mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:01:47 -05:00
Merge branch 'develop' into 3DProjectiles
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ static struct {
uint32_t msaa_num_quality_levels[D3D11_MAX_MULTISAMPLE_SAMPLE_COUNT];
ComPtr<ID3D11Device> device;
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> swap_chain;
ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> context;
ComPtr<ID3D11RasterizerState> rasterizer_state;
ComPtr<ID3D11DepthStencilState> depth_stencil_state;
@ -252,7 +251,24 @@ static void gfx_d3d11_init(void) {
// Create the swap chain
d3d.swap_chain = gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(d3d.device.Get());
gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(d3d.device.Get(), []() {
d3d.last_shader_program = nullptr;
d3d.last_vertex_buffer_stride = 0;
d3d.last_depth_test = -1;
d3d.last_depth_mask = -1;
d3d.last_zmode_decal = -1;
d3d.last_primitive_topology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED;
// Create D3D Debug device if in debug mode
@ -266,7 +282,7 @@ static void gfx_d3d11_init(void) {
// Check the size of the window
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 swap_chain_desc;
d3d.textures[fb.texture_id].width = swap_chain_desc.Width;
d3d.textures[fb.texture_id].height = swap_chain_desc.Height;
fb.msaa_level = 1;
@ -303,8 +319,6 @@ static void gfx_d3d11_init(void) {
ThrowIfFailed(d3d.device->CreateBuffer(&constant_buffer_desc, nullptr, d3d.per_frame_cb.GetAddressOf()),
gfx_dxgi_get_h_wnd(), "Failed to create per-frame constant buffer.");
d3d.context->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, d3d.per_frame_cb.GetAddressOf());
// Create per-draw constant buffer
constant_buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
@ -316,8 +330,6 @@ static void gfx_d3d11_init(void) {
ThrowIfFailed(d3d.device->CreateBuffer(&constant_buffer_desc, nullptr, d3d.per_draw_cb.GetAddressOf()),
gfx_dxgi_get_h_wnd(), "Failed to create per-draw constant buffer.");
d3d.context->PSSetConstantBuffers(1, 1, d3d.per_draw_cb.GetAddressOf());
// Create compute shader that can be used to retrieve depth buffer values
const char* shader_source = R"(
@ -737,6 +749,8 @@ static void gfx_d3d11_on_resize(void) {
static void gfx_d3d11_start_frame(void) {
// Set per-frame constant buffer
ID3D11Buffer* buffers[2] = { d3d.per_frame_cb.Get(), d3d.per_draw_cb.Get() };
d3d.context->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 2, buffers);
if (d3d.per_frame_cb_data.noise_frame > 150) {
@ -803,15 +817,16 @@ static void gfx_d3d11_update_framebuffer_parameters(int fb_id, uint32_t width, u
if (msaa_level <= 1) {
ThrowIfFailed(d3d.device->CreateShaderResourceView(tex.texture.Get(), nullptr, tex.resource_view.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
} else if (diff) {
} else if (diff || (render_target && tex.texture.Get() == nullptr)) {
IDXGISwapChain1* swap_chain = gfx_dxgi_get_swap_chain();
if (desc1.Width != width || desc1.Height != height) {
ThrowIfFailed(d3d.swap_chain->ResizeBuffers(0, 0, 0, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, desc1.Flags));
ThrowIfFailed(swap_chain->ResizeBuffers(0, 0, 0, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, desc1.Flags));
ThrowIfFailed(d3d.swap_chain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (LPVOID *)tex.texture.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
ThrowIfFailed(swap_chain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (LPVOID *)tex.texture.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
if (render_target) {
ThrowIfFailed(d3d.device->CreateRenderTargetView(tex.texture.Get(), nullptr, fb.render_target_view.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
@ -34,15 +34,8 @@
#define GFX_API_NAME "DirectX"
#define FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR (dxgi.target_fps)
using namespace Microsoft::WRL; // For ComPtr
@ -66,14 +59,19 @@ static struct {
ComPtr<IDXGIFactory2> factory;
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> swap_chain;
HANDLE waitable_object;
ComPtr<IUnknown> swap_chain_device; // D3D11 Device or D3D12 Command Queue
std::function<void()> before_destroy_swap_chain_fn;
uint64_t qpc_init, qpc_freq;
uint64_t frame_timestamp; // in units of 1/FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR microseconds
uint64_t frame_timestamp; // in units of 1/FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR nanoseconds
std::map<UINT, DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS> frame_stats;
std::set<std::pair<UINT, UINT>> pending_frame_stats;
bool dropped_frame;
bool zero_latency;
float detected_hz;
UINT length_in_vsync_frames;
uint32_t frame_divisor;
uint32_t target_fps;
uint32_t maximum_frame_latency;
uint32_t applied_maximum_frame_latency;
HANDLE timer;
bool use_timer;
LARGE_INTEGER previous_present_time;
@ -143,6 +141,22 @@ static void run_as_dpi_aware(Fun f) {
static void apply_maximum_frame_latency(bool first) {
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain2> swap_chain2;
if (dxgi.swap_chain->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGISwapChain2), &swap_chain2) == S_OK) {
if (first) {
dxgi.waitable_object = swap_chain2->GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject();
WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE);
} else {
ComPtr<IDXGIDevice1> device1;
ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.swap_chain->GetDevice(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice1), &device1));
dxgi.applied_maximum_frame_latency = dxgi.maximum_frame_latency;
static void toggle_borderless_window_full_screen(bool enable, bool call_callback) {
// Windows 7 + flip mode + waitable object can't go to exclusive fullscreen,
// so do borderless instead. If DWM is enabled, this means we get one monitor
@ -271,7 +285,8 @@ void gfx_dxgi_init(const char *game_name, bool start_in_fullscreen) {
dxgi.qpc_init = qpc_init.QuadPart;
dxgi.qpc_freq = qpc_freq.QuadPart;
dxgi.frame_divisor = 1;
dxgi.target_fps = 60;
dxgi.maximum_frame_latency = 1;
dxgi.timer = CreateWaitableTimer(nullptr, false, nullptr);
// Prepare window title
@ -367,8 +382,8 @@ static void gfx_dxgi_handle_events(void) {
static uint64_t qpc_to_us(uint64_t qpc) {
return qpc / dxgi.qpc_freq * 1000000 + qpc % dxgi.qpc_freq * 1000000 / dxgi.qpc_freq;
static uint64_t qpc_to_ns(uint64_t qpc) {
return qpc / dxgi.qpc_freq * 1000000000 + qpc % dxgi.qpc_freq * 1000000000 / dxgi.qpc_freq;
static uint64_t qpc_to_100ns(uint64_t qpc) {
@ -406,7 +421,7 @@ static bool gfx_dxgi_start_frame(void) {
dxgi.use_timer = false;
dxgi.frame_timestamp += FRAME_INTERVAL_US_NUMERATOR;
dxgi.frame_timestamp += FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR;
if (dxgi.frame_stats.size() >= 2) {
DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS *first = &dxgi.frame_stats.begin()->second;
@ -421,14 +436,16 @@ static bool gfx_dxgi_start_frame(void) {
double estimated_vsync_interval = (double)sync_qpc_diff / (double)sync_vsync_diff;
uint64_t estimated_vsync_interval_us = qpc_to_us(estimated_vsync_interval);
//printf("Estimated vsync_interval: %d\n", (int)estimated_vsync_interval_us);
if (estimated_vsync_interval_us < 2 || estimated_vsync_interval_us > 1000000) {
uint64_t estimated_vsync_interval_ns = qpc_to_ns(estimated_vsync_interval);
//printf("Estimated vsync_interval: %d\n", (int)estimated_vsync_interval_ns);
if (estimated_vsync_interval_ns < 2000 || estimated_vsync_interval_ns > 1000000000) {
// Unreasonable, maybe a monitor change
estimated_vsync_interval_us = 16666;
estimated_vsync_interval = estimated_vsync_interval_us * dxgi.qpc_freq / 1000000;
estimated_vsync_interval_ns = 16666666;
estimated_vsync_interval = estimated_vsync_interval_ns * dxgi.qpc_freq / 1000000000;
dxgi.detected_hz = (float)((double)1000000000 / (double)estimated_vsync_interval_ns);
UINT queued_vsyncs = 0;
bool is_first = true;
for (const std::pair<UINT, UINT>& p : dxgi.pending_frame_stats) {
@ -440,21 +457,21 @@ static bool gfx_dxgi_start_frame(void) {
uint64_t last_frame_present_end_qpc = (last->SyncQPCTime.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init) + estimated_vsync_interval * queued_vsyncs;
uint64_t last_end_us = qpc_to_us(last_frame_present_end_qpc);
uint64_t last_end_ns = qpc_to_ns(last_frame_present_end_qpc);
double vsyncs_to_wait = (double)(int64_t)(dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR - last_end_us) / estimated_vsync_interval_us;
//printf("ts: %llu, last_end_us: %llu, Init v: %f\n", dxgi.frame_timestamp / 3, last_end_us, vsyncs_to_wait);
double vsyncs_to_wait = (double)(int64_t)(dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR - last_end_ns) / estimated_vsync_interval_ns;
//printf("ts: %llu, last_end_ns: %llu, Init v: %f\n", dxgi.frame_timestamp / 3, last_end_ns, vsyncs_to_wait);
if (vsyncs_to_wait <= 0) {
// Too late
if ((int64_t)(dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR - last_end_us) < -66666) {
if ((int64_t)(dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR - last_end_ns) < -66666666) {
// The application must have been paused or similar
vsyncs_to_wait = round(((double)FRAME_INTERVAL_US_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR) / estimated_vsync_interval_us);
vsyncs_to_wait = round(((double)FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR) / estimated_vsync_interval_ns);
if (vsyncs_to_wait < 1) {
vsyncs_to_wait = 1;
dxgi.frame_timestamp = FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR * (last_end_us + vsyncs_to_wait * estimated_vsync_interval_us);
dxgi.frame_timestamp = FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR * (last_end_ns + vsyncs_to_wait * estimated_vsync_interval_ns);
} else {
// Drop frame
//printf("Dropping frame\n");
@ -464,9 +481,9 @@ static bool gfx_dxgi_start_frame(void) {
double orig_wait = vsyncs_to_wait;
if (floor(vsyncs_to_wait) != vsyncs_to_wait) {
uint64_t left = last_end_us + floor(vsyncs_to_wait) * estimated_vsync_interval_us;
