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synced 2025-02-16 07:10:15 -05:00
![Florian Schmaus](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Previously the html and pdf targets would also verify the input via xmllint. This caused some code duplication and overloaded the targets which an arguably unrelated task (verification). Furthermore, something changed and the ! xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --xpath "//img/@src[not(starts-with(., 'data:'))]" $< 2>/dev/null && true no fails. It seems that xmllint does no longer (?) report an error exit status if the XPath result set is empty [1]. Therfore, this rule is currently commented out, which fixed #1316. 1: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/-/issues/673
185 lines
5.9 KiB
185 lines
5.9 KiB
XMLDEPS=xep.xsd xep.ent xep.dtd ref.xsl
TEXMLDEPS=xep2texml.xsl $(OUTDIR)/xmpp.pdf $(OUTDIR)/xmpp-text.pdf
XEPDIRS=. inbox
base_CSSTARGETS=xmpp.css prettify.css
CSSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/,$(base_CSSTARGETS))
proto_CSSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/inbox/,$(base_CSSTARGETS))
JSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/,$(base_JSTARGETS))
proto_JSTARGETS=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/inbox/,$(base_JSTARGETS))
proto_HTMLDEPS=xep.xsl $(proto_CSSTARGETS) $(proto_JSTARGETS)
DO_XELATEX=cd $(OUTDIR); xelatex --interaction=nonstopmode -no-shell-escape "$(notdir $(basename $@)).tex" >/dev/null
xeps=$(wildcard *.xml)
proto_xeps=$(wildcard inbox/*.xml)
all_xeps=$(xeps) $(proto_xeps)
xep_xmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.xml,$(xeps))
proto_xep_xmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.xml,$(proto_xeps))
all_xep_xmls=$(xep_xmls) $(proto_xep_xmls)
xep_ancillary=$(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%,xep.xsl)
xep_htmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.html,$(xeps))
proto_xep_htmls=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.html,$(proto_xeps))
all_xep_htmls=$(xep_htmls) $(proto_xep_htmls)
xep_pdfs=$(patsubst %.xml,$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf,$(xeps))
xep_refs=$(patsubst xep-%.xml, $(REFSDIR)/reference.XSF.XEP-%.xml, $(xeps))
xep_examples=$(patsubst xep-%.xml, $(EXAMPLESDIR)/%.xml, $(xeps))
all_xep_check_ok=$(patsubst %.xml, .%.xml.check.ok, $(xeps))
.PHONY: help
@echo 'XEP makefile targets:'
@echo ' '
@echo ' help - (this message)'
@echo ' all - build all XEPs (same as make html)'
@echo ' refs - build all IETF refs'
@echo ' html - build all XEPs'
@echo ' inbox-html - build all ProtoXEPs'
@echo ' check - check all XEPs for errors'
@echo ' clean - recursively unlink the build tree'
@echo ' preview - builds html whenever an XEP changes (requires inotify-tools)'
@echo ' examples - extract all examples'
@echo ' xep-xxxx - build HTML, PDF, examples, and reference for the XEP'
@echo ' xep-xxxx.pdf - build xep-xxxx.pdf (requires xelatex and texml)'
@echo ' xep-xxxx.html - build xep-xxxx.html'
@echo ' '
@echo 'Output directory: "$(OUTDIR)/"'
.PHONY: all
all: html
.PHONY: xeplist
xeplist: $(OUTDIR)/xeplist.xml
.PHONY: html
html: $(xep_htmls)
.PHONY: xml
xml: $(xep_xmls) $(xep_ancillary)
.PHONY: inbox-html
inbox-html: $(proto_xep_htmls)
.PHONY: inbox-xml
inbox-xml: $(OUTDIR)/inbox $(proto_xep_xmls)
.PHONY: pdf
pdf: $(xep_pdfs)
.PHONY: refs
refs: $(xep_refs)
.PHONY: examples
examples: $(xep_examples)
.PHONY: check
check: $(all_xep_check_ok)
