<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE xep SYSTEM 'xep.dtd' [ <!ENTITY secret "<secret/>"> <!ENTITY % ents SYSTEM 'xep.ent'> %ents; ]> <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='xep.xsl'?> <xep> <header> <title>Jingle Encrypted Transports - OMEMO</title> <abstract>Extension for JET introducing OMEMO End-to-End Encrypted Jingle Transports.</abstract> &LEGALNOTICE; <number>0396</number> <status>Deferred</status> <type>Standards Track</type> <sig>Standards</sig> <approver>Council</approver> <dependencies> <spec>XEP-0391</spec> <spec>XEP-0234</spec> <spec>XEP-0384</spec> </dependencies> <supersedes/> <supersededby/> <shortname>jet-omemo</shortname> <schemaloc> <ns>jingle</ns> <url>http://xmpp.org/schemas/jingle.xsd</url> </schemaloc> <schemaloc> <ns>jingle:errors</ns> <url>http://xmpp.org/schemas/jingle-errors.xsd</url> </schemaloc> <registry/> <discuss>jingle</discuss> &paulschaub; <revision> <version>0.2.0</version> <date>2018-12-06</date> <initials>XEP Editor (jsc)</initials> <remark>Defer due to lack of activity.</remark> </revision> <revision> <version>0.1</version> <date>2017-11-29</date> <initials>XEP Editor (jwi)</initials> <remark><p>Accepted by Council as Expremental XEP</p></remark> </revision> <revision> <version>0.0.1</version> <date>2017-10-06</date> <initials>vv</initials> <remark><p>First draft</p></remark> </revision> </header> <section1 topic='Introduction' anchor='intro'> <p>&xep0391; can be used to utilize different end-to-end encryption methods to secure Jingle Transports, eg. in the context of &xep0234;. This document aims to extend &xep0391; to allow the use of OMEMO encryption with Jingle transports. To achieve this goal, this protocol extension makes use of OMEMOs <link url='https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0384.html#usecases-keysend'>KeyTransportElements</link>.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='Mappings' anchor='mappings'> <p>Conveniently the OMEMO protocol already provides a way to transport key material to another entity. So called KeyTransportElements are basically normal OMEMO MessageElements, but without a payload, so the contained key can be used for something else (see Section 4.6 of <cite>XEP-0384</cite>). This extension uses the key encrypted in the KeyTransportMessages <key> attribute and initialization vector from the <iv> attribute to secure Jingle Transports. The key corresponds to the <cite>Transport Key</cite> of <cite>XEP-0391</cite>, while the iv corresponds to the <cite>Initialization Vector</cite>. The KeyTransportMessage is the equivalent to the <cite>Envelope Element</cite>. Note that within the Envelope Element, the Transport Key is encrypted with the OMEMO ratchet.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='Limitations' anchor='limitations'> <p>Unfortunately &xep0384; determines the type of the transported key to be AES-128-GCM-NoPadding, so no other configuration can be used in the context of this extension.</p> <p>Since OMEMO deviceIds are not bound to XMPP resources, the initiator MUST encrypt the Transport Key for every device of the recipient.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='Key Transport' anchor='transport'> <p>In order to transport a key to the responder, the initiator creates a fresh AES-128-GCM-NoPadding Transport Key and Initialization Vector and generates an OMEMO KeyTransportElement from it as described in <cite>XEP-0384</cite>. This is then added as a child of the JET <security> element. The 'cipher' attribute MUST be set to 'aes-128-gcm-nopadding:0' (see the <link url='https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0391.html#ciphers'>ciphers</link> section of <cite>XEP-0391</cite>). The value of the 'type' attribute must be set to the namespace of the used version of <cite>XEP-0384</cite> &VNOTE;.</p> <p></p> <example caption="Romeo initiates an OMEMO encrypted file offer"><![CDATA[ <iq from='romeo@montague.example/dr4hcr0st3lup4c' id='nzu25s8' to='juliet@capulet.example/yn0cl4bnw0yr3vym' type='set'> <jingle xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:1' action='session-initiate' initiator='romeo@montague.example/dr4hcr0st3lup4c' sid='851ba2'> <content creator='initiator' name='a-file-offer' senders='initiator'> <description xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:file-transfer:5'> <file> <date>1969-07-21T02:56:15Z</date> <desc>This is a test. If this were a real file...</desc> <media-type>text/plain</media-type> <name>test.txt</name> <range/> <size>6144</size> <hash xmlns='urn:xmpp:hashes:2' algo='sha-1'>w0mcJylzCn+AfvuGdqkty2+KP48=</hash> </file> </description> <transport xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:s5b:1' mode='tcp' sid='vj3hs98y'> <candidate cid='hft54dqy' host='' jid='romeo@montague.example/dr4hcr0st3lup4c' port='5086' priority='8257636' type='direct'/> </transport> <security xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:jet:0' name='a-file-offer' cipher='urn:xmpp:ciphers:aes-128-gcm-nopadding' type='eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl'> <encrypted xmlns='eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl'> <header sid='27183'> <key rid='31415'>BASE64ENCODED...</key> <key prekey="true" rid='12321'>BASE64ENCODED...</key> <!-- ... --> <iv>BASE64ENCODED...</iv> </header> </encrypted> </security> </content> </jingle> </iq>]]></example> <p>The recipient decrypts the OMEMO KeyTransportElement to retrieve the Transport Secret. Transport Key and Initialization Vector are later used to encrypt/decrypt data as described in &xep0391;.</p> </section1> <section1 topic='Determining Support' anchor='support'> <p>To advertise its support for JET-OMEMO, when replying to service discovery information ("disco#info") requests an entity MUST return URNs for any version of this extension, as well as of the JET extension that the entity supports -- e.g., "urn:xmpp:jingle:jet-omemo:0" for this version, or "urn:xmpp:jingle:jet:0" for &xep0391; &VNOTE;.</p> <example caption="Service discovery information request"><![CDATA[ <iq from='romeo@montague.example/dr4hcr0st3lup4c' id='uw72g176' to='juliet@capulet.example/yn0cl4bnw0yr3vym' type='get'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/> </iq>]]></example> <example caption="Service discovery information response"><![CDATA[ <iq from='juliet@capulet.example/yn0cl4bnw0yr3vym' id='uw72g176' to='romeo@montague.example/dr4hcr0st3lup4c' type='result'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'> <feature var='urn:xmpp:jingle:jet:0'/> <feature var='urn:xmpp:jingle:jet-omemo:0'/> </query> </iq>]]></example> <p>In order for an application to determine whether an entity supports this protocol, where possible it SHOULD use the dynamic, presence-based profile of service discovery defined in &xep0115;. However, if an application has not received entity capabilities information from an entity, it SHOULD use explicit service discovery instead.</p> </section1> </xep>