 'function SimilarColors(Col1, Col2, Tolerance: integer): boolean' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CountColor , 'function CountColor(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CountColorTolerance , 'function CountColorTolerance(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColorsToleranceOptimised , 'function FindColorsToleranceOptimised(var Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColorsTolerance , 'function FindColorsTolerance(var Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColorSpiral , 'function FindColorSpiral(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColorSpiralTolerance , 'function FindColorSpiralTolerance(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye,Tol: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColorsSpiralTolerance , 'function FindColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance: Integer) : boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColoredArea , 'function FindColoredArea(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea: Integer): Boolean' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindColoredAreaTolerance , 'function FindColoredAreaTolerance(var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea, Tolerance : Integer): Boolean' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ Mouse etc . }
SetCurrSection ( 'Mouse' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_MoveMouse , 'procedure MoveMouse(x, y: integer);' );
2010-05-19 16:36:45 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ScrollMouse , 'procedure Scrollmouse(x,y : integer; Clicks : integer);' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetMousePos , 'procedure GetMousePos(var x, y: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_HoldMouse , 'procedure HoldMouse(x, y: integer; clickType: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReleaseMouse , 'procedure ReleaseMouse(x, y: integer; clickType: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClickMouse , 'procedure ClickMouse(x, y: integer; clickType: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_IsMouseButtonDown , 'function IsMouseButtonDown( button : integer) : boolean;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ Keyboard }
SetCurrSection ( 'Keyboard' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_KeyDown , 'procedure KeyDown(key: Word);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_KeyUp , 'procedure KeyUp(key: Word);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_PressKey , 'procedure PressKey(key: Word);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SendKeys , 'procedure SendKeys(const s: string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_isKeyDown , 'function IsKeyDown(key: Word): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetKeyCode , 'function GetKeyCode(c : char) : integer;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ OCR }
SetCurrSection ( 'OCR' );
2010-04-04 18:35:49 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_rs_GetUpText , 'function rs_GetUpText: string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_rs_GetUpTextAt , 'function rs_GetUpTextAt(x, y : integer): string;' );
2010-09-25 12:16:12 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_rs_GetUpTextAtEx , 'function rs_GetUpTextAtEx(x, y: integer; shadow: boolean): string' );
2010-04-04 18:35:49 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_BitmapFromText , 'function BitmapFromText(const text, font: String): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAFromText , 'function TPAFromText(const text, font: String;var w,h : integer): TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAFromTextWrap , 'procedure TPAFromTextWrap(const text, font: String;var w,h : integer;var TPA : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_MaskFromText , 'function MaskFromText(const text, font: String): TMask;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTextAt , 'function GetTextAt(const atX, atY, minvspacing, maxvspacing, hspacing,color, tol, len: integer;const font: string): string;' );
2010-04-21 11:10:40 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_getTextAtEx , 'function GetTextAtEx(const xs,ys,xe,ye, minvspacing, maxvspacing, hspacing,color, tol: integer;const font: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTextAtEx , 'function GetTextAtExWrap(const xs,ys,xe,ye, minvspacing, maxvspacing, hspacing,color, tol: integer;const font: string): string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_gettextATPA , 'function GetTextATPA(const ATPA : T2DPointArray; const maxvspacing : integer; const font : string): string;' );
2010-04-04 18:35:49 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_LoadSystemFont , 'function LoadSystemFont(const SysFont : TFont; const FontName : string) : boolean;' );
2010-04-30 17:25:15 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_LoadFont , 'function LoadFont(const FontName: string; shadow: boolean): boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FreeFont , 'function FreeFont(const FontName: string): boolean;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ Bitmaps }
SetCurrSection ( 'Bitmaps' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateBitmapString , 'function CreateBitmapString(bmp : integer) : string;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetMufasaBitmap , 'function GetMufasaBitmap(bmp : integer) : TMufasaBitmap;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateBitmap , 'function CreateBitmap(w,h :integer) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FreeBitmap , 'procedure FreeBitmap(Bmp : integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SaveBitmap , 'procedure SaveBitmap(Bmp : integer; path : string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_BitmapFromString , 'function BitmapFromString(Width,Height : integer; Data : string): integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_LoadBitmap , 'function LoadBitmap(Path : string) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetBitmapSize , 'procedure SetBitmapSize(Bmp,NewW,NewH : integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetBitmapSize , 'procedure GetBitmapSize(Bmp : integer; var BmpW,BmpH : integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_StretchBitmapResize , 'procedure StretchBitmapResize(Bmp,NewW,NewH : integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateMirroredBitmap , 'function CreateMirroredBitmap(Bmp : integer) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateMirroredBitmapEx , 'function CreateMirroredBitmapEx(Bmp : integer; MirrorStyle : TBmpMirrorStyle) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastSetPixel , 'procedure FastSetPixel(bmp,x,y : integer; Color : TColor);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastSetPixels , 'procedure FastSetPixels(bmp : integer; TPA : TPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastGetPixel , 'function FastGetPixel(bmp, x,y : integer) : TColor;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastGetPixels , 'function FastGetPixels(Bmp : integer; TPA : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray;' );
