mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/Simba synced 2025-02-16 07:10:10 -05:00

Added regex support for Simba :).

This commit is contained in:
Raymond 2010-04-22 00:01:19 +02:00
parent e1a11367f4
commit b0f960cd34
3 changed files with 130 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
function ps_Format(const fmt : string;const args : array of const) : string; extdecl; begin; Result := Format(fmt,Args); end; function ps_Capitalize(str : string) : string;extdecl; begin result := Capitalize(str); end; function ps_ExtractFromStr( Str : string; Extract : StrExtr) : string; extdecl; begin result := extractfromstr(str,extract); end; function ps_BoolToStr(bool : boolean) : string; extdecl; begin; result := BoolToStr(bool,true); end; function ps_Replace(Text, FindStr, ReplaceStr: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string; extdecl; begin; result := StringReplace(Text,FindStr,ReplaceStr,Flags); end; function ps_IntToStr(int : integer) : string; extdecl; begin result := inttostr(int); end; function ps_FloatToStr(flt : extended) : string; extdecl; begin result := floattostr(flt); end; function ps_StrToInt(value: String): Integer; extdecl; begin result := StrToInt(value); end; function ps_StrToIntDef(value: String; default: Integer): Integer; extdecl; begin result := StrToIntDef(value,default); end; function ps_StrToFloat(value: String): Extended; extdecl; begin result := StrToFloat(value); end; function ps_StrToFloatDef(value: String; default: Extended): Extended; extdecl; begin result := StrToFloatDef(value,default); end; function ps_StrToBool(value: String): Boolean;extdecl; begin result := StrToBool(value); end; function ps_StrToBoolDef(value: String; default: Boolean): Boolean; extdecl; begin result := StrToBoolDef(value,default); end; function ps_Between(s1, s2, str: string): string; extdecl; var I,J : integer; begin; Result := ''; I := pos(s1,str); if I > 0 then begin; i := i + length(s1); j := posex(s2,str,i); if j > 0 then Result := copy(str,i,j-i); end; end; function ps_Implode(Glue : string; Pieces: TStringArray): string;extdecl; begin result := implode(glue,pieces); end; function ps_Explode(del, str: string): TStringArray;extdecl; begin result := Explode(del,str); end; procedure ps_ExplodeWrap(del, str: string; var res : TStringArray);extdecl; begin res := Explode(del,str); end; function ps_Padl(s: String; i: longInt): String;extdecl; begin result := StringOfChar(Char(' '), i - length(s)) + s; end; function ps_Padz(s: String; i: longInt): String;extdecl; begin result := StringOfChar(Char('0'), i - length(s)) + s; end; function ps_Padr(s: String; i: longInt): String;extdecl; begin result := s + StringOfChar(Char(' '), i - Length(s)); end;
function ps_Format(const fmt : string;const args : array of const) : string; extdecl; begin; Result := Format(fmt,Args); end; function ps_Capitalize(str : string) : string;extdecl; begin result := Capitalize(str); end; function ps_ExtractFromStr( Str : string; Extract : StrExtr) : string; extdecl; begin result := extractfromstr(str,extract); end; function ps_BoolToStr(bool : boolean) : string; extdecl; begin; result := BoolToStr(bool,true); end; function ps_Replace(Text, FindStr, ReplaceStr: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string; extdecl; begin; result := StringReplace(Text,FindStr,ReplaceStr,Flags); end; function ps_IntToStr(int : integer) : string; extdecl; begin result := inttostr(int); end; function ps_FloatToStr(flt : extended) : string; extdecl; begin result := floattostr(flt); end; function ps_StrToInt(value: String): Integer; extdecl; begin result := StrToInt(value); end; function ps_StrToIntDef(value: String; default: Integer): Integer; extdecl; begin result := StrToIntDef(value,default); end; function ps_StrToFloat(value: String): Extended; extdecl; begin result := StrToFloat(value); end; function ps_StrToFloatDef(value: String; default: Extended): Extended; extdecl; begin result := StrToFloatDef(value,default); end; function ps_StrToBool(value: String): Boolean;extdecl; begin result := StrToBool(value); end; function ps_StrToBoolDef(value: String; default: Boolean): Boolean; extdecl; begin result := StrToBoolDef(value,default); end; function ps_Between(s1, s2, str: string): string; extdecl; var I,J : integer; begin; Result := ''; I := pos(s1,str); if I > 0 then begin; i := i + length(s1); j := posex(s2,str,i); if j > 0 then Result := copy(str,i,j-i); end; end; function ps_Implode(Glue : string; Pieces: TStringArray): string;extdecl; begin result := implode(glue,pieces); end; function ps_Explode(del, str: string): TStringArray;extdecl; begin result := Explode(del,str); end; procedure ps_ExplodeWrap(del, str: string; var res : TStringArray);extdecl; begin res := Explode(del,str); end; function ps_Padl(s: String; i: longInt): String;extdecl; begin result := StringOfChar(Char(' '), i - length(s)) + s; end; function ps_Padz(s: String; i: longInt): String;extdecl; begin result := StringOfChar(Char('0'), i - length(s)) + s; end; function ps_Padr(s: String; i: longInt): String;extdecl; begin result := s + StringOfChar(Char(' '), i - Length(s)); end; function ps_ExecRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr : String) : boolean;extdecl; begin result := execregexpr(RegExpr,InputStr); end; procedure ps_SplitRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr : String; Pieces : TStrings);extdecl; begin SplitRegExpr(RegExpr,InputStr,Pieces); end; function ps_ReplaceRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr, ReplaceStr : String; UseSubstitution : boolean) : String;extdecl; begin result := ReplaceRegExpr(RegExpr,InputStr,ReplaceStr,UseSubstitution); end;

