Implement unix socket support in all directions
All checks were successful
moparisthebest/xmpp-proxy/pipeline/head This commit looks good
All checks were successful
moparisthebest/xmpp-proxy/pipeline/head This commit looks good
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,9 +28,14 @@ node('linux && docker') {
stage('Build + Deploy') {
sh '''
./ || exit 1
cargo clean
mkdir -p release
cp xmpp-proxy.toml release
curl --compressed -sL | bash
docker system prune -af
exit $ret
@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ echo "$TARGET" | grep -E '^x86_64-pc-windows-gnu$' >/dev/null && SUFFIX=".exe"
# ring fails to compile here
echo "$TARGET" | grep -E '^(s390x|powerpc|mips|riscv64gc|.*solaris$)' >/dev/null && echo "$TARGET not supported in rustls" && exit 0
# running `docker system prune -af` after these because they are roughly every 25% through and my hard drive space is limited
echo "$TARGET" | grep -E '^(armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf|x86_64-linux-android|mips-unknown-linux-gnu)$' >/dev/null && docker system prune -af
# mio fails to link here
echo "$TARGET" | grep -E '^x86_64-unknown-netbsd$' >/dev/null && echo "$TARGET not supported in mio" && exit 0
@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
futures = "0.3"
die = "0.2"
anyhow = "1.0"
tokio = { version = "1.9", features = ["net", "rt", "rt-multi-thread", "macros", "io-util", "signal"] }
tokio = { version = "1.9", features = ["net", "rt", "rt-multi-thread", "macros", "io-util", "signal", "time"] }
ring = "0.16"
data-encoding = "2.3"
async-trait = "0.1"
@ -101,5 +101,8 @@ websocket = ["tokio-tungstenite", "futures-util", "tls"] # websocket+incoming al
logging = ["rand", "env_logger"]
systemd = ["nix"]
# enables unit tests that need network and therefore may be flaky
net-test = []
serde_json = "1.0"
@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
set -euo pipefail
# if we have access to nproc, divide that by 2, otherwise use 1 thread by default
[ "$threads" == "" ] && threads=$(($(nproc || echo 2) / 2))
# 50 is about 1.5gb, ymmv
[ "$clean_after_num_builds" == "" ] && clean_after_num_builds=50
export clean_after_num_builds
echo "threads: $threads"
echo "clean_after_num_builds: $clean_after_num_builds"
export RUSTFLAGS=-Awarnings
@ -65,12 +73,26 @@ echo_cargo() {
#echo cargo run "$@" -- -v
#cargo run "$@" -- -v
echo cargo check "$@"
cargo check "$@"
flock -s /tmp/xmpp-proxy-check-all-features.lock cargo check "$@"
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]
echo "features failed: $@"
echo "command failed: cargo check $@"
flock -x 200
# now we are under an exclusive lock
count=$(cat /tmp/xmpp-proxy-check-all-features.count)
count=$(( count + 1 ))
if [ $count -ge $clean_after_num_builds ]
echo cargo clean
cargo clean
echo $count > /tmp/xmpp-proxy-check-all-features.count
) 200>/tmp/xmpp-proxy-check-all-features.lock
return $ret
@ -78,6 +100,8 @@ echo_cargo() {
export -f echo_cargo
echo 0 > /tmp/xmpp-proxy-check-all-features.count
all_features | sort | xargs -n1 --max-procs=$threads bash -c 'echo_cargo --no-default-features --features "$@" || exit 255' _
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::{
common::{c2s, certs_key::CertsKey, shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only, stream_preamble, to_str, ALPN_XMPP_CLIENT, ALPN_XMPP_SERVER},
common::{c2s, certs_key::CertsKey, shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only, stream_preamble, to_str, SocketAddrPath, ALPN_XMPP_CLIENT, ALPN_XMPP_SERVER},
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ use crate::{
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
use log::trace;
use rustls::{Certificate, ServerConfig, ServerConnection};
use std::{io::Write, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc};
use tokio::io::{AsyncWriteExt, ReadHalf, WriteHalf};
pub struct CloneableConfig {
use std::{io::Write, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc};
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
pub struct IncomingConfig {
pub max_stanza_size_bytes: usize,
#[cfg(feature = "s2s-incoming")]
pub s2s_target: Option<SocketAddr>,
pub s2s_target: Option<SocketAddrPath>,
#[cfg(feature = "c2s-incoming")]
pub c2s_target: Option<SocketAddr>,
pub c2s_target: Option<SocketAddrPath>,
pub proxy: bool,
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ impl ServerCerts {
pub async fn shuffle_rd_wr(in_rd: StanzaRead, in_wr: StanzaWrite, config: CloneableConfig, server_certs: ServerCerts, local_addr: SocketAddr, client_addr: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result<()> {
pub async fn shuffle_rd_wr(in_rd: StanzaRead, in_wr: StanzaWrite, config: Arc<IncomingConfig>, server_certs: ServerCerts, local_addr: SocketAddr, client_addr: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result<()> {
let filter = StanzaFilter::new(config.max_stanza_size_bytes);
