mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/xeps synced 2025-03-10 06:19:46 -04:00
Jonas Schäfer a694dd21ab Fix Makefile dependencies on directories
Most jobs depend on build or one of its subdirectories. By default,
this causes make to take the timestamp of the `build` directory (or
the respective subdirectory) into account when calculating whether
a job needs rebuilding.

This is a problem, because the modified timestamp of `build` updates
whenever a file is put into it. Effectively, this breaks incremental

Luckily, GNU(?) Make supports Order-only Dependencies, prefixed with
a pipe (`|`) symbol in the dependency list. That means that the
dependencies are not taken into account for freshness checks, but
will be built before the target (if they are non-fresh).

This commit introduces usage of Order-only Dependencies for the
output directories, which fixes incremental building.
2020-06-14 11:07:10 +02:00

186 lines
6.0 KiB

XMLDEPS=xep.xsd xep.ent xep.dtd ref.xsl
TEXMLDEPS=xep2texml.xsl $(OUTDIR)/xmpp.pdf $(OUTDIR)/xmpp-text.pdf
XEPDIRS=. inbox
base_CSSTARGETS=xmpp.css prettify.css
CSSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/,$(base_CSSTARGETS))
proto_CSSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/inbox/,$(base_CSSTARGETS))
JSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/,$(base_JSTARGETS))
proto_JSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/inbox/,$(base_JSTARGETS))
proto_HTMLDEPS=xep.xsl $(proto_CSSTARGETS) $(proto_JSTARGETS)
DO_XELATEX=cd $(OUTDIR); xelatex --interaction=nonstopmode -no-shell-escape "$(notdir $(basename $@)).tex" >/dev/null
xeps=$(wildcard *.xml)
proto_xeps=$(wildcard inbox/*.xml)
all_xeps=$(xeps) $(proto_xeps)
xep_xmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.xml,$(xeps))
proto_xep_xmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.xml,$(proto_xeps))
all_xep_xmls=$(xep_xmls) $(proto_xep_xmls)
xep_ancillary=$(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%,xep.xsl)
xep_htmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.html,$(xeps))
proto_xep_htmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.html,$(proto_xeps))
all_xep_htmls=$(xep_htmls) $(proto_xep_htmls)
xep_pdfs=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf,$(xeps))
xep_refs=$(patsubst xep-%.xml, $(REFSDIR)/reference.XSF.XEP-%.xml, $(xeps))
xep_examples=$(patsubst xep-%.xml, $(EXAMPLESDIR)/%.xml, $(xeps))
.PHONY: help
@echo 'XEP makefile targets:'
@echo ' '
@echo ' help - (this message)'
@echo ' all - build all XEPs (same as make html)'
@echo ' refs - build all IETF refs'
@echo ' html - build all XEPs'
@echo ' inbox-html - build all ProtoXEPs'
@echo ' clean - recursively unlink the build tree'
@echo ' preview - builds html whenever an XEP changes (requires inotify-tools)'
@echo ' examples - extract all examples'
@echo ' xep-xxxx - build HTML, PDF, examples, and reference for the XEP'
@echo ' xep-xxxx.pdf - build xep-xxxx.pdf (requires xelatex and texml)'
@echo ' xep-xxxx.html - build xep-xxxx.html'
@echo ' '
@echo 'Output directory: "$(OUTDIR)/"'
.PHONY: all
all: html
.PHONY: xeplist
xeplist: $(OUTDIR)/xeplist.xml
.PHONY: html
html: $(xep_htmls)
.PHONY: xml
xml: $(xep_xmls) $(xep_ancillary)
.PHONY: inbox-html
inbox-html: $(proto_xep_htmls)
.PHONY: inbox-xml
inbox-xml: $(OUTDIR)/inbox $(proto_xep_xmls)
.PHONY: pdf
pdf: $(xep_pdfs)
.PHONY: refs
refs: $(xep_refs)
.PHONY: examples
examples: $(xep_examples)
.PHONY: xep-%
xep-%: $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.html $(REFSDIR)/reference.XSF.XEP-%.xml $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.pdf $(EXAMPLESDIR)/%.xml;
.PHONY: xep-%.html
