2012-03-10 19:28:02 -06:00

98 lines
4.1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>MoparClassic Config</comment>
<entry key="version">40</entry>
<entry key="ip">localhost</entry>
<entry key="port">43595</entry>
<entry key="name">Moparscape Classic</entry>
<entry key="location">USA</entry>
<entry key="maxplayers">800</entry>
<entry key="servernum">1</entry>
<entry key="lsip">localhost</entry>
<entry key="lsport">34526</entry>
<entry key="mysqluser">mc</entry>
<entry key="mysqlpass"></entry>
<entry key="mysqlhost">localhost</entry>
<entry key="mysqldb">moparclassic</entry>
<entry key="members">false</entry>
<entry key="f2pwildy">true</entry>
<entry key="expRate">4.0</entry>
<entry key="subExpRate">4.0</entry>
<!-- The minimum level required for the player to get the non-combat bonus
XP for being in the wilderness -->
<entry key="wild-non-combat-min-level">999</entry>
<!-- The following two are rates that are added to the player's XP rate -->
<entry key="wild-non-combat-bonus">0</entry>
<entry key="wild-combat-bonus">0</entry>
<!-- The amount of time (in ms) that a player must stand still in the wild
(without being in combat) before they can log out. The message will say they
must wait x seconds. -->
<entry key="wild-stand-still-time">10000</entry>
<!-- If true, a message will be sent to all online players when someone
reaches the max level for a skill -->
<entry key="max-level-congrats">false</entry>
<!-- Separate names by commas -->
<entry key="pmods">None</entry>
<entry key="mods">None</entry>
<entry key="admins">None</entry>
<entry key="ip-ban-removal-delay">60000</entry>
<entry key="os-level-blocking">false</entry>
<entry key="os-level-block-command">sudo route add -host ${ip} reject</entry>
<entry key="os-level-unblock-command">sudo route del -host ${ip} reject</entry>
<!-- Alert when someone's connections are throttled -->
<entry key="throttle-alert">false</entry>
<!-- Alert when unblocking at the os-level fails -->
<entry key="os-level-blocking-unblock-failed-alert">true</entry>
<entry key="connection-throttle-size">100</entry>
<!-- This is the threshold of how many connections that an IP can have.
This uses a LRUMap, and only has a limited number of entries, so only the
most active IPs will be stored at a time. -->
<entry key="connection-throttle">5</entry>
<!-- The amount of time (in ms) after a connection is closed that the count
is kept. This is used to throttle spam logging. -->
<entry key="connection-throttle-remove-delay">10000</entry>
<!-- Every 100 minutes -->
<entry key="garbage-collect-interval">6000000</entry>
<!-- Every 5 minutes -->
<entry key="save-interval">300000</entry>
<!-- Date format for logger -->
<entry key="date-format">yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss</entry>
<!-- Location of configuration file for alerts -->
<entry key="alert-config">conf/alert-config.xml</entry>
<!-- Location of configuration file for commands -->
<entry key="command-config">conf/command-config.xml</entry>
<!-- The class that should be used for the DataStore -->
<entry key="data-store">org.moparscape.msc.gs.persistence.impl.XMLUsingXStream</entry>
<!-- The amount of packets per second before the user is disconnected. -->
<entry key="packet-per-second-threshold">30</entry>
<!-- Alert when someone has broken the threshold? -->
<entry key="packet-per-second-alert">true</entry>
<!-- The afk timeout in minutes -->
<entry key="afk-timeout">5</entry>
<!-- The DataService implementation that should be used. -->
<entry key="data-service">org.moparscape.msc.gs.db.impl.NIODataService</entry>
<!-- The ReportHandler implementation that should be used. -->
<entry key="report-handler">org.moparscape.msc.gs.db.impl.DropReportHandler</entry>
<!-- This is displayed on login. Each line will be sent as a new message. Make sure you're using XML entities for things like <, new lines, etc. -->
<entry key="MOTD">@yel@Welcome to MoparClassic Alpha!&#10;@red@Report all bugs on GitHub.&#10;@cya@Commands: ::town &lt;townname>, ::item &lt;id>, ::say &lt;msg>, ::goto &lt;name></entry>