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Message Replies This document defines a way to indicate that a message is a reply to a previous message. &LEGALNOTICE; 0461 Experimental Standards Track Standards Council reply Natalie Wirth nataliew@laposte.net Marvin Wissfeld xsf@larma.de jabber@larma.de 0.2.0 2022-12-09 nc Fix example character counting. Add disco feature. Relax the 'to' attribute constraints. 0.1.0 2022-01-25 XEP Editor (jsc) Accepted by vote of Council on 2022-01-05. 0.0.1 2022-01-01 nw/mw

First draft.

When commenting on a previous message, it is sometimes desired to clarify which message the comment refers to. Currently, &xep0393; quotes are commonly used for that purpose. However, this format does not allow receiving clients to properly identify the referenced message or to adjust the user interface accordingly.

This specification defines a way to indicate that a message is a reply to a previous message. It does not intend to provide means to create sub-threads for a message.

If a client implements message replies, it MUST specify the 'urn:xmpp:reply:0' feature in its service discovery information features as specified in &xep0030; and the Entity Capabilities profile specified in &xep0115;.

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To indicate that a message is a reply, a <reply> element in the urn:xmpp:reply:0 namespace is placed in the message stanza. The <reply> element SHOULD have a 'to' attribute containing the full jid of the author of the referenced message and MUST have an 'id' attribute containing the id of the referenced message. In a 1:1 chat context, a bare jid MAY be used instead of a full jid.

We should bake a cake Great idea! ]]>

To provide a fallback for non-supporting clients, the sending client MAY include fallback text in the body and indicate it via Compatibility Fallback. Note that the following example is formatted for readability and that the indentation, leading and trailing new lines of the example body element should not be taken into account.

> Anna wrote: > We should bake a cake Great idea! ]]>

The receiving client SHOULD NOT display the compatibility fallback if it renders the referenced message alongside the reply in some way. However, if the receiving client does not display the referenced message, for example because it doesn't know the referenced id, it MAY display the compatibility fallback instead.

Answers MUST NOT be be assumed to relate to any other messages than the referenced one.

For messages of type 'groupchat', the stanza's 'id' attribute MUST NOT be used for replies. Instead, in group chat situations, the ID assigned to the stanza by the group chat itself must be used. This is discovered in a <stanza-id> element with a 'by' attribute that matches the bare JID of the group chat, as defined in &xep0359;.

This implies that group chat messages without a &xep0359; stanza-id cannot be replied to.

For other message types the sender should use the 'id' from a &xep0359; <origin-id> if present, or the value of the 'id' attribute on the <message> otherwise.

This document requires no interaction with &IANA;.

This document requires no interaction with ®ISTRAR;.