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synced 2025-03-03 18:21:55 -05:00

* Enable freestanding items other than heart pieces and keys * Add option to disable freestanding rupee & heart shuffle * Add items to pool * Actually add shuffle setting * Define overworld locations * Add logic for overworld freestanding checks * Add freestanding items for child dungeons. * Add checks for Ice Cavern and Bottom of the Well * Add checks for Forest Temple and Gerudo Training Grounds * Add checks for Fire Temple and Water Temple * Add Shadow Temple checks This does not include the spinning pots rupees, even though they're included with freestanding rupees in the N64 randomizer as they would require dedicated overrides for the code for the pots in question. * Define Spirit Temple and Ganon's Castle hearts * Add remaining checks to dungeon definitions * Fix missing logic * Add freestanding checks to Save Flags Editor * Fix flags for Zora Fountain underwater rupees * Add option to enable freestanding shuffle for either dungeons or overworld * Add missing MQ checks and fix mac & windows compile error * Improve description and add hint text * Update logic for Bombchu fixes * Add missing Spirit Temple MQ hearts * Add missing settings entries * Actually add Forest Temple trick to the tricks menu. * Re-add Ice Cavern lobby rupee * go over MQ logic * review logic on non-MQ checks * convert all freestandings to location based * add option enum and fix jabu exit logic * fix mislocated freestandings * fix mislocted freestandings * Fix some mislocationed checks --------- Co-authored-by: Angel Bulfone <mbulfone@gmail.com>
393 lines
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393 lines
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#ifndef Z64ACTOR_H
#define Z64ACTOR_H
#include "z64dma.h"
#include "z64animation.h"
#include "z64math.h"
#include "z64collision_check.h"
#include "z64bgcheck.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/item-tables/ItemTableTypes.h"
#include "z64actor_enum.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/randomizerTypes.h"
#define ACTOR_NUMBER_MAX 2000
#define AM_FIELD_SIZE 0x27A0
#define MASS_IMMOVABLE 0xFF // Cannot be pushed by OC collisions
#define MASS_HEAVY 0xFE // Can only be pushed by OC collisions with IMMOVABLE and HEAVY objects.
struct Actor;
struct PlayState;
struct Lights;
typedef void (*ActorFunc)(struct Actor*, struct PlayState*);
typedef void (*ActorResetFunc)(void);
typedef void (*ActorShadowFunc)(struct Actor*, struct Lights*, struct PlayState*);
typedef u16 (*NpcGetTextIdFunc)(struct PlayState*, struct Actor*);
typedef s16 (*NpcUpdateTalkStateFunc)(struct PlayState*, struct Actor*);
typedef struct {
Vec3f pos;
Vec3s rot;
} PosRot; // size = 0x14
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 id;
/* 0x02 */ u8 category; // Classifies actor and determines when it will update or draw
/* 0x04 */ u32 flags;
/* 0x08 */ s16 objectId;
/* 0x0C */ u32 instanceSize;
/* 0x10 */ ActorFunc init; // Constructor
/* 0x14 */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destructor
/* 0x18 */ ActorFunc update; // Update Function
/* 0x1C */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw function
/* 0x20 */ ActorResetFunc reset;
} ActorInit; // size = 0x20
typedef enum {
} AllocType;
typedef struct {
u8 table[32];
} DamageTable;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 health;
/* 0x02 */ s16 cylRadius;
/* 0x04 */ s16 cylHeight;
/* 0x06 */ u8 mass;
} CollisionCheckInfoInit;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 health;
/* 0x02 */ s16 cylRadius;
/* 0x04 */ s16 cylHeight;
/* 0x06 */ s16 cylYShift;
/* 0x08 */ u8 mass;
} CollisionCheckInfoInit2;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ DamageTable* damageTable;
