* Add Enhancement 3D Dropped Items
It will change most of dropped item to there 3D models variant, Exclude Rupee from Hyrule Castle (when you are child and in quest to see Zelda.)
* Fix z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c L and R button color issues
This fix an issue in IF and gDPSetPrimColor for button L & R icon.
making it with an else to place the on hover and normal color properly in both button so they both have exact same colour
* Fix quite a big logic issue for 3D item drops
In short,case logic required to be different with break; old version make it all fucked up with improper values.
* Clean Const that was present nor not.
* Update z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
* Update z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
* Visual / Audio Stone of Agony
This add Sound and blinking icon for the item Stone of Agony.
Useful for peoples that have issues with rumble anything other person that is also blind or deaf.
This is made with these second person in mind, home they will like it :)
* Adding bool there
Yes I do fiels one by one to be sure
* Adding the Cvar register
1 file left :D
* Adding the main change in func_80848EF8
And that the last file :)
This removes the button backgrounds, hides the hearts when they are full and the magic when its not in use. It also hides the rupee / key counters. All this is still visible on the pause screen or when the minimap is visible. It also changes the minimap behavior to be hidden by default on a zone change.