View File

@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ AddFunction(@ps_explodewrap,'procedure ExplodeWrap(del, str: string; var res : T
AddFunction(@ps_PadL,'function Padl(s: String; i: longInt): String;');
AddFunction(@Ps_Padz,'function Padz(s: String; i: longInt): String;');
AddFunction(@ps_padR,'function Padr(s: String; i: longInt): String;');
AddFunction(@ps_ExecRegExpr,'function ExecRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr : String) : boolean;');
AddFunction(@ps_SplitRegExpr,'procedure SplitRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr : String; Pieces : TStrings);');
addfunction(@ps_ReplaceRegExpr,'function ReplaceRegExpr( const RegExpr, InputStr, ReplaceStr : String; UseSubstitution : boolean) : String;');

View File

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ uses
tpa, //Tpa stuff
lclintf // for GetTickCount and others.
{$ifdef Linux}
@ -674,6 +675,48 @@ begin
with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('Exception'),'ERegExpr') do
RegisterProperty('ErrorCode', 'integer', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('CompilerErrorPos', 'integer', iptrw);
PSClass :=cl.AddClassN(cl.FindClass('TObject'),'TRegExp');
with PSClass do
RegisterMethod('Constructor Create');
RegisterMethod('Function VersionMajor : integer');
RegisterMethod('Function VersionMinor : integer');
RegisterProperty('Expression', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierStr', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierI', 'boolean', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierR', 'boolean', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierS', 'boolean', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierG', 'boolean', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierM', 'boolean', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('ModifierX', 'boolean', iptrw);
RegisterMethod('Function Exec( const AInputString : String) : boolean;');
RegisterMethod('Function ExecNext : boolean');
RegisterMethod('Function ExecPos( AOffset : integer) : boolean');
RegisterProperty('InputString', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterMethod('Function Substitute( const ATemplate : String) : String');
RegisterMethod('Procedure Split( AInputStr : String; APieces : TStrings)');
RegisterMethod('Function Replace( AInputStr : String; const AReplaceStr : String; AUseSubstitution : boolean) : String;');
RegisterProperty('SubExprMatchCount', 'integer', iptr);
RegisterProperty('MatchPos', 'integer integer', iptr);
RegisterProperty('MatchLen', 'integer integer', iptr);
RegisterProperty('Match', 'String integer', iptr);
RegisterMethod('Function LastError : integer');
RegisterMethod('Function ErrorMsg( AErrorID : integer) : String');
RegisterProperty('CompilerErrorPos', 'integer', iptr);
RegisterProperty('SpaceChars', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('WordChars', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('LineSeparators', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterProperty('LinePairedSeparator', 'String', iptrw);
RegisterMethod('Function InvertCaseFunction( const Ch : Char) : Char');
RegisterProperty('InvertCase', 'TRegExprInvertCaseFunction', iptrw);
RegisterMethod('Procedure Compile');
RegisterMethod('Function Dump : String');
function CreateMufasaBitmap : TMufasaBitmap;
@ -687,12 +730,54 @@ begin;
TRegExp = class(SynRegExpr.TRegExpr);
procedure MBmp_Index_r(self : TMufasaBitmap; var Index : integer);begin; Index := self.Index; end;
procedure MBmp_Width_r(self : TMufasaBitmap; var Width : integer);begin; Width := self.Width; end;
procedure MBmp_Height_r(self : TMufasaBitmap; var Height : integer);begin; Height := self.Height; end;
procedure MBmp_Name_r(self : TMufasaBitmap; var Name : String);begin; Name := self.Name; end;
procedure MBmp_Name_w(self : TMufasaBitmap; const Name : String);begin; Self.name := name; end;
procedure MBmp_TransColorSet_r(Self : TMufasaBitmap; var IsSet : boolean); begin IsSet := self.TransparentColorSet; end;
procedure ERegExprCompilerErrorPos_W(Self: ERegExpr; const T: integer); Begin Self.CompilerErrorPos := T; end;
procedure ERegExprCompilerErrorPos_R(Self: ERegExpr; var T: integer);Begin T := Self.CompilerErrorPos; end;
procedure ERegExprErrorCode_W(Self: ERegExpr; const T: integer);Begin Self.ErrorCode := T; end;
procedure ERegExprErrorCode_R(Self: ERegExpr; var T: integer);Begin T := Self.ErrorCode; end;
procedure TRegExprInvertCase_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: TRegExprInvertCaseFunction);begin Self.InvertCase := T; end;
procedure TRegExprInvertCase_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: TRegExprInvertCaseFunction);begin T := Self.InvertCase; end;
procedure TRegExprLinePairedSeparator_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.LinePairedSeparator := T; end;
procedure TRegExprLinePairedSeparator_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.LinePairedSeparator; end;
procedure TRegExprLineSeparators_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.LineSeparators := T; end;
procedure TRegExprLineSeparators_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.LineSeparators; end;
procedure TRegExprWordChars_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.WordChars := T; end;