2010-05-01 18:44:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetBitmapAreaColors , 'function GetBitmapAreaColors(bmp,xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): T2DIntegerArray;' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastDrawClear , 'procedure FastDrawClear(bmp : integer; Color : TColor);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastDrawTransparent , 'procedure FastDrawTransparent(x, y: Integer; SourceBitmap, TargetBitmap: Integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetTransparentColor , 'procedure SetTransparentColor(bmp : integer; Color : TColor);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTransparentColor , 'function GetTransparentColor(bmp: integer) : TColor;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FastReplaceColor , 'procedure FastReplaceColor(Bmp : integer; OldColor,NewColor : TColor);' );
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CopyClientToBitmap , 'procedure CopyClientToBitmap(bmp, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer);' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_BitmapFromClient , 'function BitmapFromClient(const xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetBitmapName , 'procedure SetBitmapName(Bmp : integer; name : string);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmap , 'function FindBitmap(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmapIn , 'function FindBitmapIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmapToleranceIn , 'function FindBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmapSpiral , 'function FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance , 'function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; x, y: Integer; var Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmapSpiralTolerance , 'function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance : integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RotateBitmap , 'function RotateBitmap(bitmap: Integer; angle: Extended): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_Desaturate , 'function DesaturateBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_InvertBitmap , 'procedure InvertBitmap(Bitmap : integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CopyBitmap , 'function CopyBitmap(Bitmap: integer) : integer)' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GreyScaleBitmap , 'function GreyScaleBitmap(bitmap : integer) : integer' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_BrightnessBitmap , 'function BrightnessBitmap(Bitmap,br : integer) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ContrastBitmap , 'function ContrastBitmap(bitmap : integer; co : extended) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_PosterizeBitmap , 'function PosterizeBitmap(Bitmap : integer; po : integer) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CreateMaskFromBitmap , 'function CreateMaskFromBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : TMask;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindMaskTolerance , 'function FindMaskTolerance(const mask: TMask; var x, y: Integer; xs,ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindBitmapMaskTolerance , 'function FindBitmapMaskTolerance(mask: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn , 'function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x,y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer; Range: Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean; var accuracy: Extended): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DrawTPABitmap , 'procedure DrawTPABitmap(bitmap: integer; TPA: TPointArray; Color: integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DrawATPABitmap , 'procedure DrawATPABitmap(bitmap: integer; ATPA: T2DPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DrawATPABitmapEx , 'procedure DrawATPABitmapEx(bitmap: integer; ATPA: T2DPointArray; Colors: TIntegerArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DrawBitmap , 'procedure DrawBitmap(Bmp: Integer; Dest: TCanvas; x, y: Integer);' );
2010-04-13 14:10:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_RectangleBitmap , 'procedure RectangleBitmap(bitmap : integer; const box : TBox; Color : TColor);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FloodfillBitmap , 'procedure FloodFillBitmap(bitmap : integer; const StartPoint : TPoint; const SearchCol,ReplaceCol : TColor);' );
2011-02-06 13:54:29 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ConvoluteBitmap , 'function ConvoluteBitmap(bitmap : integer; matrix : T2DExtendedArray) : integer;' );
2010-05-01 09:00:23 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_CalculatePixelShift , 'function CalculatePixelShift(Bmp1,Bmp2 : Integer; CompareBox : TBox) : integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CalculatePixelTolerance , 'function CalculatePixelTolerance(Bmp1,Bmp2 : Integer; CompareBox : TBox; CTS : integer) : extended;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }
2010-01-25 08:59:44 -05:00
{ tpa }
SetCurrSection ( 'TPA' );