shuffle_rd_wr_filter(in_rd, in_wr, config, server_certs, local_addr, client_addr, filter).await
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ pub async fn shuffle_rd_wr(in_rd: StanzaRead, in_wr: StanzaWrite, config: Clonea
pub async fn shuffle_rd_wr_filter(
mut in_rd: StanzaRead,
mut in_wr: StanzaWrite,
config: CloneableConfig,
config: Arc<IncomingConfig>,
server_certs: ServerCerts,
local_addr: SocketAddr,
client_addr: &mut Context<'_>,
@ -131,43 +131,33 @@ pub async fn shuffle_rd_wr_filter(
let (out_rd, out_wr) = open_incoming(&config, local_addr, client_addr, &stream_open, is_c2s, &mut in_filter).await?;
shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only(in_rd, in_wr, out_rd, out_wr, is_c2s, config.max_stanza_size_bytes, client_addr, in_filter).await
async fn open_incoming(
config: &CloneableConfig,
config: &IncomingConfig,
local_addr: SocketAddr,
client_addr: &mut Context<'_>,
stream_open: &[u8],
is_c2s: bool,
in_filter: &mut StanzaFilter,
) -> Result<(ReadHalf<tokio::net::TcpStream>, WriteHalf<tokio::net::TcpStream>)> {
let target: Option<SocketAddr> = if is_c2s {
) -> Result<(StanzaRead, StanzaWrite)> {
let target: &Option<SocketAddrPath> = if is_c2s {
#[cfg(not(feature = "c2s-incoming"))]
bail!("incoming c2s connection but lacking compile-time support");
#[cfg(feature = "c2s-incoming")]
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "s2s-incoming"))]
bail!("incoming s2s connection but lacking compile-time support");
#[cfg(feature = "s2s-incoming")]
let target = target.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("incoming connection but `{}_target` not defined", c2s(is_c2s)))?;
let target = target.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("incoming connection but `{}_target` not defined", c2s(is_c2s)))?;
let out_stream = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(target).await?;
let (out_rd, mut out_wr) = tokio::io::split(out_stream);
let (out_rd, mut out_wr) = target.connect().await?;
let out_rd = StanzaRead::new(out_rd);
if config.proxy {
@ -194,5 +184,5 @@ async fn open_incoming(
trace!("{} '{}'", client_addr.log_from(), to_str(stream_open));
Ok((out_rd, out_wr))
Ok((out_rd, StanzaWrite::AsyncWrite(out_wr)))
@ -12,10 +12,20 @@ use rustls::{
sign::{RsaSigningKey, SigningKey},
Certificate, PrivateKey,
use std::{fs::File, io, sync::Arc};
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
use std::{
fmt::{Display, Formatter},
net::{SocketAddr, UdpSocket},
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
use tokio::net::UnixStream;
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, BufReader, BufStream},
io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, BufReader, BufStream},
net::{TcpListener, TcpStream},
#[cfg(feature = "incoming")]
@ -29,11 +39,26 @@ pub mod ca_roots;
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
pub mod certs_key;
pub mod stream_listener;
pub const IN_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
pub const ALPN_XMPP_CLIENT: &[u8] = b"xmpp-client";
pub const ALPN_XMPP_SERVER: &[u8] = b"xmpp-server";
pub trait AsyncReadAndWrite: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send {}
impl<T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send> AsyncReadAndWrite for T {}
pub trait AsyncReadWritePeekSplit: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Peek + Send + 'static + Unpin + Split {}
impl<T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Peek + Send + 'static + Unpin + Split> AsyncReadWritePeekSplit for T {}
pub type BoxAsyncReadWrite = Box<dyn AsyncReadAndWrite>;
pub type BufAsyncReadWrite = BufStream<BoxAsyncReadWrite>;
pub fn buf_stream(stream: BoxAsyncReadWrite) -> BufAsyncReadWrite {
// todo: do we *want* a non-zero writer_capacity ?
BufStream::with_capacity(IN_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, stream)
pub fn to_str(buf: &[u8]) -> std::borrow::Cow<'_, str> {
@ -46,13 +71,97 @@ pub fn c2s(is_c2s: bool) -> &'static str {
pub enum SocketAddrPath {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
impl SocketAddrPath {
pub async fn connect(&self) -> Result<(Box<dyn AsyncRead + Unpin + Send>, Box<dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send>)> {
Ok(match self {
SocketAddrPath::SocketAddr(sa) => TcpStream::connect(sa).await?.split_boxed(),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
SocketAddrPath::Path(path) => tokio::net::UnixStream::connect(path).await?.split_boxed(),
pub async fn bind(&self) -> Result<Listener> {
Ok(match self {
SocketAddrPath::SocketAddr(sa) => Listener::Tcp(TcpListener::bind(sa).await?),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
SocketAddrPath::Path(path) => Listener::Unix(tokio::net::UnixListener::bind(path)?),
pub async fn bind_udp(&self) -> Result<UdpListener> {
Ok(match self {
SocketAddrPath::SocketAddr(sa) => UdpListener::Udp(UdpSocket::bind(sa)?),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