uint64_t right = last_end_us + ceil(vsyncs_to_wait) * estimated_vsync_interval_us;
uint64_t adjusted_desired_time = dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR + (last_end_us + (FRAME_INTERVAL_US_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR) > dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR ? 2000 : -2000);
uint64_t left = last_end_ns + floor(vsyncs_to_wait) * estimated_vsync_interval_ns;
uint64_t right = last_end_ns + ceil(vsyncs_to_wait) * estimated_vsync_interval_ns;
uint64_t adjusted_desired_time = dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR + (last_end_ns + (FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR) > dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR ? 2000000 : -2000000);
int64_t diff_left = adjusted_desired_time - left;
int64_t diff_right = right - adjusted_desired_time;
if (diff_left < 0) {
@ -506,7 +523,7 @@ static void gfx_dxgi_swap_buffers_begin(void) {
if (dxgi.use_timer) {
int64_t next = qpc_to_100ns(dxgi.previous_present_time.QuadPart) + 10 * FRAME_INTERVAL_US_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR;
int64_t next = qpc_to_100ns(dxgi.previous_present_time.QuadPart) + FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR / (FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR * 100);
int64_t left = next - qpc_to_100ns(t.QuadPart);
if (left > 0) {
@ -531,6 +548,32 @@ static void gfx_dxgi_swap_buffers_end(void) {
if (dxgi.applied_maximum_frame_latency > dxgi.maximum_frame_latency) {
// There seems to be a bug that if latency is decreased, there is no effect of that operation, so recreate swap chain
if (dxgi.waitable_object != nullptr) {
if (!dxgi.dropped_frame) {
// Wait the last time on this swap chain
WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE);
dxgi.waitable_object = nullptr;
gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(dxgi.swap_chain_device.Get(), move(dxgi.before_destroy_swap_chain_fn));
dxgi.frame_timestamp = 0;
return; // Make sure we don't wait a second time on the waitable object, since that would hang the program
} else if (dxgi.applied_maximum_frame_latency != dxgi.maximum_frame_latency) {
if (!dxgi.dropped_frame) {
if (dxgi.waitable_object != nullptr) {
WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE);
@ -554,8 +597,20 @@ static double gfx_dxgi_get_time(void) {
return (double)(t.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init) / dxgi.qpc_freq;
static void gfx_dxgi_set_frame_divisor(int divisor) {
dxgi.frame_divisor = divisor;
static void gfx_dxgi_set_target_fps(int fps) {
uint32_t old_fps = dxgi.target_fps;
uint64_t t0 = dxgi.frame_timestamp / old_fps;
uint32_t t1 = dxgi.frame_timestamp % old_fps;
dxgi.target_fps = fps;
dxgi.frame_timestamp = t0 * dxgi.target_fps + t1 * dxgi.target_fps / old_fps;
static void gfx_dxgi_set_maximum_frame_latency(int latency) {
dxgi.maximum_frame_latency = latency;
static float gfx_dxgi_get_detected_hz() {
return dxgi.detected_hz;
void gfx_dxgi_create_factory_and_device(bool debug, int d3d_version, bool (*create_device_fn)(IDXGIAdapter1 *adapter, bool test_only)) {
@ -592,12 +647,12 @@ void gfx_dxgi_create_factory_and_device(bool debug, int d3d_version, bool (*crea
SetWindowTextW(dxgi.h_wnd, w_title);
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(IUnknown *device) {
void gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(IUnknown *device, std::function<void()>&& before_destroy_fn) {
bool win8 = IsWindows8OrGreater(); // DXGI_SCALING_NONE is only supported on Win8 and beyond
bool dxgi_13 = dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory2 != nullptr; // DXGI 1.3 introduced waitable object
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 swap_chain_desc = {};
swap_chain_desc.BufferCount = 2;
swap_chain_desc.BufferCount = 3;
swap_chain_desc.Width = 0;
swap_chain_desc.Height = 0;
swap_chain_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
@ -617,28 +672,24 @@ ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(IUnknown *device) {
ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.factory->MakeWindowAssociation(dxgi.h_wnd, DXGI_MWA_NO_ALT_ENTER));
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain2> swap_chain2;
if (dxgi.swap_chain->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGISwapChain2), &swap_chain2) == S_OK) {
dxgi.waitable_object = swap_chain2->GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject();
WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE);
} else {
ComPtr<IDXGIDevice1> device1;
dxgi.current_width = swap_chain_desc.Width;
dxgi.current_height = swap_chain_desc.Height;
return dxgi.swap_chain;
dxgi.swap_chain_device = device;
dxgi.before_destroy_swap_chain_fn = std::move(before_destroy_fn);
HWND gfx_dxgi_get_h_wnd(void) {
return dxgi.h_wnd;
IDXGISwapChain1* gfx_dxgi_get_swap_chain() {
return dxgi.swap_chain.Get();
void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT res) {
if (FAILED(res)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: 0x%08X\n", res);
@ -668,7 +719,9 @@ extern "C" struct GfxWindowManagerAPI gfx_dxgi_api = {
@ -4,9 +4,15 @@
#include "gfx_rendering_api.h"
#include <functional>
#include <dxgi1_2.h>
void gfx_dxgi_create_factory_and_device(bool debug, int d3d_version, bool (*create_device_fn)(IDXGIAdapter1 *adapter, bool test_only));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(IUnknown *device);
void gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(IUnknown *device, std::function<void()>&& before_destroy_fn);
HWND gfx_dxgi_get_h_wnd(void);
IDXGISwapChain1* gfx_dxgi_get_swap_chain();
void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT res);
void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT res, HWND h_wnd, const char *message);
@ -2789,6 +2789,9 @@ void gfx_run(Gfx *commands, const std::unordered_map<Mtx *, MtxF>& mtx_replaceme
gfx_rapi->start_draw_to_framebuffer(game_renders_to_framebuffer ? game_framebuffer : 0, (float)gfx_current_dimensions.height / SCREEN_HEIGHT);
rdp.viewport_or_scissor_changed = true;
rendering_state.viewport = {};
rendering_state.scissor = {};
SohUtils::saveEnvironmentVar("framebuffer", string());
@ -2825,8 +2828,16 @@ void gfx_end_frame(void) {
void gfx_set_framedivisor(int divisor) {
void gfx_set_target_fps(int fps) {
void gfx_set_maximum_frame_latency(int latency) {
float gfx_get_detected_hz(void) {
return gfx_wapi->get_detected_hz();
int gfx_create_framebuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ struct GfxRenderingAPI* gfx_get_current_rendering_api(void);
void gfx_start_frame(void);
void gfx_run(Gfx* commands, const std::unordered_map<Mtx*, MtxF>& mtx_replacements);
void gfx_end_frame(void);
void gfx_set_framedivisor(int);
void gfx_set_target_fps(int);
void gfx_set_maximum_frame_latency(int latency);
float gfx_get_detected_hz(void);
void gfx_texture_cache_clear();
extern "C" int gfx_create_framebuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
void gfx_get_pixel_depth_prepare(float x, float y);
@ -123,11 +123,10 @@ static uint64_t previous_time;
static HANDLE timer;
static int frameDivisor = 1;
static int target_fps = 60;
static void gfx_sdl_init(const char *game_name, bool start_in_fullscreen) {
@ -250,6 +249,7 @@ static void gfx_sdl_handle_events(void) {
case SDL_QUIT:
SDL_Quit(); // bandaid fix for linux window closing issue
@ -266,15 +266,16 @@ static uint64_t qpc_to_100ns(uint64_t qpc) {
static inline void sync_framerate_with_timer(void) {
uint64_t t;
t = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter();
t = qpc_to_100ns(SDL_GetPerformanceCounter());
const int64_t next = qpc_to_100ns(previous_time) + 10 * FRAME_INTERVAL_US_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR;
const int64_t left = next - qpc_to_100ns(t);
const int64_t next = previous_time + 10 * FRAME_INTERVAL_US_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_US_DENOMINATOR;
const int64_t left = next - t;
if (left > 0) {
#ifdef __linux__
const timespec spec = { 0, left * 100 };
nanosleep(&spec, nullptr);
// The accuracy of this timer seems to usually be within +- 1.0 ms
li.QuadPart = -left;
SetWaitableTimer(timer, &li, 0, nullptr, nullptr, false);
@ -282,7 +283,13 @@ static inline void sync_framerate_with_timer(void) {
t = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter();
t = qpc_to_100ns(SDL_GetPerformanceCounter());
if (left > 0 && t - next < 10000) {
// In case it takes some time for the application to wake up after sleep,
// or inaccurate timer,
// don't let that slow down the framerate.
t = next;
previous_time = t;
@ -299,9 +306,16 @@ static double gfx_sdl_get_time(void) {
return 0.0;
static void gfx_sdl_set_framedivisor(int divisor)
frameDivisor = divisor;
static void gfx_sdl_set_target_fps(int fps) {
target_fps = fps;
static void gfx_sdl_set_maximum_frame_latency(int latency) {
// Not supported by SDL :(
static float gfx_sdl_get_detected_hz(void) {
return 0;
struct GfxWindowManagerAPI gfx_sdl = {
@ -317,7 +331,9 @@ struct GfxWindowManagerAPI gfx_sdl = {
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ struct GfxWindowManagerAPI {
void (*swap_buffers_begin)(void);
void (*swap_buffers_end)(void);
double (*get_time)(void); // For debug
void (*set_frame_divisor)(int);
void (*set_target_fps)(int fps);
void (*set_maximum_frame_latency)(int latency);
float (*get_detected_hz)(void);
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ bool oldCursorState = true;
#define EXPERIMENTAL() \
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, IM_COL32(255, 50, 50, 255)); \
ImGui::Text("Experimental"); \
ImGui::PopStyleColor(); \
ImGui::Text("Experimental"); \
ImGui::PopStyleColor(); \
#define TOGGLE_BTN ImGuiKey_F1
#define HOOK(b) if(b) needs_save = true;
OSContPad* pads;
@ -66,29 +66,38 @@ namespace SohImGui {
std::vector<const char*> CustomTexts;
int SelectedLanguage = CVar_GetS32("gLanguages", 0); //Default Language to 0=English 1=German 2=French
int SelectedHUD = CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1); //Default colors to Gamecube.