/* 0x04 */ Vec3f displacement; // Amount to correct actor velocity by when colliding into a body
/* 0x10 */ s16 cylRadius; // Used for various purposes
/* 0x12 */ s16 cylHeight; // Used for various purposes
/* 0x14 */ s16 cylYShift; // Unused. Purpose inferred from Cylinder16 and CollisionCheck_CylSideVsLineSeg
/* 0x16 */ u8 mass; // Used to compute displacement for OC collisions
/* 0x17 */ u8 health; // Note: some actors may use their own health variable instead of this one
/* 0x18 */ u8 damage; // Amount to decrement health by
/* 0x19 */ u8 damageEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when hit by a weapon
/* 0x1A */ u8 atHitEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when AT connects with an AC
/* 0x1B */ u8 acHitEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when AC is touched by an AT
} CollisionCheckInfo; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3s rot; // Current actor shape rotation
/* 0x06 */ s16 face; // Used to index eyebrow/eye/mouth textures. Only used by player
/* 0x08 */ f32 yOffset; // Model y axis offset. Represents model space units
/* 0x0C */ ActorShadowFunc shadowDraw; // Shadow draw function
/* 0x10 */ f32 shadowScale; // Changes the size of the shadow
/* 0x14 */ u8 shadowAlpha; // Default is 255
/* 0x15 */ u8 feetFloorFlags; // Set if the actor's foot is clipped under the floor. & 1 is right foot, & 2 is left
/* 0x18 */ Vec3f feetPos[2]; // Update by using `Actor_SetFeetPos` in PostLimbDraw
} ActorShape; // size = 0x30
#define ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE (1 << 0)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_HOSTILE (1 << 2)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_FRIENDLY (1 << 3)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE (1 << 6)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_LENS (1 << 7)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_ENKUSA_CUT (1 << 11)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_IGNORE_QUAKE (1 << 12)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_WILL_TALK (1 << 16)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_PILLAR_PICKUP (1 << 17)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_NAVI_HAS_INFO (1 << 18)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS (1 << 19)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER (1 << 20)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2 (1 << 21)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_ALWAYS_THROWN (1 << 23)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_PLAY_HIT_SFX (1 << 24)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_NO_LOCKON (1 << 27)
#define ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER (1 << 28)
typedef struct Actor {
/* 0x000 */ s16 id; // Actor ID
/* 0x002 */ u8 category; // Actor category. Refer to the corresponding enum for values
/* 0x003 */ s8 room; // Room number the actor is in. -1 denotes that the actor won't despawn on a room change
/* 0x004 */ u32 flags; // Flags used for various purposes
/* 0x008 */ PosRot home; // Initial position/rotation when spawned. Can be used for other purposes
/* 0x01C */ s16 params; // Configurable variable set by the actor's spawn data; original name: "args_data"
/* 0x01E */ s8 objBankIndex; // Object bank index of the actor's object dependency; original name: "bank"
/* 0x01F */ s8 targetMode; // Controls how far the actor can be targeted from and how far it can stay locked on
/* 0x020 */ u16 sfx; // SFX ID to play. Sound plays when value is set, then is cleared the following update cycle
/* 0x024 */ PosRot world; // Position/rotation in the world
/* 0x038 */ PosRot focus; // Target reticle focuses on this position. For player this represents head pos and rot
/* 0x04C */ f32 targetArrowOffset; // Height offset of the target arrow relative to `focus` position