SocketAddrPath::Path(path) => UdpListener::Unix(std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram::bind(path)?),
impl Display for SocketAddrPath {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
SocketAddrPath::SocketAddr(x) => x.fmt(f),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
SocketAddrPath::Path(x) => x.display().fmt(f),
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SocketAddrPath {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<SocketAddrPath, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
let str = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;
// seems good enough, possibly could improve
Ok(if str.contains('/') {
} else {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub enum Listener {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub enum UdpListener {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub trait Split: Sized {
type ReadHalf: AsyncRead + Unpin;
type WriteHalf: AsyncWrite + Unpin;
type ReadHalf: AsyncRead + Unpin + Send + 'static;
type WriteHalf: AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static;
fn combine(read_half: Self::ReadHalf, write_half: Self::WriteHalf) -> Result<Self>;
fn split(self) -> (Self::ReadHalf, Self::WriteHalf);
fn stanza_rw(self) -> (StanzaRead, StanzaWrite);
fn split_boxed(self) -> (Box<dyn AsyncRead + Unpin + Send>, Box<dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send>) {
let (rd, wr) = self.split();
(Box::new(rd), Box::new(wr))
impl Split for TcpStream {
@ -66,9 +175,56 @@ impl Split for TcpStream {
fn split(self) -> (Self::ReadHalf, Self::WriteHalf) {
fn stanza_rw(self) -> (StanzaRead, StanzaWrite) {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = self.into_split();
(StanzaRead::new(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr))
impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send> Split for BufStream<T> {
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-rustls")]
impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static> Split for tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream<T> {
type ReadHalf = tokio::io::ReadHalf<tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream<T>>;
type WriteHalf = tokio::io::WriteHalf<tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream<T>>;
fn combine(read_half: Self::ReadHalf, write_half: Self::WriteHalf) -> Result<Self> {
if read_half.is_pair_of(&write_half) {
} else {
bail!("non-matching read/write half")
fn split(self) -> (Self::ReadHalf, Self::WriteHalf) {
fn stanza_rw(self) -> (StanzaRead, StanzaWrite) {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = tokio::io::split(self);
(StanzaRead::new(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr))
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
impl Split for UnixStream {
type ReadHalf = tokio::net::unix::OwnedReadHalf;
type WriteHalf = tokio::net::unix::OwnedWriteHalf;
fn combine(read_half: Self::ReadHalf, write_half: Self::WriteHalf) -> Result<Self> {
fn split(self) -> (Self::ReadHalf, Self::WriteHalf) {
fn stanza_rw(self) -> (StanzaRead, StanzaWrite) {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = self.into_split();
(StanzaRead::new(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr))
impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static> Split for BufStream<T> {
type ReadHalf = tokio::io::ReadHalf<BufStream<T>>;
type WriteHalf = tokio::io::WriteHalf<BufStream<T>>;
@ -83,13 +239,18 @@ impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send> Split for BufStream<T> {
fn split(self) -> (Self::ReadHalf, Self::WriteHalf) {
fn stanza_rw(self) -> (StanzaRead, StanzaWrite) {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = tokio::io::split(self);
(StanzaRead::already_buffered(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr))
pub trait Peek {
async fn peek_bytes<'a>(&mut self, p: &'a mut [u8]) -> anyhow::Result<&'a [u8]>;
async fn first_bytes_match<'a>(&mut self, p: &'a mut [u8], matcher: fn(&'a [u8]) -> bool) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
async fn first_bytes_match<'a>(&mut self, p: &'a mut [u8], matcher: fn(&'a [u8]) -> bool) -> Result<bool> {
@ -170,6 +331,23 @@ impl<T: AsyncRead + Unpin + Send> Peek for BufReader<T> {
/// Caution: this will loop forever, call timeout variant `first_bytes_match_buf_timeout`
async fn first_bytes_match_buf(stream: &mut (dyn AsyncBufRead + Send + Unpin), len: usize, matcher: fn(&[u8]) -> bool) -> Result<bool> {
use tokio::io::AsyncBufReadExt;
loop {
let buf = stream.fill_buf().await?;
if buf.len() >= len {
return Ok(matcher(&buf[0..len]));
pub async fn first_bytes_match_buf_timeout(stream: &mut (dyn AsyncBufRead + Send + Unpin), len: usize, matcher: fn(&[u8]) -> bool) -> Result<bool> {
// wait up to 10 seconds until 3 bytes have been read
use std::time::Duration;
tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), first_bytes_match_buf(stream, len, matcher)).await?
