#!/usr/bin/env python # File: gen.py # Version: 0.2 # Description: a renewed XEP compilation tool # Last Modified: 2009 # Author: Tobias Markmann (tm@ayena.de) # HowTo: ./gen.py xep-####.xml ## LICENSE ## # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2010 XMPP Standards Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ## END LICENSE ## import pickle import commands import os import re import sys import getopt import glob import tempfile from xepinfo import XEPInfo from xeputil import getLatestXEPFilename from xml.dom.minidom import parse,parseString,Document,getDOMImplementation XEPPATH = "/var/www/vhosts/xmpp.org/extensions" CONFIGPATH = "/var/local/xsf" verbose = False fast = False last_build = {} files_to_delete = []; def getText(nodelist): thisText = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: thisText = thisText + node.data return thisText def executeCommand( cmd ): error, desc = commands.getstatusoutput( cmd ) return error, desc + "\n" + "executed cmd: " + cmd ## creates a HTML table (for the human reader) and XML table (for bots) class XEPTable: def __init__(self, filename, shortXMLfilename): self.filename = filename self.shortXMLfilename = shortXMLfilename try: self.tableFile = parse(filename) except: impl = getDOMImplementation() self.tableFile = impl.createDocument(None, "table", None) self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].setAttribute("class", "sortable") self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].setAttribute("id", "xeplist") self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].setAttribute("cellspacing", "0") self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].setAttribute("cellpadding", "3") self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].setAttribute("border", "1") header = parseString( ''' Number Name Type Status Date ''') self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].appendChild(header.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0]) try: self.botsFile = parse(shortXMLfilename) except: impl = getDOMImplementation() self.tableFile = impl.createDocument(None, "xeps", None) def save(self): f = open(self.filename, "wb") self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].normalize() f.write(self.tableFile.toxml()) f.close() f = open(self.shortXMLfilename, "wb") self.botsFile.getElementsByTagName("xeps")[0].normalize() f.write(self.botsFile.toxml()) f.close() def setXEP(self, info): ## set for HTML table rows = self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("tr") xeprow = 0 for row in rows: if row.getAttribute("id") == "xep" + info.getNr(): xeprow = row break if xeprow == 0: xeprow = self.tableFile.createElement("tr") self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].appendChild(xeprow) self.tableFile.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].appendChild(self.tableFile.createTextNode(''' ''')) xeprow.setAttribute("id", "xep" + info.getNr()) xeprow.setAttribute("class", "tablebody XEP-" + info.getStatus()) else: xeprow.setAttribute("class", "tablebody XEP-" + info.getStatus()) while(xeprow.hasChildNodes()): xeprow.removeChild(xeprow.firstChild) col = parseString('''XEP-" + info.getNr() + ''' (PDF)''') xeprow.appendChild(col.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]) col = parseString("" + info.getTitle() + "") xeprow.appendChild(col.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]) col = parseString("" + info.getType() + "") xeprow.appendChild(col.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]) col = parseString("" + info.getStatus() + "") xeprow.appendChild(col.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]) col = parseString("" + info.getDate() + "") xeprow.appendChild(col.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]) ## set for bots file xeps = self.botsFile.getElementsByTagName("xep") xep = 0 for xeps_xep in xeps: if xeps_xep.getElementsByTagName("number")[0].firstChild.data == info.getNr(): xep = xeps_xep break if xep == 0: xep = self.botsFile.createElement("xep") self.botsFile.getElementsByTagName("xeps")[0].appendChild(xep) self.botsFile.getElementsByTagName("xeps")[0].appendChild(self.botsFile.createTextNode(''' ''')) else: while(xep.hasChildNodes()): xep.removeChild(xep.firstChild) child = parseString("" + info.getNr() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("number")[0]) child = parseString("" + info.getTitle() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("name")[0]) child = parseString("" + info.getType() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("type")[0]) child = parseString("" + info.getStatus() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]) child = parseString("" + info.getDate() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("updated")[0]) child = parseString("" + info.getShortname() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("shortname")[0]) child = parseString("" + info.getAbstract() + "") xep.appendChild(child.getElementsByTagName("abstract")[0]) def filebase( filename ): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] def checkError( error, desc): global verbose if error != 0: if verbose: print "Error: ", desc return False return True def