Using the repository ==================== Building XEPs ------------- You'll need xmllint and xsltproc. On Ubuntu, you can install them with `sudo apt install libxml2-utils xsltproc` To build a single XEP as HTML simply run: make xep-xxxx.html To build PDFs, you'll need to install [TeXML]( (probably in a Python 2 virtual environment). You can then build PDFs with: make xep-xxxx.pdf To change the output directory, set the variable `OUTDIR`, eg. OUTDIR=/tmp/xeps make all For more information try `make help`. Using Docker ------------ A full set of HTML and PDFs can be generated inside a docker container, with no dependencies on the host other than Docker itself, and served by nginx in the container. To build the template `make docker`, to run it `make testdocker` (serves on http://localhost:3080), and to stop/delete it afterwards `make stopdocker`