2021-07-28 02:24:08 -04:00
use crate ::* ;
use futures ::{ SinkExt , StreamExt , TryStreamExt } ;
use tokio_tungstenite ::tungstenite ::protocol ::Message ::* ;
use tokio_tungstenite ::tungstenite ::protocol ::WebSocketConfig ;
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7395
pub fn spawn_websocket_listener ( local_addr : SocketAddr , config : CloneableConfig , acceptor : TlsAcceptor ) -> JoinHandle < Result < ( ) > > {
tokio ::spawn ( async move {
let listener = TcpListener ::bind ( & local_addr ) . await . die ( " cannot listen on port/interface " ) ;
loop {
let ( stream , client_addr ) = listener . accept ( ) . await ? ;
let config = config . clone ( ) ;
let acceptor = acceptor . clone ( ) ;
tokio ::spawn ( async move {
let mut client_addr = Context ::new ( " websocket-in " , client_addr ) ;
if let Err ( e ) = handle_websocket_connection ( stream , & mut client_addr , local_addr , config , acceptor ) . await {
error! ( " {} {} " , client_addr . log_from ( ) , e ) ;
} ) ;
#[ allow(unreachable_code) ]
Ok ( ( ) )
} )
async fn handle_websocket_connection ( stream : tokio ::net ::TcpStream , client_addr : & mut Context < '_ > , local_addr : SocketAddr , config : CloneableConfig , acceptor : TlsAcceptor ) -> Result < ( ) > {
info! ( " {} connected " , client_addr . log_from ( ) ) ;
// start TLS
let stream = acceptor . accept ( stream ) . await ? ;
// accept the websocket
let stream = tokio_tungstenite ::accept_async_with_config (
stream ,
Some ( WebSocketConfig {
max_send_queue : None , // unlimited
max_frame_size : Some ( config . max_stanza_size_bytes ) , // this is exactly the stanza size
max_message_size : Some ( config . max_stanza_size_bytes * 4 ) , // this is the message size, default is 4x frame size, so I guess we'll do the same here
accept_unmasked_frames : true ,
} ) ,
. await ? ;
let ( mut in_wr , mut in_rd ) = stream . split ( ) ;
// https://docs.rs/tungstenite/0.14.0/tungstenite/protocol/enum.Message.html
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7395#section-3.2 Data frame messages in the XMPP subprotocol MUST be of the text type and contain UTF-8 encoded data.
let ( stanza , is_c2s ) = match in_rd . try_next ( ) . await ? {
// todo: c2s is xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing", let's make up s2s ? xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing-server" sounds good to me
Some ( Text ( stanza ) ) = > {
let is_c2s = stanza . contains ( r # " xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing""# ) | | stanza . contains ( r # " xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing'"# ) ;
( stanza , is_c2s )
_ = > bail! ( " expected first websocket frame to be open " ) ,
} ;
let stanza = from_ws ( stanza ) ;
let stream_open = stanza . as_bytes ( ) ;
// websocket frame size filters incoming stanza size from client, this is used to split the
// stanzas from the servers up so we can send them across websocket frames
let mut in_filter = StanzaFilter ::new ( config . max_stanza_size_bytes ) ;
2022-01-19 01:14:39 -05:00
let ( out_rd , mut out_wr ) = open_incoming ( config , local_addr , client_addr , stream_open , is_c2s , & mut in_filter ) . await ? ;
2021-07-28 02:24:08 -04:00
let mut out_rd = StanzaReader ( out_rd ) ;
loop {
tokio ::select! {
// server to client
Ok ( buf ) = out_rd . next_eoft ( & mut in_filter ) = > {
match buf {
None = > break ,
Some ( ( buf , end_of_first_tag ) ) = > {
// ignore this
if buf . starts_with ( b " <?xml " ) {
continue ;
let stanza = to_ws_new ( buf , end_of_first_tag , is_c2s ) ? ;
trace! ( " {} '{}' " , client_addr . log_to ( ) , stanza ) ;
in_wr . feed ( Text ( stanza ) ) . await ? ;
in_wr . flush ( ) . await ? ;
} ,
Ok ( Some ( msg ) ) = in_rd . try_next ( ) = > {
match msg {
// actual XMPP stanzas
Text ( stanza ) = > {
let stanza = from_ws ( stanza ) ;
trace! ( " {} '{}' " , client_addr . log_from ( ) , stanza ) ;
out_wr . write_all ( stanza . as_bytes ( ) ) . await ? ;
out_wr . flush ( ) . await ? ;
// websocket ping/pong
Ping ( msg ) = > {
in_wr . feed ( Pong ( msg ) ) . await ? ;
in_wr . flush ( ) . await ? ;
} ,
// handle Close, just break from loop, hopefully client sent <close/> before
Close ( _ ) = > break ,
_ = > bail! ( " invalid websocket message: {} " , msg ) // Binary or Pong
} ,
// todo: should we also send pings to the client ourselves on a schedule? StanzaFilter strips out whitespace pings if the server uses them...
