M4xw 39cc86c260 git subrepo clone
  subdir:   "soh"
  merged:   "ba904bbd0"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "ba904bbd0"
  version:  "0.4.1"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
2022-03-22 02:51:23 +01:00

36 lines
1.2 KiB

#ifndef Z_EN_BUBBLE_H
#define Z_EN_BUBBLE_H
#include "ultra64.h"
#include "global.h"
struct EnBubble;
typedef void (*EnBubbleActionFunc)(struct EnBubble*, GlobalContext*);
typedef struct EnBubble {
/* 0x0000 */ Actor actor;
/* 0x014C */ EnBubbleActionFunc actionFunc;
/* 0x0150 */ ColliderJntSph colliderSphere;
/* 0x0170 */ ColliderJntSphElement colliderSphereItems[2];
/* 0x01F0 */ Vec3f unk_1F0; // set but never used
/* 0x01FC */ Vec3f unk_1FC; // randomly generated, set but never used
/* 0x0208 */ s16 unk_208; // set to 8 when about to pop
/* 0x020A */ s16 explosionCountdown;
/* 0x020C */ char unk_20C[4]; // unused
/* 0x0210 */ f32 graphicRotSpeed;
/* 0x0214 */ f32 graphicEccentricity;
/* 0x0218 */ f32 unk_218; // set to 1.0f, never used
/* 0x021C */ f32 unk_21C; // set to 1.0f, never used
/* 0x0220 */ f32 expansionWidth;
/* 0x0224 */ f32 expansionHeight;
/* 0x0228 */ u8 bounceCount;
/* 0x022C */ Vec3f bounceDirection;
/* 0x0238 */ Vec3f velocityFromBounce;
/* 0x0244 */ Vec3f normalizedBumpVelocity;
/* 0x0250 */ Vec3f velocityFromBump;
/* 0x025C */ f32 sinkSpeed;
} EnBubble; // size = 0x0260