xep-%.html: $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.html ;
.PHONY: xep-%.pdf
xep-%.pdf: $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.pdf ;
$(all_xep_xmls): $(OUTDIR)/%.xml: %.xml $(XMLDEPS)
xmllint --nonet --noent --loaddtd --dropdtd $< --output $@
$(OUTDIR)/xep.xsl: xep.xsl $(OUTDIR)
cp $< $@
$(OUTDIR)/xeplist.xml: $(wildcard *.xml) $(wildcard inbox/*.xml)
./tools/extract-metadata.py > $@
$(EXAMPLESDIR)/%.xml: xep-%.xml $(XMLDEPS) examples.xsl | $(EXAMPLESDIR)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) examples.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(REFSDIR)/reference.XSF.XEP-%.xml: xep-%.xml $(XMLDEPS) ref.xsl | $(REFSDIR)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) ref.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(xep_htmls): $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.html: xep-%.xml $(XMLDEPS) $(HTMLDEPS) | $(OUTDIR)
xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --valid "$<"
# Check for non-data URIs
! xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --xpath "//img/@src[not(starts-with(., 'data:'))]" $< 2>/dev/null && true
# Actually build the HTML
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) --param htmlbase "$(if $(findstring inbox,$<),'../','./')" xep.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(proto_xep_htmls): $(OUTDIR)/inbox/%.html: inbox/%.xml $(XMLDEPS) $(proto_HTMLDEPS) | $(OUTDIR)
xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --valid "$<"
# Check for non-data URIs
! xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --xpath "//img/@src[not(starts-with(., 'data:'))]" $< 2>/dev/null && true
# Actually build the HTML
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) --param htmlbase "$(if $(findstring inbox,$<),'../','./')" xep.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(OUTDIR)/xmpp.pdf $(OUTDIR)/xmpp-text.pdf: | $(OUTDIR)
cp "resources/$(notdir $@)" "$@"
$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf: %.xml $(XMLDEPS) $(TEXMLDEPS)
xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --valid "$<"
# Check for non-data URIs
! xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --xpath "//img/@src[not(starts-with(., 'data:'))]" $< 2>/dev/null && true
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) xep2texml.xsl "$<" > "$(@:.pdf=.tex.xml)"
texml -e utf8 "$(@:.pdf=.tex.xml)" "$(@:.pdf=.tex)"
sed -i -e 's|\([\s"]\)\([^"]http://[^ "]*\)|\1\\path{\2}|g' \
-e 's|\\hyperref\[#\([^}]*\)\]|\\hyperref\[\1\]|g' \
-e 's|\\pageref{#\([^}]*\)}|\\pageref{\1}|g' "$(@:.pdf=.tex)"
while ($(DO_XELATEX) ; \
grep -q "Rerun to get" $(<:.xml=.log) ) do true; \
echo "Finished building $@"
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
$(proto_JSTARGETS): | $(OUTDIR)/inbox
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
$(proto_CSSTARGETS): | $(OUTDIR)/inbox
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
mkdir -p "$@"
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OUTDIR)
.PHONY: preview
preview: $(OUTDIR)
inotifywait -m -e close_write,moved_to --format '%e %w %f' $(XEPDIRS) | \
while read -r event dir file; do \
if [ "$${file: -4}" == ".xml" ]; then \
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) xep.xsl "$${dir}/$${file}" > "$(OUTDIR)/$${file%.*}.html" && echo "Built $${file%.*}.html $${event}"; \
fi \
.PHONY: docker
docker build -t xmpp-org/extensions .
.PHONY: dockerhtml
docker build -t xmpp-org/extensions . --build-arg NCORES=9 --build-arg TARGETS="html inbox-html"
.PHONY: testdocker
docker run -d --name tmpxeps -p 3080:80 xmpp-org/extensions
.PHONY: stopdocker
docker stop tmpxeps; docker rm -v tmpxeps