pub async fn stream_preamble(in_rd: &mut StanzaRead, in_wr: &mut StanzaWrite, client_addr: &'_ str, in_filter: &mut StanzaFilter) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, bool)> {
let mut stream_open = Vec::new();
while let Ok(Some((buf, _))) =, client_addr, in_wr).await {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
use crate::common::AsyncReadWritePeekSplit;
use anyhow::Result;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::io::{Error, IoSlice};
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
use tokio::net::{UnixListener, UnixStream};
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, BufStream, ReadBuf},
net::{TcpListener, TcpStream},
pub trait StreamListener: Send + Sync + 'static {
type Stream: AsyncReadWritePeekSplit;
async fn accept(&self) -> Result<(Self::Stream, SocketAddr)>;
fn local_addr(&self) -> Result<SocketAddr>;
impl StreamListener for TcpListener {
type Stream = TcpStream;
async fn accept(&self) -> Result<(Self::Stream, SocketAddr)> {
fn local_addr(&self) -> Result<SocketAddr> {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
impl StreamListener for UnixListener {
type Stream = BufStream<UnixStream>;
async fn accept(&self) -> Result<(Self::Stream, SocketAddr)> {
let (stream, _client_addr) = self.accept().await?;
// todo: real SocketAddr
let client_addr: SocketAddr = "".parse()?;
Ok((BufStream::new(stream), client_addr))
fn local_addr(&self) -> Result<SocketAddr> {
// todo: real SocketAddr
pub enum AllStream {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
impl AsyncRead for AllStream {
fn poll_read(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>) -> Poll<std::io::Result<()>> {
match self.get_mut() {
AllStream::Tcp(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_read(cx, buf),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
AllStream::Unix(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_read(cx, buf),
impl AsyncWrite for AllStream {
fn poll_write(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<std::result::Result<usize, Error>> {
match self.get_mut() {
AllStream::Tcp(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_write(cx, buf),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
AllStream::Unix(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_write(cx, buf),
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<std::result::Result<(), Error>> {
match self.get_mut() {
AllStream::Tcp(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_flush(cx),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
AllStream::Unix(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_flush(cx),
fn poll_shutdown(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<std::result::Result<(), Error>> {
match self.get_mut() {
AllStream::Tcp(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_shutdown(cx),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
AllStream::Unix(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_shutdown(cx),
fn poll_write_vectored(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>]) -> Poll<std::result::Result<usize, Error>> {
match self.get_mut() {
AllStream::Tcp(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
AllStream::Unix(s) => Pin::new(s).poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs),
fn is_write_vectored(&self) -> bool {
match self {
AllStream::Tcp(s) => s.is_write_vectored(),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
AllStream::Unix(s) => s.is_write_vectored(),
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub struct Context<'a> {
proto: &'a str,
is_c2s: Option<bool>,
to: Option<String>,
to_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
to_addr: Option<String>,
from: Option<String>,
client_addr: SocketAddr,
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
if self.from.is_some() { self.from.as_ref().unwrap() } else { "unk" },
if self.is_c2s.is_some() { c2s(self.is_c2s.unwrap()) } else { "unk" },
if self.to_addr.is_some() { self.to_addr.as_ref().unwrap().to_string() } else { "unk".to_string() },
if self.to_addr.is_some() { self.to_addr.as_ref().unwrap() } else { "unk" },
if { } else { "unk" },
self.log_to = self.log_from.replace(" -> ", " <- ");
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
pub fn set_to_addr(&mut self, to_addr: SocketAddr) {
pub fn set_to_addr(&mut self, to_addr: String) {
if log_enabled!(log::Level::Info) {
self.to_addr = Some(to_addr);
@ -3,35 +3,42 @@ use anyhow::Result;
use die::{die, Die};
use log::{debug, info};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use std::{
net::{SocketAddr, UdpSocket},
use std::{ffi::OsString, fs::File, io::Read, iter::Iterator, path::Path, sync::Arc};
use tokio::{net::TcpListener, task::JoinHandle};
use xmpp_proxy::common::certs_key::CertsKey;
use xmpp_proxy::common::{certs_key::CertsKey, Listener, SocketAddrPath, UdpListener};
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
use tokio::net::UnixListener;
#[cfg(feature = "outgoing")]
use xmpp_proxy::{common::outgoing::OutgoingConfig, outgoing::spawn_outgoing_listener};
#[derive(Deserialize, Default)]
struct Config {
tls_key: String,
tls_cert: String,
incoming_listen: Vec<String>,
quic_listen: Vec<String>,
outgoing_listen: Vec<String>,
incoming_listen: Vec<SocketAddrPath>,
quic_listen: Vec<SocketAddrPath>,
outgoing_listen: Vec<SocketAddrPath>,
#[serde(default = "default_max_stanza_size_bytes")]
max_stanza_size_bytes: usize,
s2s_target: Option<SocketAddr>,
c2s_target: Option<SocketAddr>,
s2s_target: Option<SocketAddrPath>,
c2s_target: Option<SocketAddrPath>,
proxy: bool,
log_level: Option<String>,
log_style: Option<String>,
fn default_max_stanza_size_bytes() -> usize {
impl Config {
fn parse<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Config> {
let mut f = File::open(path)?;
@ -41,13 +48,13 @@ impl Config {
#[cfg(feature = "incoming")]
fn get_cloneable_cfg(&self) -> xmpp_proxy::common::incoming::CloneableConfig {
xmpp_proxy::common::incoming::CloneableConfig {
fn get_incoming_cfg(&self) -> xmpp_proxy::common::incoming::IncomingConfig {
xmpp_proxy::common::incoming::IncomingConfig {
max_stanza_size_bytes: self.max_stanza_size_bytes,
#[cfg(feature = "s2s-incoming")]
s2s_target: self.s2s_target,
s2s_target: self.s2s_target.clone(),
#[cfg(feature = "c2s-incoming")]
c2s_target: self.c2s_target,
c2s_target: self.c2s_target.clone(),
proxy: self.proxy,
@ -137,31 +144,31 @@ async fn main() {