procedure TRegExprWordChars_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.WordChars; end;
procedure TRegExprSpaceChars_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.SpaceChars := T; end;
procedure TRegExprSpaceChars_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.SpaceChars; end;
procedure TRegExprCompilerErrorPos_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: integer);begin T := Self.CompilerErrorPos; end;
procedure TRegExprMatch_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString; const t1: integer);begin T := Self.Match[t1]; end;
procedure TRegExprMatchLen_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: integer; const t1: integer);begin T := Self.MatchLen[t1]; end;
procedure TRegExprMatchPos_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: integer; const t1: integer);begin T := Self.MatchPos[t1]; end;
procedure TRegExprSubExprMatchCount_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: integer);begin T := Self.SubExprMatchCount; end;
Function TRegExprReplace2_P(Self: TRegExp; AInputStr : RegExprString; AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction) : RegExprString;Begin Result := Self.Replace(AInputStr, AReplaceFunc); END;
Function TRegExprReplace_P(Self: TRegExp; AInputStr : RegExprString; const AReplaceStr : RegExprString; AUseSubstitution : boolean) : RegExprString;Begin Result := Self.Replace(AInputStr, AReplaceStr, AUseSubstitution); END;
procedure TRegExprInputString_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.InputString := T; end;
procedure TRegExprInputString_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.InputString; end;
Function TRegExprExec_P(Self: TRegExp; const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean;Begin Result := Self.Exec(AInputString); END;
procedure TRegExprModifierX_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: boolean);begin Self.ModifierX := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierX_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: boolean);begin T := Self.ModifierX; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierM_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: boolean);begin Self.ModifierM := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierM_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: boolean);begin T := Self.ModifierM; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierG_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: boolean);begin Self.ModifierG := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierG_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: boolean);begin T := Self.ModifierG; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierS_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: boolean);begin Self.ModifierS := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierS_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: boolean);begin T := Self.ModifierS; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierR_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: boolean);begin Self.ModifierR := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierR_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: boolean);begin T := Self.ModifierR; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierI_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: boolean);begin Self.ModifierI := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierI_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: boolean);begin T := Self.ModifierI; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierStr_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.ModifierStr := T; end;
procedure TRegExprModifierStr_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.ModifierStr; end;
procedure TRegExprExpression_W(Self: TRegExp; const T: RegExprString);begin Self.Expression := T; end;
procedure TRegExprExpression_R(Self: TRegExp; var T: RegExprString);begin T := Self.Expression; end;
procedure RIRegister_Mufasa(cl: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
@ -735,6 +820,47 @@ begin;
RegisterMethod(@TMufasaBitmap.SaveToFile, 'SAVETOFILE');
RegisterMethod(@TMufasaBitmap.LoadFromFile, 'LOADFROMFILE');
with CL.Add(ERegExpr) do
with CL.Add(TRegExp) do
RegisterConstructor(@TRegExp.Create, 'Create');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.VersionMajor, 'VersionMajor');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.VersionMinor, 'VersionMinor');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExprExec_P, 'Exec');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.ExecNext, 'ExecNext');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.ExecPos, 'ExecPos');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.Substitute, 'Substitute');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.Split, 'Split');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExprReplace_P, 'Replace');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.LastError, 'LastError');
RegisterVirtualMethod(@TRegExp.ErrorMsg, 'ErrorMsg');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.InvertCaseFunction, 'InvertCaseFunction');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.Compile, 'Compile');
RegisterMethod(@TRegExp.Dump, 'Dump');
procedure TPSThread.OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler);