
490 lines
20 KiB

#include "CrowdControl.h"
#include <libultraship/bridge.h>
#include <Console.h>
#include <ImGuiImpl.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <spdlog/fmt/fmt.h>
#include <regex>
extern "C" {
#include <z64.h>
#include "variables.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "macros.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
#define EFFECT_HIGH_GRAVITY "high_gravity"
#define EFFECT_LOW_GRAVITY "low_gravity"
#define EFFECT_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER "damage_multiplier"
#define EFFECT_DEFENSE_MULTIPLIER "defense_multiplier"
#define EFFECT_GIANT_LINK "giant_link"
#define EFFECT_MINISH_LINK "minish_link"
#define EFFECT_INVISIBLE_LINK "invisible"
#define EFFECT_PAPER_LINK "paper_link"
#define EFFECT_FREEZE "freeze"
#define EFFECT_DAMAGE "damage"
#define EFFECT_HEAL "heal"
#define EFFECT_KNOCKBACK "knockback"
#define EFFECT_ELECTROCUTE "electrocute"
#define EFFECT_BURN "burn"
#define EFFECT_KILL "kill"
#define EFFECT_HOVER_BOOTS "hover_boots"
#define EFFECT_IRON_BOOTS "iron_boots"
#define EFFECT_ADD_HEART_CONTAINER "add_heart_container"
#define EFFECT_REMOVE_HEART_CONTAINER "remove_heart_container"
#define EFFECT_NO_UI "no_ui"
#define EFFECT_FILL_MAGIC "fill_magic"
#define EFFECT_EMPTY_MAGIC "empty_magic"
#define EFFECT_OHKO "ohko"
#define EFFECT_PACIFIST "pacifist"
#define EFFECT_RAINSTORM "rainstorm"
#define EFFECT_ADD_RUPEES "add_rupees"
#define EFFECT_REMOVE_RUPEES "remove_rupees"
#define EFFECT_INCREASE_SPEED "increase_speed"
#define EFFECT_DECREASE_SPEED "decrease_speed"
#define EFFECT_NO_Z_TARGETING "no_z"
#define EFFECT_GIVE_DEKU_SHIELD "give_dekushield"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_WALLMASTER "spawn_wallmaster"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_ARWING "spawn_arwing"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_DARK_LINK "spawn_darklink"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_STALFOS "spawn_stalfos"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_WOLFOS "spawn_wolfos"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_FREEZARD "spawn_freezard"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_KEESE "spawn_keese"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_ICE_KEESE "spawn_icekeese"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_FIRE_KEESE "spawn_firekeese"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_TEKTITE "spawn_tektite"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_LIKE_LIKE "spawn_likelike"
#define EFFECT_SPAWN_CUCCO_STORM "cucco_storm"
#define EFFECT_CAT_UI "ui"
#define EFFECT_CAT_GRAVITY "gravity"
#define EFFECT_CAT_LINK_SIZE "link_size"
#define EFFECT_CAT_PACIFIST "pacifist"
#define EFFECT_CAT_NO_Z "no_z"
#define EFFECT_CAT_WEATHER "weather"
#define EFFECT_CAT_REVERSE_CONTROLS "reverse_controls"
#define EFFECT_CAT_BOOTS "boots"
#define EFFECT_CAT_SPEED "speed"
#define EFFECT_CAT_DAMAGE_TAKEN "damage_taken"
#define EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY "spawn_enemy"
#define EFFECT_CAT_NONE "none"
void CrowdControl::Init() {
void CrowdControl::Shutdown() {
void CrowdControl::Enable() {
if (isEnabled) {
if (SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip, "", 43384) == -1) {
SPDLOG_ERROR("[CrowdControl] SDLNet_ResolveHost: {}", SDLNet_GetError());
isEnabled = true;
ccThreadReceive = std::thread(&CrowdControl::ListenToServer, this);
ccThreadProcess = std::thread(&CrowdControl::ProcessActiveEffects, this);
void CrowdControl::Disable() {
if (!isEnabled) {
isEnabled = false;
void CrowdControl::ListenToServer() {
while (isEnabled) {
while (!connected && isEnabled) {
SPDLOG_TRACE("[CrowdControl] Attempting to make connection to server...");
tcpsock = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip);
if (tcpsock) {
connected = true;
SPDLOG_TRACE("[CrowdControl] Connection to server established!");
SDLNet_SocketSet socketSet = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1);
if (tcpsock) {
SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(socketSet, tcpsock);
// Listen to socket messages
while (connected && tcpsock && isEnabled) {
// we check first if socket has data, to not block in the TCP_Recv
int socketsReady = SDLNet_CheckSockets(socketSet, 0);
if (socketsReady == -1) {
SPDLOG_ERROR("[CrowdControl] SDLNet_CheckSockets: {}", SDLNet_GetError());
if (socketsReady == 0) {
int len = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(tcpsock, &received, sizeof(received));
if (!len || !tcpsock || len == -1) {
SPDLOG_ERROR("[CrowdControl] SDLNet_TCP_Recv: {}", SDLNet_GetError());
Effect* incomingEffect = ParseMessage(received);
if (!incomingEffect) {
// If effect is not a timed effect, execute and return result.
if (!incomingEffect->timeRemaining) {
EffectResult result = CrowdControl::ExecuteEffect(incomingEffect);
EmitMessage(tcpsock, incomingEffect->id, incomingEffect->timeRemaining, result);
} else {
// If another timed effect is already active that conflicts with the incoming effect.
bool isConflictingEffectActive = false;
for (Effect* effect : activeEffects) {
if (effect != incomingEffect && effect->category == incomingEffect->category && effect->id < incomingEffect->id) {
isConflictingEffectActive = true;
EmitMessage(tcpsock, incomingEffect->id, incomingEffect->timeRemaining, EffectResult::Retry);
if (!isConflictingEffectActive) {
// Check if effect can be applied, if it can't, let CC know.
EffectResult result = CrowdControl::CanApplyEffect(incomingEffect);
if (result == EffectResult::Retry || result == EffectResult::Failure) {
EmitMessage(tcpsock, incomingEffect->id, incomingEffect->timeRemaining, result);
if (connected) {
connected = false;
SPDLOG_TRACE("[CrowdControl] Ending Listen thread...");
void CrowdControl::ProcessActiveEffects() {
while (isEnabled) {
// We only want to send events when status changes, on start we send Success.
// If it fails at some point, we send Pause, and when it starts to succeed again we send Success.
// CC uses this to pause the timer on the overlay.
auto it = activeEffects.begin();
while (it != activeEffects.end()) {
Effect *effect = *it;
EffectResult result = CrowdControl::ExecuteEffect(effect);
if (result == EffectResult::Success) {
// If time remaining has reached 0, we have finished the effect.
if (effect->timeRemaining <= 0) {
it = activeEffects.erase(std::remove(activeEffects.begin(), activeEffects.end(), effect),
delete effect;
} else {
// If we have a success after previously being paused, tell CC to resume timer.
if (effect->isPaused) {
effect->isPaused = false;
EmitMessage(tcpsock, effect->id, effect->timeRemaining, EffectResult::Resumed);
// If not paused before, subtract time from the timer and send a Success event if
// the result is different from the last time this was ran.
// Timed events are put on a thread that runs once per second.
} else {
effect->timeRemaining -= 1000;
if (result != effect->lastExecutionResult) {
effect->lastExecutionResult = result;
EmitMessage(tcpsock, effect->id, effect->timeRemaining, EffectResult::Success);
} else { // Timed effects only do Success or Retry
if (!effect->isPaused && effect->timeRemaining > 0) {
effect->isPaused = true;
EmitMessage(tcpsock, effect->id, effect->timeRemaining, EffectResult::Paused);
SPDLOG_TRACE("[CrowdControl] Ending Process thread...");
// MARK: - Helpers
void CrowdControl::EmitMessage(TCPsocket socket, uint32_t eventId, long timeRemaining, EffectResult status) {
nlohmann::json payload;
payload["id"] = eventId;
payload["type"] = 0;
payload["timeRemaining"] = timeRemaining;
payload["status"] = status;
std::string jsonPayload = payload.dump();
SDLNet_TCP_Send(socket, jsonPayload.c_str(), jsonPayload.size() + 1);
CrowdControl::Effect* CrowdControl::ParseMessage(char payload[512]) {
nlohmann::json dataReceived = nlohmann::json::parse(payload, nullptr, false);
if (dataReceived.is_discarded()) {
SPDLOG_ERROR("Error parsing JSON");
return nullptr;
Effect* effect = new Effect();
effect->lastExecutionResult = EffectResult::Initiate;
effect->id = dataReceived["id"];
auto parameters = dataReceived["parameters"];
auto effectName = dataReceived["code"].get<std::string>();
if (parameters.size() > 0) {
effect->value[0] = dataReceived["parameters"][0];
// Assign GameInteractionEffect + values to CC effect.
// Categories are mostly used for checking for conflicting timed effects.