let mut incoming_listen = Vec::new();
for a in main_config.incoming_listen.iter() {
incoming_listen.push(TcpListener::bind(a).await.die("cannot listen on port/interface"));
incoming_listen.push(a.bind().await.die("cannot listen on port/interface/socket"));
let mut quic_listen = Vec::new();
for a in main_config.quic_listen.iter() {
quic_listen.push(UdpSocket::bind(a).die("cannot listen on port/interface"));
quic_listen.push(a.bind_udp().await.die("cannot listen on port/interface/socket"));
let mut outgoing_listen = Vec::new();
for a in main_config.outgoing_listen.iter() {
outgoing_listen.push(TcpListener::bind(a).await.die("cannot listen on port/interface"));
outgoing_listen.push(a.bind().await.die("cannot listen on port/interface/socket"));
#[cfg(all(feature = "nix", not(target_os = "windows")))]
if let Ok(fds) = xmpp_proxy::systemd::receive_descriptors_with_names(true) {
use xmpp_proxy::systemd::Listener;
use xmpp_proxy::systemd::SystemdListener;
for fd in fds {
match fd.listener() {
Listener::Tcp(tcp_listener) => {
let tcp_listener = TcpListener::from_std(tcp_listener()).die("cannot open systemd TcpListener");
SystemdListener::Tcp(tcp_listener) => {
let listener = Listener::Tcp(TcpListener::from_std(tcp_listener()).die("cannot open systemd TcpListener"));
if let Some(name) =|n| n.to_ascii_lowercase()) {
if name.starts_with("in") {
} else if name.starts_with("out") {
} else {
die!("systemd socket name must start with 'in' or 'out' but is '{}'", name);
die!("systemd TCP socket name must start with 'in' or 'out' but is '{}'", name);
} else {
// what to do here... for now we will require names
@ -169,14 +176,29 @@ async fn main() {
die!("systemd TCP socket activation requires name that starts with 'in' or 'out'");
Listener::Udp(udp_socket) => quic_listen.push(udp_socket()),
_ => continue,
SystemdListener::UnixListener(unix_listener) => {
let listener = Listener::Unix(UnixListener::from_std(unix_listener()).die("cannot open systemd UnixListener"));
if let Some(name) =|n| n.to_ascii_lowercase()) {
if name.starts_with("in") {
} else if name.starts_with("out") {
} else {
die!("systemd Unix socket name must start with 'in' or 'out' but is '{}'", name);
} else {
// what to do here... for now we will require names
die!("systemd Unix socket activation requires name that starts with 'in' or 'out'");
SystemdListener::Udp(udp_socket) => quic_listen.push(UdpListener::Udp(udp_socket())),
SystemdListener::UnixDatagram(unix_datagram) => quic_listen.push(UdpListener::Unix(unix_datagram())),
#[cfg(feature = "incoming")]
let config = main_config.get_cloneable_cfg();
let config = Arc::new(main_config.get_incoming_cfg());
let certs_key = Arc::new(CertsKey::new(main_config.certs_key()));
@ -193,7 +215,13 @@ async fn main() {
let acceptor = tls_acceptor(server_config(certs_key.clone()).die("invalid cert/key ?"));
for listener in incoming_listen {
handles.push(spawn_tls_listener(listener, config.clone(), acceptor.clone()));
// todo: first is slower at runtime but smaller executable size, second opposite
//handles.push(spawn_tls_listener(listener, config.clone(), acceptor.clone()));
match listener {
Listener::Tcp(listener) => handles.push(spawn_tls_listener(listener, config.clone(), acceptor.clone())),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
Listener::Unix(listener) => handles.push(spawn_tls_listener(listener, config.clone(), acceptor.clone())),
#[cfg(not(all(any(feature = "tls", feature = "websocket"), feature = "incoming")))]
@ -211,7 +239,13 @@ async fn main() {
let quic_config = quic_server_config(server_config(certs_key.clone()).die("invalid cert/key ?"));
for listener in quic_listen {
handles.push(spawn_quic_listener(listener, config.clone(), quic_config.clone()));
// todo: maybe write a way to Box<dyn> this thing for smaller executable sizes
//handles.push(spawn_quic_listener(listener, config.clone(), quic_config.clone()));
match listener {
UdpListener::Udp(listener) => handles.push(spawn_quic_listener(listener, config.clone(), quic_config.clone())),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
UdpListener::Unix(listener) => handles.push(xmpp_proxy::quic::incoming::spawn_quic_listener_unix(listener, config.clone(), quic_config.clone())),
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "quic", feature = "incoming")))]
@ -222,8 +256,15 @@ async fn main() {
let outgoing_cfg = main_config.get_outgoing_cfg(certs_key.clone());
for listener in outgoing_listen {
handles.push(spawn_outgoing_listener(listener, outgoing_cfg.clone()));
// todo: first is slower at runtime but smaller executable size, second opposite
//handles.push(spawn_outgoing_listener(listener, outgoing_cfg.clone()));
match listener {
Listener::Tcp(listener) => handles.push(spawn_outgoing_listener(listener, outgoing_cfg.clone())),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
Listener::Unix(listener) => handles.push(spawn_outgoing_listener(listener, outgoing_cfg.clone())),
//#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "outgoing"))]
die!("outgoing_listen non-empty but c2s-outgoing and s2s-outgoing disabled at compile-time");
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
use crate::{
common::{outgoing::OutgoingConfig, shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only, stream_preamble, Peek},
common::{outgoing::OutgoingConfig, shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only, stream_listener::StreamListener, stream_preamble, AsyncReadWritePeekSplit},
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
use anyhow::Result;
use log::{error, info};
use tokio::{net::TcpListener, task::JoinHandle};
async fn handle_outgoing_connection(mut stream: tokio::net::TcpStream, client_addr: &mut Context<'_>, config: OutgoingConfig) -> Result<()> {
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
async fn handle_outgoing_connection<S: AsyncReadWritePeekSplit>(mut stream: S, client_addr: &mut Context<'_>, config: OutgoingConfig) -> Result<()> {
info!("{} connected", client_addr.log_from());
let mut in_filter = StanzaFilter::new(config.max_stanza_size_bytes);
@ -19,15 +19,11 @@ async fn handle_outgoing_connection(mut stream: tokio::net::TcpStream, client_ad
let (mut in_rd, mut in_wr) = if stream.first_bytes_match(&mut in_filter.buf[0..3], |p| p == b"GET").await? {
crate::websocket::incoming_websocket_connection(Box::new(stream), config.max_stanza_size_bytes).await?