fileHash( filename ): f = open(filename, "rb") import hashlib h = hashlib.sha1() h.update(f.read()) hash = h.hexdigest() f.close() return hash def loadDict( filename ): try: f = open(filename, "rb") di = pickle.load(f) f.close() return di except: print "failed loading dict." return {} def saveDict( filename, di ): f = open(filename, "w") pickle.dump(di, f) f.close() def buildXHTML( file, nr ): error, desc = executeCommand("xsltproc xep.xsl " + file + " > " + XEPPATH + "/xep-" + nr + ".html") if not checkError(error, desc): return False error, desc = executeCommand("xsltproc ref.xsl xep-" + nr + ".xml > " + XEPPATH + "/refs/reference.XSF.XEP-" + nr + ".xml") if not checkError(error, desc): return False error, desc = executeCommand("xsltproc examples.xsl xep-" + nr + ".xml > " + XEPPATH + "/examples/" + nr + ".xml") if not checkError(error, desc): return False error, desc = executeCommand(" cp xep-" + nr + ".xml " + XEPPATH + "/") if not checkError(error, desc): return False return True def buildPDF( file, nr ): error, desc = executeCommand("xsltproc -o /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-" + nr + ".tex.xml xep2texml.xsl " + file) if not checkError(error, desc): return False error, desc = executeCommand("texml -e utf8 /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-" + nr + ".tex.xml /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-" + nr + ".tex") if not checkError(error, desc): return False #detect http urls and escape them to make them breakable error, desc = executeCommand('''sed -i 's|\([\s"]\)\(http://[^ "]*\)|\1\\path{\2}|g' /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-''' + nr + ".tex") if not checkError(error, desc): return False #adjust references error, desc = executeCommand('''sed -i 's|\\hyperref\[#\([^}]*\)\]|\\hyperref\[\1\]|g' /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-''' + nr + ".tex") if error != 0: if verbose == 1: print "Error: ", desc return False error, desc = executeCommand('''sed -i 's|\\pageref{#\([^}]*\)}|\\pageref{\1}|g' /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-''' + nr + ".tex") if not checkError(error, desc): return False olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/tmp/xepbuilder") error, desc = executeCommand("xelatex -interaction=batchmode xep-" + nr + ".tex") #if not checkError(error, desc): # os.chdir(olddir) # return False error, desc = executeCommand("xelatex -interaction=batchmode xep-" + nr + ".tex") #if not checkError(error, desc): # os.chdir(olddir) # return False os.chdir(olddir) error, desc = executeCommand("cp /tmp/xepbuilder/xep-" + nr + ".pdf " + XEPPATH + "/") if not checkError(error, desc): return False return True def buildXEP( filename ): nr = re.match("xep-(\d\d\d\d).xml", filename).group(1) xepfilepath = getLatestXEPFilename("../", nr); if not xepfilepath: print "getLatestXEPContent (ERROR)" return files_to_delete.append(xepfilepath) if not fast: print "Building " + filename + ": ", if buildXHTML( xepfilepath, nr ): print "XHTML(OK) / ", else: print "XHTML(ERROR) / ", if buildPDF( xepfilepath, nr ): print "PDF(OK)" else: print "PDF(ERROR)" else: print "Building " + filename + " (FAST MODE)" x = XEPTable(CONFIGPATH + "/extensions.xml", XEPPATH + "/xeps.xml") xinfo = XEPInfo(xepfilepath, False) x.setXEP( xinfo ) x.save() def buildAll(): files = glob.glob('xep-????.xml') files.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower()) for file in files: buildXEP( file ) def makeBundle(): print "Creating the bundle...", executeCommand("mkdir /tmp/xepbundle") executeCommand("cp " + XEPPATH + "/*.pdf " + "/tmp/xepbundle") executeCommand("tar -cf /tmp/xepbundle.tar -C /tmp xepbundle") executeCommand("pbzip2 -f -9 /tmp/xepbundle.tar") executeCommand("mv -f /tmp/xepbundle.tar.bz2 " + XEPPATH + "/xepbundle.tar.bz2") executeCommand("rm -rfd /tmp/xepbundle") print "DONE" def usage(): print "gen.py: generate nice XHTML and beautiful PDF out of the XEP XML files" print "" print "Usage:" print "gen.py xep-####.xml" print "" print "Options:" print "-v Enable verbose output for debugging." print "-a Build all available XEPs." print "-f Fast; means no actual compiling is done." def main(argv): global verbose global CONFIGPATH global fast buildall = False try: options, remainder = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, "vaf") except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in options: if opt in ('-v'): verbose = True elif opt in ('-a'): buildall = True elif opt in ('-f'): fast = True if len(remainder) > 0: try: xep = int(remainder[0]) xep = "xep-%04d.xml" % xep except: xep = remainder[0] executeCommand("mkdir /tmp/xepbuilder") executeCommand("cp ../images/xmpp.pdf /tmp/xepbuilder/xmpp.pdf") executeCommand("cp ../images/xmpp-text.pdf /tmp/xepbuilder/xmpp-text.pdf") executeCommand("cp xep.ent /tmp/xep.ent") files_to_delete.append("/tmp/xep.ent") if buildall: buildAll() else: buildXEP( xep ) # remove xep temporary files for filename in files_to_delete: executeCommand("rm " + filename) executeCommand("sed -e '1s///' " + CONFIGPATH + "/extensions.xml > " + XEPPATH + "/../includes/xeplist.txt") executeCommand("rm -rfd /tmp/xepbuilder") makeBundle() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])