.PHONY: xep-%
xep-%: $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.html $(REFSDIR)/reference.XSF.XEP-%.xml $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.pdf $(EXAMPLESDIR)/%.xml;
.PHONY: xep-%.html
xep-%.html: $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.html ;
.PHONY: xep-%.pdf
xep-%.pdf: $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.pdf ;
$(all_xep_xmls): $(OUTDIR)/%.xml: %.xml $(XMLDEPS)
xmllint --nonet --noent --loaddtd --dropdtd $< --output $@
$(OUTDIR)/xep.xsl: xep.xsl $(OUTDIR)
cp $< $@
$(OUTDIR)/xeplist.xml: $(wildcard *.xml) $(wildcard inbox/*.xml) $(OUTDIR)
./tools/extract-metadata.py > $@
$(EXAMPLESDIR)/%.xml: xep-%.xml $(XMLDEPS) examples.xsl | $(EXAMPLESDIR)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) examples.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(REFSDIR)/reference.XSF.XEP-%.xml: xep-%.xml $(XMLDEPS) ref.xsl | $(REFSDIR)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) ref.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
.%.xml.check.ok: %.xml
xmllint --nonet --noout --noent --loaddtd --valid "$<"
# Check for non-data URIs, the result set of the XPath expression below should be empty
# Disabled for now, see
# https://github.com/xsf/xeps/issues/1316 and https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/-/issues/673
# xmllint --loaddtd --xpath "//img/@src[not(starts-with(., 'data:'))]" $< > /dev/null
touch $@
$(xep_htmls): $(OUTDIR)/xep-%.html: xep-%.xml $(XMLDEPS) $(HTMLDEPS) | $(OUTDIR)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) --param htmlbase "$(if $(findstring inbox,$<),'../','./')" xep.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(proto_xep_htmls): $(OUTDIR)/inbox/%.html: inbox/%.xml $(XMLDEPS) $(proto_HTMLDEPS) | $(OUTDIR)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) --param htmlbase "$(if $(findstring inbox,$<),'../','./')" xep.xsl "$<" > "$@" && echo "Finished building $@"
$(OUTDIR)/xmpp.pdf $(OUTDIR)/xmpp-text.pdf: | $(OUTDIR)
cp "resources/$(notdir $@)" "$@"
$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf: %.xml $(XMLDEPS) $(TEXMLDEPS)
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) xep2texml.xsl "$<" > "$(@:.pdf=.tex.xml)"
texml -e utf8 "$(@:.pdf=.tex.xml)" "$(@:.pdf=.tex)"
sed -i -e 's|\([\s"]\)\([^"]http://[^ "]*\)|\1\\path{\2}|g' \
-e 's|\\hyperref\[#\([^}]*\)\]|\\hyperref\[\1\]|g' \
-e 's|\\pageref{#\([^}]*\)}|\\pageref{\1}|g' "$(@:.pdf=.tex)"
while ($(DO_XELATEX) ; \
grep -q "Rerun to get" $(<:.xml=.log) ) do true; \
echo "Finished building $@"
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
$(proto_JSTARGETS): | $(OUTDIR)/inbox
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
$(proto_CSSTARGETS): | $(OUTDIR)/inbox
cp "$(notdir $@)" "$@"
mkdir -p "$@"
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OUTDIR)
.PHONY: preview
preview: $(OUTDIR)
inotifywait -m -e close_write,moved_to --format '%e %w %f' $(XEPDIRS) | \
while read -r event dir file; do \
if [ "$${file: -4}" == ".xml" ]; then \
xsltproc --path $(CURDIR) xep.xsl "$${dir}/$${file}" > "$(OUTDIR)/$${file%.*}.html" && echo "Built $${file%.*}.html $${event}"; \
fi \
.PHONY: docker
docker build -t xmpp-org/extensions .
.PHONY: dockerhtml
docker build -t xmpp-org/extensions . --build-arg NCORES=9 --build-arg TARGETS="html inbox-html"
.PHONY: testdocker
docker run -d --name tmpxeps -p 3080:80 xmpp-org/extensions
.PHONY: stopdocker
docker stop tmpxeps; docker rm -v tmpxeps