} else {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = tokio::io::split(stream);
(StanzaRead::new(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr))
#[cfg(not(feature = "websocket"))]
let (mut in_rd, mut in_wr) = {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = tokio::io::split(stream);
(StanzaRead::new(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr))
let (mut in_rd, mut in_wr) = stream.stanza_rw();
// now read to figure out client vs server
let (stream_open, is_c2s) = stream_preamble(&mut in_rd, &mut in_wr, client_addr.log_to(), &mut in_filter).await?;
@ -46,13 +42,13 @@ async fn handle_outgoing_connection(mut stream: tokio::net::TcpStream, client_ad
shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only(in_rd, in_wr, out_rd, out_wr, is_c2s, max_stanza_size_bytes, client_addr, in_filter).await
pub fn spawn_outgoing_listener(listener: TcpListener, config: OutgoingConfig) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
pub fn spawn_outgoing_listener(listener: impl StreamListener, config: OutgoingConfig) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let (stream, client_addr) = listener.accept().await?;
let mut client_addr = Context::new("unk-out", client_addr);
let config = config.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut client_addr = Context::new("unk-out", client_addr);
if let Err(e) = handle_outgoing_connection(stream, &mut client_addr, config).await {
error!("{} {}", client_addr.log_from(), e);
@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
use crate::{
common::incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr, CloneableConfig, ServerCerts},
common::incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr, IncomingConfig, ServerCerts},
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
use anyhow::Result;
use die::Die;
use log::{error, info};
use quinn::{Endpoint, EndpointConfig, ServerConfig, TokioRuntime};
use std::{net::UdpSocket, sync::Arc};
use quinn::{AsyncUdpSocket, Endpoint, EndpointConfig, ServerConfig, TokioRuntime};
use std::{
net::{SocketAddr, UdpSocket},
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
pub fn spawn_quic_listener(udp_socket: UdpSocket, config: CloneableConfig, server_config: ServerConfig) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub fn spawn_quic_listener_unix(udp_socket: std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram, config: Arc<IncomingConfig>, server_config: ServerConfig) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
let udp_socket = crate::quic::unix_datagram::wrap_unix_udp_socket(udp_socket).die("cannot wrap unix udp socket");
// todo: fake local_addr
let local_addr = udp_socket.local_addr().die("cannot get local_addr for quic socket");
let incoming = Endpoint::new_with_abstract_socket(EndpointConfig::default(), Some(server_config), udp_socket, Arc::new(TokioRuntime)).die("cannot listen on port/interface");
internal_spawn_quic_listener(incoming, local_addr, config)
pub fn spawn_quic_listener(udp_socket: UdpSocket, config: Arc<IncomingConfig>, server_config: ServerConfig) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
let local_addr = udp_socket.local_addr().die("cannot get local_addr for quic socket");
let incoming = Endpoint::new(EndpointConfig::default(), Some(server_config), udp_socket, Arc::new(TokioRuntime)).die("cannot listen on port/interface");
internal_spawn_quic_listener(incoming, local_addr, config)
fn internal_spawn_quic_listener(incoming: Endpoint, local_addr: SocketAddr, config: Arc<IncomingConfig>) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
tokio::spawn(async move {
// when could this return None, do we quit?
while let Some(incoming_conn) = incoming.accept().await {
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
use crate::common::Split;
use crate::{
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
use anyhow::bail;
use quinn::{RecvStream, SendStream};
use std::{
@ -14,6 +17,9 @@ pub mod incoming;
#[cfg(feature = "outgoing")]
pub mod outgoing;
#[cfg(all(feature = "incoming", not(target_os = "windows")))]
pub mod unix_datagram;
pub struct QuicStream {
pub send: SendStream,
pub recv: RecvStream,
@ -54,4 +60,8 @@ impl Split for QuicStream {
fn split(self) -> (Self::ReadHalf, Self::WriteHalf) {
(self.recv, self.send)
fn stanza_rw(self) -> (StanzaRead, StanzaWrite) {
(StanzaRead::new(self.recv), StanzaWrite::new(self.send))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
use quinn::{udp, AsyncUdpSocket};
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use tokio::net::UnixDatagram;
use tokio::io::Interest;
macro_rules! ready {
($e:expr $(,)?) => {
match $e {
std::task::Poll::Ready(t) => t,
std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
pub fn wrap_unix_udp_socket(sock: std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram) -> io::Result<UnixUdpSocket> {
Ok(UnixUdpSocket {
io: UnixDatagram::from_std(sock)?,
inner: udp::UdpSocketState::new(),
pub struct UnixUdpSocket {
io: UnixDatagram,
inner: udp::UdpSocketState,
impl AsyncUdpSocket for UnixUdpSocket {
fn poll_send(&self, state: &udp::UdpState, cx: &mut Context, transmits: &[udp::Transmit]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
let inner = &self.inner;
let io = &;
loop {
if let Ok(res) = io.try_io(Interest::WRITABLE, || inner.send(io.into(), state, transmits)) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(res));
fn poll_recv(&self, cx: &mut Context, bufs: &mut [std::io::IoSliceMut<'_>], meta: &mut [udp::RecvMeta]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
loop {
if let Ok(res) =, || self.inner.recv((&, bufs, meta)) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(res));
fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result<std::net::SocketAddr> {
// todo: real SocketAddr
Ok("".parse().expect("this one is hardcoded and fine"))
fn may_fragment(&self) -> bool {
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ pub async fn srv_connect(
let (mut out_wr, mut out_rd, to_addr, proto) = connect.unwrap();
// if any of these ? returns early with an Err, these will stay set, I think that's ok though, the connection will be closed
debug!("{} connected", client_addr.log_from());
