
132 lines
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2021-04-15 00:49:52 -04:00
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use crate::to_str;
pub struct StanzaFilter {
buf_size: usize,
pub buf: Vec<u8>,
cnt: usize,
tag_cnt: usize,
last_char_was_lt: bool,
last_char_was_backslash: bool,
impl StanzaFilter {
pub fn new(buf_size: usize) -> StanzaFilter {
StanzaFilter {
buf: vec![0u8; buf_size],
cnt: 0,
tag_cnt: 0,
last_char_was_lt: false,
last_char_was_backslash: false,
pub fn current_buf(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
&mut self.buf[self.cnt..(self.cnt + 1)]
pub fn process_next_byte(&mut self) -> Result<Option<&[u8]>> {
if let Some(idx) = self.process_next_byte_idx()? {
return Ok(Some(&self.buf[0..idx]));
pub fn process_next_byte_idx(&mut self) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
//println!("n: {}", n);
let b = self.buf[self.cnt];
if b == b'<' {
self.tag_cnt += 1;
self.last_char_was_lt = true;
} else {
if b == b'/' {
// if last_char_was_lt but tag_cnt < 2, should only be </stream:stream>
if self.last_char_was_lt && self.tag_cnt >= 2 {
// non-self-closing tag
self.tag_cnt -= 2;
self.last_char_was_backslash = true;
} else {
if b == b'>' {
if self.last_char_was_backslash {
// self-closing tag
self.tag_cnt -= 1;
// now special case some tags we want to send stand-alone:
if self.tag_cnt == 1 && self.cnt >= 15 && (b"<?xml" == &self.buf[0..5] || b"<stream:stream" == &self.buf[0..14] || b"</stream:stream" == &self.buf[0..15]) {
self.tag_cnt = 0; // to fall through to next logic
if self.tag_cnt == 0 {
//let ret = Ok(Some(&self.buf[0..(self.cnt + 1)]));
let ret = Ok(Some(self.cnt + 1));
self.cnt = 0;
self.last_char_was_backslash = false;
self.last_char_was_lt = false;
return ret;
self.last_char_was_backslash = false;
self.last_char_was_lt = false;
//println!("b: '{}', cnt: {}, tag_cnt: {}, self.buf.len(): {}", b as char, self.cnt, self.tag_cnt, self.buf.len());
self.cnt += 1;
if self.cnt == self.buf_size {
bail!("stanza too big: {}", to_str(&self.buf));
// this would be better as an async trait, but that doesn't work yet...
pub struct StanzaReader<T>(pub T);
impl<T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + Unpin> StanzaReader<T> {
pub async fn next<'a>(&'a mut self, filter: &'a mut StanzaFilter) -> Result<Option<&'a [u8]>> {
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
loop {
let n = self.0.read(filter.current_buf()).await?;
if n == 0 {
return Ok(None);
if let Some(idx) = filter.process_next_byte_idx()? {
return Ok(Some(&filter.buf[0..idx]));
mod tests {
use crate::stanzafilter::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::io::Cursor;
impl<T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + Unpin> StanzaReader<T> {
async fn next_str<'a>(&'a mut self, filter: &'a mut StanzaFilter) -> Cow<'_, str> {
to_str(self.next(filter).await.expect("was Err").expect("was None"))
async fn process_next_byte() -> std::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let mut filter = StanzaFilter::new(262_144);
let xml_stream = Cursor::new(br###"<a/><b>inside b before c<c>inside c</c></b><d></d>"###);
let mut stanza_reader = StanzaReader(xml_stream);
assert_eq!(stanza_reader.next_str(&mut filter).await, "<a/>");
assert_eq!(stanza_reader.next_str(&mut filter).await, "<b>inside b before c<c>inside c</c></b>");
assert_eq!(stanza_reader.next_str(&mut filter).await, "<d></d>");
assert_eq!(stanza_reader.next(&mut filter).await?, None);