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Full Text Search in MAM This specification proposes a field in the MAM form for full text searching. &LEGALNOTICE; 0431 Deferred Standards Track Standards Council XMPP Core XEP-0313 fulltextmam &dcridland; 0.2.0 2020-01-29 dwd
  • No More Beer
  • Quasi-normative language around syntactic implementation
0.1.0 2020-01-29 XEP Editor (jsc) Accepted by vote of Council on 2020-01-22. 0.0.1 2020-01-21 dwd
  • Initial Revision

&xep0313; has an extensible form. This specification extends the extensible form with an extension which extends MAM to perform full text searching. A number of existing implementations of this extension exist - extending their existing extensions to confirm to the extension in this specification now it exists is intended to be trivial.

Support for this protocol is advertised by the Service Discovery protocol defined in &xep0030; using a feature of &ns;.

Searching using full text is performed by the client supplying an additional text key, which if non-empty is used as input to a full text search of some form. The precise meaning of this field is left entirely implementation-defined at this time. Future revisions of this specification might impose additional constraints.

A text input field of {&ns;}fulltext is hereby defined for the 'urn:xmpp:mam:2' FORM_TYPE, as conforming to the syntax defined in &xep0068;

The precise matching of the supplied text string is left implementation-defined. Servers MAY use any full-text search mechanism. While this might mean that certain characters are deemed "special", clients are RECOMMENDED not to attempt any support for these, as they are unlikely to be portable between implementations. While many implementations of this protocol might conform in a purely syntactic sense, it is to be noted that the intent is that a reasonable full-text search is performed based on the input - servers SHOULD therefore honour this intent despite the lack of a formal strict definition.

Not sure this is needed at all.


This XEP requires no interaction with &IANA;.

Registration of the field pointing to this document.

Guus der Kinderen nudged me into doing this. Matthew Wild and Kev Smith argued reasonably that nobody should have to buy beer.