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHeartContainers();
effect->giEffect->parameter = 1;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_REMOVE_HEART_CONTAINER) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHeartContainers();
effect->giEffect->parameter = -1;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_FILL_MAGIC) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::FillMagic();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_EMPTY_MAGIC) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::EmptyMagic();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_ADD_RUPEES) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyRupees();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_REMOVE_RUPEES) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyRupees();
effect->paramMultiplier = -1;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_NO_UI) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_UI;
effect->timeRemaining = 60000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::NoUI();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_HIGH_GRAVITY) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_GRAVITY;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyGravity();
effect->giEffect->parameter = GI_GRAVITY_LEVEL_HEAVY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_LOW_GRAVITY) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_GRAVITY;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyGravity();
effect->giEffect->parameter = GI_GRAVITY_LEVEL_LIGHT;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_KILL) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::SetPlayerHealth();
effect->value[0] = 0;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_FREEZE) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::FreezePlayer();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_BURN) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::BurnPlayer();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_ELECTROCUTE) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ElectrocutePlayer();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_KNOCKBACK) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::KnockbackPlayer();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_HEAL) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHealth();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_DAMAGE) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHealth();
effect->paramMultiplier = -1;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_GIANT_LINK) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_LINK_SIZE;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyLinkSize();
effect->giEffect->parameter = GI_LINK_SIZE_GIANT;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_MINISH_LINK) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_LINK_SIZE;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyLinkSize();
effect->giEffect->parameter = GI_LINK_SIZE_MINISH;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_PAPER_LINK) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_LINK_SIZE;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyLinkSize();
effect->giEffect->parameter = GI_LINK_SIZE_PAPER;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_INVISIBLE_LINK) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_LINK_SIZE;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::InvisibleLink();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_PACIFIST) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_PACIFIST;
effect->timeRemaining = 15000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::PacifistMode();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_NO_Z_TARGETING) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_NO_Z;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::DisableZTargeting();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_RAINSTORM) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_WEATHER;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::WeatherRainstorm();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_REVERSE_CONTROLS) {
effect->timeRemaining = 60000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ReverseControls();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_IRON_BOOTS) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_BOOTS;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ForceEquipBoots();
effect->giEffect->parameter = PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_HOVER_BOOTS) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_BOOTS;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ForceEquipBoots();
effect->giEffect->parameter = PLAYER_BOOTS_HOVER;;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_GIVE_DEKU_SHIELD) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::GiveDekuShield();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_INCREASE_SPEED) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPEED;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyRunSpeedModifier();
effect->giEffect->parameter = 2;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_DECREASE_SPEED) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPEED;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyRunSpeedModifier();
effect->giEffect->parameter = -2;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_OHKO) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_DAMAGE_TAKEN;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::OneHitKO();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_DAMAGE_TAKEN;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyDefenseModifier();
effect->paramMultiplier = -1;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_DEFENSE_MULTIPLIER) {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_DAMAGE_TAKEN;
effect->timeRemaining = 30000;
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyDefenseModifier();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_CUCCO_STORM) {
effect->giEffect = new GameInteractionEffect::SpawnCuccoStorm();
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_WALLMASTER) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_WALLMAS;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_ARWING) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_CLEAR_TAG;
// Parameter for no cutscene Arwing
effect->value[1] = 1;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_DARK_LINK) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_TORCH2;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_STALFOS) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_TEST;
// Parameter for gravity-obeying Stalfos
effect->value[1] = 2;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_WOLFOS) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_WF;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_FREEZARD) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_FZ;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_KEESE) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_FIREFLY;
// Parameter for normal keese
effect->value[1] = 2;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_ICE_KEESE) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_FIREFLY;
// Parameter for ice keese
effect->value[1] = 4;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_FIRE_KEESE) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_FIREFLY;
// Parameter for fire keese
effect->value[1] = 1;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_TEKTITE) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_TITE;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
} else if (effectName == EFFECT_SPAWN_LIKE_LIKE) {
effect->value[0] = ACTOR_EN_RR;
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY;
// If no value is specifically set, default to using whatever CC sends us.
// Values are used for various things depending on the effect, but they
// usually represent the "amount" of an effect. Amount of hearts healed,
// strength of knockback, etc.
if (effect->giEffect != NULL) {
if (!effect->giEffect->parameter && effect->value[0]) {
effect->giEffect->parameter = effect->value[0] * effect->paramMultiplier;
if (effect->category == "") {
effect->category = EFFECT_CAT_NONE;
return effect;
CrowdControl::EffectResult CrowdControl::ExecuteEffect(Effect* effect) {
GameInteractionEffectQueryResult giResult;
if (effect->category == EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY) {
giResult = GameInteractor::RawAction::SpawnEnemyWithOffset(effect->value[0], effect->value[1]);
} else {
giResult = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect->giEffect);
return TranslateGiEnum(giResult);
/// Checks if effect can be applied -- should not be used to check for spawn enemy effects.
CrowdControl::EffectResult CrowdControl::CanApplyEffect(Effect* effect) {
assert(effect->category != EFFECT_CAT_SPAWN_ENEMY);
GameInteractionEffectQueryResult giResult = GameInteractor::CanApplyEffect(effect->giEffect);
return TranslateGiEnum(giResult);
CrowdControl::EffectResult CrowdControl::TranslateGiEnum(GameInteractionEffectQueryResult giResult) {
// Translate GameInteractor result into CC's own enums.
EffectResult result;
if (giResult == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) {
result = EffectResult::Success;
} else if (giResult == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::TemporarilyNotPossible) {
result = EffectResult::Retry;
} else {
result = EffectResult::Failure;
return result;