trace!("{} '{}'", client_addr.log_from(), to_str(stream_open));
@ -906,7 +906,8 @@ mod tests {
println!("posh: {:?}", posh);
#[cfg(feature = "net-test")]
async fn posh() -> Result<()> {
let domain = "";
let posh = collect_posh(domain).await.unwrap();
@ -914,7 +915,8 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(feature = "net-test")]
async fn srv() -> Result<()> {
let domain = "";
let is_c2s = true;
@ -930,7 +932,8 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(feature = "net-test")]
async fn http() -> Result<()> {
let mut hosts = Vec::new();
let mut sha256_pinnedpubkeys = Vec::new();
@ -990,77 +993,78 @@ mod tests {
fn test_dedup() {
let domain = "";
let mut ret = Vec::new();
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: false,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 0,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::StartTLS,
port: 5222,
secure: false,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 15,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 50,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 100,
target: "".to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
ret.push(XmppConnection {
priority: 0,
weight: 100,
target: "".to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
let mut ret = vec![
XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: false,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
XmppConnection {
priority: 0,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::StartTLS,
port: 5222,
secure: false,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
XmppConnection {
priority: 15,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 0,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 50,
target: domain.to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
XmppConnection {
priority: 10,
weight: 100,
target: "".to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
XmppConnection {
priority: 0,
weight: 100,
target: "".to_string(),
conn_type: XmppConnectionType::DirectTLS,
port: 443,
secure: true,
ips: Vec::new(),
ech: None,
sort_dedup(&mut ret);
println!("ret dedup: {:?}", ret);
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub struct FileDescriptor {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub enum Listener {
pub enum SystemdListener {
Tcp(Box<dyn FnOnce() -> TcpListener>),
Udp(Box<dyn FnOnce() -> UdpSocket>),
UnixListener(Box<dyn FnOnce() -> UnixListener>),
@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ impl FileDescriptor {
pub fn listener(&self) -> Listener {
pub fn listener(&self) -> SystemdListener {
let raw_fd = self.raw_fd;
match (self.tcp_not_udp, self.inet_not_unix) {
(true, true) => Listener::Tcp(Box::new(move || unsafe { TcpListener::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(false, true) => Listener::Udp(Box::new(move || unsafe { UdpSocket::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(true, false) => Listener::UnixListener(Box::new(move || unsafe { UnixListener::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(false, false) => Listener::UnixDatagram(Box::new(move || unsafe { UnixDatagram::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(true, true) => SystemdListener::Tcp(Box::new(move || unsafe { TcpListener::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(false, true) => SystemdListener::Udp(Box::new(move || unsafe { UdpSocket::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(true, false) => SystemdListener::UnixListener(Box::new(move || unsafe { UnixListener::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
(false, false) => SystemdListener::UnixDatagram(Box::new(move || unsafe { UnixDatagram::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })),
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
use crate::{
incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr_filter, CloneableConfig, ServerCerts},
to_str, Peek, Split, IN_BUFFER_SIZE,
incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr_filter, IncomingConfig, ServerCerts},
to_str, AsyncReadWritePeekSplit, Split, IN_BUFFER_SIZE,
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
@ -13,8 +15,7 @@ use log::{error, info, trace};
use rustls::{ServerConfig, ServerConnection};
use std::{net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc};
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt, BufStream},
io::{AsyncWriteExt, BufStream},
use tokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor;
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn tls_acceptor(server_config: ServerConfig) -> TlsAcceptor {
pub fn spawn_tls_listener(listener: TcpListener, config: CloneableConfig, acceptor: TlsAcceptor) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
pub fn spawn_tls_listener(listener: impl StreamListener, config: Arc<IncomingConfig>, acceptor: TlsAcceptor) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let local_addr = listener.local_addr()?;
loop {
@ -40,13 +41,7 @@ pub fn spawn_tls_listener(listener: TcpListener, config: CloneableConfig, accept
pub async fn handle_tls_connection<S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + Sync + Peek + Split + 'static>(
mut stream: S,
client_addr: &mut Context<'_>,
local_addr: SocketAddr,
config: CloneableConfig,
acceptor: TlsAcceptor,
) -> Result<()> {
pub async fn handle_tls_connection<S: AsyncReadWritePeekSplit>(mut stream: S, client_addr: &mut Context<'_>, local_addr: SocketAddr, config: Arc<IncomingConfig>, acceptor: TlsAcceptor) -> Result<()> {
info!("{} connected", client_addr.log_from());
let mut in_filter = StanzaFilter::new(config.max_stanza_size_bytes);
@ -67,11 +62,10 @@ pub async fn handle_tls_connection<S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + Sy
let mut proceed_sent = false;
let (in_rd, mut in_wr) = stream.split();
// todo: more efficient version for TCP:
//let (in_rd, mut in_wr) = stream.split();
// we naively read 1 byte at a time, which buffering significantly speeds up
let in_rd = tokio::io::BufReader::with_capacity(IN_BUFFER_SIZE, in_rd);
// todo: I don't think we can buffer here, because then we throw away the data left in the buffer? yet it's been working... am I losing my mind?