info! ( " {} disconnected " , client_addr . log_from ( ) ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
pub fn from_ws ( stanza : String ) -> String {
if stanza . starts_with ( " <open " ) {
return stanza
. replace ( " <open " , r # "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" "# )
. replace ( " urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing-server " , " jabber:server " )
. replace ( " urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing " , " jabber:client " )
. replace ( " /> " , " > " ) ;
} else if stanza . starts_with ( " <close " ) {
return " </stream:stream> " . to_string ( ) ;
pub fn to_ws_new ( buf : & [ u8 ] , mut end_of_first_tag : usize , is_c2s : bool ) -> Result < String > {
if end_of_first_tag = = 0 {
return Ok ( String ::from_utf8 ( buf . to_vec ( ) ) ? ) ;
if buf . starts_with ( b " <stream:stream " ) {
let buf = String ::from_utf8 ( buf . to_vec ( ) ) ? ;
return Ok ( buf
. replace ( " <stream:stream " , " <open " )
. replace ( " jabber:server " , " urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing-server " )
. replace ( " jabber:client " , " urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing " )
. replace ( " > " , " /> " ) ) ;
if buf . starts_with ( b " </stream:stream " ) {
return Ok ( r # "<close xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing" />"# . to_string ( ) ) ;
if buf [ end_of_first_tag - 1 ] = = b '/' {
end_of_first_tag - = 1 ;
let first_tag_bytes = & buf [ 0 .. end_of_first_tag ] ;
if first_tag_bytes . first_index_of ( b " xmlns=' " ) . is_ok ( ) | | first_tag_bytes . first_index_of ( br # " xmlns=""# ) . is_ok ( ) {
// already set, do nothing
return Ok ( String ::from_utf8 ( buf . to_vec ( ) ) ? ) ;
// otherwise add proper xmlns before end of tag
let mut ret = String ::with_capacity ( buf . len ( ) + 22 ) ;
2022-01-19 01:14:39 -05:00
ret . push_str ( std ::str ::from_utf8 ( first_tag_bytes ) ? ) ;
2021-07-28 02:24:08 -04:00
ret . push_str ( if is_c2s { " xmlns='jabber:client' " } else { " xmlns='jabber:server' " } ) ;
ret . push_str ( std ::str ::from_utf8 ( & buf [ end_of_first_tag .. ] ) ? ) ;
Ok ( ret )
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use crate ::websocket ::* ;
use std ::io ::Cursor ;
#[ test ]
fn test_from_ws ( ) {
assert_eq! (
from_ws ( r # "<open xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing" version="1.0" to="test.moparisthe.best" xml:lang="en" />"# . to_string ( ) ) ,
r # "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client" version="1.0" to="test.moparisthe.best" xml:lang="en" >"# . to_string ( )
) ;
assert_eq! ( from_ws ( r # "<close xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing" />"# . to_string ( ) ) , r # "</stream:stream>"# . to_string ( ) ) ;
2022-01-19 01:14:39 -05:00
async fn to_vec_eoft < T : tokio ::io ::AsyncRead + Unpin > ( mut stanza_reader : StanzaReader < T > , filter : & mut StanzaFilter ) -> Result < Vec < String > > {
2021-07-28 02:24:08 -04:00
let mut ret = Vec ::new ( ) ;
while let Some ( ( buf , end_of_first_tag ) ) = stanza_reader . next_eoft ( filter ) . await ? {
ret . push ( to_ws_new ( buf , end_of_first_tag , true ) ? ) ;
2022-01-19 01:14:39 -05:00
Ok ( ret )
2021-07-28 02:24:08 -04:00
#[ tokio::test ]
async fn test_to_ws ( ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let mut filter = StanzaFilter ::new ( 262_144 ) ;
assert_eq! (
to_vec_eoft (
StanzaReader ( Cursor ::new (
br ###"
< stream :stream xmlns = " jabber:client " version = " 1.0 " to = " test.moparisthe.best " xml :lang = " en " >
< / stream :stream >
< iq type = ' result ' id = ' 6 ef4a4b7 - 7 f2b - 462 b - 9176 - 83 ec706c625e ' to = ' test1 @ test . moparisthe . best / gajim . 12 S9XM42 ' / >
< stream :features > < mechanisms xmlns = ' urn :ietf :params :xml :ns :xmpp - sasl ' > < mechanism > PLAIN < / mechanism > < mechanism > SCRAM - SHA - 1 < / mechanism > < / mechanisms > < / stream :features >
< iq type = ' result ' id = ' 7 b0d57bb - 6446 - 4701 - 92e5 - 8 b9354bbfabe ' > < bind xmlns = ' urn :ietf :params :xml :ns :xmpp - bind ' > < jid > test1 @ test . moparisthe . best / gajim . 12 S9XM42 < / jid > < / bind > < / iq >
< iq type = ' result ' id = ' 7 b0d57bb - 6446 - 4701 - 92e5 - 8 b9354bb > fabe ' > < bind xmlns = ' urn :ietf :params :xml :ns :xmpp - bind ' > < jid > test1 @ test . moparisthe . best / gajim . 12 S9XM42 < / jid > < / bind > < / iq >
" ###,
) ) ,
& mut filter
. await ? ,
vec! [
r # "<open xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing" version="1.0" to="test.moparisthe.best" xml:lang="en"/>"# ,
r # "<close xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing" />"# ,
r # "<iq type='result' id='6ef4a4b7-7f2b-462b-9176-83ec706c625e' to='test1@test.moparisthe.best/gajim.12S9XM42' xmlns='jabber:client'/>"# ,
r # "<stream:features xmlns='jabber:client'><mechanisms xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism><mechanism>SCRAM-SHA-1</mechanism></mechanisms></stream:features>"# ,
r # "<iq type='result' id='7b0d57bb-6446-4701-92e5-8b9354bbfabe' xmlns='jabber:client'><bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'><jid>test1@test.moparisthe.best/gajim.12S9XM42</jid></bind></iq>"# ,
r # "<iq type='result' id='7b0d57bb-6446-4701-92e5-8b9354bb>fabe' xmlns='jabber:client'><bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'><jid>test1@test.moparisthe.best/gajim.12S9XM42</jid></bind></iq>"# ,
) ;
Ok ( ( ) )