2010-02-05 21:21:27 -05:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_Quicksort , 'procedure Quicksort(var Arr : TIntegerArray);' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_tSwap , 'procedure tSwap(var a, b: TPoint);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_tpaSwap , 'procedure tpaSwap(var a, b: TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SwapE , 'procedure SwapE(var a, b: Extended);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RAaSTPAEx , 'procedure RAaSTPAEx(var a: TPointArray; const w, h: Integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RAaSTPA , 'procedure RAaSTPA(var a: TPointArray; const Dist: Integer);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_NearbyPointInArrayEx , 'function NearbyPointInArrayEx(const P: TPoint; w, h:Integer;const a: TPointArray): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_NearbyPointInArray , 'function NearbyPointInArray(const P: TPoint; Dist:Integer;const a: TPointArray): Boolean;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_QuickTPASort , 'procedure QuickTPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: TPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_QuickATPASort , 'procedure QuickATPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: T2DPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SortTPAFrom , 'procedure SortTPAFrom(var a: TPointArray; const From: TPoint);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SortATPAFrom , 'procedure SortATPAFrom(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SortATPAFromFirstPoint , 'procedure SortATPAFromFirstPoint(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_InvertTPA , 'procedure InvertTPA(var a: TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_InvertATPA , 'procedure InvertATPA(var a: T2DPointArray);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_MiddleTPAEx , 'function MiddleTPAEx(const TPA: TPointArray; var x, y: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_MiddleTPA , 'function MiddleTPA(const tpa: TPointArray): TPoint;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SortATPASize , 'procedure SortATPASize(var a: T2DPointArray; const BigFirst: Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SortATPAFromSize , 'procedure SortATPAFromSize(var a: T2DPointArray; const Size: Integer; CloseFirst: Boolean);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_InIntArrayEx , 'function InIntArrayEx(const a: TIntegerArray; var Where: Integer; const Number: Integer): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_InIntArray , 'function InIntArray(const a: TIntegerArray; Number: Integer): Boolean;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearSameIntegers , 'procedure ClearSameIntegers(var a: TIntegerArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearSameIntegersAndTPA , 'procedure ClearSameIntegersAndTPA(var a: TIntegerArray; var p: TPointArray);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SplitTPAEx , 'function SplitTPAEx(const arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SplitTPA , 'function SplitTPA(const arr: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FloodFillTPA , 'function FloodFillTPA(const TPA : TPointArray) : T2DPointArray;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FilterPointsPie , 'procedure FilterPointsPie(var Points: TPointArray; const SD, ED, MinR, MaxR: Extended; Mx, My: Integer);' );
2010-05-09 08:34:40 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FilterPointsLine , 'procedure FilterPointsLine(var Points: TPointArray; Radial: Extended; Radius, MX, MY: Integer);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_filterpointsdist , 'procedure FilterPointsDist(var Points: TPointArray; const MinDist, MaxDist: Extended; Mx, My: Integer);' );
2011-07-29 14:45:30 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_filterTPADist , 'procedure FilterTPADist(var TPA: TPointArray; maxDist: integer);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetATPABounds , 'function GetATPABounds(const ATPA: T2DPointArray): TBox;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetTPABounds , 'function GetTPABounds(const TPA: TPointArray): TBox;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindTPAinTPA , 'function FindTPAinTPA(const SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetSamePointsATPA , 'function GetSamePointsATPA(const ATPA : T2DPointArray; var Matches : TPointArray) : boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindTextTPAinTPA , 'function FindTextTPAinTPA(Height : integer;const SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SortCircleWise , 'procedure SortCircleWise(var tpa: TPointArray; const cx, cy, StartDegree: Integer; SortUp, ClockWise: Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_LinearSort , 'procedure LinearSort(var tpa: TPointArray; cx, cy, sd: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RotatePoint , 'function RotatePoint(Const p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint;' );
2010-05-12 17:51:18 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ChangeDistPT , 'function ChangeDistPT(const PT : TPoint; mx,my : integer; newdist : extended) : TPoint;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ChangeDistTPA , 'function ChangeDistTPA(var TPA : TPointArray; mx,my : integer; newdist : extended) : boolean;' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindGapsTPA , 'function FindGapsTPA(const TPA: TPointArray; MinPixels: Integer): T2DPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RemoveDistTPointArray , 'function RemoveDistTPointArray(x, y, dist: Integer;const ThePoints: TPointArray; RemoveHigher: Boolean): TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CombineTPA , 'function CombineTPA(const Ar1, Ar2: TPointArray): TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx , 'function ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx(const a: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReArrangeandShortenArray , 'function ReArrangeandShortenArray(const a: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAtoATPAEx , 'function TPAtoATPAEx(const TPA: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAtoATPA , 'function TPAtoATPA(const TPA: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CombineIntArray , 'function CombineIntArray(const Ar1, Ar2: TIntegerArray): TIntegerArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_MergeATPA , 'function MergeATPA(const ATPA : T2DPointArray) : TPointArray;' );
