
154 lines
5.7 KiB

use crate::{
srv::{digest, Posh},
use log::{debug, trace};
use ring::digest::SHA256;
use rustls::{
client::{ServerCertVerified, ServerCertVerifier},
server::{ClientCertVerified, ClientCertVerifier},
Certificate, CertificateError, DistinguishedName, Error, ServerName,
use std::{convert::TryFrom, time::SystemTime};
use webpki::{DnsName, KeyUsage};
type SignatureAlgorithms = &'static [&'static webpki::SignatureAlgorithm];
/// Which signature verification mechanisms we support. No particular
/// order.
static SUPPORTED_SIG_ALGS: SignatureAlgorithms = &[
pub fn pki_error(error: webpki::Error) -> Error {
use webpki::Error::*;
match error {
BadDer | BadDerTime => Error::InvalidCertificate(CertificateError::BadEncoding),
InvalidSignatureForPublicKey | UnsupportedSignatureAlgorithm | UnsupportedSignatureAlgorithmForPublicKey => Error::InvalidCertificate(CertificateError::BadSignature),
e => Error::General(format!("invalid peer certificate: {}", e)),
pub fn verify_is_valid_tls_server_cert<'a>(end_entity: &'a Certificate, intermediates: &'a [Certificate], now: SystemTime) -> Result<webpki::EndEntityCert<'a>, Error> {
// from WebPkiVerifier, validates CA trusted cert
let (cert, chain) = prepare(end_entity, intermediates)?;
let webpki_now = webpki::Time::try_from(now).map_err(|_| Error::FailedToGetCurrentTime)?;
cert.verify_for_usage(SUPPORTED_SIG_ALGS, &TLS_SERVER_ROOTS, &chain, webpki_now, KeyUsage::server_auth(), &[])
pub struct AllowAnonymousOrAnyCert;
impl ClientCertVerifier for AllowAnonymousOrAnyCert {
fn offer_client_auth(&self) -> bool {
fn client_auth_mandatory(&self) -> bool {
fn client_auth_root_subjects(&self) -> &[DistinguishedName] {
fn verify_client_cert(&self, _: &Certificate, _: &[Certificate], _: SystemTime) -> Result<ClientCertVerified, Error> {
// this is checked only after the first <stream: stanza so we know the from=
type CertChainAndRoots<'a> = (webpki::EndEntityCert<'a>, Vec<&'a [u8]>);
fn prepare<'a>(end_entity: &'a Certificate, intermediates: &'a [Certificate]) -> Result<CertChainAndRoots<'a>, Error> {
// EE cert must appear first.
let cert = webpki::EndEntityCert::try_from(end_entity.0.as_ref()).map_err(pki_error)?;
let intermediates: Vec<&'a [u8]> = intermediates.iter().map(|cert| cert.0.as_ref()).collect();
Ok((cert, intermediates))
pub struct XmppServerCertVerifier {
names: Vec<DnsName>,
posh: Option<Posh>,
sha256_pinnedpubkeys: Vec<String>,
impl XmppServerCertVerifier {
pub fn new(names: Vec<DnsName>, posh: Option<Posh>, sha256_pinnedpubkeys: Vec<String>) -> Self {
XmppServerCertVerifier { names, posh, sha256_pinnedpubkeys }
pub fn verify_cert(&self, end_entity: &Certificate, intermediates: &[Certificate], now: SystemTime) -> Result<ServerCertVerified, Error> {
if !self.sha256_pinnedpubkeys.is_empty() {
let cert = webpki::TrustAnchor::try_from_cert_der(end_entity.0.as_ref()).map_err(pki_error)?;
trace!("spki.len(): {}", cert.spki.len());
trace!("spki: {:?}", cert.spki);
// todo: what is wrong with webpki? it returns *almost* the right answer but missing these leading bytes:
// guess I'll open an issue... (I assume this is some type of algorithm identifying header or something)
let mut pubkey: Vec<u8> = vec![48, 130, 1, 34];
if self.sha256_pinnedpubkeys.contains(&digest(&SHA256, &pubkey)) {
debug!("pinnedpubkey succeeded for {:?}", self.names.first());
return Ok(ServerCertVerified::assertion());
// todo: else fail ????
if let Some(ref posh) = self.posh {
if posh.valid_cert(end_entity.as_ref()) {
debug!("posh succeeded for {:?}", self.names.first());
return Ok(ServerCertVerified::assertion());
} else {
// per RFC if POSH fails, continue with other methods
debug!("posh failed for {:?}", self.names.first());
// validates CA trusted cert
let cert = verify_is_valid_tls_server_cert(end_entity, intermediates, now)?;
for name in &self.names {
if cert.verify_is_valid_for_subject_name(webpki::SubjectNameRef::DnsName(name.as_ref())).is_ok() {
return Ok(ServerCertVerified::assertion());
Err(Error::General(format!("invalid peer certificate: all validation attempts failed: {:?}", end_entity)))
impl ServerCertVerifier for XmppServerCertVerifier {
fn verify_server_cert(
end_entity: &Certificate,
intermediates: &[Certificate],
_server_name: &ServerName,
_scts: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &[u8]>,
_ocsp_response: &[u8],
now: SystemTime,
) -> Result<ServerCertVerified, Error> {
self.verify_cert(end_entity, intermediates, now)
fn request_scts(&self) -> bool {