float hearts_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float hearts_dd_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float a_btn_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float b_btn_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float c_btn_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float start_btn_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float magic_border_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float magic_remaining_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float magic_use_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float minimap_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float rupee_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float smolekey_colors[3] = {0,0,0};
float kokiri_col[3] = { 0.118f, 0.41f, 0.106f };
float goron_col[3] = { 0.392f, 0.078f, 0.0f };
float zora_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.235f, 0.392f };
float navi_idle_i_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_idle_o_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_npc_i_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_npc_o_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_enemy_i_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_enemy_o_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_prop_i_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float navi_prop_o_col[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
ImVec4 hearts_colors;
ImVec4 hearts_dd_colors;
ImVec4 a_btn_colors;
ImVec4 b_btn_colors;
ImVec4 c_btn_colors;
ImVec4 start_btn_colors;
ImVec4 magic_border_colors;
ImVec4 magic_remaining_colors;
ImVec4 magic_use_colors;
ImVec4 minimap_colors;
ImVec4 rupee_colors;
ImVec4 smolekey_colors;
ImVec4 kokiri_col;
ImVec4 goron_col;
ImVec4 zora_col;
ImVec4 navi_idle_i_col;
ImVec4 navi_idle_o_col;
ImVec4 navi_npc_i_col;
ImVec4 navi_npc_o_col;
ImVec4 navi_enemy_i_col;
ImVec4 navi_enemy_o_col;
ImVec4 navi_prop_i_col;
ImVec4 navi_prop_o_col;
const char* RainbowColorCvarList[] = {
//This is the list of possible CVars that has rainbow effect.
const char* filters[3] = {
@ -99,6 +108,15 @@ namespace SohImGui {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> windowCategories;
std::map<std::string, CustomWindow> customWindows;
int ClampFloatToInt(float value, int min, int max){
return fmin(fmax(value,min),max);
void Tooltip(const char* text) {
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", text);
void ImGuiWMInit() {
switch (impl.backend) {
case Backend::SDL:
@ -240,82 +258,64 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void LoadInterfaceEditor(){//This function is necessary as without it IMGui wont load the updated float array.
hearts_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCHeartsPrimR", 255)/255;
hearts_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCHeartsPrimG", 70)/255;
hearts_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCHeartsPrimB", 50)/255;
hearts_dd_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimR", 255)/255;
hearts_dd_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimG", 255)/255;
hearts_dd_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimB", 255)/255;
a_btn_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimR", 90)/255;
a_btn_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimG", 90)/255;
a_btn_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimB", 255)/255;
b_btn_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCBBtnPrimR", 0)/255;
b_btn_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCBBtnPrimG", 150)/255;
b_btn_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCBBtnPrimB", 0)/255;
c_btn_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimR", 255)/255;
c_btn_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimG", 160)/255;
c_btn_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimB", 0)/255;
start_btn_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCStartBtnPrimR", 120)/255;
start_btn_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCStartBtnPrimG", 120)/255;
start_btn_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCStartBtnPrimB", 120)/255;
magic_border_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicBorderPrimR", 255)/255;
magic_border_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicBorderPrimG", 255)/255;
magic_border_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicBorderPrimB", 255)/255;
magic_use_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicPrimR", 250)/255;
magic_use_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicPrimG", 250)/255;
magic_use_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicPrimB", 0)/255;
magic_remaining_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicUsePrimR", 0)/255;
magic_remaining_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicUsePrimG", 200)/255;
magic_remaining_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMagicUsePrimB", 0)/255;
minimap_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMinimapPrimR", 0)/255;
minimap_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMinimapPrimG", 255)/255;
minimap_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCMinimapPrimB", 255)/255;
rupee_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCRupeePrimR", 200)/255;
rupee_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCRupeePrimG", 255)/255;
rupee_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCRupeePrimB", 100)/255;
smolekey_colors[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCKeysPrimR", 200)/255;
smolekey_colors[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCKeysPrimG", 230)/255;
smolekey_colors[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gCCKeysPrimB", 255)/255;
kokiri_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_R", 30)/255;
kokiri_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_G", 105)/255;
kokiri_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_B", 27)/255;
goron_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_R", 100)/255;
goron_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_G", 20)/255;
goron_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_B", 0)/255;
zora_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_R", 0)/255;
zora_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_G", 60)/255;
zora_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_B", 100)/255;
navi_idle_i_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Idle_Inner_R", 255)/255;
navi_idle_i_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Idle_Inner_G", 255)/255;
navi_idle_i_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Idle_Inner_B", 255)/255;
navi_idle_o_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Idle_Outer_R", 115)/255;
navi_idle_o_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Idle_Outer_G", 230)/255;
navi_idle_o_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Idle_Outer_B", 255)/255;
navi_npc_i_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_NPC_Inner_R", 100)/255;
navi_npc_i_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_NPC_Inner_G", 100)/255;
navi_npc_i_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_NPC_Inner_B", 255)/255;
navi_npc_o_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_NPC_Outer_R", 90)/255;
navi_npc_o_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_NPC_Outer_G", 90)/255;
navi_npc_o_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_NPC_Outer_B", 255)/255;
navi_enemy_i_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Enemy_Inner_R", 255)/255;
navi_enemy_i_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Enemy_Inner_G", 255)/255;
navi_enemy_i_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Enemy_Inner_B", 0)/255;
navi_enemy_o_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Enemy_Outer_R", 220)/255;
navi_enemy_o_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Enemy_Outer_G", 220)/255;
navi_enemy_o_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Enemy_Outer_B", 0)/255;
navi_prop_i_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Prop_Inner_R", 0)/255;
navi_prop_i_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Prop_Inner_G", 255)/255;
navi_prop_i_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Prop_Inner_B", 0)/255;
navi_prop_o_col[0] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Prop_Outer_R", 0)/255;
navi_prop_o_col[1] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Prop_Outer_G", 220)/255;
navi_prop_o_col[2] = (float)CVar_GetS32("gNavi_Prop_Outer_B", 0)/255;
if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) ==0) {
SelectedHUD = 0;
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 1) {
SelectedHUD = 1;
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 2) {
SelectedHUD = 2;
void LoadRainbowColor() {
for (uint16_t s=0; s <= sizeof(RainbowColorCvarList); s++) {
std::string cvarName = RainbowColorCvarList[s];
std::string Cvar_Red = cvarName;
Cvar_Red += "R";
std::string Cvar_Green = cvarName;
Cvar_Green += "G";
std::string Cvar_Blue = cvarName;
Cvar_Blue += "B";
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
std::string RBM_HUE = cvarName;
f32 Canon = 10.f*s;
ImVec4 NewColor;
const f32 deltaTime = 1.0f / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate;
f32 hue = CVar_GetFloat(RBM_HUE.c_str(), 0.0f);
f32 newHue = hue + CVar_GetS32("gColorRainbowSpeed", 1) * 36.0f * deltaTime;
if (newHue >= 360)
newHue = 0;
CVar_SetFloat(RBM_HUE.c_str(), newHue);
f32 current_hue = CVar_GetFloat(RBM_HUE.c_str(), 0);
u8 i = current_hue / 60 + 1;
u8 a = (-current_hue / 60.0f + i) * 255;
u8 b = (current_hue / 60.0f + (1 - i)) * 255;
switch (i) {
case 1: NewColor.x = 255; NewColor.y = b; NewColor.z = 0; break;
case 2: NewColor.x = a; NewColor.y = 255; NewColor.z = 0; break;
case 3: NewColor.x = 0; NewColor.y = 255; NewColor.z = b; break;
case 4: NewColor.x = 0; NewColor.y = a; NewColor.z = 255; break;
case 5: NewColor.x = b; NewColor.y = 0; NewColor.z = 255; break;
case 6: NewColor.x = 255; NewColor.y = 0; NewColor.z = a; break;
if(CVar_GetS32(Cvar_RBM.c_str(), 0) != 0) {
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Red.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(NewColor.x,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Green.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(NewColor.y,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Blue.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(NewColor.z,0,255));
void LoadPickersColors(ImVec4& ColorArray, const char* cvarname, const ImVec4& default_colors, bool has_alpha) {
std::string Cvar_Red = cvarname;
Cvar_Red += "R";
std::string Cvar_Green = cvarname;
Cvar_Green += "G";
std::string Cvar_Blue = cvarname;
Cvar_Blue += "B";
std::string Cvar_Alpha = cvarname;
Cvar_Alpha += "A";
ColorArray.x = (float)CVar_GetS32(Cvar_Red.c_str(), default_colors.x)/255;
ColorArray.y = (float)CVar_GetS32(Cvar_Green.c_str(), default_colors.y)/255;
ColorArray.z = (float)CVar_GetS32(Cvar_Blue.c_str(), default_colors.z)/255;
if (has_alpha) {
ColorArray.w = (float)CVar_GetS32(Cvar_Alpha.c_str(), default_colors.w)/255;
@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ namespace SohImGui {
for (size_t pixel = 0; pixel < texBuffer.size() / 4; pixel++) {
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 0] *= tint.x;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 1] *= tint.y;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 2] *= tint.z;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 3] *= tint.w;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 0] *= (uint8_t)tint.x;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 1] *= (uint8_t)tint.y;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 2] *= (uint8_t)tint.z;
texBuffer[pixel * 4 + 3] *= (uint8_t)tint.w;
const auto asset = new GameAsset{ api->new_texture() };
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void EnhancementRadioButton(std::string text, std::string cvarName, int id) {
void EnhancementRadioButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName, int id) {
/*Usage :
EnhancementRadioButton("My Visible Name","gMyCVarName", MyID);
First arg is the visible name of the Radio button
@ -447,118 +447,219 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementRadioButton("German", "gLanguages", 1);
EnhancementRadioButton("French", "gLanguages", 2);
int val = CVar_GetS32(cvarName.c_str(), 0);
if (ImGui::RadioButton(text.c_str(), id == val)) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName.c_str(), (int)id);
std::string make_invisible = "##";
make_invisible += text;
make_invisible += cvarName;
int val = CVar_GetS32(cvarName, 0);
if (ImGui::RadioButton(make_invisible.c_str(), id == val)) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, id);
needs_save = true;
ImGui::Text("%s", text);
void EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName)
bool val = (bool)CVar_GetS32(cvarName, 0);
if (ImGui::Checkbox(text, &val)) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
void EnhancementCheckbox(std::string text, std::string cvarName)
void EnhancementButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName)
bool val = (bool)CVar_GetS32(cvarName.c_str(), 0);
if (ImGui::Checkbox(text.c_str(), &val)) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName.c_str(), val);
bool val = (bool)CVar_GetS32(cvarName, 0);
if (ImGui::Button(text)) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, !val);
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, !val);
needs_save = true;
void EnhancementButton(std::string text, std::string cvarName)
void EnhancementSliderInt(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, int min, int max, const char* format)
bool val = (bool)CVar_GetS32(cvarName.c_str(), 0);
if (ImGui::Button(text.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName.c_str(), !val);
needs_save = true;
int val = CVar_GetS32(cvarName, 0);
void EnhancementSliderInt(std::string text, std::string id, std::string cvarName, int min, int max, std::string format)
int val = CVar_GetS32(cvarName.c_str(), 0);
ImGui::Text(text, val);
ImGui::Text(text.c_str(), val);
if (ImGui::SliderInt(id.c_str(), &val, min, max, format.c_str()))
if (ImGui::SliderInt(id, &val, min, max, format))
CVar_SetS32(cvarName.c_str(), val);
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if (val < min)
val = min;
CVar_SetS32(cvarName.c_str(), val);
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if (val > max)
val = max;
CVar_SetS32(cvarName.c_str(), val);
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
void EnhancementSliderFloat(std::string text, std::string id, std::string cvarName, float min, float max, std::string format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage)
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage)
float val = CVar_GetFloat(cvarName.c_str(), defaultValue);
float val = CVar_GetFloat(cvarName, defaultValue);
if (!isPercentage)
ImGui::Text(text.c_str(), val);
ImGui::Text(text, val);
ImGui::Text(text.c_str(), static_cast<int>(100 * val));
ImGui::Text(text, static_cast<int>(100 * val));
if (ImGui::SliderFloat(id.c_str(), &val, min, max, format.c_str()))
if (ImGui::SliderFloat(id, &val, min, max, format))
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName.c_str(), val);
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if (val < min)
val = min;
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName.c_str(), val);
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if (val > max)
val = max;
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName.c_str(), val);
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
int ClampFloatToInt(float value, int min, int max){
return fmin(fmax(value,min),max);
void RandomizeColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors) {
std::string Cvar_Red = cvarName;
Cvar_Red += "R";
std::string Cvar_Green = cvarName;
Cvar_Green += "G";
std::string Cvar_Blue = cvarName;
Cvar_Blue += "B";
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
std::string MakeInvisible = "##";
MakeInvisible += cvarName;
MakeInvisible += "Random";
std::string FullName = "Random";
if (ImGui::Button(FullName.c_str())) {
s16 RND_R = rand() % (255 - 0);
s16 RND_G = rand() % (255 - 0);
s16 RND_B = rand() % (255 - 0);
colors->x = (float)RND_R/255;
colors->y = (float)RND_G/255;
colors->z = (float)RND_B/255;
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Red.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->x*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Green.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->y*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Blue.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->z*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_RBM.c_str(), 0); //On click disable rainbow mode.