/* 0x050 */ Vec3f scale; // Scale of the actor in each axis
/* 0x05C */ Vec3f velocity; // Velocity of the actor in each axis
/* 0x068 */ f32 speedXZ; // How fast the actor is traveling along the XZ plane
/* 0x06C */ f32 gravity; // Acceleration due to gravity. Value is added to Y velocity every frame
/* 0x070 */ f32 minVelocityY; // Sets the lower bounds cap on velocity along the Y axis
/* 0x074 */ CollisionPoly* wallPoly; // Wall polygon the actor is touching
/* 0x078 */ CollisionPoly* floorPoly; // Floor polygon directly below the actor
/* 0x07C */ u8 wallBgId; // Bg ID of the wall polygon the actor is touching
/* 0x07D */ u8 floorBgId; // Bg ID of the floor polygon directly below the actor
/* 0x07E */ s16 wallYaw; // Y rotation of the wall polygon the actor is touching
/* 0x080 */ f32 floorHeight; // Y position of the floor polygon directly below the actor
/* 0x084 */ f32 yDistToWater; // Distance to the surface of active waterbox. Negative value means above water
/* 0x088 */ u16 bgCheckFlags; // See comments below actor struct for wip docs. TODO: macros for these flags
/* 0x08A */ s16 yawTowardsPlayer; // Y rotation difference between the actor and the player
/* 0x08C */ f32 xyzDistToPlayerSq; // Squared distance between the actor and the player
/* 0x090 */ f32 xzDistToPlayer; // Distance between the actor and the player in the XZ plane
/* 0x094 */ f32 yDistToPlayer; // Dist is negative if the actor is above the player
/* 0x098 */ CollisionCheckInfo colChkInfo; // Variables related to the Collision Check system
/* 0x0B4 */ ActorShape shape; // Variables related to the physical shape of the actor
/* 0x0E4 */ Vec3f projectedPos; // Position of the actor in projected space
/* 0x0F0 */ f32 projectedW; // w component of the projected actor position
/* 0x0F4 */ f32 uncullZoneForward; // Amount to increase the uncull zone forward by (in projected space)
/* 0x0F8 */ f32 uncullZoneScale; // Amount to increase the uncull zone scale by (in projected space)
/* 0x0FC */ f32 uncullZoneDownward; // Amount to increase uncull zone downward by (in projected space)
/* 0x100 */ Vec3f prevPos; // World position from the previous update cycle
/* 0x10C */ u8 isTargeted; // Set to true if the actor is currently being targeted by the player
/* 0x10D */ u8 targetPriority; // Lower values have higher priority. Resets to 0 when player stops targeting
/* 0x10E */ u16 textId; // Text ID to pass to link/display when interacting with the actor
/* 0x110 */ u16 freezeTimer; // Actor does not update when set. Timer decrements automatically
/* 0x112 */ u16 colorFilterParams; // Set color filter to red, blue, or white. Toggle opa or xlu
/* 0x114 */ u8 colorFilterTimer; // A non-zero value enables the color filter. Decrements automatically
/* 0x115 */ u8 isDrawn; // Set to true if the actor is currently being drawn. Always stays false for lens actors
/* 0x116 */ u8 dropFlag; // Configures what item is dropped by the actor from `Item_DropCollectibleRandom`
/* 0x117 */ u8 naviEnemyId; // Sets what 0600 dialog to display when talking to navi. Default 0xFF
/* 0x118 */ struct Actor* parent; // Usage is actor specific. Set if actor is spawned via `Actor_SpawnAsChild`
/* 0x11C */ struct Actor* child; // Usage is actor specific. Set if actor is spawned via `Actor_SpawnAsChild`
/* 0x120 */ struct Actor* prev; // Previous actor of this category
/* 0x124 */ struct Actor* next; // Next actor of this category
/* 0x128 */ ActorFunc init; // Initialization Routine. Called by `Actor_Init` or `Actor_UpdateAll`
/* 0x12C */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destruction Routine. Called by `Actor_Destroy`
/* 0x130 */ ActorFunc update; // Update Routine. Called by `Actor_UpdateAll`
/* 0x134 */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw Routine. Called by `Actor_Draw`
/* 0x138 */ ActorResetFunc reset;
