use crate::*; async fn handle_outgoing_connection(stream: tokio::net::TcpStream, client_addr: SocketAddr, max_stanza_size_bytes: usize) -> Result<()> { info!("out {} connected", client_addr); let in_filter = StanzaFilter::new(max_stanza_size_bytes); let (in_rd, mut in_wr) = tokio::io::split(stream); // we naively read 1 byte at a time, which buffering significantly speeds up //let in_rd = tokio::io::BufReader::with_capacity(IN_BUFFER_SIZE, in_rd); // now read to figure out client vs server let (stream_open, is_c2s, in_rd, mut in_filter) = stream_preamble(StanzaReader(in_rd), client_addr, in_filter).await?; // pull raw reader back out of StanzaReader let mut in_rd = in_rd.0; // todo: unsure how legit changing to a string here is... let domain = to_str(stream_open.extract_between(b" to='", b"'").or_else(|_| stream_open.extract_between(b" to=\"", b"\""))?); info!("out {} is_c2s: {}, domain: {}", client_addr, is_c2s, domain); trace!("out < {} {} '{}'", client_addr, c2s(is_c2s), to_str(&stream_open)); let (mut out_wr, mut out_rd, stream_open) = srv_connect(&domain, is_c2s, &stream_open, &mut in_filter).await?; // send server response to client in_wr.write_all(&stream_open).await?; in_wr.flush().await?; drop(stream_open); let mut out_buf = [0u8; OUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; loop { tokio::select! { Ok(buf) = in_filter) => { match buf { None => break, Some(buf) => { trace!("out < {} {} '{}'", domain, c2s(is_c2s), to_str(buf)); in_wr.write_all(buf).await?; in_wr.flush().await?; } } }, // we could filter outgoing from-client stanzas by size here too by doing same as above // but instead, we'll just send whatever the client sends as it sends it... Ok(n) = out_buf) => { if n == 0 { break; } trace!("out > {} {} '{}'", domain, c2s(is_c2s), to_str(&out_buf[0..n])); out_wr.write_all(&out_buf[0..n]).await?; out_wr.flush().await?; }, } } info!("out {} disconnected", client_addr); Ok(()) } pub fn spawn_outgoing_listener(local_addr: SocketAddr, max_stanza_size_bytes: usize) -> JoinHandle> { tokio::spawn(async move { let listener = TcpListener::bind(&local_addr).await.die("cannot listen on port/interface"); loop { let (stream, client_addr) = listener.accept().await?; tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = handle_outgoing_connection(stream, client_addr, max_stanza_size_bytes).await { error!("{} {}", client_addr, e); } }); } #[allow(unreachable_code)] Ok(()) }) }