needs_save = true;
Tooltip("Clicking this button will make a random color for the colors at it's right.\nPrevious color will be overwrite and will not be recoverable");
void EnhancementColor3(std::string text, std::string cvarName, float ColorRGB[3], bool TitleSameLine) {
void RainbowColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors) {
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
std::string MakeInvisible = "Rainbow";
MakeInvisible += "##";
MakeInvisible += cvarName;
MakeInvisible += "Rainbow";
EnhancementCheckbox(MakeInvisible.c_str(), Cvar_RBM.c_str());
Tooltip("Clicking this button will make color cycling\nPrevious color will be overwrite and will not be recoverable");
void ResetColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors, ImVec4 defaultcolors, bool has_alpha) {
std::string Cvar_Red = cvarName;
Cvar_Red += "R";
std::string Cvar_Green = cvarName;
Cvar_Green += "G";
std::string Cvar_Blue = cvarName;
Cvar_Blue += "B";
std::string Cvar_Alpha = cvarName;
Cvar_Alpha += "A";
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
std::string MakeInvisible = "Reset";
MakeInvisible += "##";
MakeInvisible += cvarName;
MakeInvisible += "Reset";
if (ImGui::Button(MakeInvisible.c_str())) {
colors->x = defaultcolors.x/255;
colors->y = defaultcolors.y/255;
colors->z = defaultcolors.z/255;
if (has_alpha) { colors->w = defaultcolors.w/255;};
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Red.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->x*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Green.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->y*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Blue.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->z*255,0,255));
if (has_alpha) { CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Alpha.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(colors->w*255,0,255)); };
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_RBM.c_str(), 0); //On click disable rainbow mode.
needs_save = true;
Tooltip("Clicking this button will to the game original color (GameCube version)\nPrevious color will be overwrite and will not be recoverable");
void EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow, bool has_alpha, bool TitleSameLine) {
std::string Cvar_Red = cvarName;
Cvar_Red += "R";
std::string Cvar_Green = cvarName;
Cvar_Green += "G";
std::string Cvar_Blue = cvarName;
Cvar_Blue += "B";
std::string Cvar_Alpha = cvarName;
Cvar_Alpha += "A";
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
LoadPickersColors(ColorRGBA, cvarName, default_colors, has_alpha);
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = ImGuiColorEditFlags_None;
if (!TitleSameLine){
ImGui::Text("%s", text.c_str());
ImGui::Text("%s", text);
flags = ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoLabel;
if (ImGui::ColorEdit3(text.c_str(), ColorRGB, flags)) {
CVar_SetS32((cvarName+"R").c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGB[0]*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32((cvarName+"G").c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGB[1]*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32((cvarName+"B").c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGB[2]*255,0,255));
needs_save = true;
if (!has_alpha) {
if (ImGui::ColorEdit3(text, (float *)&ColorRGBA, flags)) {
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Red.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.x*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Green.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.y*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Blue.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.z*255,0,255));
needs_save = true;
} else {
if (ImGui::ColorEdit4(text, (float *)&ColorRGBA, flags)) {
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Red.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.x*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Green.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.y*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Blue.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.z*255,0,255));
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_Alpha.c_str(), ClampFloatToInt(ColorRGBA.w*255,0,255));
needs_save = true;
ResetColor(cvarName, &ColorRGBA, default_colors, has_alpha);
RandomizeColor(cvarName, &ColorRGBA);
if (allow_rainbow) {
//Not all draw support rainbow, like Navi.
RainbowColor(cvarName, &ColorRGBA);
void Tooltip(std::string text) {
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", text.c_str());
void DrawMainMenuAndCalculateGameSize() {
void DrawMainMenuAndCalculateGameSize(void) {
const std::shared_ptr<Window> wnd = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetWindow();
ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground |
@ -633,7 +734,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
auto menuLabel = "Controller " + std::to_string(i + 1);
if (ImGui::BeginMenu(menuLabel.c_str()))
EnhancementSliderFloat("Gyro Sensitivity: %d %%", "##GYROSCOPE", StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroSensitivity", i), 0.0f, 1.0f, "", 1.0f, true);
EnhancementSliderFloat("Gyro Sensitivity: %d %%", "##GYROSCOPE", StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroSensitivity", i).c_str(), 0.0f, 1.0f, "", 1.0f, true);
if (ImGui::Button("Recalibrate Gyro"))
@ -644,7 +745,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementSliderFloat("Rumble Strength: %d %%", "##RUMBLE", StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_RumbleStrength", i), 0.0f, 1.0f, "", 1.0f, true);
EnhancementSliderFloat("Rumble Strength: %d %%", "##RUMBLE", StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_RumbleStrength", i).c_str(), 0.0f, 1.0f, "", 1.0f, true);
@ -676,6 +777,34 @@ namespace SohImGui {
Tooltip("Activates anti-aliasing when above 1, up to 8x for 8 samples for every pixel");
gfx_msaa_level = CVar_GetS32("gMSAAValue", 1);
if (impl.backend == Backend::DX11)
const char* cvar = "gExtraLatencyThreshold";
int val = CVar_GetS32(cvar, 80);
val = MAX(MIN(val, 250), 0);
int fps = val;
if (fps == 0)
ImGui::Text("Jitter fix: Off");
ImGui::Text("Jitter fix: >= %d FPS", fps);
if (ImGui::SliderInt("##ExtraLatencyThreshold", &val, 0, 250, "", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp))
CVar_SetS32(cvar, val);
needs_save = true;
Tooltip("When Interpolation FPS setting is at least this threshold,\n"
"add one frame of input lag (e.g. 16.6 ms for 60 FPS) in order to avoid jitter.\n"
"This setting allows the CPU to work on one frame while GPU works on the previous frame.\n"
"This setting should be used when your computer is too slow to do CPU + GPU work in time.");
ImGui::Text("Texture Filter (Needs reload)");
GfxRenderingAPI* gapi = gfx_get_current_rendering_api();
@ -723,17 +852,57 @@ namespace SohImGui {
Tooltip("Allows equiping the tunic and boots to c-buttons");
EnhancementCheckbox("MM Bunny Hood", "gMMBunnyHood");
Tooltip("Wearing the Bunny Hood grants a speed increase like in Majora's Mask");
EnhancementCheckbox("Better Owl", "gBetterOwl");
Tooltip("The default response to Kaepora Gaebora is always that you understood what he said");
EnhancementCheckbox("Disable Navi Call Audio", "gDisableNaviCallAudio");
Tooltip("Disables the voice audio when Navi calls you");
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Graphics"))
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Animated Link in Pause Menu")) {
EnhancementRadioButton("Disabled", "gPauseLiveRotation", 0);
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with D-pad", "gPauseLiveRotation", 1);
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the DPAD\nUse DPAD-Up or DPAD-Down to reset Link's rotation");
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with C-buttons", "gPauseLiveRotation", 2);
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the C-buttons\nUse C-Up or C-Down to reset Link's rotation");
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveRotation", 0) != 0) {
EnhancementSliderInt("Rotation Speed: %d", "##MinRotationSpeed", "gPauseLiveLinkRotationSpeed", 1, 20, "");
ImGui::Text("Static loop");
EnhancementRadioButton("Disabled", "gPauseLiveLink", 0);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (standing)", "gPauseLiveLink", 1);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (look around)", "gPauseLiveLink", 2);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (belt)", "gPauseLiveLink", 3);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 4);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (test sword)", "gPauseLiveLink", 5);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (yawn)", "gPauseLiveLink", 6);
EnhancementRadioButton("Battle Stance", "gPauseLiveLink", 7);
EnhancementRadioButton("Walking (no shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 8);
EnhancementRadioButton("Walking (holding shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 9);
EnhancementRadioButton("Running (no shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 10);
EnhancementRadioButton("Running (holding shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 11);
EnhancementRadioButton("Hand on hip", "gPauseLiveLink", 12);
EnhancementRadioButton("Spin attack charge", "gPauseLiveLink", 13);
EnhancementRadioButton("Look at hand", "gPauseLiveLink", 14);
EnhancementRadioButton("Random", "gPauseLiveLink", 15);
Tooltip("Randomize the animation played each time you open the menu");
EnhancementRadioButton("Random cycle", "gPauseLiveLink", 16);
Tooltip("andomize the animation played on hte menu after a certain time");
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 0) >= 16) {
EnhancementSliderInt("Frame to wait: %d", "##MinFrameCount", "gMinFrameCount", 1, 1000, "");
EnhancementCheckbox("N64 Mode", "gN64Mode");
Tooltip("Sets aspect ratio to 4:3 and lowers resolution to 240p, the N64's native resolution");
EnhancementCheckbox("Animated Link in Pause Menu", "gPauseLiveLink");
EnhancementCheckbox("Enable 3D Dropped items/projectiles", "gNewDrops");
Tooltip("Change most 2D items & projectiles to their a 3D version");
EnhancementCheckbox("Dynamic Wallet Icon", "gDynamicWalletIcon");
@ -760,7 +929,46 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("60FPS Interpolation", "g60FPS");
const char* fps_cvar = "gInterpolationFPS";
int val = CVar_GetS32(fps_cvar, 20);
val = MAX(MIN(val, 250), 20);
int fps = val;
if (fps == 20)
ImGui::Text("Frame interpolation: Off");
ImGui::Text("Frame interpolation: %d FPS", fps);
if (ImGui::SliderInt("##FPSInterpolation", &val, 20, 250, "", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp))
CVar_SetS32(fps_cvar, val);
needs_save = true;
Tooltip("Interpolate extra frames to get smoother graphics.\n"
"Set to match your monitor's refresh rate, or a divisor of it.\n"
"A higher target FPS than your monitor's refresh rate will just waste resources,\n"
"and might give a worse result.\n"
"For consistent input lag, set this value and your monitor's refresh rate to a multiple of 20.\n"