//let in_rd = tokio::io::BufReader::with_capacity(IN_BUFFER_SIZE, in_rd);
let mut in_rd = StanzaReader(in_rd);
while let Ok(Some(buf)) = in_filter).await {
@ -117,7 +111,7 @@ pub async fn handle_tls_connection<S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + Sy
if !proceed_sent {
bail!("stream ended before open");
<S as Split>::combine(in_rd.0.into_inner(), in_wr)?
<S as Split>::combine(in_rd.0, in_wr)?
} else {
@ -143,20 +137,19 @@ pub async fn handle_tls_connection<S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + Sy
#[cfg(not(feature = "websocket"))]
let (in_rd, in_wr) = tokio::io::split(stream);
let (in_rd, in_wr) = stream.split();
shuffle_rd_wr_filter(StanzaRead::new(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr), config, server_certs, local_addr, client_addr, in_filter).await
#[cfg(feature = "websocket")]
let mut stream = BufStream::with_capacity(IN_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, stream);
let websocket = stream.first_bytes_match(&mut in_filter.buf[0..3], |b| b == b"GET").await?;
let websocket = first_bytes_match_buf_timeout(&mut stream, 3, |p| p == b"GET").await?;
if websocket {
crate::websocket::incoming::handle_websocket_connection(Box::new(stream), config, server_certs, local_addr, client_addr, in_filter).await
} else {
let (in_rd, in_wr) = tokio::io::split(stream);
let (in_rd, in_wr) = stream.split();
shuffle_rd_wr_filter(StanzaRead::already_buffered(in_rd), StanzaWrite::new(in_wr), config, server_certs, local_addr, client_addr, in_filter).await
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
use crate::{
common::incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr_filter, CloneableConfig, ServerCerts},
incoming::{shuffle_rd_wr_filter, IncomingConfig, ServerCerts},
websocket::{incoming_websocket_connection, AsyncReadAndWrite},
use anyhow::Result;
use log::info;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::{net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc};
pub async fn handle_websocket_connection(
stream: Box<dyn AsyncReadAndWrite + Unpin + Send>,
config: CloneableConfig,
stream: BoxAsyncReadWrite,
config: Arc<IncomingConfig>,
server_certs: ServerCerts,
local_addr: SocketAddr,
client_addr: &mut Context<'_>,
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ pub mod incoming;
#[cfg(feature = "outgoing")]
pub mod outgoing;
pub type WsWr = SplitSink<WebSocketStream<Box<dyn AsyncReadAndWrite + Unpin + Send>>, tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::Message>;
pub type WsRd = SplitStream<WebSocketStream<Box<dyn AsyncReadAndWrite + Unpin + Send>>>;
pub type WsWr = SplitSink<WebSocketStream<BoxAsyncReadWrite>, tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::Message>;
pub type WsRd = SplitStream<WebSocketStream<BoxAsyncReadWrite>>;
@ -30,11 +30,7 @@ fn ws_cfg(max_stanza_size_bytes: usize) -> Option<WebSocketConfig> {
pub trait AsyncReadAndWrite: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite {}
impl<T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite> AsyncReadAndWrite for T {}
pub async fn incoming_websocket_connection(stream: Box<dyn AsyncReadAndWrite + Unpin + Send>, max_stanza_size_bytes: usize) -> Result<(StanzaRead, StanzaWrite)> {
pub async fn incoming_websocket_connection(stream: BoxAsyncReadWrite, max_stanza_size_bytes: usize) -> Result<(StanzaRead, StanzaWrite)> {
// accept the websocket
let stream = tokio_tungstenite::accept_hdr_async_with_config(
@ -118,6 +114,7 @@ pub fn to_ws_new(buf: &[u8], mut end_of_first_tag: usize, is_c2s: bool) -> Resul
use crate::{
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use crate::{
common::{outgoing::OutgoingVerifierConfig, BoxAsyncReadWrite},
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
websocket::{ws_cfg, AsyncReadAndWrite},
use anyhow::Result;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub async fn websocket_connect(target: SocketAddr, server_name: &str, url: &Uri,
//let stream: tokio_rustls::TlsStream<tokio::net::TcpStream> = stream.into();
// todo: tokio_tungstenite seems to have a bug, if the write buffer is non-zero, it'll hang forever, even though we always flush, investigate
//let stream = BufStream::with_capacity(crate::IN_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, stream);
let stream: Box<dyn AsyncReadAndWrite + Unpin + Send> = Box::new(stream);
let stream: BoxAsyncReadWrite = Box::new(stream);
let (stream, _) = tokio_tungstenite::client_async_with_config(request, stream, ws_cfg(config.max_stanza_size_bytes)).await?;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
incoming_listen = [ "", "", "" ]
# interfaces to listen for reverse proxy QUIC XMPP connections on, should be open to the internet
quic_listen = [ "" ]
# interfaces to listen for outgoing proxy TCP or WebSocket XMPP connections on, should be localhost
# interfaces to listen for outgoing proxy TCP or WebSocket XMPP connections on, should be localhost or a path for a unix socket
outgoing_listen = [ "" ]
# these ports shouldn't do any TLS, but should assume any connection from xmpp-proxy is secure
Reference in New Issue
Block a user