#!/bin/sh set -euxo pipefail ipv4='192.5' # change to this directory cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-i 192.5] [-d] [-r] [-b] [-n]" 1>&2; exit 1; } build=0 build_args='' img='xmpp-proxy-test' xmpp_proxy_bind='' run_blocked=0 rebuild_image=0 ecdsa=0 # if we have access to nproc, divide that by 2, otherwise use 1 thread by default threads=$(($(nproc || echo 2) / 2)) while getopts ":it:drbeno" o; do case "${o}" in i) ipv4=${OPTARG} ;; t) threads=${OPTARG} ;; d) build=1 xmpp_proxy_bind="-v $PWD/../target/debug/xmpp-proxy:/usr/bin/xmpp-proxy:ro" ;; r) build=1 build_args='--release' xmpp_proxy_bind="-v $PWD/../target/release/xmpp-proxy:/usr/bin/xmpp-proxy:ro" ;; e) ecdsa=1 ;; b) run_blocked=1 ;; n) podman image rm -f "$img" "$img-dev" "$img-dev-ecdsa" exit $? ;; o) rebuild_image=1 ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) [ $build -eq 1 ] && img="$img-dev" [ $ecdsa -eq 1 ] && img="$img-ecdsa" rm -rf /tmp/xp-logs/ mkdir -p /tmp/xp-logs/ success=/tmp/xp-logs/success.txt error=/tmp/xp-logs/error.txt skipped=/tmp/xp-logs/skipped.txt run_container() { set +x network_name="$1" shift num="$1" shift args=() if [ "$1" == "-d" ] then args+=("-d") shift fi while [ "$1" == "-v" -o "$1" == "-w" ] do args+=("$1") shift args+=("$1") shift done ip="$1" shift name="$1" shift set -x podman run "${args[@]}" --rm --log-driver=k8s-file "--log-opt=path=/tmp/xp-logs/$dir-$name.log" --network "$network_name" --dns-search example.org --dns "$ipv4.$num.10" --hostname "$name" --name "$num-$name" --ip "$ipv4.$num.$ip" "$img" "$@" } cleanup() { network_name="$1" set +e # this shuts down all containers first too, handy! podman network rm -f -t 0 "$network_name" set -e } run_test() { dir="$1" shift network_name="$1" ( set +exo pipefail num="$(echo "$dir" | grep -o '^[0-9]*' | sed 's/^0//')" # create the network podman network create --disable-dns --internal --subnet $ipv4.$num.0/24 "$network_name" #podman network create --disable-dns --internal --ipv6 --subnet 2001:db8::/64 xmpp-proxy-net6 cp -a ./ "/tmp/xp-logs/$dir/" cd "/tmp/xp-logs/$dir/" sed -i "s/192\.5\.0\./$ipv4.$num./g" * # start the dns server run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./example.org.zone:/var/named/example.org.zone:ro 10 dns named -g -u named -d 99 # start the prosody servers if required [ -f ./prosody1.cfg.lua ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./prosody1.cfg.lua:/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua:ro 20 server1 prosody && podman exec $num-server1 prosodyctl register romeo one.example.org pass && podman exec $num-server1 prosodyctl register juliet two.example.org pass [ -f ./prosody2.cfg.lua ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./prosody2.cfg.lua:/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua:ro 30 server2 prosody && podman exec $num-server2 prosodyctl register juliet two.example.org pass # or the ejabberd servers [ -f ./ejabberd1.yml ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./ejabberd1.yml:/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml:ro 20 server1 /usr/bin/ejabberdctl foreground [ -f ./ejabberd2.yml ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./ejabberd2.yml:/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml:ro 30 server2 /usr/bin/ejabberdctl foreground [ -f ./xmpp-proxy1.toml ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d $xmpp_proxy_bind -v ./xmpp-proxy1.toml:/etc/xmpp-proxy/xmpp-proxy.toml:ro 40 xp1 xmpp-proxy [ -f ./xmpp-proxy2.toml ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d $xmpp_proxy_bind -v ./xmpp-proxy2.toml:/etc/xmpp-proxy/xmpp-proxy.toml:ro 50 xp2 xmpp-proxy [ -f ./xmpp-proxy3.toml ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d $xmpp_proxy_bind -v ./xmpp-proxy3.toml:/etc/xmpp-proxy/xmpp-proxy.toml:ro 60 xp3 xmpp-proxy [ -f ./nginx1.conf ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./nginx1.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro 70 web1 nginx [ -f ./nginx2.conf ] && run_container "$network_name" $num -d -v ./nginx2.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro 80 web2 nginx # can't register ejabberd user until it finishes starting up, hopefully that's done by now [ -f ./ejabberd1.yml ] && podman exec $num-server1 ejabberdctl started && podman exec $num-server1 ejabberdctl register romeo one.example.org pass && podman exec $num-server1 ejabberdctl register juliet two.example.org pass [ -f ./ejabberd2.yml ] && podman exec $num-server2 ejabberdctl started && podman exec $num-server2 ejabberdctl register juliet two.example.org pass # run the actual tests tests="$(cat tests || echo "-d .")" run_container "$network_name" $num -w /scansion/ 89 scansion scansion $tests # juliet_messages_romeo.scs juliet_presence.scs romeo_messages_juliet.scs romeo_presence.scs ) } try_run() { export dir="$(echo "$1" | tr -d '/')" set +exo pipefail echo "$dir" | grep -E "$dir_pattern" &>/dev/null [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "$dir" >> "$skipped" && return set -e cd "$dir" [ $run_blocked -eq 0 ] && [ -e blocked ] && echo "$dir" >> "$skipped" && cd .. && return set +e network_name="xmpp-proxy-$dir" run_test "$dir" "$network_name" if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "$dir" >> "$success" else echo "$dir" >> "$error" fi # this usually takes a few seconds, but we don't care, background it and ignore output cleanup "$network_name" >/dev/null & set -e cd .. } ( set -euxo pipefail export -f cleanup podman network ls | grep -o 'xmpp-proxy-[^ ]*' | xargs -n1 --no-run-if-empty cleanup || true podman image exists "$img" || rebuild_image=1 [ $rebuild_image -eq 0 ] || podman build -f Dockerfile --build-arg="ECDSA=$ecdsa" --build-arg="BUILD=$build" -t "$img" .. #podman run --rm "$img" openssl pkey -in /etc/prosody/certs/one.example.org.key -text if [ $build -eq 1 ] then cd .. cargo build $build_args cd integration fi dir_pattern="$(echo "$@" | tr -d '/' | sed -r 's/ +/|/g')" [ -z "$dir_pattern" ] && dir_pattern='.' echo -n | tee "$success" "$error" "$skipped" # all variables the functions use export dir_pattern ipv4 build build_args img xmpp_proxy_bind run_blocked rebuild_image ecdsa success error skipped # all the functions export -f try_run run_test run_container set +e printf '%s\0' */ | xargs -0 --max-procs=$threads -n1 bash -c 'try_run "$@"' _ set +x cat <