/* 0x13C */ char dbgPad[0x10]; // Padding that only exists in the debug rom
// #region SOH [General]
/* */ u8 maximumHealth; // Max health value for use with health bars, set on actor init
// #endregion
} Actor; // size = 0x14C
typedef enum {
/* 0 */ FOOT_LEFT,
/* 1 */ FOOT_RIGHT
} ActorFootIndex;
BgCheckFlags WIP documentation:
& 0x001 : Standing on the ground
& 0x002 : Has touched the ground (only active for 1 frame)
& 0x004 : Has left the ground (only active for 1 frame)
& 0x008 : Touching a wall
& 0x010 : Touching a ceiling
& 0x020 : On or below water surface
& 0x040 : Has touched water (actor is responsible for unsetting this the frame it touches the water)
& 0x080 : Similar to & 0x1 but with no velocity check and is cleared every frame
& 0x100 : Crushed between a floor and ceiling (triggers a void for player)
& 0x200 : Unknown (only set/used by player so far)
colorFilterParams WIP documentation
& 0x8000 : white
& 0x4000 : red
if neither of the above are set : blue
(& 0x1F00 >> 5) | 7 : color intensity
0x2000 : translucent, else opaque
#define DYNA_INTERACT_ACTOR_ON_TOP (1 << 0) // There is an actor standing on the collision of the dynapoly actor
#define DYNA_INTERACT_PLAYER_ON_TOP (1 << 1) // The player actor is standing on the collision of the dynapoly actor
(1 << 2) // The player is directly above the collision of the dynapoly actor (any distance above)
(1 << 3) // An actor that is capable of pressing switches is on top of the dynapoly actor
typedef struct DynaPolyActor {
/* 0x000 */ struct Actor actor;
/* 0x14C */ s32 bgId;
/* 0x150 */ f32 unk_150;
/* 0x154 */ f32 unk_154;
/* 0x158 */ s16 unk_158; // y rotation?
/* 0x15A */ u16 unk_15A;
/* 0x15C */ u32 transformFlags;
/* 0x160 */ u8 interactFlags;
/* 0x162 */ s16 unk_162;
} DynaPolyActor; // size = 0x164
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ MtxF* matrices;
/* 0x04 */ s16* objectIds;
/* 0x08 */ s16 count;
/* 0x0C */ Gfx** dLists;
/* 0x10 */ s32 val; // used for various purposes: both a status indicator and counter
/* 0x14 */ s32 prevLimbIndex;
} BodyBreak;
#define BODYBREAK_OBJECT_DEFAULT -1 // use the same object as the actor
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_GREEN,
/* 0x01 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_BLUE,
/* 0x02 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_RED,
/* 0x03 */ ITEM00_HEART,
/* 0x04 */ ITEM00_BOMBS_A,
/* 0x05 */ ITEM00_ARROWS_SINGLE,
/* 0x06 */ ITEM00_HEART_PIECE,
/* 0x08 */ ITEM00_ARROWS_SMALL,
/* 0x09 */ ITEM00_ARROWS_MEDIUM,
/* 0x0B */ ITEM00_BOMBS_B,
/* 0x0C */ ITEM00_NUTS,
/* 0x0D */ ITEM00_STICK,
/* 0x0E */ ITEM00_MAGIC_LARGE,
/* 0x0F */ ITEM00_MAGIC_SMALL,
/* 0x10 */ ITEM00_SEEDS,
/* 0x11 */ ITEM00_SMALL_KEY,
/* 0x12 */ ITEM00_FLEXIBLE,
/* 0x13 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_ORANGE,
/* 0x14 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_PURPLE,
/* 0x15 */ ITEM00_SHIELD_DEKU,
/* 0x16 */ ITEM00_SHIELD_HYLIAN,
/* 0x17 */ ITEM00_TUNIC_ZORA,
/* 0x18 */ ITEM00_TUNIC_GORON,
/* 0x19 */ ITEM00_BOMBS_SPECIAL,
/* 0x1A */ ITEM00_BOMBCHU,
/* 0x1B */ ITEM00_SOH_DUMMY,
/* 0x1E */ ITEM00_MAX,
/* 0xFF */ ITEM00_NONE = 0xFF
} Item00Type;
struct EnItem00;
typedef void (*EnItem00ActionFunc)(struct EnItem00*, struct PlayState*);
typedef struct EnItem00 {
/* 0x000 */ Actor actor;
/* 0x14C */ EnItem00ActionFunc actionFunc;
/* 0x150 */ s16 collectibleFlag;
/* 0x152 */ s16 getItemId;
/* 0x154 */ s16 unk_154;
/* 0x156 */ s16 unk_156;
/* 0x158 */ s16 unk_158;
/* 0x15A */ s16 unk_15A;
/* 0x15C */ f32 scale;
/* 0x160 */ ColliderCylinder collider;
// #region SOH [Randomizer]
RandomizerCheck randoCheck;
RandomizerInf randoInf;
/* */ s16 ogParams;
/* */ GetItemEntry itemEntry;
// #endregion
} EnItem00; // size = 0x1AC
// Only A_OBJ_SIGNPOST_OBLONG and A_OBJ_SIGNPOST_ARROW are used in room files.
