Each joystick has its own interrupt endpoint, and the main loop used to wait until each became ready (i.e. Serviced) in turn. On some systems, when only one joystick is in use, only one endpoint is polled. The inactive endpoint therefore never became ready and the mainloop would freeze. Rewrote part of the loop to prevent this. New flow: 1) Wait until it is time to poll the controllers (based on current poll frequency setting) 2) Wait until either endpoints is ready. 3) Write data to first endpoint if ready, otherwise skip. 4) Write data to second endpoint if ready, otherwise skip.
Gamecube/N64 to USB adapter
This is the source code for a Gamecube/N64 controller to USB adapter firmware meant to run on raphnet.net Multiuse PCB-X.
The project homepage is located at: http://www.raphnet.net/electronique/multiuse_pcbX/index.php
The project is released under the General Public License version 3.
- / : The firmware source code
- tool/ : This directory contains utilities to configure and update an adapter, manipulate mempak image files, etc.
- scripts/ : Scripts and/or useful files
Compiling the firmware
You will need a working avr-gcc toolchain with avr-libc and standard utilities such as make. Just type 'make' and it should build just fine. Under Linux at least.
Programming the firmware
The makefile has a convenient 'flash' target which sends a command to the firmware to enter the bootloader and then executes dfu-programmer (it must of course be installed) with the correct arguments.
Note that the tool must be compiled first and your permissions must also be set so that your user may access the device. See 'Using the tools' below for more information.
Compiling the tools
In the tool/ directory, just type make.
There are a few dependencies:
- libhidapi-dev
- libhidapi-hidraw0
- pkg-config
- gtk3 (for the gui only)
Provided you have all the dependencies installed, under Linux at least, it should compile without errors. For other environments such has MinGW, there are provisions in the makefile to auto-detect and tweak the build accordingly, but it if fails, be prepared to hack the makefile.
Using the tools
Under Linux, you should configure udev to give the proper permissions to your user, otherwise communicating with the device won't be possible. The same requirement also applies to dfu-programmer.
An easy way to do this is to copy the two files below to /etc/udev/rules.d, restart udev and reconnect the devices.
scripts/99-atmel-dfu.rules scripts/99-raphnet.rules
For information on how to actually /use/ the tools, try --help. Ex:
$ ./gcn64ctl --help