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XMPP Client Compliance 2009 This document defines XMPP client compliance levels for 2009. &LEGALNOTICE; 0242 Experimental Standards Track Standards XMPP Core XMPP IM XEP-0030 XEP-0077 XEP-0115 N/A &stpeter; 0.1 2008-05-28 psa

Initial published version, incorporating Council feedback.

0.0.1 2008-05-27 psa

First draft, copied and modified from XEP-0211.

The &XSF; defines protocol suites for the purpose of compliance testing and software certification. This document specifies the 2009 compliance levels for XMPP clients. Support for the listed specifications is REQUIRED for compliance purposes.

The XMPP Basic Client 2009 certification level is defined as follows:

* Note: RFC 3920 and RFC 3921 are currently being revised to correct errors, clarify matters that were underspecified, and incorporate feedback based on implementation and deployment experience gained since RFC 3920 and RFC 3921 were published in 2004. Although the compliance level specified herein refers to RFC 3920 and RFC 3921, developers are also advised to consult &rfc3920bis; and &rfc3921bis;, which provide the most up-to-date and accurate description the core XMPP protocols.

The XMPP Intermediate IM Client 2009 certification level is defined as follows:

Some of the protocol specifications referenced herein have their own dependencies; developers must refer to the relevant specifications for further information.

Developers are advised to refer to &xep0178; regarding proper implementation of the SASL EXTERNAL mechanism in XMPP.

This document introduces no additional security considerations above and beyond those defined in the documents on which it depends.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

This document requires no interaction with the ®ISTRAR;.