typedef enum {
/* 0x00 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_SMALL,
/* 0x01 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_LARGE,
/* 0x02 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_HUGE,
/* 0x05 */ A_OBJ_CUBE_SMALL,
/* 0x06 */ A_OBJ_UNKNOWN_6,
/* 0x07 */ A_OBJ_GRASS_CLUMP,
/* 0x08 */ A_OBJ_TREE_STUMP,
/* 0x0C */ A_OBJ_MAX
} AObjType;
struct EnAObj;
typedef void (*EnAObjActionFunc)(struct EnAObj*, struct PlayState*);
typedef struct EnAObj {
/* 0x000 */ DynaPolyActor dyna;
/* 0x164 */ EnAObjActionFunc actionFunc;
/* 0x168 */ s32 rotateWaitTimer;
/* 0x16C */ s16 textId;
/* 0x16E */ s16 rotateState;
/* 0x170 */ s16 rotateForTimer;
/* 0x172 */ s16 rotSpeedY;
/* 0x174 */ s16 rotSpeedX;
/* 0x178 */ f32 focusYoffset;
/* 0x17C */ ColliderCylinder collider;
} EnAObj; // size = 0x1C8
typedef enum {
/* 0x01 */ ACTORCAT_BG,
/* 0x04 */ ACTORCAT_NPC,
/* 0x05 */ ACTORCAT_ENEMY,
/* 0x06 */ ACTORCAT_PROP,
/* 0x08 */ ACTORCAT_MISC,
/* 0x09 */ ACTORCAT_BOSS,
} ActorCategory;
//#define DEFINE_ACTOR(_0, enum, _2) enum,
typedef enum {
} DoorLockType;
typedef enum {
/* 0x0 */ NPC_TALK_STATE_IDLE, // NPC not currently talking to player
/* 0x1 */ NPC_TALK_STATE_TALKING, // NPC is currently talking to player
/* 0x2 */ NPC_TALK_STATE_ACTION, // An NPC-defined action triggered in the conversation
/* 0x3 */ NPC_TALK_STATE_ITEM_GIVEN // NPC finished giving an item and text box is done
} NpcTalkState;
typedef enum {
/* 0x0 */ NPC_TRACKING_PLAYER_AUTO_TURN, // Determine tracking mode based on player position, see Npc_UpdateAutoTurn
/* 0x1 */ NPC_TRACKING_NONE, // Don't track the target (usually the player)
/* 0x2 */ NPC_TRACKING_HEAD_AND_TORSO, // Track target by turning the head and the torso
/* 0x3 */ NPC_TRACKING_HEAD, // Track target by turning the head
/* 0x4 */ NPC_TRACKING_FULL_BODY // Track target by turning the body, torso and head
} NpcTrackingMode;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 talkState;
/* 0x02 */ s16 trackingMode;
/* 0x04 */ s16 autoTurnTimer;
/* 0x06 */ s16 autoTurnState;
/* 0x08 */ Vec3s headRot;
/* 0x0E */ Vec3s torsoRot;
/* 0x14 */ f32 yOffset; // Y position offset to add to actor position when calculating angle to target
/* 0x18 */ Vec3f trackPos;
/* 0x24 */ char unk_24[0x4];
} NpcInteractInfo; // size = 0x28