
145 lines
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2022-07-16 23:23:01 -04:00
use crate::{
in_out::{StanzaRead, StanzaWrite},
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use log::{info, trace};
use rustls::{
sign::{RsaSigningKey, SigningKey},
Certificate, PrivateKey,
use std::{fs::File, io, io::BufReader, sync::Arc};
#[cfg(feature = "incoming")]
pub mod incoming;
#[cfg(feature = "outgoing")]
pub mod outgoing;
#[cfg(any(feature = "rustls-native-certs", feature = "webpki-roots"))]
pub mod ca_roots;
pub mod certs_key;
pub const IN_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
pub const ALPN_XMPP_CLIENT: &[u8] = b"xmpp-client";
pub const ALPN_XMPP_SERVER: &[u8] = b"xmpp-server";
pub fn to_str(buf: &[u8]) -> std::borrow::Cow<'_, str> {
pub fn c2s(is_c2s: bool) -> &'static str {
if is_c2s {
} else {
pub async fn first_bytes_match(stream: &tokio::net::TcpStream, p: &mut [u8], matcher: fn(&[u8]) -> bool) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
// sooo... I don't think peek here can be used for > 1 byte without this timer craziness... can it?
let len = p.len();
// wait up to 10 seconds until len bytes have been read
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
let duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
let now = Instant::now();
loop {
let n = stream.peek(p).await?;
if n == len {
break; // success
if n == 0 {
bail!("not enough bytes");
if Instant::now() - now > duration {
bail!("less than {} bytes in 10 seconds, closed connection?", len);
pub async fn stream_preamble(in_rd: &mut StanzaRead, in_wr: &mut StanzaWrite, client_addr: &'_ str, in_filter: &mut StanzaFilter) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, bool)> {
let mut stream_open = Vec::new();
while let Ok(Some((buf, _))) = in_rd.next(in_filter, client_addr, in_wr).await {
trace!("{} received pre-<stream:stream> stanza: '{}'", client_addr, to_str(buf));
if buf.starts_with(b"<?xml ") {
} else if buf.starts_with(b"<stream:stream ") {
return Ok((stream_open, buf.contains_seq(br#" xmlns="jabber:client""#) || buf.contains_seq(br#" xmlns='jabber:client'"#)));
} else {
bail!("bad pre-<stream:stream> stanza: {}", to_str(buf));
bail!("stream ended before open")
pub async fn shuffle_rd_wr_filter_only(
mut in_rd: StanzaRead,
mut in_wr: StanzaWrite,
mut out_rd: StanzaRead,
mut out_wr: StanzaWrite,
is_c2s: bool,
max_stanza_size_bytes: usize,
client_addr: &mut Context<'_>,
mut in_filter: StanzaFilter,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut out_filter = StanzaFilter::new(max_stanza_size_bytes);
loop {
tokio::select! {
Ok(ret) = in_rd.next(&mut in_filter, client_addr.log_to(), &mut in_wr) => {
match ret {
None => break,
Some((buf, eoft)) => {
trace!("{} '{}'", client_addr.log_from(), to_str(buf));
out_wr.write_all(is_c2s, buf, eoft, client_addr.log_from()).await?;
Ok(ret) = out_rd.next(&mut out_filter, client_addr.log_from(), &mut out_wr) => {
match ret {
None => break,
Some((buf, eoft)) => {
trace!("{} '{}'", client_addr.log_to(), to_str(buf));
in_wr.write_all(is_c2s, buf, eoft, client_addr.log_to()).await?;
info!("{} disconnected", client_addr.log_from());
#[cfg(feature = "rustls-pemfile")]
pub fn read_certified_key(tls_key: &str, tls_cert: &str) -> Result<rustls::sign::CertifiedKey> {
use rustls_pemfile::{certs, read_all, Item};
let tls_key = read_all(&mut BufReader::new(File::open(tls_key)?))
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "invalid key"))?
.flat_map(|item| match item {
Item::RSAKey(der) => RsaSigningKey::new(&PrivateKey(der)).ok().map(Arc::new).map(|r| r as Arc<dyn SigningKey>),
Item::PKCS8Key(der) => rustls::sign::any_supported_type(&PrivateKey(der)).ok(),
Item::ECKey(der) => rustls::sign::any_supported_type(&PrivateKey(der)).ok(),
_ => None,
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "invalid key"))?;
let tls_certs = certs(&mut BufReader::new(File::open(tls_cert)?))
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "invalid cert"))
.map(|mut certs| certs.drain(..).map(Certificate).collect())?;
Ok(rustls::sign::CertifiedKey::new(tls_certs, tls_key))