"Ctrl+Click for keyboard input.");
if (impl.backend == Backend::DX11)
if (ImGui::Button("Match Refresh Rate"))
int hz = roundf(gfx_get_detected_hz());
if (hz >= 20 && hz <= 250)
CVar_SetS32(fps_cvar, hz);
needs_save = true;
EnhancementCheckbox("Disable LOD", "gDisableLOD");
Tooltip("Turns off the level of detail setting, making models always use their higher poly variants");
@ -867,36 +1075,36 @@ namespace SohImGui {
if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("Cosmetics Editor", ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton)) {
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Navi")) {
EnhancementCheckbox("Custom colors for Navi", "gUseNaviCol");
Tooltip("Enable/Disable custom Navi's colors. \nIf disabled you will have original colors for Navi.\nColors are refreshed when Navi goes back in your pockets");
EnhancementColor3("Navi Idle Inner", "gNavi_Idle_Inner_", navi_idle_i_col, false);
Tooltip("Enable/Disable custom Navi's colors. \nIf disabled you will have original colors for Navi.\nColors are refreshed when Navi goes back in your pockets.");
EnhancementColor("Navi Idle Inner", "gNavi_Idle_Inner_", navi_idle_i_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), false);
Tooltip("Inner color for Navi (idle flying around)");
EnhancementColor3("Navi Idle Outer", "gNavi_Idle_Outer_", navi_idle_o_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi Idle Outer", "gNavi_Idle_Outer_", navi_idle_o_col, ImVec4(115,230,255,255), false);
Tooltip("Outer color for Navi (idle flying around)");
EnhancementColor3("Navi NPC Inner", "gNavi_NPC_Inner_", navi_npc_i_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi NPC Inner", "gNavi_NPC_Inner_", navi_npc_i_col, ImVec4(100,100,255,255), false);
Tooltip("Inner color for Navi (when Navi fly around NPCs)");
EnhancementColor3("Navi NPC Outer", "gNavi_NPC_Outer_", navi_npc_o_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi NPC Outer", "gNavi_NPC_Outer_", navi_npc_o_col, ImVec4(90,90,255,255), false);
Tooltip("Outer color for Navi (when Navi fly around NPCs)");
EnhancementColor3("Navi Enemy Inner", "gNavi_Enemy_Inner_", navi_enemy_i_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi Enemy Inner", "gNavi_Enemy_Inner_", navi_enemy_i_col, ImVec4(255,255,0,255), false);
Tooltip("Inner color for Navi (when Navi fly around Enemies or Bosses)");
EnhancementColor3("Navi Enemy Outer", "gNavi_Enemy_Outer_", navi_enemy_o_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi Enemy Outer", "gNavi_Enemy_Outer_", navi_enemy_o_col, ImVec4(220,220,0,255), false);
Tooltip("Outer color for Navi (when Navi fly around Enemies or Bosses)");
EnhancementColor3("Navi Prop Inner", "gNavi_Prop_Inner_", navi_prop_i_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi Prop Inner", "gNavi_Prop_Inner_", navi_prop_i_col, ImVec4(0,255,0,255), false);
Tooltip("Inner color for Navi (when Navi fly around props (signs etc))");
EnhancementColor3("Navi Prop Outer", "gNavi_Prop_Outer_", navi_prop_o_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Navi Prop Outer", "gNavi_Prop_Outer_", navi_prop_o_col, ImVec4(0,220,0,255), false);
Tooltip("Outer color for Navi (when Navi fly around props (signs etc))");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Tunics")) {
EnhancementCheckbox("Custom colors on tunics", "gUseTunicsCol");
Tooltip("Enable/Disable custom Link's tunics colors. \nIf disabled you will have original colors for Link's tunics");
EnhancementColor3("Kokiri Tunic", "gTunic_Kokiri_", kokiri_col, false);
Tooltip("Enable/Disable custom Link's tunics colors. \nIf disabled you will have original colors for Link's tunics.");
EnhancementColor("Kokiri Tunic", "gTunic_Kokiri_", kokiri_col, ImVec4(30,105,27,255));
EnhancementColor3("Goron Tunic", "gTunic_Goron_", goron_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Goron Tunic", "gTunic_Goron_", goron_col, ImVec4(100,20,0,255));
EnhancementColor3("Zora Tunic", "gTunic_Zora_", zora_col, false);
EnhancementColor("Zora Tunic", "gTunic_Zora_", zora_col, ImVec4(0,60,100,255));
@ -912,39 +1120,39 @@ namespace SohImGui {
ImGui::Begin("Interface Editor", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing);
if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("Interface Editor", ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton)) {
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Hearts")) {
EnhancementColor3("Hearts inner", "gCCHeartsPrim", hearts_colors, false);
EnhancementColor("Hearts inner", "gCCHeartsPrim", hearts_colors, ImVec4(255,70,50,255));
Tooltip("Hearts inner color (red in original)\nAffect both Normal Hearts and the ones in Double Defense");
EnhancementColor3("Hearts double def", "gDDCCHeartsPrim", hearts_dd_colors, false);
Tooltip("Hearts outline color (white in original)\nAffect Double Defense outline only");
EnhancementColor("Hearts double def", "gDDCCHeartsPrim", hearts_dd_colors, ImVec4(255,255,255,255));
Tooltip("Hearts outline color (white in original)\nAffect Double Defense outline only.");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Buttons")) {
EnhancementColor3("A Buttons", "gCCABtnPrim", a_btn_colors, false);
Tooltip("A Buttons colors (Green in original Gamecube)\nAffect A buttons colors on interface, in shops, messages boxes, ocarina notes and inventory cursors");
EnhancementColor3("B Buttons", "gCCBBtnPrim", b_btn_colors, false);
EnhancementColor("A Buttons", "gCCABtnPrim", a_btn_colors, ImVec4(90,90,255,255));
Tooltip("A Buttons colors (Green in original Gamecube)\nAffect A buttons colors on interface, in shops, messages boxes, ocarina notes and inventory cursors.");
EnhancementColor("B Buttons", "gCCBBtnPrim", b_btn_colors, ImVec4(0,150,0,255));
Tooltip("B Button colors (Red in original Gamecube)\nAffect B button colors on interface");
EnhancementColor3("C Buttons", "gCCCBtnPrim", c_btn_colors, false);
EnhancementColor("C Buttons", "gCCCBtnPrim", c_btn_colors, ImVec4(255,160,0,255));
Tooltip("C Buttons colors (Yellowish / Oranges in originals)\nAffect C buttons colors on interface, in inventory and ocarina notes");
EnhancementColor3("Start Buttons", "gCCStartBtnPrim", start_btn_colors, false);
EnhancementColor("Start Buttons", "gCCStartBtnPrim", start_btn_colors, ImVec4(120,120,120,255));
Tooltip("Start Button colors (gray in Gamecube)\nAffect Start button colors in inventory");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Magic Bar")) {
EnhancementColor3("Magic bar borders", "gCCMagicBorderPrim", magic_border_colors, false);
Tooltip("Affect the border of the magic bar when being used\nWhite flash in original game");
EnhancementColor3("Magic bar main color", "gCCMagicPrim", magic_remaining_colors, false);
Tooltip("Affect the magic bar color\nGreen in original game");
EnhancementColor3("Magic bar being used", "gCCMagicUsePrim", magic_use_colors, false);
Tooltip("Affect the magic bar when being used\nYellow in original game");
EnhancementColor("Magic bar borders", "gCCMagicBorderPrim", magic_border_colors, ImVec4(255,255,255,255));
Tooltip("Affect the border of the magic bar when being used\nWhite flash in original game.");
EnhancementColor("Magic bar main color", "gCCMagicPrim", magic_remaining_colors, ImVec4(0,200,0,255));
Tooltip("Affect the magic bar color\nGreen in original game.");
EnhancementColor("Magic bar being used", "gCCMagicUsePrim", magic_use_colors, ImVec4(250,250,0,255));
Tooltip("Affect the magic bar when being used\nYellow in original game.");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Misc")) {
EnhancementColor3("Minimap color", "gCCMinimapPrim", minimap_colors, false);
Tooltip("Affect the Dungeon and Overworld minimaps");
EnhancementColor3("Rupee icon color", "gCCRupeePrim", rupee_colors, false);
Tooltip("Affect the Rupee icon on interface\nGreen by default");
EnhancementColor3("Small Keys icon color", "gCCKeysPrim", smolekey_colors, false);
Tooltip("Affect the Small keys icon on interface\nGray by default");
EnhancementColor("Minimap color", "gCCMinimapPrim", minimap_colors, ImVec4(0,255,255,255));
Tooltip("Affect the Dungeon and Overworld minimaps.");
EnhancementColor("Rupee icon color", "gCCRupeePrim", rupee_colors, ImVec4(120,120,120,255));
Tooltip("Affect the Rupee icon on interface\nGreen by default.");
EnhancementColor("Small Keys icon color", "gCCKeysPrim", smolekey_colors, ImVec4(200,230,255,255));
Tooltip("Affect the Small keys icon on interface\nGray by default.");
@ -960,7 +1168,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
varName.erase(std::ranges::remove_if(varName, isspace).begin(), varName.end());
std::string toggleName = "g" + varName + "Enabled";
EnhancementCheckbox(name, toggleName);
EnhancementCheckbox(name.c_str(), toggleName.c_str());
customWindows[name].enabled = CVar_GetS32(toggleName.c_str(), 0);
@ -1011,19 +1219,19 @@ namespace SohImGui {
main_pos.y -= top_left_pos.y;
ImVec2 size = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail();
ImVec2 pos = ImVec2(0, 0);
gfx_current_dimensions.width = size.x * gfx_current_dimensions.internal_mul;
gfx_current_dimensions.height = size.y * gfx_current_dimensions.internal_mul;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.x = main_pos.x;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.y = main_pos.y;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.width = size.x;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.height = size.y;
gfx_current_dimensions.width = (uint32_t)(size.x * gfx_current_dimensions.internal_mul);
gfx_current_dimensions.height = (uint32_t)(size.y * gfx_current_dimensions.internal_mul);
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.x = (int16_t)main_pos.x;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.y = (int16_t)main_pos.y;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.width = (int16_t)size.x;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.height = (int16_t)size.y;
if (CVar_GetS32("gN64Mode", 0))
gfx_current_dimensions.width = 320;
gfx_current_dimensions.height = 240;
const int sw = size.y * 320 / 240;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.x += (size.x - sw) / 2;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.x += ((int)size.x - sw) / 2;
gfx_current_game_window_viewport.width = sw;
pos = ImVec2(size.x / 2 - sw / 2, 0);
size = ImVec2(sw, size.y);
@ -1032,12 +1240,12 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void DrawFramebufferAndGameInput() {
ImVec2 main_pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
void DrawFramebufferAndGameInput(void) {
const ImVec2 main_pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
ImVec2 size = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail();
ImVec2 pos = ImVec2(0, 0);
if (CVar_GetS32("gN64Mode", 0)) {
const int sw = size.y * 320 / 240;
const float sw = size.y * 320.0f / 240.0f;
pos = ImVec2(size.x / 2 - sw / 2, 0);
size = ImVec2(sw, size.y);
@ -1109,6 +1317,8 @@ namespace SohImGui {
//Placed here so it does the rainbow effects even if menu is not on.