2010-05-08 17:36:46 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_AppendTPA , 'procedure AppendTPA(var TPA: TPointArray; const ToAppend: TPointArray);' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAFromBox , 'function TPAFromBox(const Box : TBox) : TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RotatePoints , 'function RotatePoints(Const P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended): TPointArray ;' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindTPAEdges , 'function FindTPAEdges(const p: TPointArray): TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearTPAFromTPA , 'function ClearTPAFromTPA(const arP, ClearPoints: TPointArray): TPointArray;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReturnPointsNotInTPA , 'function ReturnPointsNotInTPA(Const TotalTPA: TPointArray; const Box: TBox): TPointArray;' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_PointInTPA , 'function PointInTPA(p: TPoint;const arP: TPointArray): Boolean;' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearDoubleTPA , 'procedure ClearDoubleTPA(var TPA: TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPACountSort , 'procedure TPACountSort(Var TPA: TPointArray;const max: TPoint;Const SortOnX : Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPACountSortBase , 'procedure TPACountSortBase(Var TPA: TPointArray;const maxx, base: TPoint; const SortOnX : Boolean);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_InvertTIA , 'procedure InvertTIA(var tI: TIntegerArray);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_SumIntegerArray , 'function SumIntegerArray(const Ints : TIntegerArray): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_AverageTIA , 'function AverageTIA(const tI: TIntegerArray): Integer;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_AverageExtended , 'function AverageExtended(const tE: TExtendedArray): Extended;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SplitTPAExWrap , 'procedure SplitTPAExWrap(const arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer; var res : T2DPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SplitTPAWrap , 'procedure SplitTPAWrap(const arr: TPointArray; Dist: Integer; var res: T2DPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindGapsTPAWrap , 'procedure FindGapsTPAWrap(const TPA: TPointArray; MinPixels: Integer; var Res : T2DPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RemoveDistTPointArrayWrap , 'procedure RemoveDistTPointArrayWrap(x, y, dist: Integer;const ThePoints: TPointArray; RemoveHigher: Boolean; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CombineTPAWrap , 'procedure CombineTPAWrap(const Ar1, Ar2: TPointArray; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReArrangeandShortenArrayExWrap , 'procedure ReArrangeandShortenArrayExWrap(const a: TPointArray; w, h: Integer; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReArrangeandShortenArrayWrap , 'procedure ReArrangeandShortenArrayWrap(const a: TPointArray; Dist: Integer; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAtoATPAExWrap , 'procedure TPAtoATPAExWrap(const TPA: TPointArray; w, h: Integer; var Res : T2DPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAtoATPAWrap , 'procedure TPAtoATPAWrap(const TPA: TPointArray; Dist: Integer; var Res : T2DPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CombineIntArrayWrap , 'procedure CombineIntArrayWrap(const Ar1, Ar2: TIntegerArray; var Res : TIntegerArray);' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_ReturnPointsNotInTPAWrap , 'procedure ReturnPointsNotInTPAWrap(Const TotalTPA: TPointArray; const Box: TBox; var Res : TPointArray);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_MergeATPAWrap , 'procedure MergeATPAWrap(const ATPA : T2DPointArray; var Res: TPointArray);' );
2010-04-07 17:32:17 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAFromBoxWrap , 'procedure TPAFromBoxWrap(const Box : TBox; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_RotatePointsWrap , 'procedure RotatePointsWrap(Const P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended; var Res : TPointArray);' );
2010-05-07 21:20:26 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_FindTPAEdgesWrap , 'procedure FindTPAEdgesWrap(const p: TPointArray; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ClearTPAFromTPAWrap , 'procedure ClearTPAFromTPAWrap(const arP, ClearPoints: TPointArray; var Res : TPointArray);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SameTPA , 'function SameTPA(const aTPA, bTPA: TPointArray): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_TPAInATPA , 'function TPAInATPA(const TPA: TPointArray;const InATPA: T2DPointArray; var Index: LongInt): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_offsetTPA , 'procedure OffsetTPA(var TPA : TPointArray; const Offset : TPoint);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_offsetATPA , 'procedure OffsetATPA(var ATPA : T2DPointArray; const Offset : TPoint);' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_copyTPA , 'function CopyTPA(const TPA : TPointArray) : TPointArray;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_CopyATPA , 'function CopyATPA(const ATPA : T2DPointArray) : T2DPointArray;' );
2010-03-25 08:37:52 -04:00
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
2010-03-25 08:37:52 -04:00
SetCurrSection ( 'Settings' );
2010-04-07 17:04:25 -04:00
AddFunction ( @ ps_KeyIsSetting , 'function KeyIsSetting(const KeyName: String): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_KeyIsDirectory , 'function KeyIsDirectory(const KeyName: String): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetSettingValue , 'function GetSettingValue(const KeyName: String): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_GetSettingValueDef , 'function GetSettingValueDef(const KeyName, defVal: String): String;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_SetSettingValue , 'function SetSettingValue(const KeyName,value : string) : boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_ListSettings , 'function ListSettings(const KeyName: String; var KeyReturn: TStringArray) : boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DeleteSetting , 'function DeleteSetting(const KeyName: String): Boolean;' );
AddFunction ( @ ps_DeleteSubSettings , 'function DeleteSubSettings(const KeyName: String): Boolean;' );
2010-05-20 04:08:54 -04:00
{ $ENDIF }