mirror of https://github.com/mcgurk/Arduino-USB-HID-RetroJoystickAdapter synced 2024-08-13 15:43:47 -04:00
2021-11-05 21:14:38 +02:00

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Based on https://github.com/dmadison/ArduinoXInput
- Install Arduino IDE hardware:
- Install Arduino IDE library from Library manager:
XInput by David Madison
- Tester from Windows Store:
Game Controller Tester
- Doesn't go to flashing mode automatically. Connect RST to GND to get Arduino Pro Micro to programming mode.
- Arduino Pro Micro needs PB0/SS-pin to work. And it is not broken out. So no SPI for PSX-controller I guess?
- It could be used as pin 17 in code, if led could be disabled?
## PsxNewLib
- https://github.com/SukkoPera/PsxNewLib
- https://github.com/SukkoPera/PsxControllerShield
- https://github.com/SukkoPera/PsxControllerShield/blob/master/doc/schematics.pdf
- (my green dualshock analog controller: SCPH-1200)
- https://store.curiousinventor.com/guides/PS2
- https://github.com/SukkoPera/PsxNewLib/issues/12
PSX | SPI | Uno | Pro Micro | notes
--- | --- | --- | ---
1 DATA (brown ![#brown](https://via.placeholder.com/10/c68c53/000000?text=+)) | MISO → | D12 (PB4) | D14 (PB3) |
2 CMD (orange ![#orange](https://via.placeholder.com/10/ff8000/000000?text=+)) | MOSI ← | D11 (PB3) | D16 (PB2) |
3 Vibration power (7.2-9V) (grey ![#grey](https://via.placeholder.com/10/999999/000000?text=+)) | | | |
4 GND (black ![#black](https://via.placeholder.com/10/000000/000000?text=+)) | | GND | GND |
5 VCC (3.3V) (red ![#red](https://via.placeholder.com/10/ff0000/000000?text=+)) | | VCC | VCC |
6 ATT (yellow ![#yellow](https://via.placeholder.com/10/ffff00/000000?text=+)) | SS ← | D10 (PB2) | D10 | (pro micro: SS would be D17 (PB0/RX_LED), but there is no pin D17)
7 CLK (blue ![#blue](https://via.placeholder.com/10/0000ff/000000?text=+)) | SCK ← | D13 (PB5) | D15 (PB1) |
8 unknown (white ![#white](https://via.placeholder.com/10/ffffff/000000?text=+)) | | | |
9 ACK (green ![#green](https://via.placeholder.com/10/00ff00/000000?text=+)) | | | | (when this is needed?)
| | | | |
1 VCC (3.3V) | | | |
2 SCL | | A5 (PC5) | D3 (PD0) |
3 Detect device (3.3V) | - | - | - |
4 NC | | | |
5 SDA | | A4 (PC4) | D2 (PD1) |
6 GND | | | |