use crate::{ common::{ first_bytes_match_buf_timeout, incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr_filter, IncomingConfig, ServerCerts}, stream_listener::StreamListener, to_str, AsyncReadWritePeekSplit, Split, IN_BUFFER_SIZE, }, context::Context, in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite}, slicesubsequence::SliceSubsequence, stanzafilter::{StanzaFilter, StanzaReader}, }; use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use log::{error, info, trace, warn}; use rustls::ServerConfig; use std::{net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc}; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, BufStream}, task::JoinHandle, }; use tokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor; pub fn tls_acceptor(server_config: ServerConfig) -> TlsAcceptor { TlsAcceptor::from(Arc::new(server_config)) } pub fn spawn_tls_listener(listener: impl StreamListener, config: Arc, acceptor: TlsAcceptor) -> JoinHandle> { tokio::spawn(async move { let local_addr = listener.local_addr()?; loop { let (stream, client_addr) = listener.accept().await?; let config = config.clone(); let acceptor = acceptor.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut client_addr = Context::new("tcp-in", client_addr); if let Err(e) = handle_tls_connection(stream, &mut client_addr, local_addr, config, acceptor).await { error!("{} {}", client_addr.log_from(), e); } }); } }) } pub async fn handle_tls_connection(mut stream: S, client_addr: &mut Context<'_>, local_addr: SocketAddr, config: Arc, acceptor: TlsAcceptor) -> Result<()> { info!("{} connected", client_addr.log_from()); let mut in_filter = StanzaFilter::new(config.max_stanza_size_bytes); /* TLS packet starts with a record "Hello" (0x16), followed by version * (0x03 0x00-0x03) (RFC6101 A.1) * This means we reject SSLv2 and lower, which is actually a good thing (RFC6176) * * could just check the leading 0x16 is TLS, it would *probably* be ok ? */ let direct_tls = stream.first_bytes_match(&mut in_filter.buf[0..3], |p| p[0] == 0x16 && p[1] == 0x03 && p[2] <= 0x03).await?; client_addr.set_proto(if direct_tls { "directtls-in" } else { "starttls-in" }); info!("{} direct_tls sniffed", client_addr.log_from()); // starttls let stream = if !direct_tls { let mut proceed_sent = false; let (in_rd, mut in_wr) = stream.split(); // we naively read 1 byte at a time, which buffering significantly speeds up // todo: I don't think we can buffer here, because then we throw away the data left in the buffer? yet it's been working... am I losing my mind? //let in_rd = tokio::io::BufReader::with_capacity(IN_BUFFER_SIZE, in_rd); let mut in_rd = StanzaReader(in_rd); while let Ok(Some(buf)) = in_filter).await { trace!("{} received pre-tls stanza: '{}'", client_addr.log_from(), to_str(buf)); if buf.starts_with(b" with the first, only the second? //let buf = br###""###; let buf = br###""###; trace!("{} '{}'", client_addr.log_to(), to_str(buf)); in_wr.write_all(buf).await?; in_wr.flush().await?; } else if buf.starts_with(b""###; trace!("{} '{}'", client_addr.log_to(), to_str(buf)); in_wr.write_all(buf).await?; in_wr.flush().await?; proceed_sent = true; break; } else { bail!("bad pre-tls stanza: {}", to_str(buf)); } } if !proceed_sent { bail!("stream ended before open"); } let mut stream = ::combine(in_rd.0, in_wr)?; // though says that no data, not even whitespace, should be sent after