2011-08-14 09:22:11 +02:00

959 B

Phonegap SQLitePlugin

I have been developing Phonegap applications that required big databases. WebKitSQLite HTML5 database has hardcoded quota limitations so I decided to write this plugin to open my own sqlite files from javascript.

Currently the plugin supports basic open, close, executeSQL and has no support for transactions.

I also started writing a js wrapper that exposes an HTML5-like interface but it is unfinished yet (see sqlite-html5.js)

Later I found out that I could actually use this plugin to open the same database file WebKit uses to store HTML5 dbs and change their quota limits (see sqlite.js). This way I was able to store up to 1Gb using standard WebKitSQLite.


Like any other PGPlugin drag it into your project, include sqlite.js file in your application, modify PhoneGap.plist to bind PGSQLitePlugin to it.dadeb.sqliteplugin namespace. Look at sqlite.js to get a sense of how it works.