void CancelFrame() {
@ -63,12 +63,14 @@ namespace SohImGui {
extern bool needs_save;
void Init(WindowImpl window_impl);
void Update(EventImpl event);
void EnhancementRadioButton(std::string text, std::string cvarName, int value);
void EnhancementCheckbox(std::string text, std::string cvarName);
void EnhancementSliderInt(std::string text, std::string id, std::string cvarName, int min, int max, std::string format);
void EnhancementSliderFloat(std::string text, std::string id, std::string cvarName, float min, float max, std::string format, float defaultValue);
void EnhancementColor3(std::string text, std::string cvarName, float ColorRGB[3], bool TitleSameLine);
void Tooltip(const char* text);
void EnhancementRadioButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName, int id);
void EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName);
void EnhancementButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName);
void EnhancementSliderInt(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, int min, int max, const char* format);
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage);
void EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow = true, bool has_alpha=false, bool TitleSameLine=false);
void DrawMainMenuAndCalculateGameSize(void);
@ -79,7 +81,10 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void BindCmd(const std::string& cmd, CommandEntry entry);
void AddWindow(const std::string& category, const std::string& name, WindowDrawFunc drawFunc);
void LoadResource(const std::string& name, const std::string& path, const ImVec4& tint = ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 1));
void LoadInterfaceEditor();
void LoadPickersColors(ImVec4& ColorArray, const char* cvarname, const ImVec4& default_colors, bool has_alpha=false);
void RandomizeColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors);
void RainbowColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors);
void ResetColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors, ImVec4 defaultcolors, bool has_alpha);
ImTextureID GetTextureByID(int id);
ImTextureID GetTextureByName(const std::string& name);
@ -272,13 +272,14 @@ namespace Ship {
gfx_run(Commands, m);
gfx_run(Commands, {});
void Window::SetFrameDivisor(int divisor) {
void Window::SetTargetFps(int fps) {
void Window::SetMaximumFrameLatency(int latency) {
void Window::GetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y) {
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ namespace Ship {
void Init();
void StartFrame();
void RunCommands(Gfx* Commands, const std::vector<std::unordered_map<Mtx*, MtxF>>& mtx_replacements);
void SetFrameDivisor(int divisor);
void SetTargetFps(int fps);
void SetMaximumFrameLatency(int latency);
void GetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y);
uint16_t GetPixelDepth(float x, float y);
void ToggleFullscreen();
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ WARN := \
-funsigned-char \
-m32 -mhard-float -fno-stack-protector -fno-common -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-inline-functions -fno-inline-small-functions -fno-toplevel-reorder -ffreestanding -fwrapv \
CXXFLAGS := $(WARN) -std=c++20 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fpermissive -no-pie -nostdlib -march=i386
CFLAGS := $(WARN) -std=c99 -D_GNU_SOURCE -no-pie -nostdlib -march=i386
CXXFLAGS := $(WARN) -std=c++20 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fpermissive -no-pie -nostdlib -march=i386 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse
CFLAGS := $(WARN) -std=c99 -D_GNU_SOURCE -no-pie -nostdlib -march=i386 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse
LDFLAGS := -m32
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<File Name="object_triforce_spot" Segment="6">
<Array Name="gTriforceVtx" Count="32" Offset="0x0000">
<Array Name="gTriforceVtx" Count="96" Offset="0x0000">
@ -175,8 +175,6 @@ extern "C" void Graph_StartFrame() {
// C->C++ Bridge
extern "C" void Graph_ProcessGfxCommands(Gfx* commands) {
OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->SetFrameDivisor(CVar_GetS32("g60FPS", 0) == 0 ? R_UPDATE_RATE : 1);
if (!audio.initialized) {
audio.initialized = true;
std::thread([]() {
@ -226,15 +224,45 @@ extern "C" void Graph_ProcessGfxCommands(Gfx* commands) {
std::vector<std::unordered_map<Mtx*, MtxF>> mtx_replacements;
if (CVar_GetS32("g60FPS", 0) != 0) {
int to = R_UPDATE_RATE;
for (int i = 1; i < to; i++) {
mtx_replacements.push_back(FrameInterpolation_Interpolate(i / (float)to));
int target_fps = CVar_GetS32("gInterpolationFPS", 20);
static int last_fps;
static int last_update_rate;
static int time;
int fps = target_fps;
int original_fps = 60 / R_UPDATE_RATE;
if (target_fps == 20 || original_fps > target_fps) {
fps = original_fps;
if (last_fps != fps || last_update_rate != R_UPDATE_RATE) {
time = 0;
// time_base = fps * original_fps (one second)
int next_original_frame = fps;
while (time + original_fps <= next_original_frame) {
time += original_fps;
if (time != next_original_frame) {
mtx_replacements.push_back(FrameInterpolation_Interpolate((float)time / next_original_frame));
} else {
time -= fps;
int threshold = CVar_GetS32("gExtraLatencyThreshold", 80);
OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->SetMaximumFrameLatency(threshold > 0 && target_fps >= threshold ? 2 : 1);
OTRGlobals::Instance->context->GetWindow()->RunCommands(commands, mtx_replacements);
last_fps = fps;
last_update_rate = R_UPDATE_RATE;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(audio.mutex);
while (audio.processing) {
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ void FrameInterpolation_StartRecord(void) {
current_recording = {};
if (CVar_GetS32("g60FPS", 0) != 0) {
if (CVar_GetS32("gInterpolationFPS", 20) != 20) {
is_recording = true;
@ -19,9 +19,50 @@ MessageTableEntry* OTRMessage_LoadTable(const char* filePath, bool isNES) {
if (file == nullptr)
return nullptr;
MessageTableEntry* table = (MessageTableEntry*)malloc(sizeof(MessageTableEntry) * file->messages.size());
// Allocate room for an additional message
MessageTableEntry* table = (MessageTableEntry*)malloc(sizeof(MessageTableEntry) * (file->messages.size() + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < file->messages.size(); i++) {
// Look for Owl Text
if (file->messages[i].id == 0x2066) {
// Create a new message based on the Owl Text
char* kaeporaPatch = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * file->messages[i].msg.size());
file->messages[i].msg.copy(kaeporaPatch, file->messages[i].msg.size(), 0);
// Swap the order of yes and no in this new message
if (filePath == "text/nes_message_data_static/nes_message_data_static") {
kaeporaPatch[26] = 'Y';
kaeporaPatch[27] = 'e';
kaeporaPatch[28] = 's';
kaeporaPatch[29] = 1;
kaeporaPatch[30] = 'N';
kaeporaPatch[31] = 'o';
} else if (filePath == "text/ger_message_data_static/ger_message_data_static") {
kaeporaPatch[30] = 'J';
kaeporaPatch[31] = 'a';
kaeporaPatch[32] = '!';
kaeporaPatch[33] = 1;
kaeporaPatch[34] = 'N';
kaeporaPatch[35] = 'e';
kaeporaPatch[36] = 'i';
kaeporaPatch[37] = 'n';
} else {
kaeporaPatch[26] = 'O';
kaeporaPatch[27] = 'u';
kaeporaPatch[28] = 'i';
kaeporaPatch[29] = 1;
kaeporaPatch[30] = 'N';
kaeporaPatch[31] = 'o';
kaeporaPatch[32] = 'n';
// load data into message
table[file->messages.size()].textId = 0x71B3;
table[file->messages.size()].typePos = (file->messages[i].textboxType << 4) | file->messages[i].textboxYPos;
table[file->messages.size()].segment = kaeporaPatch;
table[file->messages.size()].msgSize = file->messages[i].msg.size();
table[i].textId = file->messages[i].id;
table[i].typePos = (file->messages[i].textboxType << 4) | file->messages[i].textboxYPos;
table[i].segment = file->messages[i].msg.c_str();
@ -2290,8 +2290,8 @@ void Actor_DrawFaroresWindPointer(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y) + yOffset,
((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z), 255, 255, 255, lightRadius);
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_actor.c", 5474);
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_actor.c", 5474);
void func_80030488(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
@ -128,6 +128,13 @@ void HealthMeter_Init(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
HeartDDOutline[0] = CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimR", 90);
HeartDDOutline[1] = CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimG", 90);
HeartDDOutline[2] = CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimB", 90);
} else {
HeartInner[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
HeartInner[1] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
HeartInner[2] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
HeartDDOutline[0] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R;
HeartDDOutline[1] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G;
HeartDDOutline[2] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B;
interfaceCtx->unk_228 = 0x140;
@ -194,12 +201,12 @@ void HealthMeter_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
HeartDDOutline[1] = CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimG", sHeartsDDPrim[0][1]);
HeartDDOutline[2] = CVar_GetS32("gDDCCHeartsPrimB", sHeartsDDPrim[0][2]);
} else {
HeartInner[0] = sHeartsPrimColors[0][0];
HeartInner[1] = sHeartsPrimColors[0][1];
HeartInner[2] = sHeartsPrimColors[0][2];
HeartDDOutline[0] = sHeartsDDPrim[0][0];
HeartDDOutline[1] = sHeartsDDPrim[0][1];
HeartDDOutline[2] = sHeartsDDPrim[0][2];
HeartInner[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
HeartInner[1] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
HeartInner[2] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
HeartDDOutline[0] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R;
HeartDDOutline[1] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G;
HeartDDOutline[2] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B;
if (interfaceCtx->unk_200 != 0) {
@ -299,33 +306,33 @@ void HealthMeter_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1] = (u8)(gFactor + HeartDDInner[1]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[2] = (u8)(bFactor + HeartDDInner[2]) & 0xFF;
} else {
sHeartsDDPrim[2][0] = HeartInner[0];
sHeartsDDPrim[2][1] = HeartInner[1];
sHeartsDDPrim[2][2] = HeartInner[2];
sHeartsDDPrim[2][0] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
sHeartsDDPrim[2][1] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
sHeartsDDPrim[2][2] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
sHeartsDDPrim[1][0] = sHeartsDDPrimColors[ddType][0];
sHeartsDDPrim[1][1] = sHeartsDDPrimColors[ddType][1];
sHeartsDDPrim[1][2] = sHeartsDDPrimColors[ddType][2];
sHeartsDDPrim[1][0] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R;
sHeartsDDPrim[1][1] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G;
sHeartsDDPrim[1][2] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B;
sHeartsDDEnv[1][0] = sHeartsDDEnvColors[ddType][0];
sHeartsDDEnv[1][1] = sHeartsDDEnvColors[ddType][1];
sHeartsDDEnv[1][2] = sHeartsDDEnvColors[ddType][2];
sHeartsDDEnv[1][0] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
sHeartsDDEnv[1][1] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
