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XMPP Compliance Suites 2016 This document defines XMPP protocol compliance levels for 2016. &LEGALNOTICE; XXXX ProtoXEP Standards Track Standards RFC 6120 RFC 6121 RFC 6122 RFC 7395 XEP-0030 XEP-0045 XEP-0114 XEP-0115 XEP-0124 XEP-0163 XEP-0191 XEP-0198 XEP-0206 XEP-0280 XEP-0313 XEP-0352 XEP-0270 N/A &stpeter; &sam; 0.0.1 2015-09-30 ssw

Rough draft, copied and modified from XEP-0302.

The &XSF; defines protocol suites for the purpose of compliance testing and software certification. This document specifies the 2016 compliance levels for XMPP clients and servers. Unless qualified where explicitly noted, support for the listed specifications is REQUIRED for compliance purposes.

Spec Core Server Core Client Advanced Server Advanced Client
&xep0115; ✓*
&xep0114; N/A N/A

To be considered XMPP web compliant, all line items from the core compliance suite above must be met, as well as all items in this suite.

Spec Core Server Core Client Advanced Server Advanced Client
&rfc7395; ✓† ✓†
&xep0124; ✓†
&xep0206; ✓†

To be considered XMPP IM compliant, all line items from the core compliance suite above must be met, as well as all items in this suite.

Spec Core Server Core Client Advanced Server Advanced Client
&xep0045; ✓† ✓‡
&xep0048; ✓†

* Necessary to support Personal Eventing Protocol (PEP).

† Support can be enabled via an external component or an internal server module/plugin.

‡ Support for the Entity Use Cases and Occupant Use Cases is REQUIRED; support for the remaining use cases is RECOMMENDED.

Some of the protocol specifications referenced herein have their own dependencies; developers need to consult the relevant specifications for further information.

This document introduces no additional security considerations above and beyond those defined in the documents on which it depends.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

This document requires no interaction with the ®ISTRAR;.