sHeartsDDEnv[1][2] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
rFactor = sHeartsDDPrimFactors[ddType][0] * ddFactor;
gFactor = sHeartsDDPrimFactors[ddType][1] * ddFactor;
bFactor = sHeartsDDPrimFactors[ddType][2] * ddFactor;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0] = (u8)(rFactor + HeartDDOutline[0]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1] = (u8)(gFactor + HeartDDOutline[1]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[2] = (u8)(bFactor + HeartDDOutline[2]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0] = (u8)(rFactor + HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1] = (u8)(gFactor + HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[2] = (u8)(bFactor + HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B) & 0xFF;
rFactor = sHeartsDDEnvFactors[ddType][0] * ddFactor;
gFactor = sHeartsDDEnvFactors[ddType][1] * ddFactor;
bFactor = sHeartsDDEnvFactors[ddType][2] * ddFactor;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0] = (u8)(rFactor + HeartDDInner[0]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1] = (u8)(gFactor + HeartDDInner[1]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[2] = (u8)(bFactor + HeartDDInner[2]) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0] = (u8)(rFactor + HEARTS_PRIM_R) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1] = (u8)(gFactor + HEARTS_PRIM_G) & 0xFF;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[2] = (u8)(bFactor + HEARTS_PRIM_B) & 0xFF;
@ -272,6 +272,13 @@ void Message_FindMessage(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u16 textId) {
const char** languageSegmentTable;
Font* font;
const char* seg;
u16 bufferId = textId;
// Use the better owl message if better owl is enabled
if (CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) != 0 && (bufferId == 0x2066 || bufferId == 0x607B ||
bufferId == 0x10C2 || bufferId == 0x10C6 || bufferId == 0x206A))
bufferId = 0x71B3;
if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER)
messageTableEntry = sGerMessageEntryTablePtr;
@ -287,7 +294,7 @@ void Message_FindMessage(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u16 textId) {
while (messageTableEntry->textId != 0xFFFF) {
font = &globalCtx->msgCtx.font;
if (messageTableEntry->textId == textId) {
if (messageTableEntry->textId == bufferId) {
foundSeg = messageTableEntry->segment;
font->charTexBuf[0] = messageTableEntry->typePos;
@ -298,14 +305,14 @@ void Message_FindMessage(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u16 textId) {
// "Message found!!!"
osSyncPrintf(" メッセージが,見つかった!!! = %x "
"(data=%x) (data0=%x) (data1=%x) (data2=%x) (data3=%x)\n",
textId, font->msgOffset, font->msgLength, foundSeg, seg, nextSeg);
bufferId, font->msgOffset, font->msgLength, foundSeg, seg, nextSeg);
// "Message not found!!!"
osSyncPrintf(" メッセージが,見つからなかった!!! = %x\n", textId);
osSyncPrintf(" メッセージが,見つからなかった!!! = %x\n", bufferId);
font = &globalCtx->msgCtx.font;
messageTableEntry = sNesMessageEntryTablePtr;
@ -2884,7 +2884,26 @@ void Interface_DrawItemButtons(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 0);
//There is probably a more elegant way to do it.
char* doAction = actionsTbl[3];
char newName[512];
if (gSaveContext.language != LANGUAGE_ENG) {
size_t length = strlen(doAction);
strcpy(newName, doAction);
if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_FRA) {
newName[length - 6] = 'F';
newName[length - 5] = 'R';
newName[length - 4] = 'A';
} else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER) {
newName[length - 6] = 'G';
newName[length - 5] = 'E';
newName[length - 4] = 'R';
doAction = newName;
memcpy(interfaceCtx->doActionSegment + DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE * 2, ResourceMgr_LoadTexByName(doAction), DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE);
gDPLoadTextureBlock_4b(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->doActionSegment + DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE * 2, G_IM_FMT_IA,
@ -744,26 +744,38 @@ void func_8008F470(GlobalContext* globalCtx, void** skeleton, Vec3s* jointTable,
gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x09, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sMouthTextures[eyeIndex]));
Color_RGB8 NewColor[3];
color = &sTunicColors[tunic];
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTunicsCol",0) == 1) {
if (tunic == PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI || tunic == PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON || tunic == PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA) {
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].r);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].g);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].b);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].r);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].g);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].b);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].r);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].g);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].b);
Color_RGB8 sTemp;
Color_RGB8 sOriginalTunicColors[] = {
{ 30, 105, 27 },
{ 100, 20, 0 },
{ 0, 60, 100 },
color = &sTemp;
if (tunic == PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI && CVar_GetS32("gUseTunicsCol",0)) {
color->r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].r);
color->g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].g);
color->b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].b);
} else if (tunic == PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON && CVar_GetS32("gUseTunicsCol",0)) {
color->r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].r);
color->g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].g);
color->b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Goron_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON].b);
} else if (tunic == PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA && CVar_GetS32("gUseTunicsCol",0)) {
color->r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].r);
color->g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].g);
color->b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Zora_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA].b);
} else if (!CVar_GetS32("gUseTunicsCol",0)){
if (tunic >= 3) {
color->r = sOriginalTunicColors[0].r;
color->g = sOriginalTunicColors[0].g;
color->b = sOriginalTunicColors[0].b;
} else {
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].r = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_R", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].r);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].g = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_G", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].g);
NewColor[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].b = CVar_GetS32("gTunic_Kokiri_B", sTunicColors[PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI].b);
color->r = sOriginalTunicColors[tunic].r;
color->g = sOriginalTunicColors[tunic].g;
color->b = sOriginalTunicColors[tunic].b;
color = NewColor;
gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, color->r, color->g, color->b, 0);
sDListsLodOffset = lod * 2;
@ -1649,26 +1661,118 @@ void func_80091A24(GlobalContext* globalCtx, void* seg04, void* seg06, SkelAnime
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_player_lib.c", 3288);
uintptr_t SelectedAnim = 0; // Current Animaiton on the menu
s16 EquipedStance; // Link's current mode (Two handed, One handed...)
s16 FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 0; // Time since last animation
s16 MinFrameCount; // Frame to wait before checking if we need to change the animation
void func_8009214C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u8* segment, SkelAnime* skelAnime, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, f32 scale,
s32 sword, s32 tunic, s32 shield, s32 boots) {
Input* p1Input = &globalCtx->state.input[0];
Vec3f eye = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -400.0f };
Vec3f at = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
Vec3s* destTable;
Vec3s* srcTable;
s32 i;
bool canswitchrnd = false;
s16 SelectedMode = CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 1);
MinFrameCount = CVar_GetS32("gMinFrameCount", 200);
gSegments[4] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(segment + 0x3800);
gSegments[6] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(segment + 0x8800);
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 0) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseTriforce", 0)) {
uintptr_t anim = gPlayerAnim_003238; // idle
uintptr_t* PauseMenuAnimSet[15][4] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // 0 = none
// IDLE // Two Handed // No shield // Kid Hylian Shield
{ gPlayerAnim_003238, gPlayerAnim_002BE0, gPlayerAnim_003240, gPlayerAnim_003240 }, // Idle
{ gPlayerAnim_003200, gPlayerAnim_003200, gPlayerAnim_003200, gPlayerAnim_003200 }, // Idle look around
{ gPlayerAnim_0033E0, gPlayerAnim_0033E0, gPlayerAnim_0033E0, gPlayerAnim_0033E0 }, // Idle Belt
{ gPlayerAnim_003418, gPlayerAnim_003418, gPlayerAnim_003418, gPlayerAnim_003418 }, // Idle shield adjust
{ gPlayerAnim_003420, gPlayerAnim_003428, gPlayerAnim_003420, gPlayerAnim_003420 }, // Idle test sword
{ gPlayerAnim_0033F0, gPlayerAnim_0033F0, gPlayerAnim_0033F0, gPlayerAnim_0033F0 }, // Idle yawn
{ gPlayerAnim_0025D0, gPlayerAnim_002BD0, gPlayerAnim_0025D0, gPlayerAnim_0025D0 }, // Battle Stance
{ gPlayerAnim_003290, gPlayerAnim_002BF8, gPlayerAnim_003290, gPlayerAnim_003290 }, // Walking (No shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_003268, gPlayerAnim_002BF8, gPlayerAnim_003268, gPlayerAnim_003268 }, // Walking (Holding shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_003138, gPlayerAnim_002B40, gPlayerAnim_003138, gPlayerAnim_003138 }, // Running (No shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_003140, gPlayerAnim_002B40, gPlayerAnim_003140, gPlayerAnim_003140 }, // Running (Holding shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_0031A8, gPlayerAnim_0031A8, gPlayerAnim_0031A8, gPlayerAnim_0031A8 }, // Hand on hip
{ gPlayerAnim_002AF0, gPlayerAnim_002928, gPlayerAnim_002AF0, gPlayerAnim_002AF0 }, // Spin Charge
{ gPlayerAnim_002820, gPlayerAnim_002820, gPlayerAnim_002820, gPlayerAnim_002820 }, // Look at hand
s16 AnimArraySize = ARRAY_COUNT(PauseMenuAnimSet);
anim = gPlayerAnim_002BE0; // Two Handed Anim
anim = gPlayerAnim_003240;
anim = gPlayerAnim_003240;
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", !0) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseTriforce", 0)) {
uintptr_t anim = 0; // Initialise anim
EquipedStance = 1;
} else if (CUR_EQUIP_VALUE(EQUIP_SHIELD) == 0) {
EquipedStance = 2;
EquipedStance = 3;
} else {
// Link is idle so revert to 0
EquipedStance = 0;
if (SelectedMode == 16) {
// Apply Random function
s16 SwitchAtFrame = 0;
s16 CurAnimDuration = 0;
if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim == 0) {
// When opening Kaleido this will be passed one time
SelectedAnim = rand() % (AnimArraySize - 0);
if (SelectedAnim == 0) {
// prevent loading 0 that would result to a crash.
SelectedAnim = 1;
} else if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim >= 1) {
SwitchAtFrame = Animation_GetLastFrame(PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance]);
CurAnimDuration = Animation_GetLastFrame(PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance]);
if (SwitchAtFrame < MinFrameCount) {
// Animation frame count is lower than minimal wait time then we wait for another round.
// This will be looped to always add current animation time if that still lower than minimum time
while (SwitchAtFrame < MinFrameCount) {
SwitchAtFrame = SwitchAtFrame + CurAnimDuration;
} else if (CurAnimDuration >= MinFrameCount) {
// Since we have more (or same) animation time than min duration we set the wait time to animation
// time.
SwitchAtFrame = CurAnimDuration;
if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim >= SwitchAtFrame) {
SelectedAnim = rand() % (AnimArraySize - 0);
if (SelectedAnim == 0) {
// prevent loading 0 that would result to a crash.
SelectedAnim = 1;
FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 1;
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
} else if (SelectedMode == 15) {
// When opening Kaleido this will be passed one time
if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim < 1) {
SelectedAnim = rand() % (AnimArraySize - 0);
if (SelectedAnim == 0) {
// prevent loading 0 that would result to a crash.
SelectedAnim = 1;
FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(p1Input->press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(p1Input->press.button, BTN_START)) {
FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 0;
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
} else if (SelectedMode < 16) {
// Not random so we place our CVar as SelectedAnim
SelectedAnim = SelectedMode;
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
//anim = gPlayerAnim_003428; // Use for biggoron sword?
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ void Sram_InitSram(GameState* gameState, SramContext* sramCtx) {
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNTU(sZeldaMagic) - 3; i++) {
if (sZeldaMagic[i + SRAM_HEADER_MAGIC] != sramCtx->readBuff[i + SRAM_HEADER_MAGIC]) {
osSyncPrintf("SRAM破壊!!!!!!\n"); // "SRAM destruction! ! ! ! ! !"
gSaveContext.language = sramCtx->readBuff[SRAM_HEADER_LANGUAGE];
gSaveContext.language = CVar_GetS32("gLanguages", 0);
memcpy(sramCtx->readBuff, sZeldaMagic, sizeof(sZeldaMagic));
sramCtx->readBuff[SRAM_HEADER_LANGUAGE] = gSaveContext.language;
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ void Sram_InitSram(GameState* gameState, SramContext* sramCtx) {
gSaveContext.audioSetting = sramCtx->readBuff[SRAM_HEADER_SOUND] & 3;
gSaveContext.zTargetSetting = sramCtx->readBuff[SRAM_HEADER_ZTARGET] & 1;
gSaveContext.language = sramCtx->readBuff[SRAM_HEADER_LANGUAGE];
gSaveContext.language = CVar_GetS32("gLanguages", 0);
if (gSaveContext.language >= LANGUAGE_MAX) {
gSaveContext.language = LANGUAGE_ENG;
@ -366,7 +366,9 @@ void func_80ACA7E0(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void EnOwl_ConfirmKokiriMessage(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x2065);
@ -393,7 +395,9 @@ void EnOwl_WaitOutsideKokiri(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACA998(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x2069);
this->actionFunc = func_80ACAA54;
@ -437,7 +441,9 @@ void EnOwl_WaitHyruleCastle(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACAB88(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
// obtained zelda's letter
if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1) {
@ -478,7 +484,9 @@ void EnOwl_WaitKakariko(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACAD34(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x206F);
this->actionFunc = func_80ACADF0;
@ -514,7 +522,9 @@ void EnOwl_WaitGerudo(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACAEB8(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x2071);
this->actionFunc = func_80ACAF74;
@ -634,7 +644,9 @@ void EnOwl_WaitDeathMountainShortcut(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACB344(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x607A);
@ -657,7 +669,9 @@ void func_80ACB3E0(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACB440(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x10C1);
this->actionFunc = func_80ACB4FC;
@ -692,7 +706,9 @@ void EnOwl_WaitLWPreSaria(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80ACB5C4(EnOwl* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) {
switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) {
// swap the order of the responses if better owl is enabled
uint8_t index = CVar_GetS32("gBetterOwl", 0) == 0 ? globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex : (1 - globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex);
switch (index) {
Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x10C5);
this->actionFunc = func_80ACB680;
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include "textures/title_static/title_static.h"
#include "textures/parameter_static/parameter_static.h"
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
static s16 sUnused = 106;
static s16 sScreenFillAlpha = 255;
@ -1136,6 +1138,8 @@ void FileChoose_ConfigModeDraw(GameState* thisx) {
FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(this, this->configMode);
if ((this->configMode != CM_NAME_ENTRY) && (this->configMode != CM_START_NAME_ENTRY)) {
@ -1227,6 +1231,8 @@ void FileChoose_ConfigModeDraw(GameState* thisx) {
FileChoose_SetView(this, 0.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f);
CLOSE_DISPS(this->state.gfxCtx, "../z_file_choose.c", 2352);
@ -1669,7 +1675,9 @@ void FileChoose_Main(GameState* thisx) {
// do not draw controls text in the options menu
if ((this->configMode <= CM_NAME_ENTRY_TO_MAIN) || (this->configMode >= CM_UNUSED_DELAY)) {
@ -89,11 +89,17 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawEquipmentImage(GlobalContext* globalCtx, void* source, u32
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_kaleido_equipment.c", 122);
Vec3s link_kaleido_rot = { 0, 32300, 0 }; // Default rotation link face us.
void KaleidoScope_DrawPlayerWork(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
PauseContext* pauseCtx = &globalCtx->pauseCtx;
Vec3f pos;
Vec3s rot;
//Vec3s rot; // Removed for not having it use din the function
f32 scale;
Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0];
s16 RotationSpeed = 150 * CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLinkRotationSpeed", 0);
bool AllowCRotation = (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 0) == 2) ? true : false;
bool AllowDPadRotation = (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 0) == 1) ? true : false;
pos.x = 2.0f;
@ -112,11 +118,29 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawPlayerWork(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
scale = 0.047f;
rot.y = 32300;
rot.x = rot.z = 0;
link_kaleido_rot.x = link_kaleido_rot.z = 0;
if (AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_DLEFT) ||
AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_CLEFT)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = link_kaleido_rot.y - RotationSpeed;
} else if (AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_DRIGHT) ||
AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_CRIGHT)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = link_kaleido_rot.y + RotationSpeed;
if (AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DUP) ||
AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DDOWN)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = 32300;
} else if (AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CUP) ||
AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CDOWN)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = 32300;
link_kaleido_rot.x = 0;
extern int fbTest;
gsSPSetFB(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx->polyOpa.p++, fbTest);
func_8009214C(globalCtx, pauseCtx->playerSegment, &pauseCtx->playerSkelAnime, &pos, &rot, scale,
func_8009214C(globalCtx, pauseCtx->playerSegment, &pauseCtx->playerSkelAnime, &pos, &link_kaleido_rot, scale,
@ -976,14 +976,23 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawCursor(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u16 pageIndex) {
temp = pauseCtx->unk_1E4;
if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 0) {
sCursorColors[1][0] = 255;
sCursorColors[1][1] = 255;
sCursorColors[1][2] = 0;
sCursorColors[2][0] = 0;
sCursorColors[2][1] = 50;
sCursorColors[2][2] = 255;
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 1) {
sCursorColors[1][0] = 255;
sCursorColors[1][1] = 255;
sCursorColors[1][2] = 0;
sCursorColors[2][0] = 0;
sCursorColors[2][1] = 255;
sCursorColors[2][2] = 50;
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 2) {
sCursorColors[1][0] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimR", 255);
sCursorColors[1][1] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimG", 255);
sCursorColors[1][2] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimB", 0);
sCursorColors[2][0] = CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimR", 0);
sCursorColors[2][1] = CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimG", 255);
sCursorColors[2][2] = CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimB", 50);
@ -1060,6 +1069,12 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawPages(GlobalContext* globalCtx, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
{ 0, 0, 0 }, { 255, 255, 0 }, { 0, 255, 50 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 255, 50 },
if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 0) {
D_8082ACF4[4][0] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[4][1] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[4][2] = 0;
D_8082ACF4[7][0] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[7][1] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[7][2] = 0;
D_8082ACF4[8][0] = 0;
D_8082ACF4[8][1] = 50;
D_8082ACF4[8][2] = 255;
@ -1067,6 +1082,12 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawPages(GlobalContext* globalCtx, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
D_8082ACF4[11][1] = 50;
D_8082ACF4[11][2] = 255;
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 1) {
D_8082ACF4[4][0] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[4][1] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[4][2] = 0;
D_8082ACF4[7][0] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[7][1] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[7][2] = 0;
D_8082ACF4[8][0] = 0;
D_8082ACF4[8][1] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[8][2] = 50;
@ -1074,6 +1095,12 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawPages(GlobalContext* globalCtx, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
D_8082ACF4[11][1] = 255;
D_8082ACF4[11][2] = 50;
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 2) {
D_8082ACF4[4][0] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimR", 255);
D_8082ACF4[4][1] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimG", 255);
D_8082ACF4[4][2] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimB", 0);
D_8082ACF4[7][0] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimR", 255);
D_8082ACF4[7][1] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimG", 255);
D_8082ACF4[7][2] = CVar_GetS32("gCCCBtnPrimB", 0);
D_8082ACF4[8][0] = CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimR", 0);
D_8082ACF4[8][1] = CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimG", 255);
D_8082ACF4[8][2] = CVar_GetS32("gCCABtnPrimB", 50);
Reference in New Issue
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